2,481 research outputs found

    The role of brand ambassador & consumer past technological behaviors on people’s interpretation and representation of running activities

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    Despite the pandemic, we have observed an increase in the practice of running. As people added this activity to their routine, they also wanted to track each run, using multiple apps. Existing literature shows that through the scope of self­expansion theory individuals tend to seek a role model that has high social status and a greater number of resources. Through this logic, we wanted to determine how people will perceive an app depending on the type of skill of the ambassadors. The objective was to ensure that different stimuli, would be perceived somewhat differently, depending on the character presenting it. We introduced two independent variables in this study. The type of brand ambassador with one having a strong expertise in health (doctor) and the other one having a clear connection with running activities (athlete). On the other hand, we have the goal of the app which can be related to health or performance. It is important to note here that those two app were fictitious. This study adopted a 7­point Likert scale questions to really understand the tangible impact that brand ambassador has on runners. Testing our main hypothesis, we found a significant correlation between the app's goal and the ambassador's characteristics regarding adoption. Our control group also had lower trust in the app, whichs show how impactful the introduction of an ambassador can be on consumer response.Apesar da pandemia, temos observado um aumento na prática de correr. Como as pessoas acrescentaram esta atividade à sua rotina, também quiseram seguir cada corrida, utilizando múltiplas aplicações. A literatura existente mostra que, através da teoria da auto­expansão, os indivíduos tendem a procurar um modelo que tem um elevado estatuto social e um maior número de recursos. Através desta lógica, quisemos determinar a forma como as pessoas irão perceber uma aplicação, dependendo do tipo de habilidade dos embaixadores. O objetivo foi assegurar que diferentes estímulos, são percebidos de forma um pouco diferente, dependendo do carácter que os apresenta. Introduzimos duas variáveis independentes neste estudo. O tipo de embaixador da marca, um com uma forte especialização em saúde (médico) e o outro com uma clara ligação com actividades de corrida (atleta). o objetivo da aplicação, que pode estar relacionado com a saúde ou com o desempenho. É importante destacar que estas duas aplicações são fictícias. Este estudo adoptou uma escala de 7 pontos de Likert para compreender realmente o impacto tangível que o embaixador da marca tem sobre os corredores. Testando a nossa hipótese principal, encontrámos uma correlação significativa entre o objetivo da aplicação e as características do embaixador relativamente à adoção. O nosso grupo de controlo também teve menor confiança na aplicação, o que mostra o impacto que a introdução de um embaixador pode ter na resposta dos consumidores

    Determinación de la concentración de flúor en muestras biológicas

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    Descripción de las diferentes técnicas para la medición de flúor en muestras de diversos orígenes. Tecnicas colorimétricas, potenciométricas, cromatográficas. Reseña sobre los efectos biológicos y tóxicos del flúor.Laboratorio de Biología Ósea. Facultad de Ciencias MédicasFil: Rigalli, Alfredo. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Ósea y Metabolismo Mineral. CONICET. Rosario; Argentina.Fil: Brun, Lucas. . Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Ósea y Metabolismo Mineral. Rosario; Argentina.Fil: Di Loreto, Verónica. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Ósea y Metabolismo Mineral. Rosario; Argentina.Fil: Pera, Laura. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Ósea y Metabolismo Mineral. Rosario; Argentina

    Luminal calcium concentration controls intestinal calcium absorption by modification of intestinal alkaline phosphatase activity

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    Intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) is a brush-border phosphomonoesterase. Its location suggests an involvement in the uptake of nutrients, but its role has not yet been defined. IAP expression parallels that of other proteins involved in Ca absorption under vitamin D stimulation. Experiments carried out in vitro with purified IAP have demonstrated an interaction between Ca and IAP. The gut is prepared to face different levels of Ca intake over time, but high Ca intake in a situation of a low-Ca diet over time would cause excessive entry of Ca into the enterocytes. The presence of a mechanism to block Ca entry and to avoid possible adverse effects is thus predictable. Thus, in the present study, Sprague-Dawley rats were fed with different amounts of Ca in the diet (0•2, 1 and 2 g%), and the percentage of Ca absorption (%Ca) in the presence and absence of l-phenylalanine (Phe) was calculated. The presence of Phe caused a significant increase in %Ca (52•3 (SEM 6•5)% in the presence of Phe v. 31•1 (SEM 8•9)% in the absence of Phe, regardless of the amount of Ca intake; paired t test, P = 0•02). When data were analysed with respect to Ca intake, a significant difference was found only in the group with low Ca intake (paired t test, P = 0•03). Additionally, IAP activity increased significantly (ANOVA, P < 0•05) as Ca concentrations increased in the duodenal lumen. The present study provides in vivo evidence that luminal Ca concentration increases the activity of IAP and simultaneously decreases %Ca, acting as a minute-to-minute regulatory mechanism of Ca entry.Fil: Brun, Lucas Ricardo Martín. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Brance, María Lorena. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rigalli, Alfredo. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Interaction between hydrodynamics and seagrass canopy structure: Spatially explicit effects on ammonium uptake rates

