62 research outputs found

    Unge, afhængighed og computerspil som soveværelseskultur

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    Med udgangspunkt i en kvalitativ interviewundersøgelse undersøger artiklen ungesperspektiver på et højfrekvent og problematiseret brug af computerspil. ’Ungeperspektiverne’,’soveværelseskultur’ og ’computerspilafhængighed og selvregulering’ bruges somteoretisk ramme til at sætte fokus på unges computerspil på soveværelset. Soveværelseskulturener nærværende og til stede i de unges selvforståelser sammen med antagelserneom computerspilafhængighed, og de heraf afledte reguleringsdiskussioner om, hvor megettid de unge må bruge på at spille, hvad der er hensigtsmæssigt og ikke hensigtsmæssigtbrug af computerspil, hvad der er sundt og usundt ved computerspil som en stillesiddendefritidsaktivitet. På trods af unges egne bekymringer og forældrenes bekymringer for at deunge kan ryge i et patologihul, fortsætter de unge med at spille computerspil. Derfor kansoveværelseskulturen også ses som en modstand imod de overvågningsmekanismer, somsamfundet har sat i værk, for at computerspillet ikke skal tage overhånd. Computerspilletfungerer i glimt som en ’time out’ fra påbuddet om at udvikle teknikker til selvregulering.’Kampen’ mellem de unge og deres forældre om computerspillet kommer for de ungesvedkommende til også at handle om at slippe for overvågning

    Unge og looping-effekten af computerspilafhængighed

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    Towards Congestion Management in Distribution Networks:a Dutch Case Study on Increasing Heat Pump Hosting Capacity

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    The current high gas prices motivate end-users to replace their gas heating with electric heat pumps. This will likely cause frequent congestion issues in low-voltage (LV) distribution grids and slow down the heat pump adoption rate. To avoid or defer the expensive and complicated grid expansion, this study shares a solution approach of a Dutch Distribution System Operator (DSO) to enable the increasing adoption of heat pumps in existing dense housing areas. Data of the DSO and a local housing company have been combined to investigate the heat pump hosting capacity on a dense urban LV feeder, including realistic data of grid topology, load and heat dynamics, and practical operating characteristics of heat pumps. Our simulation compares two control strategies: (1) individual peak shaving and (2) central optimal power flow control. We show the central optimal power flow control with end-users' thermal comfort constraints and an objective function of minimizing losses can smoothen total grid loading and lead to flat voltage profiles. This allows the approach to be robust against baseload forecast errors, while the individual peak shaving is more prone to such errors. Moreover, by simulating the strategies on the worst-case scenarios where heat pumps are allocated to end-users at the end of the feeder, we determine the individual peak shaving strategy can slightly increase the heat pump hosting capacity from 49% where no control is imposed to 51%, while the central optimal power flow control allows 100% heat pump connections without causing grid congestion. Finally, recommendations to increase the heat pump hosting capacity are given based on simulation results

