400 research outputs found

    Comunicación en las organizaciones: contribuciones a las revistas académicas europeas

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    Studies and research work devoted to organizational communication had, until the last fifteen years or so, remained marginal, but during that period they have emerged to become a major focus for analysis by a growing number of researchers in the Information and Communication Sciences (ICS). They occupy ever greater ground in theoretical debates relating to organizations that had hitherto been covered by neighboring disciplines such as sociology and/or management. Initially limited to the world of business, they have gradually opened out to organizations in general, meaning any established social unit that conducts a set of activities oriented towards defined goals, as with clubs and associations or local authorities, for example. They now address both communication processes observed and the strategic means employed. A large number of empirical studies have been devoted to the issue.Los estudios y los trabajos de investigación sobre la comunicación en las organizaciones, hasta hace quince años, habían permanecido marginales, pero en estos últimos años han cobrado fuerza y se han convertido en el objeto principal de investigación para muchos investigadores de la Información y Ciencias de Comunicación (CCI). Ahora se investiga con fundamentos teóricos propios, mientras que antes se investigaba con fundamentos de otras disciplinas, como la Sociología. Al principio, las investigaciones se centraban en el ámbito empresarial y del negocio, pero gradualmente se han abierto a organizaciones en general, como con clubs y asociaciones o ayuntamientos, por citar algunos ejemplos

    Comunicación y turismo sostenible. La emergencia de la innovación durante la tarea de diseño

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    El desarrollo sostenible y la responsabilidad social se han convertido en requisitos de la política global de la empresa, al objeto de preservar el entorno, incluso en el sector turístico. Esta evolución implica profundas modificaciones en las actitudes y comportamientos de las empresas. La innovación es un factor clave para satisfacer a los clientes en esos mercados cada vez más globalizados y, al mismo tiempo, segmentados. En numerosos estudios anteriores se ha insistido en la influencia sobre la innovación de algunos factores como la introducción de las TICs. Sin embargo, hasta ahora, pocos trabajos han abordado el análisis del papel de la dimensión comunicacional en la emergencia de la innovación en el proceso de diseño turístico. Tomando como antecedente una investigación de varios años, en varias empresas del sector turístico, en la que se ha utilizado una metodología de toma de decisión en situación (Naturalistic Decision Making), se presenta una reflexión teórica de cuyos argumentos se desprende la necesidad de incluir, en los procesos innovadores de diseño turístico, la dimensión comunicacional. La primera parte del artículo se centra en la aparición de la innovación en el seno de las estructuras de proyecto e intenta aprehender el lugar que ocupa la comunicación en el proceso de diseño. La segunda parte se interesa por la toma de decisión en esos mismos procesos. La conclusión plantea que la toma en consideración de la dimensión comunicacional es garantía de éxito en el proceso de innovación en el campo turístico, dadas las complejas interacciones en el tiempo entre los agentes que intervienen en el diseño

    Assessing increases in violence: an analysis of homicide cases from Orleans Parish, Louisiana

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    Analysis of homicides in different cities can provide valuable research information. The information gathered from such an analysis can be used to aid those who are the primary targets of homicide. Such studies can also be used to understand the nature of homicide and what measures can be taken to decrease the rates of homicide. Information on the nature of homicide and who is primarily affected can be used by police departments and public organizations to develop methods to decrease the amount of homicide in any area. This study is an analysis of homicide cases from the Orleans Parish coroner\u27s office. A total of 1,334 cases were reviewed. The first goal of the research was to determine trends in homicides in Orleans Parish. The second goal was to determine whether the rate of violence in homicide cases has increased over time. To determine changes over time, the years 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2000 were reviewed. The results of this study indicate that African American males aged 21 to 30 are the primary victims of homicide in Orleans Parish. Gun related homicides were consistently in the majority. When violence was analyzed, the results indicated that homicides in Orleans Parish have become more violent in recent years. Both the number of overly violent cases per year and the average number of wounds per victim increased over the years under study. The results also indicated that the victims of overly violent homicides were principally African American males aged 21 to 30

    Dum (assombrado) complexo de Bartleby: Isto [não] é um livro e eu [não] sou daqui (ou da [im]possibilidade lusófona da Galiza)

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    In 2003 the Galizan writer João Guisan published Isto é um livro. Projecto Dicionário Vivo, conceived as ‘a project of a Project’ which would retain an essential relationship with language and writing but would potentially exceed them, crossing the borders of the supposed autonomy of cultural practices and artifacts. What Isto é um livro is articulating are the very conditions of [im]possibility of be[com]ing Lusophone\Lusograph in Spanish Galiza and, in so doing, challenging the nature of the hyphen between the two notions making up the political category of Nation-State

    E a Galiza...? Lusofonias transversais

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    Resumo Através de uma leitura filosófica do conto de José A. Lozano “Porco transgénico” (2001) este trabalho tenta indicar as linhas de delimitação da condição identitária galega em que assenta a legenda que Daniel Castelao colocou ao pé da lâmina nº 39 do seu álbum “Nós” (1931). Abstract By articulating a philosophical reading of José A. Lozano’s short story “Porco transgénico” (2001) this paper attempts to point to the demarcating lines of Galician identity as drawn in the caption used by Daniel Castelao for etching no. 39 of his album “Nós” (1931)

    Da literatura abscondita? ou apontamento liminar sobre Baralha de sonhos: António Gil Hernández leitor de Amado L. Caeiro

