44 research outputs found

    Ancient Martian valley genesis and paleoclimatic inference: The present as a key to the past

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    I offer here the speculative genetic hypothesis that the flat-floored landforms represent episodically active, sediment-laden valley glaciers formed by localized geothermal melting of abundant interstitial ice (permafrost) in a fine-grained sedimentary terrain. Geothermal melting may also localize spring heads for the narrow deep, high-gradient valleys, or the collapse process itself may result in the generation of decanted, relatively sediment-poor overland water flows (some local evidence of fluid overtopping of the localized depressions exists). Whatever the generic mechanisms for the suite of valley landforms, perhaps the most interesting observation is simply their youth. In aggregate, the morphologies are similar to the ancient valley systems cited as evidence for a previously much denser atmosphere on Mars

    Rapid Response Flood Water Mapping

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    Since the beginning of operation of the MODIS instrument on the NASA Terra satellite at the end of 1999, an exceptionally useful sensor and public data stream have been available for many applications including the rapid and precise characterization of terrestrial surface water changes. One practical application of such capability is the near-real time mapping of river flood inundation. We have developed a surface water mapping methodology based on using only bands 1 (620-672 nm) and 2 (841-890 nm). These are the two bands at 250 m, and the use of only these bands maximizes the resulting map detail. In this regard, most water bodies are strong absorbers of incoming solar radiation at the band 2 wavelength: it could be used alone, via a thresholding procedure, to separate water (dark, low radiance or reflectance pixels) from land (much brighter pixels) (1, 2). Some previous water mapping procedures have in fact used such single band data from this and other sensors that include similar wavelength channels. Adding the second channel of data (band 1), however, allows a band ratio approach which permits sediment-laden water, often relatively light at band 2 wavelengths, to still be discriminated, and, as well, provides some removal of error by reducing the number of cloud shadow pixels that would otherwise be misclassified as water

    Why we can no longer ignore consecutive disasters

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    In recent decades, a striking number of countries have suffered from consecutive disasters: events whose impacts overlap both spatially and temporally, while recovery is still under way. The risk of consecutive disasters will increase due to growing exposure, the interconnectedness of human society, and the increased frequency and intensity of nontectonic hazard. This paper provides an overview of the different types of consecutive disasters, their causes, and impacts. The impacts can be distinctly different from disasters occurring in isolation (both spatially and temporally) from other disasters, noting that full isolation never occurs. We use existing empirical disaster databases to show the global probabilistic occurrence for selected hazard types. Current state‐of‐the art risk assessment models and their outputs do not allow for a thorough representation and analysis of consecutive disasters. This is mainly due to the many challenges that are introduced by addressing and combining hazards of different nature, and accounting for their interactions and dynamics. Disaster risk management needs to be more holistic and codesigned between researchers, policy makers, first responders, and companies

    Automated global water mapping based on wide-swath orbital synthetic-aperture radar

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    This paper presents an automated technique which ingests orbital synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) imagery and outputs surface water maps in near real time and on a global scale. The service anticipates future open data dissemination of water extent information using the European Space Agency's Sentinel-1 data. The classification methods used are innovative and practical and automatically calibrated to local conditions per 1 × 1° tile. For each tile, a probability distribution function in the range between being covered with water or being dry is established based on a long-term SAR training dataset. These probability distributions are conditional on the backscatter and the incidence angle. In classification mode, the probability of water coverage per pixel of 1 km × 1 km is calculated with the input of the current backscatter – incidence angle combination. The overlap between the probability distributions of a pixel being wet or dry is used as a proxy for the quality of our classification. The service has multiple uses, e.g. for water body dynamics in times of drought or for urgent inundation extent determination during floods. The service generates data systematically: it is not an on-demand service activated only for emergency response, but instead is always up-to-date and available. We validate its use in flood situations using Envisat ASAR information during the 2011 Thailand floods and the Pakistan 2010 floods and perform a first merge with a NASA near real time water product based on MODIS optical satellite imagery. This merge shows good agreement between these independent satellite-based water products

    Prognostic value of NT-proBNP levels in the acute phase of sepsis on lower long-term physical function and muscle strength in sepsis survivors

