543 research outputs found

    Entropy Crisis, Ideal Glass Transition and Polymer Melting: Exact Solution on a Husimi Cactus

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    We introduce an extension of the lattice model of melting of semiflexible polymers originally proposed by Flory. Along with a bending penalty, present in the original model and involving three sites of the lattice, we introduce an interaction energy that corresponds to the presence of a pair of parallel bonds and a second interaction energy associated with the presence of a hairpin turn. Both these new terms represent four-site interactions. The model is solved exactly on a Husimi cactus, which approximates a square lattice. We study the phase diagram of the system as a function of the energies. For a proper choice of the interaction energies, the model exhibits a first-order melting transition between a liquid and a crystalline phase. The continuation of the liquid phase below this temperature gives rise to a supercooled liquid, which turns continuously into a new low-temperature phase, called metastable liquid. This liquid-liquid transition seems to have some features that are characteristic of the critical transition predicted by the mode-coupling theory.Comment: To be published in Physical Review E, 68 (2) (2003

    Carbon partitioning and export in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana with altered capacity for sucrose synthesis grown at low temperature: a role for metabolite transporters

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    We investigated the role of metabolite transporters in cold acclimation by comparing the responses of wild-type (WT) Arabidopsis thaliana (Heynh.) with that of transgenic plants over-expressing sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPSox) or with that of antisense repression of cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPas). Plants were grown at 23 degrees C and then shifted to 5 degrees C. We compared the leaves shifted to 5 degrees C for 3 and 10 d with new leaves that developed at 5 degrees C with control leaves on plants at 23 degrees C. At 23 degrees C, ectopic expression of SPS resulted in 30% more carbon being fixed per day and an increase in sucrose export from source leaves. This increase in fixation and export was supported by increased expression of the plastidic triose-phosphate transporter AtTPT and, to a lesser extent, the high-affinity Suc transporter AtSUC1. The improved photosynthetic performance of the SPSox plants was maintained after they were shifted to 5 degrees C and this was associated with further increases in AtSUC1 expression but with a strong repression of AtTPT mRNA abundance. Similar responses were shown by WT plants during acclimation to low temperature and this response was attenuated in the low sucrose producing FBPas plants. These data suggest that a key element in recovering flux through carbohydrate metabolism in the cold is to control the partitioning of metabolites between the chloroplast and the cytosol, and Arabidopsis modulates the expression of AtTPT to maintain balanced carbon flow. Arabidopsis also up-regulates the expression of AtSUC1, and to lesser extent AtSUC2, as down-stream components facilitate sucrose transport in leaves that develop at low temperatures.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Das-Mathur-Okubo sum rule for the charged pion polarizability in a chiral model

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    The Das-Mathur-Okubo (DMO) sum rule for the polarizability of charged pions is evaluated for the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model Lagrangian in both its minimal and extended forms. A comparison is made with the results obtained using the same sum rule from chiral perturbation theory (CHPT), approximate QCD sum rule calculations, explicit calculations on the lattice by Wilcox, and using the semi-empirical Kapusta-Shuryak spectral densities. The χ\chiPT results from Compton scattering are also given. We point to a delicate cancellation between the intrinsic and recoil contributions to απ±\alpha_{\pi^\pm} in the DMO sum rule approach that can lead to calculated polarizabilities of either sign.Comment: 10 LaTeX pages plus one postscript figure, to be published in Physics Letters

    Grover search with pairs of trapped ions

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    The desired interference required for quantum computing may be modified by the wave function oscillations for the implementation of quantum algorithms[Phys.Rev.Lett.84(2000)1615]. To diminish such detrimental effect, we propose a scheme with trapped ion-pairs being qubits and apply the scheme to the Grover search. It can be found that our scheme can not only carry out a full Grover search, but also meet the requirement for the scalable hot-ion quantum computing. Moreover, the ion-pair qubits in our scheme are more robust against the decoherence and the dissipation caused by the environment than single-particle qubits proposed before.Comment: RevTe

