153 research outputs found

    empreendedorismo na Educação Básica como força motivadora

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    Neste artigo será apresentada uma explanação acerca do empreendedorismo na escola, tendo em vista o jovem que será formado num processo em que se busca gerar nele certa transformação, para que, exercendo um papel de protagonista na sociedade, possa transformá-la também. Ou seja, a proposta é que através do estudo do empreendedorismo na escola os jovens surjam como agentes de transformação e protagonistas de suas próprias jornadas de trabalho, dando os primeiros passos rumo as construções de suas carreiras. Primeiramente, será discutida a natureza do empreendedorismo em si, a sua importância na sociedade, no país como um todo. Será destacado o papel que o empreendedorismo tem no Brasil, onde a juventude é vista como elemento social não só para a construção de um futuro, mas no estabelecimento justo de um presente que contém seus devidos desafios. Junto à tentativa de definição do que é o empreendedor, falar-se-á das qualidades e competências que o bom empreendedor possui e que, portanto, a escola poderá desenvolver em sua pedagogia os meios de fazer emergir no jovem essas características, utilizando-se do empreendedorismo como fonte motivadora. Será discutido o fator de transformação que a educação empreendedora gera no aluno e consequentemente na sociedade em que ele agirá com senso crítico e criatividade, virtudes que já enquanto adolescente serão desenvolvidas. Por fim, citaremos o trabalho que vem sendo desenvolvido na Escola Teia Multicultural, o que nos ajudará a entender o que é esse protagonismo que é tão necessário para o jovem ter sucesso em sua vida, em seus diversos aspectos

    Knot undulator to generate linearly polarized photons with low on-axis power density

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    Heat load on beamline optics is a serious problem to generate pure linearly polarized photons in the third generation synchrotron radiation facilities. For permanent magnet undulators, this problem can be overcome by a figure-8 operating mode. But there is still no good method to tackle this problem for electromagnetic elliptical undulators. Here, a novel operating mode is suggested, which can generate pure linearly polarized photons with very low on-axis heat load. Also the available minimum photon energy of linearly polarized photons can be extended much by this method

    Heparin-binding domain of fibrin(ogen) binds growth factors and promotes tissue repair when incorporated within a synthetic matrix

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    By binding growth factors (GFs), the ECM tightly regulates their activity. We recently reported that the heparin-binding domain II of fibronectin acts as a promiscuous high-affinity GF-binding domain. Here we hypothesized that fibrin, the provisional ECM during tissue repair, also could be highly promiscuous in its GF-binding capacity. Using multiple affinity-based assays, we found that fibrin(ogen) and its heparin-binding domain bind several GFs from the PDGF/VEGF and FGF families and some GFs from the TGF-β and neurotrophin families. Overall, we identified 15 unique binding interactions. The GF binding ability of fibrinogen caused prolonged retention of many of the identified GFs within fibrin. Thus, based on the promiscuous and high-affinity interactions in fibrin, GF binding may be one of fibrin's main physiological functions, and these interactions may potentially play an important and ubiquitous role during tissue repair. To prove this role in a gain-of-function model, we incorporated the heparin-binding domain of fibrin into a synthetic fibrin-mimetic matrix. In vivo, the multifunctional synthetic matrix could fully mimic the effect of fibrin in a diabetic mouse model of impaired wound healing, demonstrating the benefits of generating a hybrid biomaterial consisting of a synthetic polymeric scaffold and recombinant bioactive ECM domains. The reproduction of GF-ECM interactions with a fibrin-mimetic matrix could be clinically useful, and has the significant benefit of a more straightforward regulatory path associated with chemical synthesis rather than human sourcing

    Fibronectin Binding Modulates CXCL11 Activity and Facilitates Wound Healing

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    Engineered biomatrices offer the potential to recapitulate the regenerative microenvironment, with important implications in tissue repair. In this context, investigation of the molecular interactions occurring between growth factors, cytokines and extracellular matrix (ECM) has gained increasing interest. Here, we sought to investigate the possible interactions between the ECM proteins fibronectin (FN) and fibrinogen (Fg) with the CXCR3 ligands CXCL9, CXCL10 and CXCL11, which are expressed during wound healing. New binding interactions were observed and characterized. Heparin-binding domains within Fg (residues 15-66 of the beta chain, Fg beta 15-66) and FN (FNI1-5, but not FNIII12-14) were involved in binding to CXCL10 and CXCL11 but not CXCL9. To investigate a possible influence of FN and Fg interactions with CXCL11 in mediating its role during re-epithelialization, we investigated human keratinocyte migration in vitro and wound healing in vivo in diabetic db/db mice. A synergistic effect on CXCL11-induced keratinocyte migration was observed when cells were treated with CXCL11 in combination with FN in a transmigration assay. Moreover, wound healing was enhanced in full thickness excisional wounds treated with fibrin matrices functionalized with FN and containing CXCL11. These findings highlight the importance of the interactions occurring between cytokines and ECM and point to design concepts to develop functional matrices for regenerative medicine

    Extracellular matrix and growth factor engineering for controlled angiogenesis in regenerative medicine