    Alohtone vrste s gledišta klimatskih promjena: prilike i mogućnosti u Hrvatskoj

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    The management of tree species non-native to Republic of Croatia has a certain tradition within Croatian forest management practice; nowadays, their potential should be regarded and re-evaluated in the new frame of climate changes and growing society demands for forest products and services. This paper is a contribution to non-native tree species (NNTS) introduction and use in Croatia, aiming at providing state of the art of NNTS as well as overview of studies and examples of possible management opportunities. Because of the complexity of the matter and growing need to further investigate risks and challenges of NNTS in Croatia, authors have continued their research and will publish the results in a separate paper. Amount of the area occupied by NNTS forest cultures point to the conclusion that the use of these tree species in forest practice is not reached by far and the nursery production does not back up the need for NNTS use. Paper also provides a comprehensive overwiev of different aspects and benefits of the use of NNTS in Croatia. For example, increased wood production and non-wood forest products; production of high quality timber in short–time periods; use of fast-growing tree species for bioenergy production in higher proportion and enhancement of ecosystem services. Increase of stability and adaptive capacity of forest stands by the use of NNTS is highlighted as new silvicultural option for facing climate change. Their use in reforestation or conversion of degraded forest to more valuabe and more resistant/resilient stands offers new possibilities. Integrated and site-specific management is a strategy, which seems to be an appropriate approach for guidelines for the introduction and management of NNTS in Croatia. The use of high productive, resistant NNTS presents new silvicultural solution especially important in terms of site amelioration and enhancement of resistance and resilience of forest stands, which is the most important component of adaptive forest management strategies.Gospodarenje alohtonim vrstama ima tradiciju u hrvatskome šumarstvu, ali njihov potencijal se treba ponovno razmotriti i ocijeniti u novonastalim okvirima klimatskih promjena te rastućim potrebama društva za šumskim proizvodima i uslugama. Unatoč činjenici da svaka država ima svoj popis introduciranih vrsta, uključujući i Hrvatsku, autori prihvaćaju definiciju COST Akcije FP1403 NNEXT te rad baziraju na šumskim vrstama drveća kojima se prirodni areal nalazi izvan granica Europe. Ovaj pregledni rad doprinos je saznanjima o introdukciji i aktivnoj uporabi alohtonih vrsta u zemlji, a obuhvaća dostupne znanstvene i stručne studije te primjere uspješne uporabe u gospodarenju šumama. Zbog složenosti ove problematike autori će objaviti pregled rizika i izazova uporabe alohtonih vrsta u zasebnome radu. Dostupni podaci o prisutnosti alohtonih vrsta na pokusnim objektima te u šumarskoj praksi ukazuju kako se u praksi koristi tek manji broj vrsta (Tablica 1), dok su stvarni potencijal i njihove koristi daleko veće. Analiza podataka ukazuje kako su najzastupljenije alohtone vrste u šumarskoj praksi: Robinia pseudoacacia L. (12003.88 ha), Pinus strobus L. (3218.69 ha), Juglans nigra L. (2376.66 ha), F. pennsylvanica Marshall. i Fraxinus americana L.(1099.77 ha), Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco. (393,05 ha) i L Quercus rubra. (51,99 ha). Podaci o proizvodnji šumskoga reprodukcijskog materijala navedenih vrsta ukazuje da rasadnička proizvodnja nije usklađena s potencijalom njihove uporabe u praksi. U radu se daje i iscrpan pregled različitih gledišta i koristi uzgoja alohtonih vrsta u Hrvatskoj. Samo neke od njih su (Slika 1, Tablica 2): nove mogućnosti proizvodnje visoko kvalitetnog drveta u kraćim ophodnjama, kao i drveta za bioenergiju, novih drvnih proizvoda i tehnologija; socijane koristi (mali i srednji poduzetnici, privatni šumoposjednici); povećanje stabilnosti i adaptabilnosti šumskih sastojina, ali samo u slučajevima velikih šteta i male plastičnosti i otpornosti domaćih vrsta; smanjenje intenziteta šumskouzgojnih radova, kao i uloženih sredstava na pripremi staništa prilikom pošumljavanja; ostvarivanje većih mogućnosti uporabe zapuštenoga poljoprivrednog zemljišta i ostalih prikladnih površina; sanacija progala ili većih površina nakon šteta u sastojinama domaćih vrsta (npr. obične smreke); supstitucija osjetljivih vrsta otpornijim i plastičnijim vrstama (mogućnosti mješovitih ili obogaćenih sastojina otpornijim alohtonim vrstama) te umanjenje negativnog djelovanja biotskih i abiotskih čimbenika. Njihova uporaba u sanaciji površina te konverziji degradiranih i devastiranih šuma pruža nove mogućnosti posebice na područjima s nepovoljnim ekološkim uvjetima, za koja se predviđa da će biti najpogođenija područja Hrvatske u budućnosti. Alohtone vrste mogu osigurati i niz opće korisnih funkcija šuma (npr. povećanje vezanja ugljika, fitoremedijacija zagađenih tala). Zbog složenosti problematike preporučujemo da se odluke o uporabi alohtonih vrsta donose na osnovi usporedbe s domaćim vrstama za svako stanište te na osnovi pregleda potencijalnih koristi, ali i rizika i izazova. Ističemo kako pojedine alohtone vrste treba poticati, dok neke zbog svoga invanzivnog potencijala trebaju biti strogo ograničene. Uporaba visokoproduktivnih, otpornijih i plastičnijih alohtonih vrsta predstavlja nova šumskouzgojna rješenja, koja su posebice važna u smislu pripreme staništa za prihvat autohtonih vrsta te povećanja otpornosti i plastičnosti šumskih sastojina, što je neizostavna komponenta adaptacijskih strategija gospodarenja šumama. Ipak, daljnja znanstvena istraživanja potrebna su kako bi se kvantificirala uporabljivost svake alohtone vrste, ali i olakšalo donošenje odluka u praksi

    A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: let us err on the side of caution

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    We greatly appreciate the care and thought that is evident in the 10 commentaries that discuss our debate paper, the majority of which argued in favor of a formalized ICD-11 gaming disorder. We agree that there are some people whose play of video games is related to life problems. We believe that understanding this population and the nature and severity of the problems they experience should be a focus area for future research. However, moving from research construct to formal disorder requires a much stronger evidence base than we currently have. The burden of evidence and the clinical utility should be extremely high, because there is a genuine risk of abuse of diagnoses. We provide suggestions about the level of evidence that might be required: transparent and preregistered studies, a better demarcation of the subject area that includes a rationale for focusing on gaming particularly versus a more general behavioral addictions concept, the exploration of non-addiction approaches, and the unbiased exploration of clinical approaches that treat potentially underlying issues, such as depressive mood or social anxiety first. We acknowledge there could be benefits to formalizing gaming disorder, many of which were highlighted by colleagues in their commentaries, but we think they do not yet outweigh the wider societal and public health risks involved. Given the gravity of diagnostic classification and its wider societal impact, we urge our colleagues at the WHO to err on the side of caution for now and postpone the formalization

    Ash agglomeration and deposition during combustion of poultry litter in a bubbling fluidized-bed combustor

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    peer-reviewedn this study, we have characterized the ash resulting from fluidized bed combustion of poultry litter as being dominated by a coarse fraction of crystalline ash composed of alkali-Ca-phosphates and a fine fraction of particulate K2SO4 and KCl. Bed agglomeration was found to be coating-induced with two distinct layers present. The inner layer (0.05–0.09 mm thick) was formed due to the reaction of gaseous potassium with the sand (SiO2) surface forming K-silicates with low melting points. Further chemical reaction on the surface of the bed material strengthened the coating forming a molten glassy phase. The outer layer was composed of loosely bound, fine particulate ash originating from the char. Thermodynamic equilibrium calculations showed slag formation in the combustion zone is highly temperature-dependent, with slag formation predicted to increase from 1.8 kg at 600 °C to 7.35 kg at 1000 °C per hour of operation (5.21 kg of ash). Of this slag phase, SiO2 and K2O were the dominant phases, accounting for almost 95%, highlighting the role of K-silicates in initiating bed agglomeration. The remaining 5% was predicted to consist mainly of Al2O3, K2SO4, and Na2O. Deposition downstream in the low-temperature regions was found to occur mostly through the vaporization–condensation mechanism, with equilibrium decreasing significantly with decreasing temperatures. The dominant alkali chloride-containing gas predicted to form in the combustion zone was KCl, which corresponds with the high KCl content in the fine baghouse ash