14 research outputs found

    The effect of yeast culture products (Rumisacc and Intertotal) on fattening performance, some blood and rumen fluid parameters in male kids

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of live yeast culture and the combination of live yeast culture with vitamin-mineral supplementation as a feed additive on fattening performance, some blood and rumen fluid parameters in male kids. Totally 18 male Saanen goat kids were divided in to one control and two treatment groups each containing 6 kids. Rations of groups were formulated as isonitrogenic and isocaloric. Live yeast culture (YC) and the combination product (YVM) (RumiSacc® and Intetotal® respectively,by Integro Food Industry and Trade Co., Istanbul, Turkey; Live yeast cell 344 x 1010 cfu per gram) was included in the concentrates at 0 (C), 1% (YC) and 1% (YVM) on feed basis, respectively. Feeding schedule was established with only concentrate. Feed was given ad libitum and roughage was not given. Dietary yeast culture at the level of 1% increased final live weight (+4.7% regarding control group). All investigated fattening performance with rumen fluid and blood parameters were not statistically affected with the supplements. It is concluded that live yeast culture and its vitamin-mineral combination did not have adverse affect in male kids fed without roughage

    Outcomes of high-risk breast lesions diagnosed using image-guided core needle biopsy: results from a multicenter retrospective study

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    PURPOSEThe clinical management of high-risk lesions using image-guided biopsy is challenging. This study aimed to evaluate the rates at which such lesions were upgraded to malignancy and identify possible predictive factors for upgrading high-risk lesions.METHODSThis retrospective multicenter analysis included 1.343 patients diagnosed with high-risk lesions using an image-guided core needle or vacuum-assisted biopsy (VAB). Only patients managed using an excisional biopsy or with at least one year of documented radiological follow-up were included. For each, the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) category, number of samples, needle thickness, and lesion size were correlated with malignancy upgrade rates in different histologic subtypes. Pearson’s chi-squared test, the Fisher–Freeman–Halton test, and Fisher’s exact test were used for the statistical analyses.RESULTSThe overall upgrade rate was 20.6%, with the highest rates in the subtypes of intraductal papilloma (IP) with atypia (44.7%; 55/123), followed by atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) (38.4%; 144/375), lobular neoplasia (LN) (12.7%; 7/55), papilloma without atypia (9.4%; 58/611), flat epithelial atypia (FEA) (8.7%; 10/114), and radial scars (RSs) (4.6%; 3/65). There was a significant relationship between the upgrade rate and BI-RADS category, number of samples, and lesion size Lesion size was the most predictive factor for an upgrade in all subtypes.CONCLUSIONADH and atypical IP showed considerable upgrade rates to malignancy, requiring surgical excision. The LN, IP without atypia, pure FEA, and RS subtypes showed lower malignancy rates when the BI-RADS category was lower and in smaller lesions that had been adequately sampled using VAB. After being discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting, these cases could be managed with follow-up instead of excision

    The impact of serum ceruloplasmin oxidase activity, glutathion level, oxidative stress parameters and iron overload on early transplant related complications and survival in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients

