632 research outputs found

    Quelques reflexions sur le concept d'entropie issues d'un enseignement de thermodynamique

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    The authors establish the existence of a gap between physics' students conceptions concerning the notion of entropy and Clausius's, Boltzmann's, constructors of this concept. They analyze some basic features at the origin of these conceptions and some characteristics of the common sense interpretation of entropy. They conclude by some didactical propositions

    HRM inside UK e-commerce firms : innovations in the ‘new’ economy and continuities with the ‘old’

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    The e-commerce approach to people management (i.e. HRM) is popularly believed to be radically new and an innovative rewriting of the ‘old’ rules of employment. Yet little is known about which HR practices are used by such companies, and what might explain these companies’ policy selections in the realm of HR. Exploratory survey data based on a sample of 30 small-medium UK e-commerce firms reports use of employee involvement in decision-making, internal communication, financial participation and reward schemes, performance evaluation, training and provision for employment security. Insights from interviews with five senior managers from the sample augment the survey data with qualitative evidence on e-commerce firms’ approach to HR. The findings suggest that this approach falls somewhere between radical ‘new’ innovations and enduring continuities with ‘old’ people management techniques, and that this has parallels with the experience of small-medium enterprises generally

    Gain properties of dye-doped polymer thin films

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    Hybrid pumping appears as a promising compromise in order to reach the much coveted goal of an electrically pumped organic laser. In such configuration the organic material is optically pumped by an electrically pumped inorganic device on chip. This engineering solution requires therefore an optimization of the organic gain medium under optical pumping. Here, we report a detailed study of the gain features of dye-doped polymer thin films. In particular we introduce the gain efficiency KK, in order to facilitate comparison between different materials and experimental conditions. The gain efficiency was measured with various setups (pump-probe amplification, variable stripe length method, laser thresholds) in order to study several factors which modify the actual gain of a layer, namely the confinement factor, the pump polarization, the molecular anisotropy, and the re-absorption. For instance, for a 600 nm thick 5 wt\% DCM doped PMMA layer, the different experimental approaches give a consistent value K≃K\simeq 80 cm.MW−1^{-1}. On the contrary, the usual model predicting the gain from the characteristics of the material leads to an overestimation by two orders of magnitude, which raises a serious problem in the design of actual devices. In this context, we demonstrate the feasibility to infer the gain efficiency from the laser threshold of well-calibrated devices. Besides, temporal measurements at the picosecond scale were carried out to support the analysis.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figure

    Assessing the Polarization of a Quantum Field from Stokes Fluctuation

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    We propose an operational degree of polarization in terms of the variance of the projected Stokes vector minimized over all the directions of the Poincar\'e sphere. We examine the properties of this degree and show that some problems associated with the standard definition are avoided. The new degree of polarization is experimentally determined using two examples: a bright squeezed state and a quadrature squeezed vacuum.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Comments welcome

    First-principles calculations for the adsorption of water molecules on the Cu(100) surface

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    First-principles density-functional theory and supercell models are employed to calculate the adsorption of water molecules on the Cu(100) surface. In agreement with the experimental observations, the calculations show that a H2O molecule prefers to bond at a one-fold on-top (T1) surface site with a tilted geometry. At low temperatures, rotational diffusion of the molecular axis of the water molecules around the surface normal is predicted to occur at much higher rates than lateral diffusion of the molecules. In addition, the calculated binding energy of an adsorbed water molecule on the surfaces is significantly smaller than the water sublimation energy, indicating a tendency for the formation of water clusters on the Cu(100) surface.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Polarization of tightly focused laser beams

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    The polarization properties of monochromatic light beams are studied. In contrast to the idealization of an electromagnetic plane wave, finite beams which are everywhere linearly polarized in the same direction do not exist. Neither do beams which are everywhere circularly polarized in a fixed plane. It is also shown that transversely finite beams cannot be purely transverse in both their electric and magnetic vectors, and that their electromagnetic energy travels at less than c. The electric and magnetic fields in an electromagnetic beam have different polarization properties in general, but there exists a class of steady beams in which the electric and magnetic polarizations are the same (and in which energy density and energy flux are independent of time). Examples are given of exactly and approximately linearly polarized beams, and of approximately circularly polarized beams.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    An insight into polarization states of solid-state organic lasers

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    The polarization states of lasers are crucial issues both for practical applications and fundamental research. In general, they depend in a combined manner on the properties of the gain material and on the structure of the electromagnetic modes. In this paper, we address this issue in the case of solid-state organic lasers, a technology which enables to vary independently gain and mode properties. Different kinds of resonators are investigated: in-plane micro-resonators with Fabry-Perot, square, pentagon, stadium, disk, and kite shapes, and external vertical resonators. The degree of polarization P is measured in each case. It is shown that although TE modes prevail generally (P>0), kite-shaped micro-laser generates negative values for P, i.e. a flip of the dominant polarization which becomes mostly TM polarized. We at last investigated two degrees of freedom that are available to tailor the polarization of organic lasers, in addition to the pump polarization and the resonator geometry: upon using resonant energy transfer (RET) or upon pumping the laser dye to an higher excited state. We then demonstrate that significantly lower P factors can be obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure
