12 research outputs found


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    This research is motivated by the low learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SD Negeri Jongbiru, Kediri Regency, especially in Indonesian language subjects. The purpose of this study was to make improvements in learning to improve learning outcomes for fourth grade students at SD Negeri Jongbiru, Kediri Regency in Indonesian language subjects through the application of the project based learning (PJBL) learning model. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) using the Kemmis and MC Taggart models, with the steps of planning, implementing action and observing, and reflecting. Data collection techniques using non-test techniques. The non-test instrument is an observation sheet to measure the level of student creativity. Based on the results of research in cycle I for the percentage of student learning outcomes based on only reaching 9% and only 2 students who exceeded the KKM value that had been determined. Meanwhile, in cycle II the percentage of learning outcomes reached 100%. Judging from the average score of student learning outcomes in cycle I reached 9%, cycle II reached 100%, there was an increase in student learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II of 91%. From the results of this study it was concluded that the application of project based learning learning models can improve student learning outcomes, especially in Indonesian language subjects


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai Strategi Pengaruh home industry sablon Di Desa katapang Kecamatan katapang Kabupaten Bandung. Keberadaan  home industri  sablon dah berlangsung sejak lama, bahkan sudah ada lima tahun lalu. Di kalangan masyarakat. Proses pembuatan home industry sablon yaitu dengan mengunakan tenaga manusia masayarakat sekitar serta alat peroduksi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melalui teknik angket, dan dokumentasi dengan subjek penelitian adalah kariyawan/masyarakat di Desa Katapang Kecamatan Katapang Kabupaten Bandung.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ketergantungan antara home industri sablon satu sama lain dengan masyarakat keterkaitan. berjumlah 50 responden. Analisi yang digunakan adalah uji validitas Pearson Product Moment. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah kariyawan (X), sedangkan variabel dependennya adalah pendapatan (Y). Hasil dari penelitian ini berdasarkan analisis data dan pengujian hipotesis yang dilakukan yaitu variabel kariyawan(X) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel pendapatan(Y). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan veriabel independen kariyawan, sedangkan data dependen pendapatan home industri sablon di desa katapang kecamatan katapang kabupaten bandung  Adapun pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode angket. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian ke beberapa anggota kariyawan home industri sablon yaitu sebanyak 50 orang.  Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa 1) ada hubungan korelasi sebesar 0,592 dan nilai signifikasi sebesar 0,001 data pengaruh kariyawan berdistribusi normal dan dapat dilanjutkan untuk dianalisi yaitu thitung  > ttabel atau 2,039 > 0,679. Adapun pengaruh home industri sablon terhadap pendapatan kariyawan mempunyai nilai positif sebesar. Hal ini berarti H1 diterima. 2) Kendala yang dihadapi home industri sablon masih sulit untuk diatasi baik dari segi permasalahan pemanfaatan teknologi, dan pemasaran digital


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    This research is motivated by the low learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SD Negeri Jongbiru, Kediri Regency, especially in Indonesian language subjects. The purpose of this study was to make improvements in learning to improve learning outcomes for fourth grade students at SD Negeri Jongbiru, Kediri Regency in Indonesian language subjects through the application of the project based learning (PJBL) learning model. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) using the Kemmis and MC Taggart models, with the steps of planning, implementing action and observing, and reflecting. Data collection techniques using non-test techniques. The non-test instrument is an observation sheet to measure the level of student creativity. Based on the results of research in cycle I for the percentage of student learning outcomes based on only reaching 9% and only 2 students who exceeded the KKM value that had been determined. Meanwhile, in cycle II the percentage of learning outcomes reached 100%. Judging from the average score of student learning outcomes in cycle I reached 9%, cycle II reached 100%, there was an increase in student learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II of 91%. From the results of this study it was concluded that the application of project based learning learning models can improve student learning outcomes, especially in Indonesian language subjects

    Influence of Palm Sugar Water in the Native Chicken Performance

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    Palm sugar containing 66,18% sukrose is an additional source of energi quickly available to the chicken. A study to examine the effect of palm sugar in the native chicken performance was held in animal health training center, Cinagara-Bogor lasted from August until November 2012. This present experiment using 1274 native chicken that were kept starting DOC. Palm sugar concentrations given in the drinking water as much as one percent started to be given to the chcken when they were still DOC. After that, the palm sugar water was given continously intermittent interval by administering multivitamin. The control group was not given the palm sugar. Chicken aged 0 to 6 weeks were given palm sugar twice a day. After reaching over 6 weeks old, palm sugar water was only given onece a day. Result obtained showed that the administration of palm sugar water affected the increase in body weight gain, feed consumption and lower mortality as well. The result also showed that the FCR is lower than that of the control group until 6 weeks old

    Influence of Palm Sugar Water in the Native Chicken Performance

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    Abstract Palm sugar containing 66,18% sukrose is an additional source of energi quickly available to the chicken. A study to examine the effect of palm sugar in the native chicken performance was held in animal health training center, Cinagara-Bogor lasted from August until November 2012. This present experiment using 1274 native chicken that were kept starting DOC. Palm sugar concentrations given in the drinking water as much as one percent started to be given to the chcken when they were still DOC. After that, the palm sugar water was given continously intermittent interval by administering multivitamin. The control group was not given the palm sugar. Chicken aged 0 to 6 weeks were given palm sugar twice a day. After reaching over 6 weeks old, palm sugar water was only given onece a day. Result obtained showed that the administration of palm sugar water affected the increase in body weight gain, feed consumption and lower mortality as well. The result also showed that the FCR is lower than that of the control group until 6 weeks old

    Edukasi Etika Bisnis dan Investasi Syariah Bagi Pengelola dan Anak Asuh Yayasan Islamadina

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    ABSTRACT   The orphanage's foundation has largely begun to grow the business. This is a form of development of financial independence. Orphanages no longer fully expect funding from donors. In line with the above, the ability to manage ethical business and selection of sharia investment alternatives need to be understood by foundation managers and residents of orphanages. Training implementation methods using lecture, discussion, test, and simulation techniques. Training is carried out in two stages. The first stage of learning business ethics and sharia investment. The second stage is the simulation of investment instrument transactions. The target to be achieved is the acquisition of knowledge of managers / administrators and residents of orphanages related to business ethics and sharia investment instruments. Education of Business Ethics and Sharia Investment for the Managers and residents of Yayasan Islamadina was held on October 15, 2017. The activity was attended by 41 people. The results of the evaluation show that the level of satisfaction of the training and the ability of the resource persons are included in the high category. The results of the activities increased participants' understanding of business ethics and sharia investment instruments between before and after the training. This is demonstrated by the Wilcoxon Test results which show there are differences in pretest value with the posttest value, the conclusion there is increasing participants' understan.ding of the business ethics and sharia investment instruments between before training with after training   Keywords: Islamic Business Ethics, Sharia Investment, Investment Instrument       The orphanage's foundation has largely begun to grow the business. This is a form of development of financial independence. Orphanages no longer fully expect to fund from donors. In line with the above, the ability to manage ethical business and selection of sharia investment alternatives need to be understood by foundation managers and residents of orphanages. Training implementation methods using lecture, discussion, test, and simulation techniques. Training is carried out in two stages. The first stage of learning business ethics and sharia investment. The second stage is the simulation of investment instrument transactions. The target to be achieved is the acquisition of knowledge of managers/administrators and residents of orphanages related to business ethics and sharia investment instruments. Education of Business Ethics and Sharia Investment for the Managers and residents of Yayasan Islamadina was held on October 15, 2017. The activity was attended by 41 people. The results of the evaluation show that the level of satisfaction of the training and the ability of the resource persons are included in the high category. The results of the activities increased participants' understanding of business ethics and sharia investment instruments between before and after the training. This is demonstrated by the Wilcoxon Test results which show there are differences in pretest value with the posttest value, the conclusion there is increasing participants' understanding of the business ethics and sharia investment instruments between before training with after training