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    Hematopoetik kök hücre nakli hematolojik hastalıkların tedavisinde şifa şansı veren bir tedavi seçeneği olarak uygulanmaktadır. Bu hastalarda nakil için başvurduklarında kronik transfüzyon öyküleri ve inefektif eritropoez nedeniyle demir yükü bulunmaktadır. Hematopoetik KHN öncesinde demir yükü nakil sonrası sağ kalım süresi ve nakil ilişkili ölüm nedenleri açısından olumsuz etkiye sahiptir. Bu çalışmada Haziran 2009- Ocak 2012 tarihleri arasında allojeneik HKHN uygulanan 70 hasta ve 20 sağlıklı kontrol grubunda ileriye dönük olarak, hazırlık rejimi öncesi ve kök hücre infüzyonu öncesi bakılan demir değişkenleri,serum MDA, SOA ve GSH seviyelerinin nakil ilişkili erken dönem komplikasyonlar, nakil ilişkili ölüm ve sağ kalım süreleri üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Sağlıklı kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında HKHN alıcılarında hazırlık rejimi öncesinde serum ferritin, TS, NTBI ve SOA'si anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunmuştur. Hazırlık rejiminin etkisiyle kök hücre infüzyonu öncesinde serum ferritin, TS, NTBI ve GSH değerlerinde artış olurken SOA'sinde azalma olmaktadır. Serum MDA düzeyinde ise hem hazırlama rejimi öncesinde, hem de kök hücre infüzyonu öncesinde anlamlı fark olmamıştır. Hazırlık rejimi öncesi demir değişkenleri ile serum SOA, GSH ve MDA düzeyleri arasında ilgileşim saptanmamıştır. Hazırlık rejimi öncesinde serum ferritin > 1000 ng/ml olan hastalarda ESH ve CRP düzeyleri anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunmuştur. Hazırlık rejimi öncesi yüksek serum ferritin düzeyi artmış hepatotoksisite, kardiyotoksisite, nötropenik geçen gün sayısı, ateşli geçen gün sayısı ve nötrofil engrafman günü ile ilişkili bulunurken, NTBI, SOA, MDA ve GSH düzeyleri ile toksisite gelişimi arasında ilişki bulunmamıştır. Kök hücre infüzyonu öncesi artan NTBI düzeyi ile de infeksiyon gelişmeriski arasında ilişki bulunmuştur. Serum ferritin değeri > 1000 ng/ml olan hastalarda artan kardiyotoksisite sıklığı tespit edilmiştir. Nakil sonrası ilk 100 günlük sağ kalım ve NİÖ analizinde EBMT risk skorunun ? 3 ve TS'nun > % 80 olması bağımsız risk faktörü olarak tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; HKHN öncesi demir yükünün nakil sonuçları üzerinde prognostik önemi gösterilmekle birlikte prooksidatif/ antioksidatif dengenin nakil sonuçları üzerinde etkisi gösterilememiştir.Oksidatif stres ve antioksidan kapasitenin demir yükü ile ilişkisi ve nakil sonuçları üzerine etkisinin anlaşılabilmesi için benzer risk grubuna ait homojen hasta grupları ile ileriye dönük çalışma yapılmasına ihtiyaç vardırAllogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has become a curative treatment for hematologic malignancies. Iron overload may have adverse impact on transplant outcomes among allogeneic HSCT recipients due to prior blood transfusions and ineffective eythropoiesis. We prospectively analyzed 70 consecutive alogeneic HSCT recipients and 20 healthy controls between June 2009 and January 2012. Serum samples both prior to conditioning regimen and stem cell infusion were analysed for iron parameters including ferritin, TS, and NTBI, MDA as prooxidant and SOA and GSH as antioxidants. Serum iron parameters were significantly higher in HSCT recipients compared to healthy controls. There was a significant increase in iron parameters prior to stem cell infusion compared to preconditioning serum samples. There was no significant change in serum MDA levels both between healthy controls and HSCT recipientsand between preconditioning and preinfusion serum samples. Serum COA levels were significantly higher in HSCT recipients compared to healthy controls. With the effect of conditioning regimen serum levels of ferritin, NTBI and GSH increased and COA decreased significantly. There were no correlation between serum levels of COA, GSH, MDA and iron parameters. Preconditioning serum ESR and CRP levels were significantly higher in patients with serum ferritin levels > 1000 ng/ml which might have role in increased serum ferritin levels as an acute phase reactant. An adverse impact of high serum ferritin levels on hepatotoxicity, cardiotoxicity, number of febrile and neutropenic days and neutrophil engraftment day was shown. Higher NTBI levels prior tos tem cell infusion had significant impact on infectious complications. Serum prooxidant/antioxidant parameters did not show any impact on transplantation related toxicities. Serum TS > 80 % and EBMT risc score ? 3 were independent adverse prognostic parameters for decreased overall survival and increased transplant related mortalityon day +100. In conclusion although pretransplantation IO was shown to be an adverse prognostic parameter on outcome of HSCT recipients, we could not be able to show any effect of prooxidative/antioxidative parameters. Further prospective studies including homogenous patient groups with same risk factors are needed to demostrate the role of oxidative stresson transplant outcomes in patients with iron overload

