845 research outputs found

    Pessoas como nós: uma discussão da Poética de Aristóteles

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    Tese de doutoramento em Estudos Literários (Teoria da Literatura), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Letras, 2007Nos primeiros quatro capítulos será caracterizado o padrão crítico dos estudos sobre a Poética nos últimos cinquenta anos. Esse padrão depende de uma coerência conceptual entre teorias da catarse e teorias estruturais da mimese. Essa coerência parece rasurar a ideia de que a assistência da tragédia seria composta por pessoas como nós. No último capítulo, argumentar-se-á que para Aristóteles uma poética verdadeira não seria importante por nos ajudar a perceber que imitações com certas características técnicas poderiam trazer benefícios a comunidades. Em vez disso, uma poética seria importante por nos mostrar que, entre os seres humanos, um acordo em relação a possibilidades é necessariamente possível.The first four chapters characterize that which has been the critical pattern in the studies on Aristotle’s Poetics for the last fifty years. That pattern depends on a conceptual coherence between theories of catharsis and structural theories of mimesis. This sort of coherence seems to exclude the idea that the audience of tragedy would be composed by people like us. The last chapter will argue that for Aristotle, a true poetics would not be important inasmuch as it could help us to understand how imitations with certain technical features would benefit human communities. Instead, a poetics would seem to show how amongst humans an agreement on possibilities is necessarily possible

    Carlos Lobo. I Would Run This Way Forever (and over again). Lebop Books, 2022.

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    Recensão ao livro I Would Run This Way Forever (and over again), de Carlos Lobo, publicado pela Lebop Books em 2022

    Monumentos e Anti-Monumentos

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    UIDB/00183/2020 UIDP/00183/2020 PTDC/FER-FIL/32042/2017publishersversionpublishe

    Analysis Of Differences Between Financial Management In Family And Non-Family SMEs Of The Yucatec Textile Industry

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    This papers objective is to analyze the main differences between financial management in family and non-family small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the textile industry. It considers variables such as sales growth and implementation of management control systems (MCS) as strategic and sustainable factors of business competitiveness. In this regard, the paper uses agency theory (Fama, 1980), which identifies that family enterprises have fewer agency costs because ownership and management are held by family members, and contingency theory, which is based on the study of MCS and their related performance (Otley, 1980; Tiessen and Waterhouse, 1983; Chenhall, 2003). The results show that family SMEs have lower sales growth than non-family SMEs and that there is no direct relationship between the implementation of MCS and performance

    Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/ Hiperatividade (TDAH): Um olhar voltado para os pais

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    O presente artigo apresenta o trabalho realizado em uma escola pública do município de Cascavel, PR, onde se trabalhou com pais e ou responsáveis de crianças com o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade. Intenta-se saber se esses pais e/ou cuidadores, ao receberem o diagnóstico, também recebem as orientações necessárias acerca do transtorno, bem como informações sobre como lidar com essa criança de maneira adequada. Foi aplicada uma pesquisa exploratória de ordem qualitativa para avaliar a importância desta orientação, onde se utilizou uma pesquisa-ação que ocorreu por meio de seis encontros quinzenais, através de questionários semiestruturados, Workshops, dinâmicas, entre outras atividades. Os resultados apontados mostram que em sua maioria, pais e/ou responsáveis, no momento do diagnóstico não recebem as orientações necessárias acerca do transtorno, mas sim, orientação quanto a dosagem e uso da medicação

    Entre o prescrito e o vivido: o PROEJA no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Goiás - Campus de Formosa (2010-2015)

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    O presente artigo é resultado da dissertação em nível de mestrado que teve como objetivo analisar a implantação e implementação do Proeja no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Goiás – Campus de Formosa (2010-2015). O estudo é orientado pela abordagem do Materialismo Histórico-Dialético (MARX;ENGELS, 2007). Os resultados apontaram que a implementação do PROEJA no IFG-Campus de Formosa seguiu a lógica da escolarização para o trabalho. Outra questão evidenciada refere-se à ausência de espaços de diálogos/discussões na Instituição, o que impede os agentes sociais de realizar momentos de reflexões críticas acerca do programa. Diante dos limites e contradições evidenciados no processo de implementação do PROEJA no estudo, acredita-se que a Instituição deve assumir a política do PROEJA como uma proposta de educação capaz de contribuir com a superação de entraves ideológicos e de processos de gestão verticalizados presentes na condução das políticas públicas educacionais

    Delamination influence on elastic properties of laminated composites

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    International audienceThe present work aims to predict the behavior of effective elastic properties for laminated composites, considering localized damage in the interface between two layers. In practical terms, the damage in the adhesion, which influences the effective elastic properties of a laminate, is evaluated like a delamination between adjacent layers. Thus, the effective properties of laminated composites with different delamination extensions are calculated via finite element method and two-scale asymptotic homogenization method. It is investigated how the properties of the laminated composites are affected by the delamination extension and the thickness of the interface between layers. It is possible to conclude that the effective coefficient values decrease as the damage extension increases due to the fact that the delamination area increases. Besides, for all effective coefficients, except the effective coefficients C * 12 , C * 13 , and C * 23 , in the case without delamination, the coefficients decrease as the adhesive region thickness increases, and almost all coefficients decrease for complete separation of the interface. Numerical and analytical results are compared in order to show the potentialities and limitations of the proposed approaches. Finally, a numerical approach is used to simulate a specific case, where the interface is considered a functionally graded material

