39 research outputs found

    Isotopic Characteristics and Water Interaction of Ifni Lake and Spring of Tifnoute Valley (High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, North of Africa)

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    Geochemical and isotopic investigations were carried out to indicate the interaction process between Ifni Lake water and high valley of Tifnoute springs. A total of 18 water samples were collected and analyzed. The Ifni Lake constitutes a veritable water resource in the study area, and this water can be the origin of alimentation the springs located in the high valley the Tifnoute. This study aims to improve the interaction between Ifni Lake water and the springs of high valley of Tifnoute. It is mainly focused to identify the origin of groundwater recharge and mineralization. The environmental isotope (deuterium (δ2H) and oxygen-18 (δ18O)) measurements allowed understanding the hydro geochemical process, the origin of the mineralization of the water. Also the results identify the relationship between the waters of Ifni Lake and the spring's water of high valley of Tifnoute. The isotopic compositions reveal that the origin of Ifni Lake water is meteoric, and the water infiltrates directly in the groundwater without any evaporation

    Spatiotemporal evolution of droughts and their teleconnections with large-scale climatic indices in the Lower Sebou Basin in northwestern Morocco

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    The Lower Sebou Basin, placed in a Mediterranean climate, has the particularity of being exposed to the influence of disturbances from the Atlantic Ocean, making periods of drought and climatic phenomena variable in space and time. Applying the world's most recognized drought indices, shows that the duration, frequency and severity of droughts have increased since the start of the 21st century. These results revealed and placed in the even wider regional climatic context, including the two dominant atmospheric oscillations such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Mediterranean Oscillation (MO), suggest that the significant drought trends determined are correlated with the relative facts of the two oscillations

    Understanding the trade-offs between climate change-induced aridity and agricultural water demand in the Souss basin, Morocco

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    The concept of integrated water resource management requires an in-depth analysis of water inflows into a river basin. Population growth and the uncertainties associated with climate change are causing increased water stress and droughts, which are impacting agriculture. Hence the need for studies on the impact of climate change on demand-supply interactions in river basins. In this study, a generic decision support system, ModSim, was used; for the first time in the region; to examine the agricultural water usage and demands over Souss basin in Morocco. ModSim was calibrated over the period from 1990 to 2019 using recorded data about physical processes and hydraulic infrastructures features and management. The simulations succeeded in replicating different deficit episodes at the various irrigated perimeters. During the simulated period from 2012 to 2019, it was observed that the water supplies for the different dams in the basin experienced a decline ranging from 38% to 89%. As a result, the average total unmet demand for surface water from reservoirs in irrigated areas reached 201 mm3 between 1990 and 2019 and the monthly average demand increases by 55% in the dry season, compared to the demands in the rest of the year. The significant amount of unmet demand across all sites suggests that demands are satisfied by the withdrawal of water from groundwater resources. The adopted approach has proven to be a useful decision support tool to understand water resources planning challenges. Water managers require such reliable tools to represent the basin's water trade-offs. Thus, additional investigation to improve the representation of groundwater/surface water interaction approaches is required to enhance the evaluation of the consequences of different uses, especially in arid and semi-arid regions with significant water stress such as Souss. A conceptual framework as well as a detailed discussion have been produced in order to guide efficient water management and governance

    The SISAL database: a global resource to document oxygen and carbon isotope records from speleothems

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    Stable isotope records from speleothems provide information on past climate changes, most particularly information that can be used to reconstruct past changes in precipitation and atmospheric circulation. These records are increasingly being used to provide “out-of-sample” evaluations of isotope-enabled climate models. SISAL (Speleothem Isotope Synthesis and Analysis) is an international working group of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) project. The working group aims to provide a comprehensive compilation of speleothem isotope records for climate reconstruction and model evaluation. The SISAL database contains data for individual speleothems, grouped by cave system. Stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon (δ 18O, δ 13C) measurements are referenced by distance from the top or bottom of the speleothem. Additional tables provide information on dating, including information on the dates used to construct the original age model and sufficient information to assess the quality of each data set and to erect a standardized chronology across different speleothems. The metadata table provides location information, information on the full range of measurements carried out on each speleothem and information on the cave system that is relevant to the interpretation of the records, as well as citations for both publications and archived data. The compiled data are available at https://doi.org/10.17864/1947.147

    Evaluating model outputs using integrated global speleothem records of climate change since the last glacial

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    Although quantitative isotopic data from speleothems has been used to evaluate isotope-enabled model simulations, currently no consensus exists regarding the most appropriate methodology through which to achieve this. A number of modelling groups will be running isotope-enabled palaeoclimate simulations in the framework of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6, so it is timely to evaluate different approaches to use the speleothem data for data-model comparisons. Here, we illustrate this using 456 globally-distributed speleothem δ18O records from an updated version of the Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and Analysis (SISAL) database and palaeoclimate simulations generated using the ECHAM5-wiso isotope-enabled atmospheric circulation model. We show that the SISAL records reproduce the first-order spatial patterns of isotopic variability in the modern day, strongly supporting the application of this dataset for evaluating model-derived isotope variability into the past. However, the discontinuous nature of many speleothem records complicates procuring large numbers of records if data-model comparisons are made using the traditional approach of comparing anomalies between a control period and a given palaeoclimate experiment. To circumvent this issue, we illustrate techniques through which the absolute isotopic values during any time period could be used for model evaluation. Specifically, we show that speleothem isotope records allow an assessment of a model’s ability to simulate spatial isotopic trends. Our analyses provide a protocol for using speleothem isotopic data for model evaluation, including screening the observations to take into account the impact of speleothem mineralogy on 18O values, the optimum period for the modern observational baseline, and the selection of an appropriate time-window for creating means of the isotope data for palaeo time slices

    Three Decades of Groundwater Drought Research: Evolution and Trends

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    In most parts of the world, groundwater is the main source of their water supply, particularly during periods of drought when surface water is scarce. As a result, groundwater drought is among the most worrying problems of our time. In order to shed light on the diversity of scientific productions related to this theme, this analysis was conducted on 151 publications, 76 sources, and 469 authors using version 4.3.1 of Rstudio’s Bibliometrix tool. The clusters and keyword occurrence analysis reveals a research trend towards the use of advanced technologies and a more holistic approach that takes into account the complexity of hydrological systems. The use of drought indices to characterize and monitor groundwater drought, as well as satellite products and their assimilation into Land Surface Models are among the adopted solutions. This was endorsed through a summary of the five most cited publications in this field. The results also highlighted the performance of Chinese institutions in analyzing the various aspects related to this topic, as well as a lack of international collaboration between research structures. In conclusion, this study has enabled us to present the evolution and trends in scientific research and helped to specify the main emerging themes and future areas of research related to groundwater drought