    Identification of Sediment Formation Based on Magnetic Content and Element Composition of Mud Volcano in Sangiran Sediment using VSM and X-Ray Fluorescence

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    Based on trace geological history and several studies, the Sangiran mud volcano provides insight into the geology and hydrology of the region, aquifer system in the basin, groundwater flow patterns and characteristics, rock lithology, hydrogeology condition, and saltwater trap mapping. Related to these conditions, studies were conducted on the magnetic content and composition of the major oxide compounds in the Sangiran sediments. Sample analysis was based on geochemical methods. The methods consist of frequency dependent magnetic susceptibility and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) analysis. Geochemical analyses using x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis have been conducted and various elemental grades have been determined. VSM results confirm that the magnetic content of Sangiran sediments is partly dominated by Fe (17.66 percent) contained in hematite (Fe2O3). At the same time, the samples of Sangiran sediment were enriched by Si, Fe, Al, Ca, Cl, Ti, and K according to XRF measurements. The samples exhibited the highest Si and Fe concentrations in samples T1 (Si is 29.48 percent and Fe is 13.66 percent) and T7 (Si is 24.95 percent and Fe is 12.01 percent). Meanwhile, in the T4 sample, the highest concentrations were Si and Ca, 23.45 percent and 13.45 percent, respectively. Retrieved from the magnetic susceptibility measurement, this paper confirm that Fe content is one of the components of volcanic ash in the Sangiran sediment.DOI: 10.17977/um024v8i12023p00

    Peran Kepemimpinan Lurah Dalam Pembangunan Daerah Melalui Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelurahan (Lpmk) (Studi Analisis Partisipasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelurahan Merjosari Kota Malang Tahun 201

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui peran kepemimpinan Lurah dalam mewujudkan pembangunan daerah melalui partisipasi pemberdayaan, strategi-strategi yang digunakan Lurah serta faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang mendukung dan menghambat proses partisipasi pemberdayaan masyarakat di Kelurahan Merjosari pada tahun 2013. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kelurahan Merjosari Kota Malang dengan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik penentuan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dimana informan diseleksi atas dasar beberapa kriteria, meliputi pengetahuan sejarah kepemimpinan Merjosari, keterlibatan dalam pembangunan melalui partisipasi pemberdayaan di Kelurahan Merjosari serta pengetahuan atas permasalahan yang terjadi di Kelurahan Merjosari. Adapaun informan yang dipilih yaitu Lurah, Ketua Seksi Pemberdayan masyarakat Kelurahan, Sekertaris LPMK Merjosari, serta tokoh masyarakat Kelurahan Merjosari. Hasil penelitian ini adalah peran Lurah Merjosari dalam mewujudkan pembangunan hanya bersifat konsultatif dan koordinatif bersama dengan LPMK Merjosari. Tugas kewenangan Lurah hanya sebatas pemberian sosialisasi, publikasi, dan mediasi antar lembaga di Kelurahan, selebihnya usulan pembangunan diserahkan melalui mekanisme musyawarah antar kelurahan dan lembaga yang berada di Kelurahan Merjosari khususnya dalam pengelolaan dana Hibah yang berasal dari pemerintah kota Malang. Selanjutnya dibentuk tim teknis pelaksana yang sebagian besar berasal dari masyarakat Kelurahan Merjosari melalui LPMK dan sebagian berasal dari pihak Kelurahan. Bentuk pemberdayaan kemandirian masyarakat Merjosari tercermin dalam pengelolaan aset oleh LPMK Merjosari. Adapun aset meliputi beberapa persewaan gedung, sewa kuliner, Usaha Kecil dan Menengah, sewa lapangan dan persewaan lainnya. Hasil keuntungan dari pengelolaan aset digunakan untuk pembangunan dan kegiatan di kelurahan Merjosari diluar dana Hibah. Strategi kepemimpinan Lurah Merjosari dalam penyelesaian konflik pembangunan dengan beberapa cara antara lain : mengumpulkan informasi dengan mendatangi masing masing kelompok secara personal, pemanfaatan sarana komunikasi seperti masjid, tahlil dan menjadi takmir dalam menyampaikan informasi seputar persoalan kelurahan dan penyelenggaraan event tahunan dengan tujuan membangkitkan kebanggaan atas identitas terhadap sejarah Merjosari dan menjalin kedekatan antar masyarakat. Adapun faktor-faktor yang medukung terhadap kegiatan pembangunan adalah Lurah Merjosari yaitu Abdullah merupakan orang asli Merjosari, tingginya partisipasi masyarakat untuk memberikan usulan pembangunan, swakelola keuangan aset yang tranparan dan keuntungan yang tinggi, serta didukung oleh ketua LPMK Merjosari, Herwintono yang memiliki kemampuan organisatoris yang baik. Sedangkan faktor penghambat pembangunan meliputi: kurangnya intensitas pertemuan tingkat RW, tidak sepenuhnya pengurus LPMK aktif, masih bergantungnya pembangunan pada dana hibah, dan primordial kepemimpinan dari masyarakat yang masih tinggi

