191 research outputs found

    La galàxia Blumengerg

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    The legal aspects of disciplinary suspension and expulsion practice and policy at major tax-supported colleges and universities in South Carolina

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    The administration of discipline at tax-supported colleges and universities has seen great change and evolution during the past thirty years, with significant case law and authoritative literature emerging from the landmark Dixon case of 1961. The major purpose of this study was the assessment of disciplinary procedures and policies used by the 11 major tax-supported colleges and universities in South Carolina, and an analysis of those procedures and policies in light of prevailing case law and authoritative opinion. The study was developed through descriptive and historical analyses of case law, legal trends, and authoritative legal and educational opinion regarding disciplinary due process and related issues at tax-supported institutions. Descriptive data and information concerning disciplinary practices at the eleven colleges and universities were collected and analyzed in terms of consensus findings resulting from the analysis of case law and expert opinion. The resulting analysis provides institutional disciplinary administrators with an assessment of their institutions' disciplinary policies and procedures, and guidelines for the retention, modification, and addition to their practices

    Lifnim mišurat ha-din ir derekh erec problema, arba etikos paieškos žydų tradicijoje ir Vilniaus Gaono kranklys

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    [full article and abstract in Lithuanian; abstract in English] The problem analyzed in this article can be formulated as a question: do ethics, for the Gaon of Vilna, exist outside the Torah and Halakha? This question particularizes and analyzes the more general question posed by R. Aharon Lichtenstein in one of his articles, particularly Does Jewish Tradition Recognize an Ethic Independent of Halakha?, and presents arguments that the traditional Jewish notions lifnim mišurat ha-din and derekh erec, which a number of contemporary scholars of Jewish studies associate to an ethical impulse possibly coming from outside, remain rooted in the Torah and Halakha in the case of the Gaon of Vilna. It is based on both the legendary image of the Gaon of Vilna and the interpretations of agada attributed to him as well as derived from his customs. Through these aspects, an unconditional devotion of the Vilnius Gaon to the study of the Torah, superseding all other possible choices of virtue, can be highlighted. Concerning his customs, which often outweigh the demands of the Halakha, it would be quite problematic to find in them any ethical or social concern. While discussing the theme of animals, which was presented as an argument by R. A. Lichtenstein in finding a positive attitude to an ethical source outside the Torah or Halacha in the Jewish tradition (such as taking an example of proper behavior from a cat, rooster, or ants, as has been taught by some sages of the Talmud), it is argued that the images of animals, as far as examples for proper behavior, are too contradictory in the broader context of the Torah and Talmud: first, in the Torah, some examples of animals are referred to as possible examples; such reference thus do not go beyond the Torah. Second, in the Torah and Talmud, the images of and attitudes toward those animals (especially cats, but also dogs) are quite contradictory. Third, with regard to the Gaon of Vilnius, the animals were only images that allowed him to emphasize certain features and behavioral guidelines necessary for studying and practicing the Torah, but not as examples of ethical behavior.[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Straipsnyje analizuojama, ar Vilniaus Gaonui egzistavo etikos šaltinis už Toros ir halakhos ribų. Svarstant R. Aharono Lichtensteino keltą klausimą, „Ar judaizme egzistuoja etika anapus halakhos?“, straipsnyje argumentuojama, kad sąvokos lifnim mišurat ha-din ir derekh erec, kurios ne vieno šiuolaikinio judaikos tyrinėtojo siejamos su etiniu impulsu, gal ir galimu kildinti iš kitų šaltinių, Vilniaus Gaono atveju lieka įsišaknijusios Toroje ir halakhoje. Remiamasi tiek legendiniu Vilniaus Gaono įvaizdžiu, tiek jam priskirtomis agados interpretacijomis, per kuriuos išryškėja Vilniaus Gaono besąlygiškas atsidavimas Toros studijavimui, jį iškeliant virš visų kitų galimų vertybinių pasirinkimų, ir jo pamaldumo papročiai, dažnai pranokstantys tai, ko reikalauja halakha, tačiau neturintys nieko bendra su etika ar socialiniu rūpesčiu. Straipsnyje atskirai nagrinėjama gyvūnų tema, kurią kaip argumentą, kad žydų tradicijoje galima rasti pozityvų santykį su etikos šaltiniu už Toros ar halakhos ribų (tarkime, imant pavyzdį iš katės, gaidžio ar skruzdėlės, kaip mokė kai kurie Talmudo išminčiai), pateikia Lichtensteinas. Straipsnyje atskleidžiama, kad gyvūnų pavyzdžiai, kalbant apie deramo elgesio pavyzdžius, yra pernelyg prieštaringi, jei turėsime omenyje platesnį Toros ir Talmudo kontekstą: pirma, jau pačioje Toroje kai kurie gyvūnų pavyzdžiai nurodyti kaip sektini ir todėl neišeina už Toros ribų, antra, tiek Toroje, tiek Talmude santykis su tais gyvūnais (ypač katėmis, taip pat šunimis) gana prieštaringas, trečia, kalbant apie Vilniaus Gaoną, jam gyvūnai buvo tik įvaizdžiai, leidę pabrėžti tam tikras būdo savybes ir elgesio orientyrus, būtinus studijuojant ir praktikuojant Torą, o ne etiniam elgesiui