    Early results of our epidermoid larynx cancer cases

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    Radikal radyoterapi uygulanan yüzelliiki T1-4 N0-3 M0 epidermoid larinks kanser olgusu, erken sonuçları bildirmek için retrospektif olarak incelendi. Erkek/kadın oranı 148/4 ve ortalama yaş 57 (34-86) idi. Olguların 50'si evre I-II, 102'si evre III-IV idi. Olguların 86'sında tümör supraglottik, 62'sinde glottik, dördünde subglottik alanda yerleşimliydi. Evre I-II olgulara medyan 68 Gy (60-75), evre III-IV olgulara medyan 70 Gy (61-76) total dozlar (2 Gy/fraksiyon/gün, beş tedavi/hafta) verildi. Radyocevap oranları evre I-II olgularımızda evre III-IV olgularımızdan (%84'e karşı %50, p=0.004) fazla bulundu. Üç yıllık sağkalım evre I-II olgularımızda Evre III-IV olgularımızdan daha yüksek bulundu (%52'ye karşı %19, p=0.0053). Üç yıllık sağkalım radyocevaplı olgularımızda da radyocevapsız olgularımızdan yüksekti (%41'e karşı %16, p=0.0023). Sonuç olarak, radyocevaplı olgularımız radyocevapsız olgularımızdan (medyan sağkalım süreleri 31 aya karşı 13 ay, p=0.0023) daha uzun süre yaşamaktadır. Bulgularımıza göre, radyocevap alınamayan larinks kanserli hastalarımızın tedavi başarısını arttırmak için kurtarma cerrahisi düşünülebilir.A retrospective review of radically irradiated 152 cases with T1-4 N0-3 M0 epidermoid cancer of the larynx was undertaken to report the early results. Male/female ratio was 148/4 cases and average age was 57 (34-86). There were 50 cases in stage I-II and 102 in stage III-IV. Supraglottic localization (86) was dominant followed by glottic (62) and subglottic (four). Medyan 68 Gy (60-75) in stage I-II and 70 Gy (61-76) total doses (2 Gy/fraction/day, five times/ week) in stage III-IV were delivered. Radioresponse rates of stage I-II cases were found significantly higher than those of stage III-IV cases (84% vs 50%, p=0.004 ). Three year survival rate of stage I-II cases was found significantly higher than that of stage III-IV cases (52% vs 19%, p=0.0053). Three year survival rate of radioresponders was found higher than that of nonresponders (41% vs 16%, p=0.0023). As a result, our radioresponders live longer than nonresponders (medyan survival durations of 31 months vs 13 months, p=0.0023). To improve the treatment success of our larynx cancer patients who are nonresponsive to radiation therapy, salvage surgery may be considered

