62 research outputs found

    High Resolution Polar Kerr Effect Studies of CsV3{}_3Sb5{}_5: Tests for Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking Below the Charge Order Transition

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    We report high resolution polar Kerr effect measurements on CsV3{}_3Sb5{}_5 single crystals in search for signatures of spontaneous time reversal symmetry breaking below the charge order transition at T94T^* \approx 94 K. Utilizing two different versions of zero-area loop Sagnac interferometers operating at 1550 nm wavelength, each with the fundamental attribute that without a time reversal symmetry breaking sample at its path, the interferometer is perfectly reciprocal, we find no observable Kerr effect to within the noise floor limit of the apparatus at 30 nanoradians. Simultaneous coherent reflection ratio measurements confirm the sharpness of the charge order transition in the same optical volume as the Kerr measurements. At finite magnetic field we observe a sharp onset of a diamagnetic shift in the Kerr signal at TT^*, which persists down to the lowest temperature without change in trend. Since 1550 nm is an energy that was shown to capture all features of the optical properties of the material that interact with the charge order transition, we are led to conclude that it is highly unlikely that time reversal symmetry is broken in the charge ordered state in CsV3{}_3Sb5{}_5.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Myeloid Malignancies with Chromosome 5q Deletions Acquire a Dependency on an Intrachromosomal NF-κB Gene Network

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    SummaryChromosome 5q deletions (del[5q]) are common in high-risk (HR) myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML); however, the gene regulatory networks that sustain these aggressive diseases are unknown. Reduced miR-146a expression in del(5q) HR MDS/AML and miR-146a−/− hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) results in TRAF6/NF-κB activation. Increased survival and proliferation of HSPCs from miR-146alow HR MDS/AML is sustained by a neighboring haploid gene, SQSTM1 (p62), expressed from the intact 5q allele. Overexpression of p62 from the intact allele occurs through NF-κB-dependent feedforward signaling mediated by miR-146a deficiency. p62 is necessary for TRAF6-mediated NF-κB signaling, as disrupting the p62-TRAF6 signaling complex results in cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis of MDS/AML cells. Thus, del(5q) HR MDS/AML employs an intrachromosomal gene network involving loss of miR-146a and haploid overexpression of p62 via NF-κB to sustain TRAF6/NF-κB signaling for cell survival and proliferation. Interfering with the p62-TRAF6 signaling complex represents a therapeutic option in miR-146a-deficient and aggressive del(5q) MDS/AML

    Ecological and environmental transition across the forested-to-open bog ecotone in a west Siberian peatland

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    Climate change may cause increasing tree cover in boreal peatlands, and the impacts of this encroachment will be noted first at forested-to-open bog ecotones. We investigate key metrics of ecosystem function in five such ecotones at a peatland complex in Western Siberia. Stratigraphic analysis of three cores from one of these transects shows that the ecotone has been dynamic over time with evidence for recent expansion of forested peatland. We observed that the two alternative states for northern boreal peatlands (forested/open) clearly support distinct plant and microbial communities. These in turn drive and respond to a number of feedback mechanisms. This has led to steep ecological gradients across the ecotones. Tree cover was associated with lower water tables and pH, along with higher bulk density, aquatic carbon concentrations, and electrical conductivity. We propose that the conditions found in the forested peatland of Western Siberia make the carbon sink more vulnerable to warmer and drier conditions

    Improved GrabCut segmentation via GMM optimisation

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    Semi-automatic segmentation of still images has vast and varied practical applications. Recently, an approach "GrabCut" has managed to successfully build upon earlier approaches based on colour and gradient information in order to address the problem of efficient extraction of a foreground object in a complex environment. In this paper, we extend the GrabCut algorithm further by applying an unsupervised algorithm for modelling the Gaussian Mixtures that are used to define the foreground and background in the segmentation algorithm. We show examples where the optimisation of the GrabCut framework leads to further improvements in performance

    Simultaneous Biometric Verification and Random Number Generation

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    A new method of simultaneous biometric verification and generation of a random number for use in authenticated encrypted communication is described. A non-linear transform is applied to a vector derived from a biometric. The output of the same dimension is fed back and the process iterated. At each iteration, the magnitude and phase of a scalar complexvalued inner product of the vector and its displacement from the previous iteration is extracted. It is shown that this product tends towards a certain limit along a trajectory in the complex plane. Both the limit and the trajectory depend on the initial condition which is the biometric vector. For close initial conditions the trajectories will initially remain close but separate exponentially. Magnitude and phase on the trajectory are converted into binary matrices. Entropy criteria are used to weight bits and verify identity. High entropy bits are selected for random number generation. The method was tested using 3D facial images from 61 persons in the Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC) database. An Equal Error Rate of 15.5% was achieved and random numbers of length 512 bits could be generated that satisfied standard tests for randomness. The method can be further developed to generate private keys from low intra-class entropy bits and session keys from the unconditionally random bits on presentation of a biometric without the need to store them

    Multi-View Intelligent Vehicle Surveillance System

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    This paper presents a multi-view intelligent surveillance system used for the automatic tracking and monitoring of vehicles in a short-term parking lane. The system has the ability to track multiple vehicles in real-time across four cameras monitoring the area using a combination of both motion detection and optical flow modules. Automated alerts of events such as parking time violations, breaching of restricted areas or improper directional flow of traffic can be generated and communicated to attending security personnel. Results are shown using surveillance data captured from a real multi-camera network to illustrate the robust and real-time performance of the system