1,494 research outputs found

    Integrated thermal-structural analysis of large space structures

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    Optimum performance of large space antennas requires very fine control of the shape of the antenna surface since the shape affects both frequency control and pointing accuracy. A significant factor affecting the antenna shape is the temperature of the structure and the resulting deformation. To accurately predict the temperature of the structure, it is necessary first to accurately predict thermal loads. As the structure orbits the Earth, the thermal loads change constantly so that the thermal-structural response varies continuously throughout the orbit. The results from recent applications of integrated finite element methodology to heat load determination and thermal-structural analysis of large space structures are given. Four areas are concentrated on: (1) the characteristics of the integrated finite element methodology, (2) fundamentals of orbital heat load calculation, (3) description and comparison of some radiation finite elements, and (4) application of the integrated finite-element approach to the thermal-structural analysis of an orbiting truss structure

    Finite element thermal-structural modeling of orbiting truss structures

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    A description of an integrated finite element (FE) thermal-structural approach for accurate and efficient modeling of large space structures is presented. A geometric model with a common discretization for all analyses is employed. It uses improved thermal elements and the results from the thermal analysis directly in the structural analysis without any intervening data processing. The differences between the conventional FE approach as implemented in large programs and an integrated FE approach currently under development are described. Considerations for thermal modeling of truss members is discussed and three thermal truss finite elements are presented. The performance of these elements was evaluated for typical truss members neglecting joint effects. A simple truss with metallic joints and composite members was studied to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach for realistic truss designs. A study of the effects of aluminum joints on the thermal deformations of a simple, plane truss with composite members showed that joint effects may be significant. Further study is needed to assess the role of joint effects on the deformation of large trusses

    Alien Registration- Mahaney, John (Mattawamkeag, Penobscot County)

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    A Student scheduling system for a microcomputer

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    This student scheduling system was written for use on a microcomputer to give the local high school more control over the scheduling process. Scheduling systems are used by high schools to schedule their students, balance classes, and print student schedules and class lists. A scheduling system must be flexible to provide for the generation of many different types of schedules. Most scheduling programs currently used are shared by high schools through the use of BOCES (Board of Cooperative Educational Services). Schools send their schedules to the BOCES regional computer centers to be run on mainframe computers. This scheduling system was written using Apple Pascal for use on an Apple HE microcomputer. The system was developed to do student scheduling for a high school of less than 1200 students. The system will section students and provide the school with student schedules, class lists as well as many scheduling tools which are useful in the development of the schedule

    The Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing in Higher Education: State University of New York, the College at Brockport

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    This thesis discusses the use of social media as a form of marketing in higher education, specifically used by public colleges. The focus will be on the intended use and the actual results of its use, as a case study of The College at Brockport. What are the reasons why students do or do not follow their school\u27s social media? The College at Brockport Facebook page has only about 1,078 followers out of their 8,413 students, while SUNY Cortland has 7,576 followers with 7,358 students enrolled. That\u27s roughly 1 in every 8 students at Brockport versus the equivalent plus faculty (and probably many alumni too) at Cortland. Social media has become the main form of communication among the younger generations. If firms or colleges in this case, do not adopt social media, they may be potentially losing out on a huge marketing opportunity. By focusing on this issue, colleges will be able to refer to the practices of others, in this case The College at Brockport, and reform their methods to better fit their community

    Escalating Commitment to Runaway Information Systems Projects

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    Software development project failure plagues the IS industry. More than half of all IS projects are completed beyond budget, nearly a third fail to implement the desired functions, and only 16% are finished on time and within budget (Cafasso, 1994). Many of these may be described as runaway projects. Runaway projects are those that exhibit significant cost and schedule overruns (Keil & Robey, 1997)

    Implementing Process Pedagogy in the High School Classroom: How to Improve Student Writing While Helping Students Enjoy Writing

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    Traditionally and currently, teachers also focus on the product and not the process in their own classroom. They will assign a paper with a final due date, students turn in their papers without having anyone else look at it beforehand, and students will get a final grade on what is their first draft. This way of teaching writing does not show students how to improve their writing. With this type of assessment, the natural processes of a person’s mind while writing is ignored; students are expected to have everything in their paper in the first draft and without support. Process Pedagogy focuses on writing as a process instead of the final product. When this theory is transferred into the classroom setting, students are given the power and freedom to choose, revise, edit, and explore their own writing craft as they become participants in their own writing. Process Pedagogy implemented in the classroom can transform and liberate teachers and students. This thesis is a case study that explores the the writing process in the high school classroom and how it improves student writing and how they view writing

    Morphology and Composition of Two Late Wisconsinan Soils Forming in Till and Lacustrine Deposits, Scarborough Bluffs Area, South-Central Ontario

