5,612 research outputs found

    Intervenção psicomotora com pessoas com dificuldades intelectuais e desenvolvimentais na CERCICA

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    Este relatório de estágio pretende dar a conhecer toda a atividade desenvolvida pelo estagiário no âmbito do Mestrado de Reabilitação Psicomotora, durante o ano letivo 2017/2018 na instituição CERCICA, mais concretamente no CerMov, prestando apoio a clientes de várias idades. Neste sentido, este documento encontra-se dividido em duas grandes partes: a primeira, dedicada ao enquadramento teórico e que pretende a caracterização da instituição de acolhimento, bem como do diagnóstico principal dos clientes para uma melhor compreensão do mesmo que se pretende repercutido ao nível de boas práticas, terminando com a abordagem da intervenção psicomotora como um dos apoios às pessoas com Dificuldade Intelectual e Desenvolvimental. A segunda parte retrata toda a prática psicomotora, desde o horário, passando pela progressão da atividade do profissional, os casos e contextos onde interveio, bem como pelo processo de avaliação, entre outros. Será ainda apresentado um estudo de caso, um adulto com Síndrome Rubinstein-Taybi, como exemplo mais pormenorizado de toda a intervenção, estruturada com base nos resultados iniciais. A avaliação final permitiu a análise da evolução do caso, bem como uma reflexão sobre a atividade do estagiário. As atividades extracurriculares serão listadas mesmo antes da conclusão e da reflexão pessoal sobre esta experiência de estágio.This report aims to present the internship student’ actvitiy, of Psychomotor therapy Master of Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, in CERCICA during the academic year 2017_2018. The intervention took place in CerMov providing psychomotor supports to clients of all ages. This document is organized in two main parts. Firstly, there is a section dedicated to theoretical framework where it will be characterized the: institution; the main and most prevalent diagnosis of clients – Intellectual and Developmental Disability, and the approach of the psychomotor therapy as a support. This literature review allowed a better understanding of the all constructs and was the basis of the practical part. Secondlym it will be presented the internship psychomotor activity, starting from the timetable, student activity’ progression, clients and contexts of intervention, assessment and procedures. A study case – an adult with Rubinstein-Taybi, will be describe as a more detailed example of all intervention, which was based in initial assessment. Final assement results allowed the discussion of data about the case progress as well as the reflection about the student activity. Extra-curricular activities will be list. Final conclusion and a personal reflection about the entire experience ends this repor

    Levantamento da araneofauna (Arachnida; Araneae) da Serra de Santana - Bahia, Brasil