    Photon-Photon and Pomeron-Pomeron Processes in Peripheral Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We estimate the cross sections for the production of resonances, pion pairs and a central cluster of hadrons in peripheral heavy-ion collisions through two-photon and double-pomeron exchange, at energies that will be available at RHIC and LHC. The effect of the impact parameter in the diffractive reactions is introduced, and imposing the condition for realistic peripheral collisions we verify that in the case of very heavy ions the pomeron-pomeron contribution is indeed smaller than the electromagnetic one. However, they give a non-negligible background in the collision of light ions. This diffractive background will be more important at RHIC than at LHC.Comment: 22 pages, 1 Postscript figures, 4 tables, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Multipartite entangled states in coupled quantum dots and cavity-QED

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    We investigate the generation of multipartite entangled state in a system of N quantum dots embedded in a microcavity and examine the emergence of genuine multipartite entanglement by three different characterizations of entanglement. At certain times of dynamical evolution one can generate multipartite entangled coherent exciton states or multiqubit WW states by initially preparing the cavity field in a superposition of coherent states or the Fock state with one photon, respectively. Finally we study environmental effects on multipartite entanglement generation and find that the decay rate for the entanglement is proportional to the number of excitons.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Rudeness and Rapport: Insults and Learning Gains in Peer Tutoring

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    Abstract. For 20 years, researchers have envisioned artificially intelligent learning companions that evolve with their students as they grow and learn. However, while communication theory suggests that positivity decreases over time in relationships, most tutoring systems designed to build rapport with a student remain adamantly polite, and may therefore inadvertently distance the learner from the agent over time. We present an analysis of high school friends interacting in a peer tutoring environment as a step towards designing agents that sustain long-term pedagogical relationships with learners. We find that tu-tees and tutors use different language behaviors: tutees express more playful-ness and face-threat, while tutors attend more to the task. This face-threat by the tutee is associated with increased learning gains for their tutor. Additionally, a small sample of partners who were strangers learned less than friends, and in these dyads increased face-threat was negatively correlated with learning. Our findings support the idea that learning companions should gradually move to-wards playful face-threat as they build relationships with their students

    Observation of the Ankle and Evidence for a High-Energy Break in the Cosmic Ray Spectrum

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    We have measured the cosmic ray spectrum at energies above 101710^{17} eV using the two air fluorescence detectors of the High Resolution Fly's Eye experiment operating in monocular mode. We describe the detector, PMT and atmospheric calibrations, and the analysis techniques for the two detectors. We fit the spectrum to models describing galactic and extragalactic sources. Our measured spectrum gives an observation of a feature known as the ``ankle'' near 3×10183\times 10^{18} eV, and strong evidence for a suppression near 6×10196\times 10^{19} eV.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. To appear in Physics Letters B. Accepted versio

    Peak grain forecasts for the US High Plains amid withering waters

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This paper stems from discussions during the Ettersburg Ecohydrology Workshop in Germany (October 2018), with the corresponding manuscript preparation ensuing in subsequent months. The workshop was funded by the UNIDEL Foundation, Inc. and the University of Delaware. Accordingly, partial support for this paper derived from funding for the workshop. A.M. was supported by the US NSF (Grants NSF-AGS-1644382 and NSF-IOS-175489).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Performance of prototypes for the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter

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    The performance of prototypes for the ALICE electromagnetic sampling calorimeter has been studied in test beam measurements at FNAL and CERN. A 4×44\times4 array of final design modules showed an energy resolution of about 11% /E(GeV)\sqrt{E(\mathrm{GeV})} \oplus 1.7 % with a uniformity of the response to electrons of 1% and a good linearity in the energy range from 10 to 100 GeV. The electromagnetic shower position resolution was found to be described by 1.5 mm \oplus 5.3 mm /E(GeV)\sqrt{E \mathrm{(GeV)}}. For an electron identification efficiency of 90% a hadron rejection factor of >600>600 was obtained.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure