1,150 research outputs found

    Optimal use of the information provided by indirect measurements of atmospheric vertical profiles

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    A procedure for the optimal utilization and representation of the information retrieved from atmospheric observations is discussed. We show that the "measurement-space solution" exclusively contains the information present in the observations, but is not suitable for a representation of the retrieved profile in the form of a graph. The new method of the "null-space regularization", which provides in a complement space an external constraint and makes the solution compliant with this representation, is presented. In this way the measurement and the constraint are separately determined and are given in a vertical grid that can be freely chosen as fine as desired. The method is applied to simulated measurements and is used to define a procedure for data fusion

    The average of atmospheric vertical profiles

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    A new method to perform averages of atmospheric vertical profiles is presented. The method allows changing a-posteriori the strength of the constraint used in the retrievals of the single profiles with the purpose of optimizing the trade-off between measurement error and vertical resolution. The method is used to calculate averages of HCFC-22 profiles retrieved from MIPAS observations, demonstrating the possibility of correctly obtaining retrievals with smaller constraints (that is: having at least a factor ten greater errors) and more degrees of freedom by up to a factor two

    Quality quantifier of indirect measurements

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    A quality quantifier, referred to as measurement quality quantifier (MQQ), is proposed for indirect measurements. It satisfies the property that the MQQ of the data fusion of two or more independent measurements is the sum of the MQQs of the individual measurements and can also be determined in absolute terms for ill-posed problems. It is calculated from the covariance and Jacobian matrices of the observations, but the same result is also obtained using the covariance and averaging kernel matrices of the retrieved quantities. In the case of measurements of a continuous distribution a quantifier that provides the information distribution can be derived from the MQQ. The proposed quantifiers are herewith used for the quality assessment of atmospheric ozone measurements performed by IASI and MIPAS instruments

    Aprendizado de máquina orientado à correção de valores de sensores de IoT

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Razer Anthom Nizer Rojas MontañoMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, Curso de Especialização em Inteligência Artificial AplicadaInclui referênciasResumo: A internet das coisas é uma realidade contemporânea que vem sendo explorada por diversas empresas no setor da indústria, gerando dados a partir de sensores e transmitindo através da internet dando ascensão às cidades inteligentes. Sensores de dispositivos muitas vezes podem apresentar imprecisão na leitura dos valores captados do ambiente, uma forma plausível de corrigir sensores danificados ou desregulados, com menor taxa de custo e manutencão, pode ser viabilizada a partir de modelos de aprendizagem de máquina treinados sobre dados de sensores calibrados. O presente estudo de caso aborda e ilustra um cenário real da implantação de um modelo de cujo realiza a tarefa de correção de valores de corrente elétrica de dispositivos de IoT implantados em campo com 97% de precisão, tal meteodologia demonstrou de forma positiva a viabilidade de implantação de uma solução moderna para aproximação de valores, pelo lado negativo a solução demandou demasiado tempo e esforço computacional para análise e preparação dos dados, assim como um longo tempo de treinamento dos modelos nas buscas de parâmetros, as quais podem resultar em baixas métricas de avaliação, portanto tal metodologia pode não se aplicar a todos os caso


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    O sucesso de um produto depende da sua aceitação pelo consumidor, e a qualidade é uma das características mais valorizadas. Para a avaliação da qualidade da carne, são levados em consideração critérios objetivos, tais como pH, capacidade de retenção de água, maciez, cor da pele e cor da carne. O presente trabalho visa avaliar a influência dos aditivos adicionados sobre as características de pH, retenção de água e composição centesimal da carne de frango. Foram utilizados para a elaboração do trabalho filés de peito de frango os quais foram submetidos há um tratamento com salmoura contendo; Água, sal, tripolifosfato de sódio e dextrose. Os aditivos químicos utilizados foram: goma xantana, carragena, proteína isolada de soja e proteína de soro de leite. Nas concentrações de 0,2%, 0,5%, e 1% sendo que o quarto tratamento nomeado como teste; incorporados ao frango com auxílio de uma seringa e posteriormente sendo tambleados, pesados e suspensos por fio de algodão por 24 horas pesados novamente para verificar o teor de absorção de salmoura pelos cortes.  Para a análise de cinzas os resultados ficaram entre as médias 1,11 e 1,43, umidade apresentando médias entre 1,15 e 5,5, proteínas médias entre 18,83 e 21,58, e pH as médias encontradas foram de 5,68 a 6,0. Verificou-se uma perda de água após 24 horas nos diferentes tratamentos. As análises microbiológicas para contagem de coliformes totais e termotolerantes ficaram dentro dos parâmetros exigidos pela legislação. Foram submetidos também à analise sensorial para verificar a aceitação quanto ao sabor, e e maciez dos cortes