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    Confronting the fact that Amado L. Caeiro’s poetry collection Baralha de sonhos comes framed by the interpretations provided through the accompanying texts authoredb by António Gil Hernández (legal name who fabricated Amado’s as his otherbproper name), this essay points towards the conditions of reading that such framing obliges to consider ab initio and which refer to the territories of intersection, hierarchy, (inter) dependency, tension and conflict between the spheres of literature and politics in the Modern context sha-ped by the Nation-State

    The effect of stress and boundaries on segmental duration in a corpus of authentic speech (British English)

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    International audienceResearch into the effect of stress and boundaries on segmental duration in speech has, for obvious reasons, most often been applied to carefully constructed sentences pronounced in laboratory conditions. The availability of a large labelled database of British English (Aix-Marsec) provides an opportunity to test different hypotheses concerning the factors influencing segmental duration from a corpus of authentic speech (defined as speech produced with the intent of communicating its meaning to the listener). In particular, in this paper, we look at the effect of stress and boundaries on prosodic structure in British English. Recent work has suggested that while word boundaries seem definitely to have a significant effect of the duration of segments, once the number of segments in the narrow rhythm unit is known, there is no orthogonal effect of word stress. In this study we look in particular at effects of word and intonation unit boundaries and at their possible interaction with stress and find that while intonation unit boundaries definitely affect segmental duration, no similar effect could be shown for word boundaries

    Phonotactique prédictive et alignement automatique : Application au corpus MARSEC et perspectives

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    Autorisation No.2102 : TIPA est la revue du Laboratoire Parole et LangageThis paper presents the methodology used during the generation of Aix-MARSEC, a multi-level aligned corpus (phonemes, sub-syllabic components, syllables, words, stress feet and intonation units). After defining the concepts of alignment and granularity, the main part of this paper details the three phases leading to the aligned phonetic transcription of the corpus : raw dictionary-based grapheme-tophoneme conversion, optimisation by phoneme elision rules and automatic forced Viterbi alignment of the optimised transcription. After the evaluation of both the optimised transcription and the final alignment, perspectives of improvement of these two components are suggested.Cet article présente la méthodologie employée lors de la constitution du corpus aligné (phonèmes, constituants syllabiques, syllabes, mots, pieds accentuels et unités intonatives) Aix-MARSEC. Après avoir défini les concepts d'alignement et de granularité, cet article détaille, dans sa partie centrale, les trois phases menant à la transcription phonétique alignée du corpus : phonétisation automatique brute par dictionnaire, optimisation par règles d'élision et alignement automatique par "force Viterbi" de la transcription optimisée. Après évaluation de la phonétisation optimisée et de l'alignement final, des perspectives d'amélioration de ces deux composantes sont proposées

    Modèles et conception publicitaire. Des pratiques incertaines, entre bricolage et braconnage

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    Longtemps considérée comme l’activité privilégiée du marketing, au point d’en être parfois confondue avec lui, la publicité cherche à obtenir un effet sur le comportement des individus d’une cible visée, en faveur d’un annonceur donné ; l’activité publicitaire pouvant difficilement s’envisager indépendamment de ses retombées. Dans le difficile contexte actuel, les publicitaires recherchent les outils susceptibles de les aider à bâtir au mieux leurs stratégies et à justifier ces dernières auprès des décideurs, en faisant notamment appel à des « modèles d’action de la communication ». Mais ces modèles n’apparaissent pas immuables et semblent diversement utilisés tout au long de la recherche créative. Employés d’abord pour soi, afin de faire émerger les premières idées, ils sont enrichis, affinés ou détournés selon les sollicitations des acteurs en présence et ce, au gré des circonstances. La présente contribution, à visée exploratoire, tente de mettre en évidence quelques-unes des logiques structurantes de ces pratiques. Elle montre ainsi que les publicitaires hésitent entre le « bricolage », utilisation incertaine des divers modèles d’action de la communication dans le processus créatif, et le « braconnage » adapté aux circonstances, dans lequelle respect des règles déontologiques est relatif.A study of the practices shows that publicists seem to hesitate between mending an improvised activity adapted to the circumstances but legal, and poaching in which the respect of the law is a very relative thing. Within the frame of their professional activity, the people in charge of communication are also trying to reach plurial goals. The present contribution, whose aim is exploratory, is based on the study of communication strategies over the last few years. It seeks to highlight some of the logics behind the professional practices concerned. It relies on a critical analysis of the theories and techniques developed by publicists

    As pesquisas em comunicação das organizações: origens e fundamentos

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    La comunicación en y de las organizaciones es algo reciente. Los trabajos en torno a este tema, de origen anglosajón, fueron recientemente enriquecidos por las investigaciones francesas. Un tal objeto ha recibido la influencia de disciplinas varias y sus corrientes de pensamiento se caracterizan por las contribuciones de dos grandes escuelas, la escuela funcionalista y la escuela interpretativista.A comunicação nas e das organizações é algo novo. Os trabalhos sobre esse tema, de origem anglo-saxônica, foram recentemente enriquecidos pelas pesquisas francesas. Tal objeto recebeu a influência de várias disciplinas e suas correntes de pensamento se caracterizam pelas contribuições de duas grandes escolas: a funcionalista e a interpretativista.Communication in and by organizations is something very recent. The works on this theme, which is of Anglo-Saxon origin, were enhanced by the French research efforts. This object received the influence of various disciplines and its lines of thought are characterized by the contributions of two major schools – the functionalist school and the interpretative school