    Non-pharmacological methods for the pain management of cancer patients

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    Amaç: Bu arastırma, kanserli hastaların agrıyla bas etmede nonfarmakolojikyöntemleri kullanma durumlarının saptanması amacıylayapıldı.Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı nitelikte yapılan bu çalısma, 123 kanser hastasıile yürütüldü. Arastırmanın verilerinin toplanmasında “Sözel DerecelendirmeÖlçegi” ve literatür dogrultusunda arastırmacılar tarafındanhazırlanan “Non-farmakolojik Yöntemler Formu” kullanıldı.Bulgular: Arastırmaya katılan hastaların yas ortalaması 58.1715.13olup, %53.7’si kadın, %53.7’si okuryazar-ilkokul mezunu, %29.3’ümeme kanseri tanısı almıstır. Arastırmaya dâhil edilen hastaların%54.4’ü siddetli agrı yasadıgını, %82.9’u ise agrı kesici kullandıgınıbelirtti. Hastaların %87’si agrı durumunda geçmesi için dua ettigini,%63.4’ü agrı alanına masaj yaptıgını, %59.3’ü Kuran okudugunu,%58.5’i ise nefes egzersizleri yaptıklarını belirttiler.Sonuç: Kanser hastalarının büyük çogunlugunun agrıyla bas etmedefarmakolojik yöntemlere ek olarak non-farmakolojik yöntemleri dekullandıkları, en sık kullandıkları non-farmakolojik yöntemler arasındadua etme, agrı alanına masaj yapma, Kuran okuma ve nefes egzersizlerininyer aldıgı sonucuna ulasıldı.Aim: This research was conducted to determine the use of nonpharmacologicalmethods for the pain management of cancer patients.Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on 123 cancer patients.Data were collected using the "Verbal Rating Scale (VRS)" and the"Non-Pharmacological Methods Form" developed by the researchersbased on the literature.Results: The average age of the patients participating in the studywas 58.17 15.13. Of the patients, 53.7% were female, 53.7% wereliterate-primary school graduates, and 29.3% had breast cancer. Ofthe patients, 54.4% said they had severe pain, and 82.9% said theyused painkillers. It was found that 87% of the patients prayed for thepain relief, 63.4% massage the pain area, 59.3% read the Qur'an, and58.5% used breathing exercises.Conclusion: In conclusion, the majority of cancer patients used nonpharmacologicmethods in addition to pharmacologic methods in orderto cope with pain. The most frequently used non-pharmacologicmethods included praying, massaging the pain area, reading theQur’an, and breathing exercises

    Gastric Medullary Carcinoma: A Rare Case Report

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    A case of 64-year-old female patient with early stage gastric medullary carcinoma has been presented, along with a review of the literature

    Effects of fennel seed supplementation of ration on performance, egg quality, serum cholesterol, and total phenol content of egg yolk of laying quails

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) supplementation of ration on performance, egg quality, and serum cholesterol of laying quails during an eight-week period. For this purpose, 96 quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) of 16 weeks of age were evenly separated into one control group and three treatment groups. Each group was divided into four replicates, each containing six quail. The fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare) were added to the diets of the first, second, and third treatment groups at levels of 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9%, respectively. No significant effect of dietary fennel seed supplementation was recorded on body weight, feed intake, egg production, and egg weight. Feed efficiency (kg feed per kg egg) of the 0.6% treatment group was negatively affected by fennel seed supplementation; however, kilogram of feed:dozen egg ratio was not affected when compared with the control group. The effects of dietary treatments on shape index, albumen height, albumen index, Haugh unit, yolk index, yolk colour, blood cholesterol level, and total phenol content of egg yolk had no significance. Dietary fennel seed do not affect the egg quality and blood cholesterol level of laying quail. The amount of 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9% dietary fennel seed supplementation do not have any adverse effect on performance and egg quality of laying quail.</p></div

    Is there any prognostic significance in pleural involvement and/or effusion (Ple-I/E) in patients with ALK-positive NSCLC?

