8 research outputs found

    The IDEMCare Study-Improving Dementia Care in Black African and Caribbean Groups: A feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the feasibility and acceptability of a tailored evidence-based intervention, consisting of a leaflet and a letter, to encourage timely help-seeking for dementia in Black elders. METHODS: Participating GP surgeries were randomised to send either the intervention or a control leaflet about ageing well to Black patients aged ≥50 years old without known dementia. We interviewed patients 2 weeks later about the intervention's acceptability using closed and open-ended questions, and they completed a Theory-of-Planned-behaviour questionnaire about what they would do if they developed memory problems, which they also completed 4 months later. RESULTS: Five of 26 surgeries approached agreed to invite patients. Sixty-five patients responded, of whom 61 (93.8%) agreed to participate. At 2 weeks, we consented and interviewed 47/61 (77%), of whom 24 received the intervention, and at 4 months we followed up 43/47 (91.5%). At 2 weeks, 44/47 (93.6%) found either intervention acceptable to receive by post, including 23/24 of the intervention. Nineteen of 24 (79.2%) reported reading the intervention leaflet compared with 13/23 (56.5%) controls. The intervention leaflet made 16/24 (66.7%) think about visiting their doctor for memory problems and led 4 to help-seeking behaviour. We calculated that 191 patients and 24 surgeries are required for an efficacy trial. CONCLUSIONS: Given the intervention is acceptable, inexpensive, and unlikely to cause harm, we judge it appropriate to disseminate it without a full-scale trial. Recruitment attainment, retention, and projected sample size calculation indicated feasibility for a larger trial

    Doublecortin is a developmentally regulated, microtubule-associated protein expressed in migrating and differentiating neurons. Neuron

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    Recently, we and others reported that the doublecortin gene is responsible for X-linked lissencephaly and subcortical laminar heterotopia. Here, we show that Doublecortin is expressed in the brain throughout the period of corticogenesis in migrating and differentiating neurons. Immunohistochemical studies show its localization in the soma and leading processes of tangentially migrating neurons, and a strong axonal labeling is observed in differentiating neurons. In cultured neurons, Doublecortin expression is highest in the distal parts of developing processes. We demonstrate by sedimentation and microscopy studies that Doublecortin is associated with microtubules (MTs) and postulate that it is a novel MAP. Our data suggest that the cortical dysgeneses associated with the loss of Doublecortin function might result from abnormal cytoskeletal dynamics in neuronal cell development

    Classification of test agent-specific effects in the Syrian hamster embryo assay (pH 6.7) using infrared spectroscopy with computational analysis

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    The Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell transformation assay (pH 6.7) has utility in the assessment of potential chemical carcinogenicity (both genotoxic and non-genotoxic mechanisms of action). The assay uses morphological transformation as an end point and has a reported sensitivity of 87%, specificity of 83% and overall concordance of 85% with in vivo rodent bioassay data. However, the scoring of morphologically transformed SHE cells is subjective. We treated SHE cells grown on low-E reflective slides with benzo[a]pyrene, 3-methylcholanthrene, anthracene, N-nitroso-N-methylnitroguanidine, ortho-toluidine HCl, 2,4-diaminotoluene or D-mannitol for 7 days before fixation with methanol. Identified colonies were interrogated by acquiring a minimum of five infrared (IR) spectra per colony using attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform IR spectroscopy. Individual IR spectra were acquired over a spatial area of approximately 250 x 250 mu m. Resultant data were analysed using Fisher's linear discriminant analysis and feature histogram algorithms to extract classifying biomarkers of test agent-specific effects or transformation in SHE cells. Clustering of spectral points suggested co-segregation or discrimination of test agent categories based on mechanism of action. Towards transformation, unifying alterations were associated with alterations in the Amide I and Amide II peaks; these were consistently major classifying biomarkers for transformed versus non-transformed SHE cells. Our approach highlights a novel method towards objectively screening and classifying SHE cells, be it to ascertain test agent treatment based on mechanism of action or transformation