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    The hypotheses that (1) different seagrass morphologies may facilitate different nutrient uptake rates under similar hydrodynamic forcing and (2) this effect on nutrient uptake rates is spatially explicit, with the highest uptake rates at edges of patches, where currents and turbulence are highest, were examined under unidirectional flow conditions.We thank Jos van Soelen, Bas Koutstaal, and Louie Haazen for invaluable technical assistance. In addition, we are grateful to Britta Gribsholt, Bart Veuger, Miguel Bernal, Juan Jose Vergara, and Alfredo Izquirdo for helpful discussion. In addition, we thank Josef D. Ackerman and the anonymous reviewers for comments that greatly improved the manuscript. This work and the first author were supported by an EU Marie Curie host fellowship for transfer of knowledge, MTKD-CT-2004-509254, and the Spanish national project EVAMARIA, CTM2005-00395/MAR. F.G.B. holds an EU Marie Curie individual fellowship, MEIF-CT-2005-515071. This is publication 4251 of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW)

    Seafood in Mediterranean countries: A culinary journey through history

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    Olives, wheat and grapes have been the staple foods of the Mediterranean world, with seafood, above meat, as the preferred protein source. Fish and shellfish were used often since ancient times by wealthy classes as a kind of social marker, not only as a gastronomic delight, but also as a way to stay healthier. This paper reviews thoroughly how seafood has been present in the dietary practices of the Mediterranean people since ancient Egyptians up to the gastronomic discourse of some celebrated contemporary chefs. Preferences for particular tastes and flavors, local traditions, myths and religious rites (such Lent, Shabbat and Ramadan that prohibited eating some foods and allowed others) as well as cultural exchanges between countries and civilizations (with the incorporation of new ingredients and culinary techniques), have shaped the Mediterranean culinary customs along the history. Such traditions are reflected in many ancient writings, culinary literature and cookbooks. We will analyze some of these sources with special attention to those excerpts, anecdotes, cookbooks, recipes, cooks and even characters related to seafood. Knowledge and learning from our rich Mediterranean culinary heritage are important aspects to bear in mind. Whereas some contemporary celebrity chefs (and probably many diners) are not fully aware of such culinary legacy, others like Ferran Adri`a have recently recognized the importance of studying the past as a driver for creation and gastronomic innovation

    Recuperación Fotosintéctica de Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson después un periodo de cuatro meses en oscuridad

