234 research outputs found

    Allele-specific expression and eQTL analysis in mouse adipose tissue.

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    BackgroundThe simplest definition of cis-eQTLs versus trans, refers to genetic variants that affect expression in an allele specific manner, with implications on underlying mechanism. Yet, due to technical limitations of expression microarrays, the vast majority of eQTL studies performed in the last decade used a genomic distance based definition as a surrogate for cis, therefore exploring local rather than cis-eQTLs.ResultsIn this study we use RNAseq to explore allele specific expression (ASE) in adipose tissue of male and female F1 mice, produced from reciprocal crosses of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J strains. Comparison of the identified cis-eQTLs, to local-eQTLs, that were obtained from adipose tissue expression in two previous population based studies in our laboratory, yields poor overlap between the two mapping approaches, while both local-eQTL studies show highly concordant results. Specifically, local-eQTL studies show ~60% overlap between themselves, while only 15-20% of local-eQTLs are identified as cis by ASE, and less than 50% of ASE genes are recovered in local-eQTL studies. Utilizing recently published ENCODE data, we also find that ASE genes show significant bias for SNPs prevalence in DNase I hypersensitive sites that is ASE direction specific.ConclusionsWe suggest a new approach to analysis of allele specific expression that is more sensitive and accurate than the commonly used fisher or chi-square statistics. Our analysis indicates that technical differences between the cis and local-eQTL approaches, such as differences in genomic background or sex specificity, account for relatively small fraction of the discrepancy. Therefore, we suggest that the differences between two eQTL mapping approaches may facilitate sorting of SNP-eQTL interactions into true cis and trans, and that a considerable portion of local-eQTL may actually represent trans interactions

    Inhibition by small-molecule ligands of formation of amyloid fibrils of an immunoglobulin light chain variable domain.

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    Overproduction of immunoglobulin light chains leads to systemic amyloidosis, a lethal disease characterized by the formation of amyloid fibrils in patients' tissues. Excess light chains are in equilibrium between dimers and less stable monomers which can undergo irreversible aggregation to the amyloid state. The dimers therefore must disassociate into monomers prior to forming amyloid fibrils. Here we identify ligands that inhibit amyloid formation by stabilizing the Mcg light chain variable domain dimer and shifting the equilibrium away from the amyloid-prone monomer

    Control of the rate of evaporation in protein crystallization by the ‘microbatch under oil’ method

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    A procedure is presented for controlling the rate of evaporation during ‘microbatch under oil’ protein crystallization

    Characterization of gene-activated human acid-β-glucosidase: Crystal structure, glycan composition, and internalization into macrophages

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    Gaucher disease, the most common lysosomal storage disease, can be treated with enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), in which defective acid-β-glucosidase (GlcCerase) is supplemented by a recombinant, active enzyme. The X-ray structures of recombinant GlcCerase produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells (imiglucerase, Cerezyme®) and in transgenic carrot cells (prGCD) have been previously solved. We now describe the structure and characteristics of a novel form of GlcCerase under investigation for the treatment of Gaucher disease, Gene-ActivatedTM human GlcCerase (velaglucerase alfa). In contrast to imiglucerase and prGCD, velaglucerase alfa contains the native human enzyme sequence. All three GlcCerases consist of three domains, with the active site located in domain III. The distances between the carboxylic oxygens of the catalytic residues, E340 and E235, are consistent with distances proposed for acid–base hydrolysis. Kinetic parameters (Km and Vmax) of velaglucerase alfa and imiglucerase, as well as their specific activities, are similar. However, analysis of glycosylation patterns shows that velaglucerase alfa displays distinctly different structures from imiglucerase and prGCD. The predominant glycan on velaglucerase alfa is a high-mannose type, with nine mannose units, while imiglucerase contains a chitobiose tri-mannosyl core glycan with fucosylation. These differences in glycosylation affect cellular internalization; the rate of velaglucerase alfa internalization into human macrophages is at least 2-fold greater than that of imiglucerase

    Cyclodextrin-mediated Crystallization of Acid β-glucosidase in Complex with Amphiphilic Bicyclic Nojirimycin Analogues