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    Blood vessel growth plays a key role in regenerative medicine, both to restore blood supply to ischemic tissues and to ensure rapid vascularization of clinical-size tissue-engineered grafts. For example, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is the master regulator of physiological blood vessel growth and is one of the main molecular targets of therapeutic angiogenesis approaches. However, angiogenesis is a complex process and there is a need to develop rational therapeutic strategies based on a firm understanding of basic vascular biology principles, as evidenced by the disappointing results of initial clinical trials of angiogenic factor delivery. In particular, the spatial localization of angiogenic signals in the extracellular matrix (ECM) is crucial to ensure the proper assembly and maturation of new vascular structures. Here, we discuss the therapeutic implications of matrix interactions of angiogenic factors, with a special emphasis on VEGF, as well as provide an overview of current approaches, based on protein and biomaterial engineering that mimic the regulatory functions of ECM to optimize the signaling microenvironment of vascular growth factors


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    Falar em sucesso profissional é abordar uma série de ações e comportamentos que devem ser direcionados da forma correta para se alcançar os pontos pretendidos. A etiqueta empresarial é crucial para criar um ambiente profissional, respeitoso e produtivo. Melhorar a etiqueta empresarial pode impulsionar a carreira e melhorar as relações com clientes. Comportamento profissional no local de trabalho é essencial para o sucesso de uma empresa, estabelecendo limites e evitando conflitos. O profissionalismo também impacta a aparência, comunicação escrita e respeito mútuo entre colegas e clientes. É correto afirmar que a manutenção de um ambiente profissional em pequenas empresas requer diretrizes claras estabelecidas pelos proprietários ou gerentes da empresa. Essas diretrizes devem abordar comportamentos aceitáveis e práticas de etiqueta profissional. É importante equilibrar a natureza amigável do ambiente com regras estabelecidas de decoro empresarial.Falar em sucesso profissional é abordar uma série de ações e comportamentos que devem ser direcionados da forma correta para se alcançar os pontos pretendidos. A etiqueta empresarial é crucial para criar um ambiente profissional, respeitoso e produtivo. Melhorar a etiqueta empresarial pode impulsionar a carreira e melhorar as relações com clientes. Comportamento profissional no local de trabalho é essencial para o sucesso de uma empresa, estabelecendo limites e evitando conflitos. O profissionalismo também impacta a aparência, comunicação escrita e respeito mútuo entre colegas e clientes. É correto afirmar que a manutenção de um ambiente profissional em pequenas empresas requer diretrizes claras estabelecidas pelos proprietários ou gerentes da empresa. Essas diretrizes devem abordar comportamentos aceitáveis e práticas de etiqueta profissional. É importante equilibrar a natureza amigável do ambiente com regras estabelecidas de decoro empresarial

    Local induction of lymphangiogenesis with engineered fibrin-binding VEGF-C promotes wound healing by increasing immune cell trafficking and matrix remodeling

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    Lymphangiogenesis occurs in inflammation and wound healing, yet its functional roles in these processes are not fully understood. Consequently, clinically relevant strategies for therapeutic lymphangiogenesis remain underdeveloped, particularly using growth factors. To achieve controlled, local capillary lymphangiogenesis with protein engineering and determine its effects on fluid clearance, leukocyte trafficking, and wound healing, we developed a fibrin-binding variant of vascular endothelial growth factor C (FB-VEGF-C) that is slowly released upon demand from infiltrating cells. Using a novel wound healing model, we show that implanted fibrin containing FB-VEGF-C, but not free VEGF-C, could stimulate local lymphangiogenesis in a dose-dependent manner. Importantly, the effects of FB-VEGF-C were restricted to lymphatic capillaries, with no apparent changes to blood vessels and downstream collecting vessels. Leukocyte intravasation and trafficking to lymph nodes were increased in hyperplastic lymphatics, while fluid clearance was maintained at physiological levels. In diabetic wounds, FB-VEGF-C-induced lymphangiogenesis increased extracellular matrix deposition and granulation tissue thickening, indicators of improved wound healing. Together, these results indicate that FB-VEGF-C is a promising strategy for inducing lymphangiogenesis locally, and that such lymphangiogenesis can promote wound healing by enhancing leukocyte trafficking without affecting downstream lymphatic collecting vessels. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Mechanotransduction and growth factor signalling to engineer cellular microenvironments

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    Engineering cellular microenvironments involves biochemical factors, the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the interaction with neighbouring cells. This progress report provides a critical overview of key studies that incorporate growth factor (GF) signalling and mechanotransduction into the design of advanced microenvironments. Materials systems have been developed for surface-bound presentation of GFs, either covalently tethered or sequestered through physico-chemical affinity to the matrix, as an alternative to soluble GFs. Furthermore, some materials contain both GF and integrin binding regions and thereby enable synergistic signalling between the two. Mechanotransduction refers to the ability of the cells to sense physical properties of the ECM and to transduce them into biochemical signals. Various aspects of the physics of the ECM, i.e. stiffness, geometry and ligand spacing, as well as time-dependent properties, such as matrix stiffening, degradability, viscoelasticity, surface mobility as well as spatial patterns and gradients of physical cues are discussed. To conclude, various examples illustrate the potential for cooperative signalling of growth factors and the physical properties of the microenvironment for potential applications in regenerative medicine, cancer research and drug testing