1,847 research outputs found

    Homogenization of cocoa beans fermentation to upgrade quality using an original improved fermenter

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    Cocoa beans (Theobroma cocoa L.) are the main components for chocolate manufacturing. The beans must be correctly fermented at first. Traditional process to perform the first fermentation (lactic fermentation) often consists in confining cacao beans using banana leaves or a fermentation basket, both of them leading to a poor product thermal insulation and to an inability to mix the product. Box fermenter reduces this loss by using a wood with large thickness (e>3cm), but mixing to homogenize the product is still hard to perform. Automatic fermenters are not rentable for most of producers. Heat (T>45°C) and acidity produced during the fermentation by microbiology activity of yeasts and bacteria are enabling the emergence of potential flavor and taste of future chocolate. In this study, a cylindro-rotative fermenter (FCR-V1) has been built and coconut fibers were used in its structure to confine heat. An axis of rotation (360°) has been integrated to facilitate the turning and homogenization of beans in the fermenter. This axis permits to put fermenter in a vertical position during the anaerobic alcoholic phase of fermentation, and horizontally during acetic phase to take advantage of the mid height filling. For circulation of air flow during turning in acetic phase, two woven rattan with grid have been made, one for the top and second for the bottom of the fermenter. In order to reduce air flow during acetic phase, two airtight covers are put on each grid cover. The efficiency of the turning by this kind of rotation, coupled with homogenization of the temperature, caused by the horizontal position in the acetic phase of the fermenter, contribute to having a good proportion of well-fermented beans (83.23%). In addition, beans'pH values ranged between 4.5 and 5.5. These values are ideal for enzymatic activity in the production of the aromatic compounds inside beans. The regularity of mass loss during all fermentation makes it possible to predict the drying surface corresponding to the amount being fermented. (Résumé d'auteur

    Non-equilibrium states of a photon cavity pumped by an atomic beam

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    We consider a beam of two-level randomly excited atoms that pass one-by-one through a one-mode cavity. We show that in the case of an ideal cavity, i.e. no leaking of photons from the cavity, the pumping by the beam leads to an unlimited increase in the photon number in the cavity. We derive an expression for the mean photon number for all times. Taking into account leaking of the cavity, we prove that the mean photon number in the cavity stabilizes in time. The limiting state of the cavity in this case exists and it is independent of the initial state. We calculate the characteristic functional of this non-quasi-free non-equilibrium state. We also calculate the energy flux in both the ideal and open cavity and the entropy production for the ideal cavity.Comment: Corrected energy production calculations and made some changes to ease the readin

    Adjustable Power Supply with Smart Battery Interface

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    This disclosure describes a programmable smart battery emulator that is usable to test laptops or other computing devices during a design phase. The smart battery emulator is operable from a user terminal that can be utilized to adjust various parameters associated with battery parameter emulation as well for emulation of communication protocols between a computing device under test (DUT) and a smart battery. The smart battery emulator includes a microcontroller that enables communication with the DUT and to regulate the output of the bench supply to a specified voltage. A software application transmits commands to the smart battery emulator. The commands can include the settings for the battery to be emulated such as manufacturer name, model, open-circuit voltage, capacity, and charge/discharge capabilities. Commands can be issued from the workstation to set the state of charge for the battery and enable a corresponding battery voltage output at the smart battery emulator

    Reducing the Risks: Reflections on Bridging Home and School Communication

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    Recent scholarship on literacy development has focused on studying young at-risk learners (Allen and Mason, 1989; Clay, 1982; Taylor and Dorsey-Gaines, 1988; Swap, 1990; Teale and Sulzby, 1986). As kindergarten and first grade teachers we worried about many of our students whose families were not in the cultural mainstream and whose literacy backgrounds appeared different from those of our more successful children. As we thought about how we might better teach our children we began to consider how we could improve our communication with the children\u27s parents to begin to build a partner ship between home and school literacy experiences. We wanted to be supportive and invitational with the parents. We hoped to provide the parents with information which they could use in helping their children interact with print, and, importantly, we wanted to learn from the parents. We valued their input and welcomed information that they could provide which would allow us to build our program to sup port the home. We wished to begin to build a two way bridge that would connect home and school literacy practice

    Long memory impact of ocean mesoscale temperature anomalies on tropical cyclone size

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    Mesoscale ocean temperature anomalies modify a tropical cyclone (TC). Through a modeling study we show that, while the maximum wind speed is rapidly restored after the TC passes a warm‐ or cold‐ (eddy size) sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly, the storm size changes are more significant and persistent. The radius of gale force winds and integrated kinetic energy (IKE) can change by more than 10% per degree and this endures several days after crossing an SST anomaly. These properties have a long memory of the impact from the ocean fluxes and depend on the integrated history of SST exposure. They are found to be directly proportional to the storm total precipitation. Accurate continuous forecast of the SST along the track may therefore be of central importance to improving predictions of size and IKE, while instantaneous local SST near the TC core is more important for the forecast of maximum wind speed

    Gender-Specific Situational Correlates of Syringe Sharing during a Single Injection Episode

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    Ce document est la pré-publication d'un article paru dans AIDS and Behavior 2011; 15(1): 75-85 url: http://link.springer.com/journal/volumesAndIssues/10461IRSC et FRSQ Réseau SIDA et maladies infectieuse

    Heart Rate Variability and Plank Exergaming with an Always-Superior Partner

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    Analyses of femtosecond laser ablation of Ti, Zr, Hf

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    Femtosecond laser ablation of Ti, Zr and Hf has been investigated by means of in-situ plasma diagnostics. Fast plasma imaging with the aid of an intensified charged coupled device (ICCD) camera was used to characterise the plasma plume expansion on a nanosecond time scale. Time- and spaceresolved optical emission spectroscopy was employed to perform time-of-flight measurements of ions and neutral atoms. It is shown that two plasma components with different expansion velocities are generated by the ultra-short laser ablation process. The expansion behaviour of these two components has been analysed as a function of laser fluence and target material. The results are discussed in terms of mechanisms responsible for ultra-short laser ablation

    The ethical imperatives of the COVID 19 pandemic: a review from data ethics

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    In this review, we present some ethical imperatives observed in this pandemic from a data ethics perspective. Our exposition connects recurrent ethical problems in the discipline, such as, privacy, surveillance, transparency, accountability, and trust, to broader societal concerns about equality, discrimination, and justice. We acknowledge data ethics role as significant to develop technological, inclusive, and pluralist societies. - - - Resumen: En esta revisión, exponemos algunos de los imperativos éticos observados desde la ética de datos en esta pandemia. Nuestra exposición busca conectar problemas éticos típicos dentro de esta disciplina, a saber, privacidad, vigilancia, transparencia, responsabilidad y confianza, con preocupaciones a nivel social relacionadas con la igualdad, discrimi nación y justicia. Consideramos que la ética de datos tiene un rol significativo para desarrollar sociedades tecnificadas, inclusivas y pluralistas