21 research outputs found

    The need for a whole life framework in electrical power system asset management and the problems with individual silo like asset management system contributions.

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    The asset management of electrical power systems both in industry and academia currently offers up a wide spectrum of engineering practices and guidance to detect, diagnose and to combat asset deterioration. In doing so research largely aims to better enable enhanced decision or prediction making in single engineering applications such as partial discharge or dielectric condition measurements. This paper reviews the current state of the art as related to electrical asset management and sets out how todays engineering and maintenance heavy approaches are insufficient to meet the nature of the complex adaptive (Generation, Transmission & Distribution) systems. Furthermore this paper explains the need for a truly holistic governance framework capable of managing such complexities for power companies by using complex adaptive system science whilst grounded in the engineering, business and socio-technical attributes that applied engineering makes possible. In addition this paper outlines how utilising retroductive case study with hypothesis framework represents the best approach in creating such a fully holistic asset management capability for power companies

    Case Study: multi-billion pound infrastructure decision making; a regulatory infrastructure asset management assessment.

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    This paper evaluates the effectiveness of a hypothesised asset management decision framework implemented with a High-Speed Railway Infrastructure Asset in the U.K over a three-year period. The physical infrastructure asset(s) consists of a complex assemblage of components and classic engineering fraternities; such as Electrical Transmission and Distribution Systems, Civils Assets, Track Systems, Signalling and Communications, Software, SCADA etc, and Assets. In addition, the asset interacts with many U.K and International suppliers, contractors and service providers. Spanning over 218km with large linear assets the railway provides services for high speed trains connecting the U.K to wider European and domestic services, providing significant economic benefit to the U.K Economy, Social Mobility, Urban Development and National Skills development for many Transportation sectors

    A holistic power systems asset engineering and decision management framework for railway asset managers.

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    Defining, designing and implementing an asset management system capable of effectively managing assets throughout their life in terms of engineering, financial, digital and stakeholder needs is challenging. Furthermore, governance frameworks of the past have traditionally resulted in 'silo' type asset interventions without considering the total sustainability of system outcomes. In this paper the writers set out a governance framework definition suitable for managing the complex adaptive needs of engineering, financial, digital and stakeholder requirements. In addition, it will set out the components of a framework that can manage complex assemblage of assets by using bottom up aggregation of 'asset realities' and the 'business' or outcomes needs based on stakeholder, socio-economic, technical and or business strategy requirements

    Missiologiese evaluering van die ontstaan van die Pinkster Protestante Kerk

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    Summaries in Afrikaans and EnglishDie Pinkster Protestante Kerk (PPK) is deel van die wereldwye Pinksterbeweging en het op I 0 Oktober 1958 ontstaan uit die Apostoliese Geloofsending (AGS), die grootste Pinksterkerk in Suid-Afrika. Verskeie redes kan toegedig word vir die ontstaan. Eerstens was daar die doelbewuste poging van die AGS om die struikelblokke uit die weg te ruim ten einde as kerk deur die Nederduitse Gereformeerde kerk erken te word. 'n Tweede hoofrede was die party-politieke bedrywighede van pastoor Gerrie Wessels, 'n lid van die Uitvoerende Raad van die AGS. Die skrywer toon aan hoedat rassisme en Apartheid beslag gekry het in die ekklesiologie en missiologie van die PPK. Daar is tans vier aparte outonome rassekerke. Rassisme is die hoof oorsaak vir 'n onverenigde kerk. Deur die loop van die kerk se geskiedenis was daar vyf konstitusionele opsette ten einde eenheid te laat realiseer, maar sender veel sukses. 'n Sesde konstitusionele opset, een PPK, word tans beding.The Pentecostal Protestant Church (PPC) is part of the worldwide Pentecostal Movement and originated from the Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM), the largest Pentecostal Church in South Afiica, on October 10, 1958. There are various reasons that contributed to the birth of the church. Firstly, the AFM removed on purpose the obstacles that stood in the way in order to be acknowledge as a church by the Dutch Reformed Church. The party-political involvement of pastor Gerrie Wessels, an Executive Council member of the AFM, was the second main reason. The writer indicates how racism and Apartheid took root in the ecclesiology and missiology of the PPC. At the moment there are four separate outonomous race churches. The main reason for a not united church is racism. The church had five different constitutions in the course of her history in an attempt to bring forth unity, but without success. A six constitutional design for one PPC is currently being negotiated.Christian Spirituality, Church History and MissiologyM. Th. (Sendingwetenskap

    A novel research approach for whole-life-cycle electrical power systems asset management using retroductive case study method

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    There are a vast number of complex influences on power systems assets both individually and as a collection of systems of assets. The complexities when governing what and when to intervene with these assets is played out over varying time frames and represents a mixture of engineering, processes, technology, people and economic contributions. The importance of governing power systems olistically has been shown across decades with outages, safety issues, investment needs etc. As of today, research is yet to provide the effective governance framework to manage power systems assets holistically as-a-system; whilst aggregating decisions made at single asset level to generate consistently better outcomes. This paper sets out an approach to researching the phenomenon of asset management applied to power systems by utilising advancements in engineering asset management research and complex adaptive systems; whilst combining industry contributions and technical practices to ensure the suitability of future work. Ultimately the aim of this paper is to provide guidance and method to holistic decision making for power system companies and the management of power systems assets across the whole life

    Placental Protein 13 (PP13) – a placental immunoregulatory galectin protecting pregnancy

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    Galectins are glycan-binding proteins that regulate innate and adaptive immune responses, and some confer maternal-fetal immune tolerance in eutherian mammals. A chromosome 19 cluster of galectins has emerged in anthropoid primates, species with deep placentation and long gestation. Three of the five human cluster galectins are solely expressed in the placenta, where they may confer additional immunoregulatory functions to enable deep placentation. One of these is galectin-13, also known as Placental Protein 13 (PP13). It has a jelly-roll fold, carbohydrate-recognition domain and sugar-binding preference resembling to other mammalian galectins. PP13 is predominantly expressed by the syncytiotrophoblast and released from the placenta into the maternal circulation. Its ability to induce apoptosis of activated T cells in vitro, and to divert and kill T cells as well as macrophages in the maternal decidua in situ suggests important immune functions. Indeed, mutations in the promoter and an exon of LGALS13 presumably leading to altered or non-functional protein expression are associated with a higher frequency of preeclampsia and other obstetrical syndromes, which involve immune dysregulation. Moreover, decreased placental expression of PP13 and its low first trimester maternal serum concentrations are associated with elevated risk of preeclampsia. Indeed, PP13 turned to be a good early biomarker to assess maternal risk for the subsequent development of pregnancy complications caused by impaired placentation. Due to the ischemic placental stress in preterm preeclampsia, there is an increased trophoblastic shedding of PP13 immunopositive microvesicles starting in the second trimester, which leads to high maternal blood PP13 concentrations. Our meta-analysis suggests that this phenomenon may enable the potential use of PP13 in directing patient management near to or at the time of delivery. Recent findings on the beneficial effects of PP13 on decreasing blood pressure d

    Multi-purpose community centres : a local economic development strategy towards sustainable community empowerment and poverty alleviation in the Dwars River region