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    Halton Till and Glacial Lake Iroquois lacustrine sand and gravel deposits are the major surficial materials exposed at the surface of Scarborough Bluffs in South-Central Ontario. Luvisols formed in these deposits have different morphologies, including depth of weathering, complexity of horizonation, and strength of structural grades which result from parent material differences and pedogenesis. Particle size variations between the two paleosols result, in part, from different modes of deposition, and show that variable amounts of clay were produced pedogenically in the two systems. Clay mineral genesis, involving the transformation of illite and illitesmectite to vermiculite, appears to be restricted to the Iroquois sand paleosol, while some chloritization of illite occurs in both profiles. Changes in the primary mineral contents in the two paleosols suggest a similar magnitude of weathering in both systems. Distributions of vermiculite and dithionite-extractable Fe suggest some preweathering effects in the Halton Till paleosol. Morphological, mineralogical and some soil chemical properties are closely related to the physical attributes of the two different parent materials (till vs lacustrine sand and gravel).Le Till de Halton et le sable lacustre et les dépôts graveleux du lac glaciaire Iroquois sont les principaux matériaux qui apparaissent à la surface des falaises de Scarborough. Les luvisols, qui se sont formés dans ces dépôts, présentent diverses morphologies, dont la profondeur de l'altération. Ia complexité des horizons et le degré d'agrégation du sol, qui dépendent de la nature du matériau d'origine et de la pédogenèse. Les différences de grosseur des particules entre les deux paléosols sont en partie le résultat des modes de dépôt et démontrent que des quantités variables d'argile ont été produites pédogénétiquement dans les deux cas. La genèse de l'argile minérale, qui implique la transformation de Milite et de l'illitesmectite en vermiculite, ne touche que le paleosol de sable du lac Iroquois, mais la chroliritisation de l'ïllite apparaît dans les deux profils. La modification du contenu minéral primaire dans les deux paléosols démontre que le degré d'altération est à peu près le même. La répartition de la vermiculite et de la dithéonite-Fe extractible suppose que des effets de pré-altération se sont manifestés dans le paléosol du Till de Halton. Les propriétés morphologiques et minéralogiques et certaines propriétés chimiques des sols sont étroitement liées aux caractéristiques physiques de deux matériaux d'origine (till, dans un cas, sable lacustre et gravier, dans l'autre.)Das Till von Halton und Seesand- und Kiesablagerungen aus dem Iroquois Eiszeit-See sind die hauptsâchlichen Materialien, die an der Oberflâche der Steilkusten von Scarborough im sùdlichen Zentrum von Ontario sichtbar sind. Die Luvisols, die sich in diesen Ablagerungen gebildet haben, haben unterschiedliche Morphologien, wie die Tiefe der Verwitterung, die Komplexitât der Horizonte und die Stârke der Bodenanhàufung, welche von den Unterschieden zwischen verwandtem Material und der Pedogenese abhângig sind. Die Unterschiede in der GrôBe der Partikel zwischen den beiden Palâobôden resultieren zum Teil aus unterschiedlichen Ablagerungsarten und zeigen, daB unterschiedliche Mengen von Ton in den zwei Systemen pedogenetisch produziert wurden. Die Genèse des Minerlal-Tons einschlieBlich der Verwandlung von lllit und lllit-Smektit zu Vermikulit scheint sich auf den Iroquois Sand-Palâoboden zu beschrànken, wàhrend in beiden Profilen eine Chloratisierung des lllits vorkommt. Verànderungen in den primâren Minerai-Inhalten in den beiden Palâobôden legen eine àhnliche Bedeutung der Verwitterung in beiden Systemen nahe. Die Verteilung von Vermikulit und des herauslôsbaren Dithionit-Fe lassen einige Verwitterungseffekte im Palâobôden des Halton-Till vermuten. Mor-phologische, mineralogische und einige chemische Boden-Eigenschaften werden mit den physikalischen Eigenschaften der zwei verschiedenen verwandten Materialien eng in Verbindung gebracht (Till versus See-Sand und Kies)

    Geomorphologic and Lithologic Evidence for an expanded Mountain Ice Sheet on Mount Kenya during the Early Quarternary

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    Die Analyse und Interpretation glazialer Formen der Prä-Brunhes Periode (> 0,73 — 0,79 my) im Einzugsgebiet des Flusses Nithi an der Ostflanke des Mount Kenya läßt typische Merkmale der Dynamik altquartärer Vereisungen erkennen. Die glaziale Serie setzt sich aus mehreren Folgen von Grund- und Endmoränen, subglazialen Füllungen von Gletscherspalten, Schmelzwasserablagerungen und äolischen Sedimenten zusammen. Hinzu kommen geringmächtige Lagen subaquatisch abgelagerten Moränenmaterials. Die Formensequenz repräsentiert zwei ausgeprägte Vereisungsphasen, von denen die ältere (Gorges Vereisung) eine größere Ausdehnung erreicht als die jüngere (Lake Ellis Vereisung). Die Gorges Vereisung begann mit der Ablagerung von Moränenmaterial unter Wasser über verwitterten Tuffen gefolgt von kuppiger Endmoräne, subglazialen Spaltenfüllungen und äolischen Ablagerungen. Zu Beginn der Lake Ellis Vereisung wurde End- und Grundmoränenmaterial sowie Schmelzwasserablagerungen über verwitterten Tuffen sedimentiert. Danach wurden äolische Sedimente gebildet. Die paläoklimatischen und glazialmorphologischen Wechselwirkungen können durch die Untersuchung der Sedimente und deren Verwitterungsgrad sowie der speziellen Formen ermittelt werden. Nahe dem Eisrand der Gorges Vereisung wurde Material in einem aquatischen, subglazialen Milieu abgelagert. Die überdeckende Moräne kann als basaler Geschiebelehm angesehen werden. Kuppige Endmoränen repräsentieren eine spätere Phase der Stagnation des Eises während dieser Periode, an deren Ende es schließlich zur Ablagerung von Abtaumoränen und geringmächtigem Geschiebelehm kam. Subglaziale Spaltenfüllungen in der Nachbarschaft der kuppigen Endmoräne geben Hinweise auf einen statischen Eisrand am Ende der Gorges Vereisung.researc
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