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    P align=justify>Cymodocea nodosa plants were dark incubated for four months. The potential of reactivating photosynthesis was tested in an experiment in which half of the plants were reilluminated (HL) while the other half were grown under very low irradiance levels (LL). Photosynthesis was measured using PAM fluorescence and tissue nutrient and carbohydrate contents were analysed. Photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) in HL plants increased from 0 to 0.58, whereas LL plants remained inactive. Photosynthetic parameters also increased, resulting in a final Ik of 97.5 µmol m-2 s-1. Leaf shedding led to a negative mean RGR in HL plants. Tissue C and N dropped considerably during dark incubation in both rhizomes and shoots. Starch content was nearly equal for rhizomes and shoots (4.3 mg /g DW) and was not affected by dark incubation. In contrast, sucrose content dropped from 40.0 mg /g DW to zero in shoots and from 240 to 40.0 mg /g DW in rhizomes in HL plants. We conclude that C. nodosa is capable of recovering photosynthetic activity after four months darkness, which is considerably longer than the 80 d recorded so far for a seagrass. Stored carbohydrates, more specifically sucrose, play an important role in both survival and reactivation.  La capacidad de recuperación de la fotosíntesis se ha investigado en la fanerógama marina Cymodocea nodosa. Para ello, se diseñó un experimento en el que la mitad de las plantas se cultivaron en condiciones de luz saturante (HL) y la otra mitad en condiciones de luz muy baja (LL), tras un precultivo de 4 meses en oscuridad. Se examinó la actividad fotosintética mediante la señal de fluorescencia del PAM y se determinó el contenido interno en nutrientes y de hidratos de carbono. La eficacia fotosintética (Fv/Fm) se incrementó desde 0 hasta 0,58 en las plantas de HL, mientras las plantas de LL permanecieron fotosintéticamente inactivas. Los parámetros fotosintéticos también se incrementaron, obteniéndose valores finales para Ik de 97,5 μmol fotones m-2 s-1. Las plantas de HL mostraron valores medios negativos de la tasa de crecimiento relativo, atribuible al desprendimiento de hojas. El contenido interno de carbono y nitrógeno disminuyó considerablemente durante el periodo de oscuridad tanto en la biomasa epigea como hipogea. El contenido interno en almidón permaneció constante en ambos tejidos (4,3 mg /g DW), no estando afectado por el periodo de oscuridad. El contenido interno de sacarosa mostró un patrón opuesto, disminuyendo desde 40 mg /g DW a valores cercanos a cero en haces, y en rizomas desde 240 a 40 mg /g DW, en plantas de HL. En conclusión, C. nodosa recuperó la actividad fotosintética tras 4 meses en oscuridad, un periodo considerablemente mayor al registrado anteriormente para otras especies de fanerógamas (80 días). Los carbohidratos de reserva, y más concretamente la sacarosa, juega un papel crucial tanto en la supervivencia como en la reactivación fotosintética.

    New aspect in seagrass acclimation: leaf mechanical properties vary spatially and seasonally in the temperate species Cymodocea nodosa Ucria (Ascherson)

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    Seagrasses may acclimate to environmental heterogeneity through phenotypic plasticity. In contrast to leaf morphology, which has been a central point in seagrass acclimation studies, plasticity in leaf biomechanics and fibre content is poorly understood, despite being crucial in plant ecological performance, especially regarding physical forces. We hypothesised that mechanical traits (e.g. breaking force, strength, toughness, and stiffness) and fibre content of seagrass leaves vary as morphology does under differential environments. Cymodocea nodosa was seasonally monitored at three locations around Ca´diz Bay (southern Spain) with hydrodynamic regime as the most noticeable difference between them. Leaves showed plasticity in both morphology and mechanical traits, with wave-exposed individuals presenting short but extensible and tough leaves. Leaf fibre content was invariant along the year and with little spatial variability. Cross-sectional area rather than material properties or fibre content differentiates leaf mechanical resistance. Seagrass capacity to thrive under a range of mechanical forces may be dictated by their plasticity in morpho-biomechanical traits, a key element for the hydrodynamical performance and, hence, for species colonisation and distribution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Selección de vías de procesos para el diseño de biorrefinerías de limón

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    La industrialización del limón en la Argentina deja un residuo biomásico que posee un gran potencial productivo debido a su alto contenido de azúcares y otros compuestos alimenticios. En este trabajo se han obtenido, mediante estrategias de simulación, rendimientos y costos de producción de un conjunto de tecnologías capaces de aprovechar este recurso y obtener productos estratégicos para la economía local. Luego, utilizando un modelo de programación lineal, se han seleccionado aquellas más prometedoras desde el punto de vista económico para el desarrollo de una biorrefinería de limón.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Selección de vías de procesos para el diseño de biorrefinerías de limón

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    La industrialización del limón en la Argentina deja un residuo biomásico que posee un gran potencial productivo debido a su alto contenido de azúcares y otros compuestos alimenticios. En este trabajo se han obtenido, mediante estrategias de simulación, rendimientos y costos de producción de un conjunto de tecnologías capaces de aprovechar este recurso y obtener productos estratégicos para la economía local. Luego, utilizando un modelo de programación lineal, se han seleccionado aquellas más prometedoras desde el punto de vista económico para el desarrollo de una biorrefinería de limón.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ
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