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    Indiscutiblemente, en las últimas dos décadas la sociedad colombiana ha sido testigo y participe de las transformaciones más importantes que ha sufrido el Estado, tanto del rediseño de la estructura organizacional del poder, así como del reconocimiento progresivo de un amplio catálogo de derechos fundamentales en su carta política. En ese sentido, las transformaciones en estas dos áreas, han traído como consecuencia la existencia de un mayor parámetro de exigibilidad de respeto y garantía de los derechos humanos; para cumplir con ello, se han implementado novedosos y complejos mecanismos procesales para su defensa, tal como lo es la declaratoria del estado de cosas inconstitucional. Dicho desarrollo guarda especial relevancia, ya que sirve de modelo y guía para los países latinoamericanos, pues con ello se pretende la intervención colectiva de los poderes públicos y superar las falencias de carácter estructural de las políticas públicas, hacer frente y disminuir las violaciones masivas y sistemáticas de los derechos fundamentales y con ello reintegrar el valor máximo del ser humano que es su dignidad. Por último, se demuestra que en Brasil, aunque tímidamente, la doctrina jurisprudencial del estado de cosas inconstitucional ha sido aplicada por la Suprema Corte de aquel país

    Planejamento regional e pandemia: o modelo de distanciamento controlado do Rio Grande do Sul

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    In the political-institutional sphere, the Covid-19 pandemic, upon reaching Brazil, revealed a coordination crisis with a strong federative dimension. This article aims to analyze the agreement process between counties and the state for the implementation and revisions of the Controlled Distance Model. The locus of the research was the state of Rio Grande do Sul. It is a qualitative research, which adopts the paradigm of critical theory and uses the methodological assumptions of Critical Discourse Analysis (ACD). The analysis was based on the position of the Federation of Associations of Counties of Rio Grande do Sul (Famurs), issued through news published on the entity's website. There were conflicts between municipalization and regionalization, the dynamics of the model and the dynamics of regionalization of health and the strong clash between health and economic impact throughout the process of adopting the model. Keywords: Covid-19. Decentralization. Controlled Distance. Shared Management. Regionalization.En el ámbito político-institucional, la pandemia Covid-19, al llegar a Brasil, reveló una crisis de coordinación con una fuerte dimensión federativa. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de concertación entre los municipios y el estado para la implementación y revisión del Modelo de Distancia Controlada. El lugar de la investigación fue el estado de Rio Grande do Sul. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, que adopta el paradigma de la teoría crítica y utiliza los supuestos metodológicos del Análisis Crítico del Discurso (ACD). El análisis se basó en la posición de la Federación de Asociaciones de Municipios de Rio Grande do Sul (Famurs), emitida a través de noticias publicadas en el sitio web de la entidad. Hubo conflictos entre municipalización y regionalización, la dinámica del modelo y la dinámica de regionalización de la salud y el fuerte choque entre salud e impacto económico a lo largo del proceso de adopción del modelo. Palabras clave: Covid-19. Descentralización. Distancia Controlada. Gestión Compartida. Regionalización.No âmbito político-institucional, a pandemia de Covid-19, ao atingir o Brasil, revelou uma crise de coordenação de forte dimensão federativa. Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar o processo de pactuação entre municípios e estado para a implementação e revisões do Modelo de Distanciamento Controlado. O lócus da pesquisa foi o estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, que adota o paradigma da teoria crítica e utiliza os pressupostos metodológicos da Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD). A análise partiu do posicionamento da Federação das Associações de Municípios do Rio Grande do Sul (Famurs), emitida por meio de notícias veiculadas pelo do site da entidade. Evidenciaram-se conflitos entre a municipalização e a regionalização, a dinâmica do modelo e a dinâmica da regionalização da saúde e o forte embate entre saúde e impacto econômico ao longo do processo de adoção do modelo. Palavras-chave: Covid-19. Descentralização. Distanciamento Controlado. Gestão Compartilhada. Regionalização

