2,301 research outputs found

    Clustering in ICT: From Route 128 to Silicon Valley, from DEC to Google, from Hardware to Content

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    One of the pioneers in academic entrepreneurship and high-tech clustering is MIT and the Route 128/Boston region. Silicon Valley centered around Stanford University was originally a fast follower and only later emerged as a scientific and industrial hotspot. Several technology and innovation waves, have shaped Silicon Valley over all the years. The initial regional success of Silicon Valley started with electro-technical instruments and defense applications in the 1940s and 1950s (represented by companies as Litton Engineering and Hewlett & Packard). In the 1960s and 1970s, the region became a national and international leader in the design and production of integrated circuit and computer chips, and as such became identified as Silicon Valley (e.g. Fairchild Semiconductor, and Intel). In the 1970s and 1980s, Silicon Valley capitalised further on the development, manufacturing and sales of the personal computer and workstations (e.g. Apple, Silicon Graphics and SUN), followed by the proliferation of telecommunications and Internet technologies in the 1990s (e.g. Cisco, 3Com) and Internet-based applications and info-mediation services (e.g. Yahoo, Google) in the late 1990s and early 2000s. When the external and/or internal conditions of its key industries change, Silicon Valley seemed to have an innate capability to restructure itself by a rapid and frequent reshuffling of people, competencies, resources and firms. To characterise the demise of one firm leading, directly or indirectly, to the formation of another and the reconfiguration of business models and product offerings by the larger companies in emerging industries, Bahrami & Evans (2000) introduced the term `flexible recycling.’ This dynamic process of learning by doing, failing and recombining (i.e. allowing new firms to rise from the ashes of failed enterprises) is one of the key factors underlying the dominance of Silicon Valley in the new economy.ICT;Clusters;Networks;Academic entrepreneurship;MIT;Silicon Valley;Stanford University;Flexible recycling;Route 128

    Die biologiese evolusie van die mens: oorwegings, stand van kennis en enkele implikasies

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    The biological evolution of man: considerations, current knowledge, and some implications The biological evolution of the modern man is and remains a controversial subject. In this article, I give an overview of the most important fossil hominid finds, starting from seven million years ago. The periods of existence, relationships, similarities and differences of the Sahelanthropus, Australopithecus, Ardipithecus, Paranthropus, and Homo genera are discussed. A recently proposed alternative classification system for the hominids is also presented. The opinion is expressed that there is enough supporting evidence to accept the biological continuity between all these different life forms, and that the modern human has developed through evolution. Man, to a large extent, is governed and limited by its biological character. Man has, just like any other creature, the created ability to adapt to changes in the environment, and man is and remains a part of the creation of God, and subject to his authority

    DDT and Malaria Prevention: Addressing the Paradox

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    Background: The debate regarding dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in malaria prevention and human health is polarized and can be classified into three positions: anti-DDT, centrist-DDT, pro-DDT. Objective: We attempted to arrive at a synthesis by matching a series of questions on the use of DDT for indoor residual spraying (IRS) with literature and insights, and to identify options and opportunities. Discussion: Overall, community health is significantly improved through all available malaria control measures, which include IRS with DDT. Is DDT “good”? Yes, because it has saved many lives. Is DDT safe as used in IRS? Recent publications have increasingly raised concerns about the health implications of DDT. Therefore, an unqualified statement that DDT used in IRS is safe is untenable. Are inhabitants and applicators exposed? Yes, and to high levels. Should DDT be used? The fact that DDT is “good” because it saves lives, and “not safe” because it has health and environmental consequences, raises ethical issues. The evidence of adverse human health effects due to DDT is mounting. However, under certain circumstances, malaria control using DDT cannot yet be halted. Therefore, the continued use of DDT poses a paradox recognized by a centrist-DDT position. At the very least, it is now time to invoke precaution. Precautionary actions could include use and exposure reduction. Conclusions: There are situations where DDT will provide the best achievable health benefit, but maintaining that DDT is safe ignores the cumulative indications of many studies. In such situations, addressing the paradox from a centrist-DDT position and invoking precaution will help design choices for healthier lives

    Bank liquidity creation and risk taking during distress

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    Liquidity creation is one of banks' raisons d'être. But what happens to liquidity creation and risk taking when a bank is identified as distressed by regulatory bodies and subjected to regulatory interventions and/or receives capital injections? What are the long-run effects of such interventions? To address these questions, we exploit a unique dataset of German universal banks for the period 1999 - 2008. Our main findings are as follows. First, regulatory interventions and capital injections are followed by lower levels of liquidity creation. The probability of a decline in liquidity creation increases to up to around 50 percent when such actions are taken. Second, bank risk taking decreases in the aftermath of regulatory interventions and capital injections. Third, while banks' liquidity creation market shares decline over the five years following such disciplinary measures, they also reduce their risk exposure over this period to become safer banks. --Liquidity creation,bank distress,regulatory interventions,capital injections