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    Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In South Africa, Multi-Purpose Community Centres (MPCCs) have been identified as the primary approach for the implementation of development communication and information as they potentially offer a wide range of services that communities can utilise for their own empowerment. This affords the community an opportunity to become more self-reliant. The new Local Economic Development (LED) policy paper (2002) highlights the mobilisation of internal resources, capacities and skills consistent with the sustainable development objectives that government is now more aggressively pursuing. Community participation and empowerment play a significant role in any community, therefore, municipalities need to create the conditions for greater public participation and empowerment. It should be done with regards to the disadvantaged or marginalised groups in accordance with the conditions and capacities in a municipality. In the Dwars River region, various services are being planned ranging from skills development to tourism, but these depend on sufficient financial aid. The nature and location of the MPCCs in South Africa makes financial sustainability difficult because the majority of them largely serve historically disadvantaged communities with limited financial resources to pay for services. It is also important to note that economic growth does not necessarily imply poverty alleviation and/or skills development as components of the government's communication and information approach. MPCCs can transform communities but will be time consuming and requires participation from all spheres of government and civil society.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Suid Afrika was Veeldoenige Gemeenskap Sentrums geidentifiseer as die primêre benadering vir die implementering van informasie en kommunikasie programme, veral omdat hierdie progamme 'n reeks dienste aanbied, wat die gemeenskap kan benut vir hul eie bemagtiging. Dit gee aan die gemeenskap die geleentheid om meer onafhanklik te word. Die nuwe Plaaslike Ekonomiese Ontwikkelings beleidsdokument (2002) beklemtoon die mobilisering van interne hulpbronne, kapasiteit en vaardighede konstant met die volhoubare ontwikkelings objektiewe wat die regering meer aggresief nastreef. Publieke deelname en bemagtiging speel 'n kenmerkende rol in die lewens van die gemeenskap. Verder blyk dit duidelik dat munisipaliteite, publieke deelname en bemagtiging moet bevorder. Munisipaliteite moet ook kondisies vir publieke deelname en bemagtiging skep. Hierdie twee strategieë moet veral toegepas word op vorig benadeelde en gemarginaliseerde groepe en gemeenskappe in lyn met die kondisies en kapasiteit van die betrokke munisipaliteit. Die Dwarsrivier Vallei bied verskeie dienste aan wat vaardigheidsontwikkeling en toerisme insluit. Dit sal grootliks afhang van die streek se finansiële kapasiteit. Die aard en ligging van Veeldoenige Gemeenskap Sentrums in Suid-Afrika maak finansiële volhoubaarheid Gemeenskap Sentrums moeilik, bedien want die meerderheid Veeldoenige grootliks die historiese benadeelde gemeenskappe met hul beperkte finansiële hulpbronne. Dit is ook belangrik om te beklemtoon dat ekonomiese groei nie noodwendig armoede uitwissing impliseer nie, maar so eerder vaardigheidsontwikkeling (bv. Informasie Tegnologie). Veeldoenige Gemeenskap Sentrums kan gemeenskappe transformeer, maar sal baie tydrowend wees en benodig gemeenskap deelname in alle sfere van regering en plaaslike gemeenskap

    Exploring and describing nurse managers views on the utilisation of agency nurses in district hospitals in the Cape Metropole

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    Thesis (MNur)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.ENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: Nursing worldwide is regarded as a scare health human resource and there is literary evidence of an ongoing global nursing shortage. It is essential that nurse managers provide adequate staffing in hospitals. However, this often creates complex dilemmas, because nurse managers rely on agency nurses to amplify the permanent nursing staff due to the shortage. Although agency nursing has become and important strategy to manage the nursing shortage, it brings along associated challenges of quality of care rendered and reported unacceptable conduct. It is for these reasons that the views of Nurse Managers are significant, because it may provide valuable insight and direction to address the issues of quality of care, ethics and nursing standards, including contributing to the national strategy to improve the monitoring of agency nurses. Methods: A qualitative descriptive design was used for this study. A pilot interview was conducted to test the data-gathering instrument for possible errors, to clarify ambiguous questions, and to ensure a common interpretation of the terms used in the data-gathering instrument. No changes were made to the instrument. Data was collected from 14 participants in four focus groups, a face-to-face interview, and a telephonic interview, using semi-structured interview schedules. The interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic data analysis, using the Framework Approach, was guided by the research objectives. Atlas ti. computer software and manual data analysis were done to identify common themes. Ten common themes emerged from the data. Results: The literature indicates that NMs in many countries around the world utilise agency nurses and they experience similar advantages with the utilisation of agency nurses, albeit in varying degrees. These findings further revealed similar common practices for sourcing, deployment and supervision of agency nurses in district hospitals. Other findings were that hospitals have adequate structures and mechanisms in place to monitor and manage agency expenditure. There was also evidence that agency nurses provide quality nursing care. Unanticipated findings include examples of unacceptable conduct of some agencies and agency nurses, the display of caring attitudes towards agency nurses, and nurses from other provinces with different standards, who do agency work in the Western Cape Province. The challenges reported by participants indicated the need fro a monitoring system for the agency nursing industry. Conclusion: Agency nurses make a valuable contribution in assisting hospitals to deliver patient-centered quality care. The dilemmas faced with the utilisation of agency nurses will need further investigation and the development and implementation of policy to regulate the industry.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: Verpleging word wereldwyd beskou as 'n skaars gesondheids menslike hulpbron en die literatuur toon 'n voortslepende verplegingstekort wereldwyd. Dit is noodsaaklik dat verpleegbestuurders voldoende personeel in hospitale verseker. Soms veroorsaak dit egter komplekse dilemmas, omdat verpleegbestuurders aangewese is op agentskapsverpleegkundiges om die permanente verpleegpersoneel aan te vul as gevolg van die tekort. Alhoewel agentskapsverpleging 'n belangrike strategie geword het om die verpleegtekort te bestuur, bring dit verwante uitdatings wat verband hou met die gehalte van sorg wat gelewer word en onaanvaarbare gedrag word ook ervaar. Om hierdie redes is die siening van verpleegbestuurders van belang, want dit kan waardevolle insig voorsien, en rigting aandui om die kwessies van gehaltesorg, etiek en verpleegstandaarde, insluitene 'n bydrae tot die nasionale strategie om verbeterde monitering van agentskapverpleegkundiges. Metode: 'n Kwalitatiewe ondersoekende studie met 'n filosofies ontwerp is onderneem. 'n Loods-onderhoud is gevoer om die dataversamelingsinstument te toets vir moontlike foute, om dubbelsinnige vrae uit te klaar en ook om te verseker dat daar 'n gemeenskaplike vertolding van die terme in die dataversamelingsinstrument is. Geen aanpassings is aan die instrument aangebring nie. Data is versamel van 14 deelnemers in 4 fokus groepe, 'n persoonlike onderhoud en 'n telefoon-onderhoud deur die gebruik van semi-gestruktureerde vraelyste. Die onderhoude is opgeneem en verbatim oorgeskryf. Tematiese data analise het geskied by wyse van die Raamwerkbenadering en is gelei deur die studie doelwitte. Data analise is gedoen met die gebruik van Atlas ti. rekenaar sagteware, asook met die hand, om gemeenskaplike temas te identifiseer. Resultate: Studie bevindings dui daarop dat verpleegbestuurders in baie lande agentskapverpleegkundiges benut, en hulle ervaar soortgelyke voordele met die gebruik van agentskapverpleegkundiges, alhoewel dit in aard verskil. Verdere bevindinge van hierdie studie dui op soortgelyke gesamentlike praktytke vir die inkoop, uitplasing en toesighouding van agentskapverpleegkundiges in distrikhospitale. Ander bevindinge was dat hospitale voldoende strukture en meganismes in plek het om agentskapspandering te monitor en te bestuur. Daar was ook bewyse dat agentskapverpleegkundiges gehalte verpleegsorg lewer. Onverwagte bevindinge sluit voorbeelde in van onaanvaarbare gedrag van sommige agentskappe en agentskapverpleegkundiges, 'n gesindheid van omgee vir agentskapverpleegkundiges, asook agentskapverpleegkundiges met verskillende standaarde, wie vanaf ander provinsies in die Wes-Kaap agentskapwerk doen. Uitdagings wat die deelnemers gerapporteer het, het gedui op 'n behoefte vir 'n stelsel om die agentskapsindustrie te monitor. Slotsom: Agentskapverpleegkundiges lewer 'n waardevolle bydrae tot hospitale in die lewering van pasient-gesentreerde gehaltesorg. Die dilemmas wat gepaard gaan met die gebruik van agentskapverpleegkundiges moet verder ondersoek word, en die ontwikkeling en implementering van beleid moet geskied om die industrie te reguleer.Master

    'n Vergelykende studie tussen die ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke van Tygerberg en Kaapstad plaaslike owerhede met die van die Kaapse Metropool

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    Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Various spatial development frameworks are currently being drafted to lead the spatial development patterns of concentrated activities within municipalities and metropoles. The assignment studies the spatial development framework of the Cape Metropole as well as those of the Tygerberg and Cape Town municipalities. An analyses of the different locations and characteristics of the corridors and nodes in these models is made. There are however nodes that are not proposed on the spatial development frameworks but have nevertheless been approved for. development. A comparison of the corridor model is made within the frameworks of the mentioned municipalities. A study is done on whether the corridor model is totally ignored by local authorities or whether it only differs in detail. The effect of the Century City node, which was not proposed in the spatial development frameworks on the development of corridors, is discussed. Backgroud information on the origin and functions of corridors and nodes is gathered through analyses of international examples. Comparison is drawn between these precidents and the Cape Metropole proposals to evaluate their applicability. The conclusion is drawn that the municipalities' and metropole's spatial development frameworks are based on the same principle but differ in their detail structure. Many of the recommendations that are made in the spatial frameworks are difficult to implement. The approval of nodes such as Century City which are not proposed on the frameworks have a negative influence on the economic growth and development of future nodes and corridors as envisaged. Proposals on how to strengthen the implementation process of spatial development frameworks and a possible process for the approval of potential nodes are given.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is verskillende ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke wat tans opgestel word om die ruimtelike verspreidingspatrone van gekonsentreerde aktiwiteite binne munisipaliteite en metropole te lei. Die werkstuk ondersoek die ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke van die Kaapse Metropool asook die munisipaliteite van Tygerberg en Kaapstad. Die korridors en nodusse wat in die modelle voorgestel word, word ontleed in terme van hul eienskappe en verskillende liggings. Daar is nogtans nodusse wat nie in hierdie ontwikkelingsraamwerke voorgestel word nie, maar dit is nieteenstaande goedgekeur vir ontwikkeling. Die werkstuk vergelyk die korridormodel van die Kaapse Metropool (Metropolitaanse Ontwikkelingsraamwerk) met die munisipaliteite se ontwikkelingsraamwerke.Daar word ondersoek of die korridormodel van die metropool heeltemal deur plaaslike owerhede verwerp word of dit net in detail verskil. Die effek van die Century City nodus, wat nie in die ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke voorgestel is nie, op die ontwikkeling van korridors word ook bespreek. Voorbeelde van internasionale stede word ontleed om agtergrond oor die ontstaan en funksies van korridors en nodusse in te samel. Daarna word bepaal hoe dit op die Kaapse Metropool toegepas kan word. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat al drie raamwerke op dieselfde beginsel gebaseer is maar in detail verskil Daar word baie voorstelle binne die raamwerke gemaak wat moeilik is om te implementeer. Die goedkeuring van nodusse soos Century City wat nie binne die ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke voorgestel word nie, het 'n negatiewe invloed op die ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling van die voorgestelde nodusse en korridors. Aanbevelings oor hoe om die implementeringsproses van die raamwerke te ondersteun word gemaak en ook 'n moontlike goedkeuringsproses vir nodusse wat nie binne die ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke voorgestel word nie