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    Aiming evaluating the abundance and richness of spider fauna in the Santana’s mountain, in Senhor do Bonfim city, Ba, there was accomplished a fauna survey in four expeditions, in april, august, september and november 2014. Were employed two methods of gathering where resulted in the capture of 120 specimen, these were identified in 22 genera, 14 species belonging to 19 families, the most abundant was Pholcidae (20%), Ctenidae (18%), Araneidae (13%), and Zodariidae (9%) and richest was Pholcidae (4 species) and Araneidae (3 species). The most representative species numerically were Mesabolivar sp.1, Argiope argentata and Physocyclus globosus, together representing 40% of total. The variance test indicated the april month with highest relative abundance, the most significant difference compared to other periods was between november mounth (p ≤ 0.05). The highest alpha diversity (Simpson and Shannon Weaner index) was found in april (1 / D = 0.8611, H '= 0.8785) that still had the highest species (8 species), and the october mounth the most abundant species (n = 15). The t test indicated no significant differences between the fall trap method compared to the hand collecting (t = 1.3095; p ≥ 0.05), although 64,2% of total to Pitfalls traps. The variations found in this study may be explained due to seasonal variations in vegetation, and the amount of produced samples. This study found 10 new families of spiders to the forest fragment of Santana’s mountain, also 13 species and six genera.  Con el objetivo de evaluar la abundancia y riqueza de la fauna de arañas en la Serra de Santana (Senhor do Bonfim, Ba) se realizó un estudio faunístico en cuatro expediciones en los meses de abril, agosto, septiembre y noviembre. Se utilizaron colectas manuales diurnas y trampas pitfall, lo que resultó en la captura de 120 ejemplares distribuidos en 19 familias, siendo las más abundantes Pholcidae (20%), Ctenidae (18%), Araneidae (13%) y Zodariidae (9 %). , y las de mayor índice de riqueza de Pholcidae y Araneidae. Las especies más representativas cuando hubo dominancia numérica fueron Mesabolivar sp.1, Argiope argentata y Physocyclus globosus, representando en conjunto el 40% del total de individuos. La prueba de varianza indicó el mes de abril con mayor abundancia relativa, la diferencia más significativa con respecto a los demás períodos fue entre el mes de noviembre (p ≤ 0.05). La mayor diversidad (índice de Simpson y Shannon Weaner) se encontró en el mes de abril (1/D = 0.8611, H' = 0.8785) que también presentó la mayor riqueza, y el mes de octubre con la mayor abundancia de especies (n = 15). La prueba t no indicó diferencias significativas entre el método de trampa de caída en comparación con la recolección manual diurna (t = 1.3095; p ≥ 0.05). Es necesario un estudio más profundo y continuo, utilizando más métodos de recolección, para señalar la variación estacional y la distribución de las diferentes familias de arañas en este medio. A pesar de utilizar solo dos métodos de recolección, fue posible detectar en este estudio 13 especies y seis géneros de arañas aún no reportadas para el fragmento de bosque estudiado.Visando avaliar a abundância e riqueza da araneofauna na Serra de Santana, (Senhor do Bonfim, Ba) foi realizado um levantamento faunístico em quatro expedições nos meses de abril, agosto, setembro e novembro. Foram empregadas a coleta manual diurna e armadilhas de queda, que resultaram na captura de 120 espécimes distribuídas em 19 familias, sendo as mais abundantes as Pholcidae (20%), Ctenidae (18%), Araneidae (13%), e Zodariidae (9%), e as com maior índice de riqueza Pholcidae e Araneidae. As espécies mais representativas quando a dominância numérica foram Mesabolivar sp.1, Argiope argentata e Physocyclus globosus, representando juntas 40% do total de indivíduos. O teste de variância indicou o mês de abril com maior abundância relativa, a diferença mais significativa comparativamente aos outros períodos foi entre o mês de novembro (p ≤ 0.05). A maior diversidade (índice de Simpson e Shannon Weaner) foi encontrada no mês de abril (1/D = 0.8611, H’ = 0.8785) que apresentou ainda a maior riqueza, e o mês de outubro maior abundância de espécies (n = 15). O test t não indicou diferenças significativas entre o método de armadilha de queda comparativamente à coleta manual diurna (t = 1.3095; p ≥ 0.05). Faz-se necessário um estudo mais profundo e contínuo, empregando mais métodos de coleta, para apontar a variação sazonal e distribuição das diversas famílias de aranhas neste ambiente. Apesar de ser utilizado apenas dois métodos de coleta, foi possível detectar neste estudo 13 espécies e seis gêneros de aranhas ainda não reportadas para o fragmento florestal estudado.

    Machine Learning-based Analysis of Electronic Properties as Predictors of Anticholinesterase Activity in Chalcone Derivatives

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    In this study, we investigated the correlation between the electronic properties of anticholinesterase compounds and their biological activity. While the methodology of such correlation is well-established and has been effectively utilized in previous studies, we employed a more sophisticated approach: machine learning. Initially, we focused on a set of 2222 molecules sharing a common chalcone skeleton and categorized them into two groups based on their IC50 indices: active and inactive. Utilizing the open-source software Orca, we conducted calculations to determine the geometries and electronic structures of these molecules. Over a hundred parameters were collected from these calculations, serving as the foundation for the features used in machine learning. These parameters included the Mulliken and Lowdin electronic populations of each atom within the skeleton, molecular orbital energies, and Mayer's free valences. Through our analysis, we developed numerous models and identified several successful candidates for effectively distinguishing between the two groups. Notably, the most informative descriptor for this separation relied solely on electronic populations and orbital energies. By understanding which computationally calculated properties are most relevant to specific biological activities, we can significantly enhance the efficiency of drug development processes, saving both time and resources.Comment: to be submitted to Journal of Chemical Information and Modelin

    Can PDT Alter the Glycosylation of the Tumor Cell Membrane?