    Pengaruh Pemberian Air Gula Merah terhadap Performans Ayam Kampung Pedaging = Influence of Palm Sugar Water in the Native Chicken Performance

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    Palm sugar containing 66,18% sukrose is an additional source of energi quickly available to the chicken. A study to examine the effect of palm sugar in the native chicken performance was held in animal health training center, Cinagara-Bogor lasted from August until November 2012. This present experiment using 1274 native chicken that were kept starting DOC. Palm sugar concentrations given in the drinking water as much as one percent started to be given to the chcken when they were still DOC. After that, the palm sugar water was given continously intermittent interval by administering multivitamin. The control group was not given the palm sugar. Chicken aged 0 to 6 weeks were given palm sugar twice a day. After reaching over 6 weeks old, palm sugar water was only given onece a day. Result obtained showed that the administration of palm sugar water affected the increase in body weight gain, feed consumption and lower mortality as well. The result also showed that the FCR is lower than that of the control group until 6 weeks old. Gula merah yang mengandung 66.187% sukrosa, merupakan sumber tambahan energi cepat tersedia bagi ayam. Suatu pene1itianyang bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pemberian gu1amerah terhadap performans ayam kampung pedaging telah dilaksanakan di Balai Besar Pelatihan Kesehatan Hewan Cinagara Bogor yang berlangsung sejak bu1anAgustus sampai dengan November 2012. Pada percobaan ini dipergunakan 1274ekor ayam kampung pedaging DK-1 mulai dari DOC. Konsentrasi gula merah yang diberikan dalam air minum adalah sebanyak 1% yang dimulai dari saatDOC datang. Sete1ahitu pemberian air gula merahdilanjutkan selang seling dengan pemberian multivitamin. Untukkelompok kontrol tidak dilakukanpemberian air gula merah sarna sekali. Pada ayam usia 0-6 minggu, air gula merah diberikan sebanyak dua kali sehari. Setelah usianya mencapai diatas 6 minggu, air gula merah hanya diberikan satu kali sehari. Hasil yang diperoleh memperlihatkan bahwa pemberian gula merah dalam air minum berpengaruh terhadap pertambahan bobot badan, peningkatan konsumsi makanan dan menurunkan tingkat mortalitas. Pemberian air gula merah pada ayam kampung pedaging juga menunjukkan FCR yang lebih keci1 dibandingkan dengan ke10mpokkontrol sampai dengan periode minggu keenam