41 research outputs found

    Effects of gluon damping rate on the viscosity coefficient of the quark-gluon plasma at finite chemical potential

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    By considering the Debye screening and damping rate of gluons, the viscosity coefficient of the quark-gluon plasma was evaluated via real-time finite temperature QCD in the relaxation time approximation at finite temperature and chemical potential . The results show that both the damping rate and the chemical potential cause considerable enhancements to the viscosity coefficient of hot dense quark-gluon plasma.Comment: Latex, 18 pages plus three figure

    Thermal Relaxation Time in Chemically Non-equilibrated Quark- Gluon Plasma

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    The definition of thermal relaxation time is extended to chemically non-equilibrated quark-gluon plasma and the chemical non-equilibrated thermal relaxation times for partons are calculated using the non-equilibrium Debye mass as the infrared regulator. The dependence of the thermal relaxation time on the fugacity is given and the influence of the chemical non-equilibration is discussed. We find that there are threshold fugacities λg\lambda_g^* and λq\lambda_q^* for gluons and quarks. For \lambda_g < \lambda_g^* (\lambda_q < \lambda_q^*), \tau_g^{NEQ}/\tau_g^{EQ} (\tau_q^{NEQ}/\tau_q^{EQ}) decreases strongly with increasing fugacity, while for λg>λg(λq>λq\lambda_g > \lambda_g^* (\lambda_q>\lambda_q^*), the ratios are almost 1. It is shown that there is also the two-stage equilibration in a chemically non-equilibrated plasma. We also discussed the effect of using the non-equilibrium Deby mass as the infrared cutoff.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, Revtex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ward Identities in Non-equilibrium QED

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    We verify the QED Ward identity for the two- and three -point functions at non-equilibrium in the HTL limit. We use the Keldysh formalism of real time finite temperature field theory. We obtain an identity of the same form as the Ward identity for a set of one loop self-energy and one loop three-point vertex diagrams which are constructed from HTL effective propagators and vertices.Comment: 19 pages, RevTex, 4 PostScript figures, revised version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Finite Temperature Retarded and Advanced Fields

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    By employing retarded and advanced propagators, Aurenche and Becherrawy showed how to rewrite the real-time thermal Feynman rules so that the temperature dependence is removed from the free propagators and transferred to the vertices. The present paper introduces retarded and advanced field operators and incorporates all temperature dependence into the interaction term of the Hamiltonian. Perturbative expansions of the Green functions in the Hamiltonian formulation give the correct results order by order in perturbation theory. The spectrum of the temperature-dependent Hamiltonian contains the thermal quasiparticles that produce poles in the propagators.Comment: 27 pages, latex, no figure

    Comprehensive Riser VIV Model Tests in Uniform and Sheared Flow

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    Despite of considerable research activity during the last decades considerable uncertainties still remain in prediction of Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV) of risers. Model tests of risers subjected to current have been shown to be a useful method for investigation of the VIV behavior of risers with and without suppression devices. In order to get further insight on VIV of risers, an extensive hydrodynamic test program of riser models subjected to vortex-induced vibrations was undertaken during the winter 2010 by Shell Oil Company. The VIV-model test campaign was performed in the MARINTEK Offshore Basin Laboratory. A new test rig was constructed and showed to give good test conditions. Three different 38m long riser models were towed horizontally at different speeds, simulating uniform and linearly varying sheared current. Measurements were made In-Line (IL) and Cross-Flow (CF) of micro bending strains and accelerations along the risers. The test program compromised about 400 tests, which give a rich test material for further studies. In the present paper the test set-up and program are presented and selected results are reported

    Quantum, Multi-Body Effects and Nuclear Reaction Rates in Plasmas

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    Detailed calculations of the contribution from off-shell effects to the quasiclassical tunneling of fusing particles are provided. It is shown that these effects change the Gamow rates of certain nuclear reactions in dense plasma by several orders of magnitude.Comment: 11 pages; change of content: added clarification of one of the important steps in the derivatio

    Soft Photons from Off-shell Particles in a Hot Plasma

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    Considering the propagation of off-shell particles in the framework of thermal field theory, we present the general formalism for the calculation of the production rate of soft photons and dileptons from a hot plasma. This approach is illustrated with an electrodynamic plasma. The photon production rate from strongly interacting quarks in the quark-gluon plasma, which might be formed in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, is calculated in the previously unaccessible regime of photon energies of the order of the plasma temperature within an effective field theory incorporating dynamical chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: 8 pages in RevTeX format, 3 figures uuencoded postscript added. Also available by anonymous ftp at ftp://tpri6c.gsi.de/pub/phenning/qh95ga

    Transport Theory of Massless Fields

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    Using the Schwinger-Keldysh technique we discuss how to derive the transport equations for the system of massless quantum fields. We analyse the scalar field models with quartic and cubic interaction terms. In the ϕ4\phi^4 model the massive quasiparticles appear due to the self-interaction of massless bare fields. Therefore, the derivation of the transport equations strongly resembles that one of the massive fields, but the subset of diagrams which provide the quasiparticle mass has to be resummed. The kinetic equation for the finite width quasiparticles is found, where, except the mean-field and collision terms, there are terms which are absent in the standard Boltzmann equation. The structure of these terms is discussed. In the massless ϕ3\phi^3 model the massive quasiparticles do not emerge and presumably there is no transport theory corresponding to this model. It is not surprising since the ϕ3\phi^3 model is anyhow ill defined.Comment: 32 pages, no macro

    Wigner functions in covariant and single-time formulations

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    We will establish the connection between the Lorentz covariant and so-called single-time formulation for the quark Wigner operator. To this end we will discuss the initial value problem for the Wigner operator of a field theory and give a discussion of the gauge-covariant formulation for the Wigner operator including some new results concerning the chiral limit. We discuss the gradient or semi-classical expansion and the color and spinor decomposition of the equations of motion for the Wigner operator. The single-time formulation will be derived from the covariant formulation by taking energy moments of the equations for the Wigner operator. For external fields we prove that only the lowest energy moments of the quark Wigner operator contain dynamical information.Comment: 92 pages, to appear in Annals of Physics (N.Y.

    Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect in thermal field theory

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    In recent studies, the production rate of photons or lepton pairs by a quark gluon plasma has been found to be enhanced due to collinear singularities. This enhancement pattern is very dependent on rather strict collinearity conditions between the photon and the quark momenta. It was estimated by neglecting the collisional width of quasi-particles. In this paper, we study the modifications of this collinear enhancement when we take into account the possibility for the quarks to have a finite mean free path. Assuming a mean free path of order (g2Tln(1/g))1(g^2T\ln(1/g))^{-1}, we find that only low invariant mass photons are affected. The region where collision effects are important can be interpreted as the region where the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect plays a role in thermal photon production by bremsstrahlung. It is found that this effect modifies the spectrum of very energetic photons as well. Based on these results and on a previous work on infrared singularities, we end this paper by a reasonable physical picture for photon production by a quark gluon plasma, that should be useful to set directions for future technical developments.Comment: 28 pages Latex document, 9 postscript figures, typos corrected, semantics cleanup, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.