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    Background: Sepsis survivors often develop chronic critical illness (CCI) and demonstrate the persistent inflammation, immunosuppression, and catabolism syndrome predisposing them to long-term functional limitations and higher mortality. There is a need to identify biomarkers that can predict long-term worsening of physical function to be able to act early and prevent mobility loss. N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is a well-accepted biomarker of cardiac overload, but it has also been shown to be associated with long-term physical function decline. We explored whether NT-proBNP blood levels in the acute phase of sepsis are associated with physical function and muscle strength impairment at 6 and 12 months after sepsis onset. Methods: This is a retrospective analysis conducted in 196 sepsis patients (aged 18-86 years old) as part of the University of Florida (UF) Sepsis and Critical Illness Research Center (SCIRC) who consented to participate in the 12-month follow-up study. NT-proBNP was measured at 24 h after sepsis onset. Patients were followed to determine physical function by short physical performance battery (SPPB) test score (scale 0 to12-higher score corresponds with better physical function) and upper limb muscle strength by hand grip strength test (kilograms) at 6 and 12 months. We used a multivariate linear regression model to test an association between NT-proBNP levels, SPPB, and hand grip strength scores. Missing follow-up data or absence due to death was accounted for by using inverse probability weighting based on concurrent health performance status scores. Statistical significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. Results: After adjusting for covariates (age, gender, race, Charlson comorbidity index, APACHE II score, and presence of CCI condition), higher levels of NT-proBNP at 24 h after sepsis onset were associated with lower SPPB scores at 12 months (p < 0.05) and lower hand grip strength at 6-month (p < 0.001) and 12-month follow-up (p < 0.05). Conclusions: NT-proBNP levels during the acute phase of sepsis may be a useful indicator of higher risk of long-term impairments in physical function and muscle strength in sepsis survivors

    Galactic Effects on Habitability

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    The galactic environment has been suspected to influence planetary habitability in many ways. Very metal-poor regions of the Galaxy, or those largely devoid of atoms more massive than H and He, are thought to be unable to form habitable planets. Moreover, if such planets do form, the young system is subjected to close stellar passages while it resides in its stellar birth cluster. Various potential hazards remain after clusters disperse. For instance, central galactic regions may present risks to habitability via nearby supernovae, gamma ray bursts (GRBs), and frequent comet showers. In addition, planets residing within very wide binary star systems are affected by the Galaxy, as local gravitational perturbations from the Galaxy can increase the binary's eccentricity until it destabilizes the planets it hosts. Here we review the most recent work on the main galactic influences over planetary habitability. Although there must be some metallicity limit below which rocky planets cannot form, recent exoplanet surveys show that they form around stars with a very large range of metallicities. Once formed, the probability of star clusters destabilizing planetary systems only becomes high for rare, extremely long-lived clusters. Regarding threats to habitability from supernovae, GRBs, and comet showers, many recent studies suggest that their hazards are more limited than originally thought. Finally, denser regions of the Galaxy enhance the threat that very wide binary companions pose to planetary habitability, but the probability that a very wide binary star disrupts habitability will always be substantially below 100% for any environment. While some Milky Way regions must be more hospitable to habitable planets than others, it is difficult to state that habitable planets are confined to any well-defined region of the Galaxy or that any other particular region of the Galaxy is uninhabitable.Comment: Invited review chapter, accepted for publication in the "Handbook of Exoplanets"; 19 pages; 2 figure

    Vampires in the village Žrnovo on the island of Korčula: following an archival document from the 18th century

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    Središnja tema rada usmjerena je na raščlambu spisa pohranjenog u Državnom arhivu u Mlecima (fond: Capi del Consiglio de’ Dieci: Lettere di Rettori e di altre cariche) koji se odnosi na događaj iz 1748. godine u korčulanskom selu Žrnovo, kada su mještani – vjerujući da su se pojavili vampiri – oskvrnuli nekoliko mjesnih grobova. U radu se podrobno iznose osnovni podaci iz spisa te rečeni događaj analizira u širem društvenom kontekstu i prate se lokalna vjerovanja.The main interest of this essay is the analysis of the document from the State Archive in Venice (file: Capi del Consiglio de’ Dieci: Lettere di Rettori e di altre cariche) which is connected with the episode from 1748 when the inhabitants of the village Žrnove on the island of Korčula in Croatia opened tombs on the local cemetery in the fear of the vampires treating. This essay try to show some social circumstances connected with this event as well as a local vernacular tradition concerning superstitions