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    Cyclodextrin-based host-guest chemistry has been exploited to facilitate co-crystallization of recombinant human acid β-glucosidase (β-glucocerebrosidase, GlcCerase) with amphiphilic bicyclic nojirimycin analogues of the sp2-iminosugar type. Attempts to co-crystallize GlcCerase with 5-N,6-O-[N′-(n-octyl)iminomethylidene]nojirimycin (NOI-NJ) or with 5-N,6-S-[N′-(n-octyl)iminomethylidene]-6-thionojirimycin (6S-NOI-NJ), two potent inhibitors of the enzyme with promising pharmacological chaperone activity for several Gaucher disease-associated mutations, were unsuccessful probably due to the formation of aggregates that increase the heterogeneity of the sample and affect nucleation and growth of crystals. Cyclomaltoheptaose (β-cyclodextrin, βCD) efficiently captures NOI-NJ and 6S-NOI-NJ in aqueous media to form inclusion complexes in which the lipophilic tail is accommodated in the hydrophobic cavity of the cyclooligosaccharide. The dissociation constant of the complex of the amphiphilic sp2-iminosugars with βCD is two orders of magnitude higher than that of the corresponding complex with GlcCerase, allowing the efficient transfer of the inhibitor from the βCD cavity to the GlcCerase active site. Enzyme-inhibitor complexes suitable for X-ray analysis were thus grown in the presence of βCD. In contrast to what was previously observed for the complex of GlcCerase with the more basic derivative, 6-amino-6-deoxy-5-N,6-N-[N′-(n-octyl)iminomethylidene]nojirimycin (6N-NOI-NJ), the β-anomers of both NOI-NJ and 6S-NOI-NJ were seen in the active site, even though the α-anomer was exclusively detected both in aqueous solution and in the corresponding βCD:sp2-iminosugar complexes. Our results further suggest that cyclodextrin derivatives might serve as suitable delivery systems of amphiphilic glycosidase inhibitors in a biomedical context.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CTQ2007-61180/PPQ, SAF2010-15670, CTQ2010-15848Junta de Andalucía P08-FQM-03711Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional 03122, ISSG-CT-2007-03719

    Quantitative measurement of odor detection thresholds using an air dilution olfactometer, and association with genetic variants in a sample of diverse ancestry

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    Genetic association studies require a quantitative and reliable method for odor threshold assessment in order to examine the contribution of genetic variants to complex olfactory phenotypes. Our main goal was to assess the feasibility of a portable Scentroid air dilution olfactometer for use in such studies. Using the Scentroid SM110C and the SK5 n-butanol Sensitivity Kit (IDES Canada Inc.), n-butanol odor thresholds were determined for 182 individuals of diverse ancestry (mean age: 20.4 ± 2.5 years; n = 128 female; n = 54 male). Threshold scores from repeat participants were used to calculate a test–retest reliability coefficient, which was statistically significant (r = 0.754, p < 0.001, n = 29), indicating that the Scentroid provides reliable estimates of odor thresholds. In addition, we performed a preliminary genetic analysis evaluating the potential association of n-butanol odor thresholds to six single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) putatively involved in general olfactory sensitivity (GOS). The results of multiple linear regression analysis revealed no significant association between the SNPs tested and threshold scores. However, our sample size was relatively small, and our study was only powered to identify genetic markers with strong effects on olfactory sensitivity. Overall, we find that the Scentroid provides reliable quantitative measures of odor detection threshold and is well suited for genetic studies of olfactory sensitivity

    Author response

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    Previous studies had shown that the integration of genome wide expression profiles, in metabolic tissues, with genetic and phenotypic variance, provided valuable insight into the underlying molecular mechanisms. We used RNA-Seq to characterize hypothalamic transcriptome in 99 inbred strains of mice from the Hybrid Mouse Diversity Panel (HMDP), a reference resource population for cardiovascular and metabolic traits. We report numerous novel transcripts supported by proteomic analyses, as well as novel non coding RNAs. High resolution genetic mapping of transcript levels in HMDP, reveals both local and trans expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTLs) demonstrating 2 trans eQTL 'hotspots' associated with expression of hundreds of genes. We also report thousands of alternative splicing events regulated by genetic variants. Finally, comparison with about 150 metabolic and cardiovascular traits revealed many highly significant associations. Our data provide a rich resource for understanding the many physiologic functions mediated by the hypothalamus and their genetic regulation. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.15614.00