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    Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a cancer treatment that used the interaction of a photosensitizing drug and a light source. PDT can lead to changes in the expression of various cellular elements, compromising cell adhesion, and cytoskeleton integrity in cells undergoing treatment. However, the pathways of cellular alterations caused by this treatment are little known. Alterations in expression in surface glycoproteins and glycolipids are significant features in malignant tumor transformation and are strongly associated with tumor cell adhesion, invasion, and metastasis. This study evaluated photodynamic therapy effects on indirect distribution surface glycoproteins in human laryngeal carcinoma HEp-2 cell line surface, using Click-iT™ Metabolic Glycoprotein Labeling Reagent. Aluminum Phthalocyanine Tetrasulfonate (AlPcS4) was administrated at 5 μM/mL, followed by one hour of the incubation period for its accumulation in the tumor cells. After this time, cultures were irradiated with LED (light-emitting diode) dispositive (BioPdi/IRRAD-LED) λ = 660 nm. Evaluation of glycoproteins was performed by flow cytometry. Knowledge of the cellular alterations caused by the treatment will allow obtaining tools for the potentiation or optimization and personalization of the anticancer treatment. This therapy has a low cost and better efficacy, when applied early, about radiotherapy chemotherapy

    The pharmaceutical care bundle: development and evaluation of an instrument for inpatient monitoring

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    Introduction: Care bundles help healthcare professionals provide the best care possible in a structured and reliable way.  The purpose of this study was to develop and apply an instrument for inpatient follow-up by clinical pharmacists, and evaluate its results in a general hospital.  Methods: The care bundle was based on previously validated instruments. The population consisted of patients being monitored by clinical pharmacists at a general hospital. The study was conducted in two phases: the first involved the development and implementation of the bundle, and the evaluation of pharmaceutical interventions; the second involved analyzing data from patients treated with the bundle over the course of one year. Results: The bundle included fourteen pharmaceutical follow-up criteria used in different patterns by each area of care. In the first phase of the study, 3263 patients were monitored and 536 pharmaceutical interventions were performed, with an 85.3% compliance rate. Medication review was associated with the highest percentage of pharmaceutical interventions (53.4%), followed by medication reconciliation (16.8%).  In the second phase of the study, follow-up data was collected from 21,214 patients. The bundle criteria were used in a similar way in the treatment of clinical, surgical and cancer patients with pharmacotherapy review identified as the most prevalent intervention in all cases (60.1%). Hospital discharge planning and medication reconciliation were performed with a similar frequency in clinical, surgical, pediatric and general patients. Conclusions: The development and validation of a bundle aimed at guiding the clinical activities of pharmacists helped standardize procedures and interventions. Pharmacotherapy review was the bundle criterion with the highest rate of application and interventions due to the hospital’s complexity and the need to consider individual patient needs and follow institutional policies


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    Payment for Environmental Services (PES) is an important tool for environmental conservation and is a relevant practice in many countries for the maintenance of forests. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate challenges and opportunities of implementing a Payment for Environmental Services program in the municipality of Senhora de Oliveira, Minas Gerais. Socioeconomic and environmental diagnosis was performed using the Rapid Participatory Diagnosis technique. The total of 20 socioeconomic and environmental questionnaires were applied in the municipality, aiming to know in detail the local reality, raising potentialities and demands. The number of members of the 20 families that participated in the rural diagnosis was 72, of which 36 were men and 36 were women, with an average of 3.6 persons per family. Of the 20 rural properties that participated in the rural diagnosis, 35% have delimited RL areas and none of them has a management plan. The exploration of Legal Reserve occurs in 15% of the evaluated properties, being the production of firewood and cuttings the predominant activity. The average value of disposition receivable by rural producers was R$ 220.00 ha-1year-1, in which the producers who did not respond to this question were not considered. The municipality of Senhora de Oliveira, Minas Gerais has the necessary conditions to implement the PES, however the producers still do not receive any incentive to provide environmental services. If this process of PES is implemented, there will certainly be advances in environmental conservation and will bring social benefits throughout the region

    Application of a strain gauge to assess drying stresses in normal and tension wood of corymbia citriodora

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    The quantitative evaluation of longitudinal drying strain can provide relevant information for the processing wood and lumber industry, especially with regard to reaction wood in Corymbia, since little has been published. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the steam conditioning and the cooling on the longitudinal drying strain (LDS) obtained from a strain gauge, called extensometer, in boards of both normal and tension wood of Corymbia citriodora. Lumbers 30 mm thick were produced and kiln dried at the initial temperature of 40 °C, final temperature of 65 °C and drying potential of 2,1. The LDS were measured before and after steam conditioning on hot and cold lumbers. It was observed that the conditioning did not reduce the LDS. Hot lumbers showed higher LDS values than the cold lumbers. The LDS values measured in normal, tension and opposite woods were statistically similar, indicating that the type of wood was not an influential factor in the appearance of longitudinal drying stresses. Extensometer proved to be feasible for measuring LDS, allowing its easy and quick quantification
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