    Formación como elemento de cohesión social en Europa. Análisis comparativo de sinergias y recursos ejecutados, empleando una muestra de medidas operativas (programas) en el marco de las políticas europeas de promoción de la formación profesional y vocacional (VET), lucha contra el abandono formativo y académico temprano (ELET) y recualificación

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    The implementation of the commitments agreed upon in the Europe 2020 Strategy, coupled in a transversally way, the integrated development of multiple policies and work strategies in the educational, social and professional areas. In particular, and by elocution, the commitments regarding the attainment of a modernized vocational training, aimed at labour integration, the reduction of the education and training drop-out ratios, and in turn, the integration through training, of cultural or socio-economically disadvantaged groups. Under this context, the European Council, using the different tools available for the implementation of active policies, put into operation different measures in place to implement and complete the agreed commitments. Within these measures, programmes of diverse nature were applied that in some way incorporated, potended and contributed to the achievement of the commitments. In order to know the synergies in the interventions and actions carried out, a sample was formed from different programmes implemented during the last years, using different resources, that allowed to establish the orientation of the executed actions and the degree of weight and representation of the different variables that intervene in the analysis. The comparative analysis of the proposed indicators allowed to establish, in addition, the classification of the interventions and thus be able to know a defined sample. The main results obtained are the weight of Vocational Education anda Training and Professional Guidance as the backbone of the programmes analyzed, among other conclusions and results.La implementación de los compromisos pactados en la Estrategia Europa 2020, aparejó de manera transversal el desarrollo integrado de múltiples políticas y estrategias de trabajo en el plano formativo, social y profesional. En particular, y por elocución, los compromisos referentes a la consecución de una Formación Profesional modernizada, orientada a la integración laboral, el descenso de los ratios de abandono escolar y formativo, y a su vez, la integración mediante la formación, de colectivos cultural o socio-económicamente desfavorecidos. Bajo este contexto, el Consejo Europeo utilizando las distintas herramientas disponibles para la implementación de políticas activas, puso en funcionamiento distintas medidas de cara a implementar y completar  los compromisos pactados. Dentro de esas medidas, se aplicaron programas de diversa índole que de alguna manera, incorporasen, potenciasen y contribuyesen a la consecución de los mismos. Con objeto de conocer las sinergias en las intervenciones y acciones ejecutadas, se conformó una muestra a partir de distintos programas implementados durante los últimos años, empleando distintos recursos que permitiesen establecer la orientación de las acciones ejecutadas y el grado de peso y representación de las distintas variables que intervienen en el análisis. El análisis comparativo de los indicadores propuestos permitió establecer además, la clasificación de las intervenciones y poder conocer así una muestra definida. Como principales resultados obtenidos se establece el peso de la Formación Profesional y la Orientación Profesional como ejes vertebradores de los programas analizados entre otras conclusiones y resultados