98 research outputs found

    Historical dynamics of metaphoric systems in Russian political communication

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    The paper investigates the drives for stability and change in the history of Russian political metaphors. It compares Russian and international techniques applied to studying history of political metaphors. The paper depicts the Russian researchers' contribution to the theory and methods of researching political metaphorics, as well as to the theory and practice of historical metaphorology. The coauthors come to the conclusion that the arsenal of contemporary Russian political metaphors represents a complex system that emerged from centuries of evolution as a result of interplay between the drives for stability and change, for preservation of cultural distinctiveness and interaction with other cultures. The study draws a distinction between the periods of "metaphoric storms" and "metaphoric calms" in the history of Russian political metaphor

    Effect of particle size on adsorption kinetics of water vapor on porous aluminium oxide material

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    Influence of the grain size of aluminium oxide material, being a product of centrifugal thermal activation of hydrargillite, on adsorption kinetics of water vapors was studied. The material was characterized by the BET method and X-ray phase analysis (XRD). Influence of gas flow rate on adsorption dynamics was studied on a laboratory installation using McBain-Bakr quartz balance. It was shown that with the fraction size greater than 0.5-1.0 mm, the rate of water vapor adsorption on this adsorbent decreased, which was connected with the influence of internal diffusion resistance. On the base of the first-order kinetic equation for the water adsorption mathematical modeling was carried out. The kinetic parameters of the equation for the various grain size samples (0.25-0.5 mm and 0.5-1.0 mm and 3.7 x 6 mm granule) were determined

    Super fast plasma streams as drivers of transient and anomalous magnetospheric dynamics

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    Abstract. We present multi spacecraft measurements in the magnetosheath (MSH) and in the solar wind (SW) by Interball, Cluster and Polar, demonstrating that coherent structures with magnetosonic Mach number up to 3 – Supermagnetosonic Plasma Streams (SPS) – generate transient and anomalous boundary dynamics, which may cause substantial displacements of the magnetospheric boundaries and the riddling of peripheral boundary layers. In this regard, for the first time, we describe a direct plasma penetration into the flank boundary layers, which is a candidate for being the dominant transport mechanism for disturbed MSH periods. Typically SPS's have a ram pressure exceeding by several times that of the SW and lead to long-range correlations between processes at the bow shock (BS) and at the magnetopause (MP) on one side and between MSH and MP boundary layers on the other side. We demonstrate that SPS's can be observed both near the BS and near the MP and argue that they are often triggered by hot flow anomalies (HFA), which represent local obstacles to the SW flow and can induce the SPS generation as a means for achieving a local flow balance. Finally, we also discuss other causes of SPS's, both SW-induced and intrinsic to the MSH. SPS's appear to be universal means for establishing a new equilibrium between flowing plasmas and may also prove to be important for astrophysical and fusion applications

    Contemporary Russian Political Metaphorology

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    The article deals with the major trends of modern Russian political metaphorology (2011-2020): cognitive, rhetorical, discursive, and semiotic.В статье рассматриваются ведущие направления современной российской политической метафорологии и специфика их развития

    Impact of liquid metal surface on plasma-surface interaction in experiments with lithium and tin capillary porous systems

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    The lithium and tin capillary-porous systems (CPSs) were tested with steady-state plasma in the PLM plasma device which is the divertor simulator with plasma parameters relevant to divertor and SOL plasma of tokamaks. The CPS consists of tin/lithium tile fixed between two molybdenum meshs constructed in the module faced to plasma. Steady-state plasma load of 0.1 - 1 MW/m(2) on the CPS during more than 200 min was achieved in experiments on PLM which is a modeling far scrapeoff- layer and far zone of divertor plasma of a large tokamak. The heating of the CPS was controlled remotely including biasing technique which allows to regulate evaporated metal influx to plasma. After exposure, the materials of the tin and lithium CPSs were inspected and analyzed with optic and scanning electron micriscopy. Experiments have demonstrated sustainability of the tin and lithium CPSs to the high heat steady state plasma load expected in a large scale tokamak. The effect of evaporated lithium and tin on the plasma transport/radiation was studied with spectroscopy to evaluate changes of plasma properties and plasma-surface interaction

    Study of the stochastic clustering on the refractory material surface under the effect of plasma load in the PLM device

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    Tungsten plates were tested in stationary helium discharges in the PLM device. The duration of discharges in the PLM reached 200 minutes. A distinctive feature of this device is the stationary plasma confinement, which is advantageous for testing fusion materials, including materials of the divertor and first wall of a fusion reactor. During plasma irradiation in the PLM, the thermal load on the surface of the tested plates was more than 1 MW/m(2). The temperature of the tested plates amounted to 1000 degrees C and more. Stochastic nanostructures with dimensions of the structural elements of less than 50 nm, including fuzz-type structures, were observed on the processed surfaces of the samples


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    Purpose. The establishment of the role of water and electrolyte disorders in the pathogenesis postresuscitation hemo circulatory disorders after removal from the clinical death caused by acute myocardial infarction.Materials and methods. In experiments with 158 dogs studied under Nembutal anesthesia recovery processes of life after 5 minutes of clinical death caused by myocardial infarction.Results. It is found that dogs in the early postresuscitative after myocardial infarction occurs movement of sodium ions in the red blood cells, which is accompanied by gipoosmiey blood plasma and interstitial fluid. This causes the movement of water in the cell sector, which leads to the development of hypovolemia and drop in cardiac output. Movement of potassium and calcium ions from cell sector into the extracellular defines violation of myocardial, vascular tone, and increases the risk of arrhythmia postresuscitation myocardial infarction.Сonclusion. In postresuscitative in dogs undergoing clinical death with acute myocardial infarction, there is a redistribution of electrolytes sector body. During the first 9 hours after resuscitation sodium and calcium concentration in the cell sector increase and decrease in the extracellular. Changes in the potassium content of the opposite. By the end of 1st day recovery period increases plasma sodium concentration, and the corresponding potassium and calcium indicators reduced. The osmolarity of the extracellular space is reduced by 5 min postresuscitative period and increases toward the end of 1 day. It is associated with similar changes in sodium concentration. sodium retention in the cell movement causes the space portion therein, and development of extracellular fluid volume depletion, which leads to a decrease in venous return and cardiac output drop. In the interval of 9–24 hours after resuscitation begins a long period of stabilization of the circulatory system. This is due to the normalization of the water distribution sector, which leads to the restoration of intravascular volume and resolution of hemodynamic disturbances. Цель. Установление роли водно-электролитных расстройств в патогенезе постреанимационных гемоциркуляторных нарушений после остановки сердца, вызванной острым инфарктом миокарда.Материалы и методы. В опытах на 158 собаках под нембуталовым наркозом изучали процессы восстановления жизнедеятельности после пятиминутной клинической смерти, вызванной острым инфарктом миокарда.Результаты. Установлено, что у собак в раннем постреанимационном периоде после инфаркта миокарда происходит перемещение ионов натрия в эритроциты, что сопровождается гипоосмией плазмы крови и интерстициальной жидкости. Это обусловливает перемещение воды в клеточный сектор, что приводит к развитию гиповолемии и падению сердечного выброса. Перемещение ионов калия и кальция из клеточного сектора во внеклеточный определяет нарушение сократимости миокарда, сосудистого тонуса и увеличивает риск развития аритмии в постреанимационном периоде инфаркта миокарда.Заключение. Закономерности острых расстройств водно-электролитного баланса в постреанимационном периоде у экспериментальных животных, перенесших клиническую смерть на фоне острого инфаркта миокарда, характеризуются периодичностью смещения натрия, калия и воды с фазностью клеточной гипергидратации, сменяющейся внеклеточной. Задержка натрия в клеточном пространстве обусловливает перемещение в него части внеклеточной жидкости и развитие гиповолемии, которая приводит к уменьшению венозного возврата и падению сердечного выброса. В интервале 9–24 ч после оживления начинается длительный период стабилизации системного кровообращения.