    Importance of the silvipastoral system on the animal health and welfare of dairy cattle

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    Brazil stands out for having one of the largest cattle herds in the world, being the first place in the commercial herd in the whole planet. Within bovine farming, dairy cattle raising stands out for its importance within the national economy because of the representativeness of small family farms, which develop a large part of the national milk production. However, despite the extensive area available for agricultural production, a large part of Brazil is located in the tropical area of the planet. This region is distinguished by high temperatures and high intensity of incident solar radiation. This condition tends to lead the animals to heat stress, thus leading to a decrease in the production of meat, but mainly milk, especially in properties that make use of european breeds. One of the alternatives to overcome the impact of heat stress in tropical regions is to cross european breeds with zebu dairy breeds, as well as seeking measures to reduce the incidence of solar radiation of these animals through integrated systems, such as silvipastoral systems. Thus, this review aims to show that the silvipastoral system is necessary to improve the animal welfare of dairy cattle

    Aerossacolitis and pneumonia in an indian peafowl caused by Lactobacillus agilis

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    Background: The peafowl is an ornamental bird that has the habit of eating directly from the earthy soil, which makes this bird more susceptible to endoparasites. One important endoparasite is Eucoleus contortus, which leads to inflammatory processes that alter the local microbiota, potentializing disease. By the other way, a member of the bird’s microbiota there is the genus Lactobacillus, but when occurs some imbalance, these bacteria can overgrowth and even cause some infection. This report describes the pathological and microbiological findings of chronic necrotizing pneumonia and aerossacolitis caused by Lactobacillus agilis in a peafowl, associated with parasitism by E. contortus. Case: A peafowl (Pavo cristatus), adult, male, who lived on a farm with contact with other species of animal, was submitted to post-mortem examination due to sudden death. This animal lived in an extensive system on the property and was the only one of its species. During the gross evaluation, the air sacs were filled with solid yellowish crumbly material. The same material was observed forming well-defined nodules that occupied > 50% of the lung parenchyma. Histological analysis showed multiple parabronchi dilated and filled with caseous necrosis, characterized by abundant cellular debris and fibrin deposition. These areas were surrounded by the proliferation of fibrous connective tissue and inflammatory infiltrate of macrophages, giant cells, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. The air sacs parenchyma showed fibrin deposition and mixed inflammatory infiltrate. Multiple gram-positive bacilli were observed within the caseous foci in Gram-stained slides. In the crop and esophageal mucosa, cross-sections of filiform nematodes morphologically compatible with E. contortus were associated with chronic inflammatory infiltrate and epidermal hyperkeratosis. A lung section was submitted to Gram-Brown-Hopps and Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stains for bacterial investigation, and Grocott’s methenamine silver (GMS) stain for fungal investigation. Short gram-positive bacilli bacteria are observed within the caseous foci in Gram-stained slides. By the other way, no agents were identified on the ZN and GMS stains. Following the analysis, lung fragments were cultivated at aerobic and microaerophilic conditions on sheep blood agar and McConkey agar. All the microbial cultures were incubated at 37°C to 48 h. Pure culture, in microaerophilic condition, of Gram-positive bacilli, was observed. The isolated bacterium was identified by MALDI-TOF MS as L. agilis. Discussion: Although uncommon, L. agilis was the single bacterium identified and therefore, associated as a primary cause of necrotic pneumonia and aerossacolitis in the studied peafowl. The presence of E. contortus could induce the aspiration of regurgitated of little amount of material from the gastrointestinal tract with sufficient bacterial load to initiate an infection, but not enough to smother the animal. The gradual aspiration can induce a chronic inflammatory condition. Infections by bacteria from the host microbiota have been observed in animals and humans with immunodeficiency. In summary, both the parasitosis and the inflammation could be resulted by the parasite and the aspiration of gastric product, which probably interfered in the immune response and allowed the overgrowth of L. agilis. In the current case report, based on macroscopic, microscopic and bacteriological results, we have provided insights to understand how the parasitosis made possible a pneumonia from a bacterium from the host’s microbiota. Finally, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of Lactobacillus agilis as causal agent of fatal necrotic pneumonia and aerossacolitis in peafowl