    Anti-amyloid drug design

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    Conceptual visualization of drug design via complexation of amphipathic helices(in red) compatible with the distribution of hydrophobicity in the fibril and exposing a hydrophilic layer, which facilitates interaction with water. This idea in based on the analysis of stop signals in proteins with linear propagation present in their structure

    Comparative Therapeutic Effects of Velaglucerase Alfa and Imiglucerase in a Gaucher Disease Mouse Model

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    Gaucher disease type 1 is caused by the defective activity of the lysosomal enzyme, acid β-glucosidase (GCase). Regular infusions of purified recombinant GCase are the standard of care for reversing hematologic, hepatic, splenic, and bony manifestations. Here, similar in vitro enzymatic properties, and in vivo pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) and therapeutic efficacy of GCase were found with two human GCases, recombinant GCase (CHO cell, imiglucerase, Imig) and gene-activated GCase (human fibrosarcoma cells, velaglucerase alfa, Vela), in a Gaucher mouse, D409V/null. About 80+% of either enzyme localized to the liver interstitial cells and <5% was recovered in spleens and lungs after bolus i.v. injections. Glucosylceramide (GC) levels and storage cell numbers were reduced in a dose (5, 15 or 60 U/kg/wk) dependent manner in livers (60–95%) and in spleens (∼10–30%). Compared to Vela, Imig (60 U/kg/wk) had lesser effects at reducing hepatic GC (p = 0.0199) by 4 wks; this difference disappeared by 8 wks when nearly WT levels were achieved by Imig. Anti-GCase IgG was detected in GCase treated mice at 60 U/kg/wk, and IgE mediated acute hypersensitivity and death occurred after several injections of 60 U/kg/wk (21% with Vela and 34% with Imig). The responses of GC levels and storage cell numbers in Vela- and Imig-treated Gaucher mice at various doses provide a backdrop for clinical applications and decisions

    3-D struktura serumske paraoksonaze 1 objašnjava njezinu aktivnost, stabilnost, topljivost i kristalizaciju

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    Serum paraoxonases (PONs) exhibit a wide range of physiologically important hydrolytic activities, including drug metabolism and detoxification of nerve gases. PON1 and PON3 reside on high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (the “good cholesterol”), and are involved in the alleviation of atherosclerosis. Members of the PON family have been identified not only in mammals and other vertebrates, but also in invertebrates. We earlier described the first crystal structure of a PON family member, a directly-evolved variant of PON1, at 2.2 Å resolution. PON1 is a 6-bladed beta-propeller with a unique active-site lid which is also involved in binding to HDL. The 3-D structure, taken together with directed evolution studies, permitted analysis of mutations which enhanced the stability, solubility and crystallizability of this PON1 variant. The structure permits a detailed description of PON1’s active site and suggests possible mechanisms for its catalytic activity on certain substrates.Serumske paraoksonaze (PONs) imaju široki raspon fiziološki važnih hidrolitičkih aktivnosti uključujući metabolizam lijekova i detoksikaciju nervnih plinova. PON1 i PON3 smještene su na lipoproteinima visoke gustoće (engl. high-density lipoprotein; HDL - “dobri kolesterol”) i uključene su u ublažavanje ateroskleroze. Članovi skupine PON identificirani su ne samo u sisavaca i drugih kralježnjaka već i kod beskralješnjaka. Prije smo opisali prvu kristalnu strukturu člana PON skupine, direktno razrađenu varijantu PON1 pri rezoluciji 2,2 Å. PON1 je beta-propeler sa šest lopatica s jedinstvenim poklopcem aktivnog mjesta, koji je tako|er uključen u vezanje na HDL. 3-D struktura, gledana zajedno s direktnim razvojnim istraživanjima, omogućila je analizu mutacija koje povećavaju stabilnost, topljivost i kristalizaciju te PON1 varijante. Struktura dopušta detaljan opis aktivnog mjesta PON1 i sugerira moguće mehanizme za njezinu katalitičku aktivnost prema odre|enim supstratima