    Effects of climate change on aquaculture site selection at a temperate estuarine system

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    Aquaculture is one of the food industries that most evolved in recent years in response to increased human demand for seafood products, which has led to a progressive stock threat in nature. With a high seafood consumption per capita, Portugal has been exploring its coastal systems to improve the cultivation of fish and bivalve species with high commercial value. In this context, this study aims to propose the use of a numerical model as a tool to assess the impact of climate change on aquaculture site selection in a temperate estuarine system (Sado estuary). Therefore, the Delft3D model was calibrated and validated, showing good accuracy in predicting the local hydrodynamics, transport, and water quality. Furthermore, two simulations for the historical and future conditions were performed to establish a Suitability Index capable of identifying the most appropriate sites to exploit two bivalve species (one clam and one oyster), considering both winter and summer seasons. Results suggest that the estuary's northernmost region presents the best conditions for bivalves' exploitation, with more suitable conditions during summer than winter due to the higher water temperature and chlorophyll-a concentrations. Regarding future projections, the model results suggest that environmental conditions will likely benefit the production of both species due to the increase in chlorophyll-a concentration along the estuary.publishe

    A cidade nas práticas artísticas

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    A cidade nas práticas artísticas [The city in artistic practices] is the result of the work developed, of the presentations and the debates held within the cycle of seminars “The experience of the city between art and philosophy”, held between 3 March 2020 and 16 June 2021 (calendar dramatically compromised by the challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic), one of the main activities of the OBRA project — Fragmentation and Reconfiguration: experiencing the city between art and philosophy, based at IFILNOVA — Philosophy Institute of NOVA, in Lisbon. The book is divided into five parts, relating to each of the artistic disciplines to which the seminars were dedicated – cinema, photography, sound arts, literature and architecture —, which are edited by the organizers responsible for each of them — respectively, Susana Viegas, Humberto Brito, Nuno Fonseca João Oliveira Duarte and Susana Ventura — and composed of the respective narrated accounts of each seminar and of short essays, some merely textual, others graphical or even photographic, which are either in-depth versions of the reflections and positions that were presented and debated by the participants and guests, or works that motivated and inspired the work of the seminars. The seminar cycle and the book now presented here intend to reflect on the role of artistic practices in the representation and reconfiguration of urban experience, trying to understand their different attempts to apprehend and express the fragmentation of aesthetic experience in modern and contemporary cities, as well as to evaluate their contribution to an eventual symbolic and imaginative reconfiguration of that experience. Each section tries, in its own way, to answer questions such as: How do these arts think and reinvent the city? What do they make us feel? And what is their social and political role? For reasons that are easy to understand, Lisbon was the starting point, but other cities were also part of the journey

    Fluxo de ch4 em Área de Floresta ás Margens do Rio Araguaia - MT

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the methane flux in an area of upland forest on the Araguaia River margin, in Santa Terezinha - MT, 15 km far from the LBA project flux measurement tower on the Bananal island - TO. For this a micrometeorological tower was installed on the river margin, with climatic variables sensors, eddy covariance and methane concentration by open optical path and closed in days of the rainy season in the region. Estimates of CH4 concentration showed good correlation between the sensors, with the highest concentrations at night and lower concentrations during the day, likely effect of differences between CLN and CLC, and averages around 1.8 ppm, near to that found in other sites upland forest. Both the river and the forest are sources of methane to the atmosphere. with a higher methane flux from river directions, being double the average of the direction from forest, but the daytime maximum of the forest direction are larger and can reach up to 30 nmol m-2 s-1.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os fluxos de metano em uma área de floresta de terra firme ás margens do rio Araguaia, em Santa Terezinha - MT, distante 15 km da torre de medições de fluxos do projeto LBA na ilha do Bananal-TO. Para isso uma torre micrometeorológica foi erguida ás margens do rio, com sensores de variáveis climáticas, eddy covariance e concentração de metano por caminho ótico aberto e fechado, em dias da estação chuvosa da região. As estimativas de concentração de CH4 mostraram boa correlação entre os sensores, com maiores concentrações no período noturno e menores concentrações no período diurno, provável efeito das diferenças entre CLN e CLC, e médias em torno de 1.8 ppm, próximo do encontrado em outros sítios de floresta de terra firme. Tanto o rio quanto a floresta são fontes de metano para a atmosfera. com um maior fluxo de metano das direções de rio, sendo o dobro das médias da direção de floresta, porém os máximos diurnos da direção de floresta são maiores, podendo atingir até 30 nmol m-2 s-1