60 research outputs found

    Scouting: Training the “New Man” in Post-liberation Ethiopia

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    Obgleich in Äthiopien Pfadfindereinheiten bereits 1919 entstanden, gewann die Bewegung erst nach dem Ende der italienischen Okkupation (1935–1941) an Bedeutung. Die Eingliederung der Pfadfinderorganisation in die Abteilung fĂŒr Sporterziehung im Ministerium fĂŒr Bildung und Kunst demonstriert seine Position als Teil des staatlichen Schulwesens. In diesem Zusammenhang lassen sich Wandern und Camping als spezielle Praxen untersuchen, mit denen die Pfadfinder (nationales) Territorium körperlich erfahren und mit Techniken des Überlebens und FĂŒhrens verbinden konnten. In diesem Zusammenhang organisierte Begegnungen der Scouts mit hochrangigen Vertretern von MilitĂ€r, Polizei und Regierung zeigen, dass der „Neue Mensch“ wesentlich ĂŒber eine demographisch verstandene Kategorie „Jugend“ hinausgeht.Although Boy Scouting emerged in Ethiopia as early as 1919, it was after the end of the Italian occupation (1935–41) that the movement gained momentum as an important part of youth training. The re-organization of the Boy Scouts under the Ministry of Education and Fine Arts as well as its coupling with Sports and Physical Education hints at the fact that Boy Scouting and, later, Girl Guiding were considered an integral part of education. The article looks at hiking and camping as a specific practice to link the youth to the (national) soil, to train survival and to instil leadership. It further shows that the “New Man” is not restricted to the demographic category of youth, but can include Ethiopian officials up to the highest ranks as well as local and foreign experts who re-organized the movement in Ethiopia

    Finansowanie ochrony zdrowia z funduszy strukturalnych Unii Europejskiej

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    Accepting the argument that the financial means dedicated to health protection are limited, the author of the paper emphasizes the need to use external sources of financing, in this case European Union structural funds. This paper attempts to answer the question of to what extent the sources from the European Regional Development Fund, and the European Social Fund, have influenced, or can influence the improved efficiency of the health protection system in Poland. The paper begins with the fundamental notions of health protection, the levels and forms of the delivery of health services, the subject range of the system (including the catalogue of beneficiaries), and the sources of finance. The most important (in the author’s opinion) current problems related to the organization and financing of health protection are also mentioned. Next, a general description of selected operating programs is presented with the examples of health protection projects financed from the structural funds that have already been implemented. The opportunities to fund these types of projects under the present financial perspective are also indicated. The subject matter of a detailed analysis presented in the paper concerns the Lubuskie province

    Introduction: Shaping the “New Man” in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Practices between Hope and Anxiety (1940s–1960s)

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    Dieses Heft untersucht die sozialen Praktiken zur Schaffung des „Neuen Menschen“ von den 1940er bis zu den 1960er Jahren anhand von fĂŒnf Fallstudien aus SĂŒdasien, Afrika und dem Nahen Osten. Entgegen hĂ€ufig verwendeter, tendenziell eurozentrischer Periodisierungen wird fĂŒr die Persistenz des Konzepts nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und jenseits des faschistischen und des sowjetischen Modells argumentiert. Außerdem geht der Kontext von spĂ€tkolonialer und erster postkolonialer Entwicklungspolitik sowie nation-building ĂŒber geschichtswissenschaftliche Paradigmen wie die Zeitalter des Faschismus, der Dekolonisierung oder des Kalten Kriegs hinaus. Unter BerĂŒcksichtigung sowohl lokaler Besonderheiten als auch transnationaler Verbindungen werden Fortschrittsideen in Bezug auf die Schaffung „Neuer Menschen“ besonders im Zusammenhang mit den Themen Körper, RĂ€ume und Symbole betrachtet.This special issue investigates the social practices of shaping the “New Man” between the 1940s and 1960s, through five case studies from South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Objecting to somewhat Eurocentric periodizations in common use, it argues for the persistence of the concept after World War II, and beyond the fascist and Soviet models. The context of late colonial and early post-colonial developmentalism and nation-building also transcends historiographic paradigms, such as the eras of fascism, decolonization, or the Cold War. Looking for local specificities as well as for transnational links, ideas of Progress related to the formation of “New Men” are studied especially in connection with the issues of the body, of spaces, and of symbols