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    Conference Conference: 44th Congress of the European-Society-for-Medical-Oncology (ESMO) Location: Barcelona, SPAIN Date: SEP 27-OCT 01, 2019 Sponsor(s):European Soc Med Oncol; Japanese Soc Med OncolBackground: ALK mutation occurs in approximately 3-5% of patients with NSCLC. At the baseline, Ple-I/E are more frequent in ALKþ patients with NSCLC. In the study, we aimed to evaluate characteristics of ALKþpatients who have Ple-I/E. Methods: In this multicenter study, patients with ALKþ NSCLC who have Ple-I/E were retrospectively analyzed. Clinical and demographic characteristics of the disease, response rates, median PFS and OS were evaluated in 362 ALKþpatients with NSCLC. Results: Of the patients, 198 (54.7%) were male. The median age at the time of diagnosis was 54 (21-85) years. The median age was higher in male (57 vs 52 years; p¼0.011). The most common histology was adenocarcinoma (100%). At the baseline, 57 (15.7%) patients had Ple-I/E. The median age of patients with Ple-I/E was similar to patients without Ple-I/E (53 vs 55 years; p¼0.541). The rate of smokers was 43.4% (n¼157) in the patients. There was no association between Ple-I/E and gender, lung metastasis and distant LAP metastasis. Pleural involvement was higher in non-smokers than smokers (19.4% vs 13.4%; p¼0.077), but not statistically significant. The frequencies of liver, brain and bone metastasis were a significant higher in ALKþpatients with Ple-I/E compared to those with non-metastatasis (respectively 18.2% vs 4.8%, p¼0.008; 19.1% vs 4.8%, p¼0.002; 20.6% vs 8.9%, p¼0.003). The median PFS was longer in ALKþ patients who have Ple-I/E 18.7 vs 10.6 months, p¼0.017). The 1-, 2- and 3-year PFS were 59%, 36%, and 24% in patients with Ple-I/E and 47%, 24%, and 8% in patients with non-involvement. Similarly, the median OS was longer in ALKþpatients who have pleural involvement/infusion 44.6 vs 22.6 months, p¼0.051). The 1-, 2- and 3- year OS were 78%, 67%, and 57% in patients with Ple-I/E and 66%, 48%, and 34% in patients with non-involvement. Conclusions: Brain, liver and bone metastases are lower in ALKþpatients with Ple-I/E. Presentation with Ple-I/E in patients with ALKþ NSCLC is associated with longer overall and progression-free survival. Legal entity responsible for the study: The authors. Funding: Has not received any funding. Disclosure: All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.European Society for Medical OncologyJapanese Society of Medical Oncolog

    Crizotinib efficacy in alk-positive advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer patients: A real-world experience from Turkey

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    WOS: 000454014501235Background: Increasing evidence leads to a ratiocination that genetic heterogeneity of the lung adenocarcinoma patients with sensitive EGFR mutations may impact clinical responses and outcomes to EGFR-TKIs. Method: We performed targeted NGS with a gene panel covering 416 cancer-related genes to profile genetic characteristics of 69 lung adenocarcinoma patients with activating EGFR mutations and assessed the contribution of targeted NGS to exploration of genetic heterogeneity of such cohort. Result: We detected total 200 actionable genetic alterations (mean 2.9 variations per patient, range: 1-7 variations) in tumor DNA and 140 actionable genetic alterations (mean 2.0 variations per patient, range: 0-5 variations) in matched plasma ctDNA, respectively. The concurrent genes with the highest mutation rate were TP53 (observed in 72.5% patients), other uncommon EGFR mutations (observed in 21.7% patients), EGFR amplification (observed in 20.3% patients), RB1 (observed in 10.1% patients), PIK3CA (observed in 7.2% patients), and MYC (observed in 5.8% patients). NGS provides EGFR mutation detection in plasma with a test sensitivity of 88.2% and specificity of 100.0%

    Immunogenicity and safety of the CoronaVac vaccine in patients with cancer receiving active systemic therapy

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    Aim: To evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of the CoronaVac vaccine in patients with cancer receiving active systemic therapy. Methods: This multicenter, prospective, observational study was conducted with 47 patients receiving active systemic therapy for cancer. CoronaVac was administered as two doses (3 mu g/day) on days 0 and 28. Antibody level higher than 1 IU/ml was defined as 'immunogenicity.' Results: The immunogenicity rate was 63.8% (30/47) in the entire patient group, 59.5% (25/42) in those receiving at least one cytotoxic drug and 100% (five of five) in those receiving monoclonal antibody or immunotherapy alone. Age was an independent predictive factor for immunogenicity (odds ratio: 0.830; p = 0.043). Conclusion: More than half of cancer patients receiving active systemic therapy developed immunogenicity. Tweetable abstract Immunogenicity developed with CoronaVac in 25 (59.5%) of 42 patients who received at least one cytotoxic drug and in all patients (n = 5) who received monoclonal antibody or immunotherapy alone