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    Chlorophenols, health and the environment Environmental Health Criteria 93: Chlorophenols Other Than Pentachlorophenol. Pp. 208. Illustrated. SFr. 22. Geneva: WHO. 1989.Haematological aspects of systemic disease Haematological Aspects of Systemic Disease. Ed. by 1. W: Delamore and J. A. Liu Yin. Pp. 568. Illustated. London. Bailliere Tindall. 1990.Aspects of antibiotics Milestones of Medical Progress: Antibiotics - Medical and Economic Aspects. Ed. by Gabriella Pedroni and Peter Zweifel. Pp. 1 + 56. Illustrated. SFr. 4,50. Basle: Pharma Information. 1990

    Mobile travel services: A three-country study into the impact of local circumstances

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    In this paper we explore the difference in acceptance patterns of mobile services that are related to travelling in three countries: Finland, The Netherlands and New Zealand. The objective of this paper is to understand differences in the use of Mobile Travel Services in three countries that differ with regard to national travel patterns. This paper also contributes to the discussion of the relevance of the Technology Acceptance Model for mobile applications by focusing on the importance of context characteristics, such as the degree of mobility of the user, the social situation people are in, and their need for social interaction. Based on surveys in the three countries as executed in 2009, we use structural equation modelling to find differences in patterns. The paper concludes that context factors have an impact on the relation between the core concepts as used in TAM and DOI approach, and that t here is a clear need for closer research in the moderating effect of physical (e.g. mobile and fixed context) and social context, as well as the need for social interaction. Moreover it is clear that country specific characteristics play a role in the acceptance of mobile travel services. As we pointed out in many of our research projects before the acceptance and use of mobile services requires deep understanding from individual, context and technology related characteristics and their mutual interactions

    Mobile travel services: the effect of moderating context factors

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    This article has two objectives: (1) to draw an international comparison regarding the acceptance of mobile travel services in three countries with different profiles when it comes to travelling and mobile telecommunications, and (2) to extend relevant literature on mobile applications, more specifically travel services, by including context-related concepts, taking moderating factors like location, mobility of users, physical, and social context into account. Based on surveys that were carried out in 2009, structural equation modelling is used to identify differences in patterns in the use of mobile travel services and in the role of context-related variables. the conclusion of this article is that context-related factors, that is, mobility and (physical and social) context, have an impact on the relationship between the core concepts of technology Acceptance model (TAM) and Diffusion of Innovation (DoI) research. many studies on the acceptance and use of mobile services indicate that a deep understanding is needed of individual, context-related, and technological characteristics and the way they interact. this is also highly relevant to the travel industry, which wants to utilize the opportunities provided by mobile technology

    Photochemistry of the PAH pyrene in water ice: the case for ion-mediated solid-state astrochemistry

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    Context. Icy dust grains play an important role in the formation of complex inter- and circumstellar molecules. Observational studies show that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are abundantly present in the ISM in the gas phase. It is likely that these non-volatile species freeze out onto dust grains as well and participate in the astrochemical solid-state network, but experimental PAH ice studies are largely lacking. Methods. Near UV/VIS spectroscopy is used to track the in situ VUV driven photochemistry of pyrene containing ices at temperatures ranging from 10 to 125 K. Results. The main photoproducts of VUV photolyzed pyrene ices are spectroscopically identified and their band positions are listed for two host ices, \water and CO. Pyrene ionisation is found to be most efficient in \water ices at low temperatures. The reaction products, triplet pyrene and the 1-hydro-1-pyrenyl radical are most efficiently formed in higher temperature water ices and in low temperature CO ice. Formation routes and band strength information of the identified species are discussed. Additionally, the oscillator strengths of Py, Py^+ and PyH are derived and a quantitative kinetic analysis is performed by fitting a chemical reaction network to the experimental data. Conclusions. Pyrene is efficiently ionised in water ice at temperatures below 50 K. Hydrogenation reactions dominate the chemistry in low temperature CO ice with trace amounts of water. The results are put in an astrophysical context by determining the importance of PAH ionisation in a molecular cloud. The photoprocessing of a sample PAH in ice described in this manuscript indicates that PAH photoprocessing in the solid state should also be taken into account in astrochemical models.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&