    Finansowanie ochrony zdrowia z funduszy strukturalnych Unii Europejskiej

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    Accepting the argument that the financial means dedicated to health protection are limited, the author of the paper emphasizes the need to use external sources of financing, in this case European Union structural funds. This paper attempts to answer the question of to what extent the sources from the European Regional Development Fund, and the European Social Fund, have influenced, or can influence the improved efficiency of the health protection system in Poland. The paper begins with the fundamental notions of health protection, the levels and forms of the delivery of health services, the subject range of the system (including the catalogue of beneficiaries), and the sources of finance. The most important (in the author’s opinion) current problems related to the organization and financing of health protection are also mentioned. Next, a general description of selected operating programs is presented with the examples of health protection projects financed from the structural funds that have already been implemented. The opportunities to fund these types of projects under the present financial perspective are also indicated. The subject matter of a detailed analysis presented in the paper concerns the Lubuskie province

    Gustav Neuhaus: mwalimu wa Kiswahili, mhariri na mtumishi wa serikali ya kikoloni

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    Watumishi wa Taasisi ya Mambo ya Kiafrika ya Chuo Kikuu cha Humboldt walipotayarisha kuhama kwa taasisi yao kutoka Reinhardtstrasse mwaka 1995, boksi la jivu ilipatikana ndani ya kabati la chuma. Ndani yake zilihifadhiwa nyaraka za Kiswahili na Kiarabu zilizoandikwa kwa hati za Kiarabu. Kufuatana na lugha na maelezo yalioyoongezwa nyaraka hizo zilitoka Afrika Mashariki na kukusanywa na Gustav Neuhaus mwishoni mwa karne iliyopita. Lengo la makala hii ni yafuatayo: kutoa maelezo machache juu ya maisha ya Gustav Neuhaus, kuzungumzia matoleo yake ili kufafanua mchango wake katika masomo ya Kiswahili mjini Berlin na katika kupanua ujuzi juu ya lugha na utamaduni wa Waswahili, kutumia mada ya utumwa kama ilivyoelezwa katika nyaraka mbalimbali za mkusanyo wa Neuhaus ili kuonyesha umuhimu wa nyaraka hizo kwa historia ya Afrika Mashariki

    Publiczny a prywatny. Próby demonopolizacji pƂatnika trzeciej strony w Polsce (aspekt polityczny i ekonomiczny)

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    This paper is an attempt at an assessment of the discussion and steps taken in order to demonopolize a third party payer in Poland, in particular as regards a patient’s right to choose the payer. For the purpose of this analysis it is assumed that a patient should have the right to choose a third party payer. It is also assumed, however, that a patient’s attitude transforms from being demanding into the attitude of an active and aware patient caring for his own health. The author indicates that the manner of operation of a third party payer should be a result of the system of health protection, its scope and objectives. Finally, the concept of introducing competition is considered, but only in the case of voluntary health insurance policies and a single but decentralized payer in the public health insurance.This paper is an attempt at an assessment of the discussion and steps taken in order to demonopolize a third party payer in Poland, in particular as regards a patient’s right to choose the payer. For the purpose of this analysis it is assumed that a patient should have the right to choose a third party payer. It is also assumed, however, that a patient’s attitude transforms from being demanding into the attitude of an active and aware patient caring for his own health. The author indicates that the manner of operation of a third party payer should be a result of the system of health protection, its scope and objectives. Finally, the concept of introducing competition is considered, but only in the case of voluntary health insurance policies and a single but decentralized payer in the public health insurance

    The Liar and the Bard: David Ingram, William Shakespeare, and The Tempest

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