18 research outputs found

    Exploration of intraclonal adaptation mechanisms of Pseudomonas brassicacearum facing cadmium toxicity

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    Pseudomonas brassicacearum forms phenotypic variants in vitro as well as in planta during root colonization under natural conditions, leading to subpopulations (phase I and II cells) that differ in colony morphology and production of exoenzymes/secondary metabolites. The maximal concentration of cadmium allowing both variants growth was 25 μM; however, phase II cells accumulated fivefold higher Cd than phase I cells, even though both variants showed the same growth rate and kinetics, comprising a long stasis period (50 h). The whole transcriptome analysis of both variants in response to Cd was investigated using the home-made DNA microarrays. This analysis revealed completely different adaptation mechanisms developed by each variant to withstand and grow in the presence of the toxic. A re-organization of the cell wall to limit Cd entrance was noticed for phase I cells, as genes encoding levan exopolymers were downregulated at the expense of an upregulation of genes encoding alginate, and an upregulation of transporters such as cadA, and a downregulation of copper transporters. Phase II cells were unable to prevent Cd entrance and recruited genes under the control of oxyR and soxR regulation to face osmotic and oxidant stresses generated by Cd. Putrescine and spermidine metabolism appeared to play a central role in Cd tolerance. Microarray data were validated by biological analyses such as motility, oxidative stress assay, metabolite profiling with ICR-FT/MS and UPLC, capillary electrophoresis analysis of biogenic amines

    Predominance of deterministic microbial community dynamics in salterns exposed to different light intensities

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    While the dynamics of microbial community assembly driven by environmental perturbations have been extensively studied, our understanding is far from complete, particularly for light‐induced perturbations. Extremely halophilic communities thriving in coastal solar salterns are mainly influenced by two environmental factors—salt concentrations and high sunlight irradiation. By experimentally manipulating light intensity through the application of shading, we showed that light acts as a deterministic factor that ultimately drives the establishment of recurrent microbial communities under near‐saturation salt concentrations. In particular, the stable and highly change‐resistant communities that established under high‐light intensities were dominated (>90% of metagenomic reads) by Haloquadratum spp. and Salinibacter spp. On the other hand, under 37‐fold lower light intensity, different, less stable and change‐resistant communities were established, mainly dominated by yet unclassified haloarchaea and relatively diverse photosynthetic microorganisms. These communities harboured, in general, much lower carotenoid pigment content than their high‐irradiation counterparts. Both assemblage types appeared to be highly resilient, re‐establishing when favourable conditions returned after perturbation (i.e. high‐irradiation for the former communities and low‐irradiation for the latter ones). Overall, our results revealed that stochastic processes were of limited significance to explain these patterns.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy projects CGL2012-39627-C03-03 CLG2015_66686-C3-1-P and PGC2018-096956-B-C41 (to R.R.M.), CGL2015_66686-C3-3-P (to J.A.) and CGL2015_66686-C3-2-P (to J.E.G.P.), which were also supported with European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) funds. R.A. was funded by the Max Planck Society. KTK’s research was supported, in part, by the U.S. National Science Foundation (Award No. 1831582). T.V.P. received a pre-doctoral fellowship (No. BES-2013-064420) from the Spanish Government Ministry for Finance and Competition. R.R.M. acknowledges the financial support of the sabbatical stay at Georgia Tech supported by the Grant PRX18/00048 of the Ministry of Sciences, Innovation and Universities

    Identification of the cAMP phosphodiesterase CpdA as novel key player in cAMP-dependent regulation in Corynebacterium glutamicum

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    The second messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP) plays an important role in the metabolism of Corynebacterium glutamicum, as the global transcriptional regulator GlxR requires complex formation with cAMP to become active. Whereas a membrane-bound adenylate cyclase, CyaB, was shown to be involved in cAMP synthesis, enzymes catalyzing cAMP degradation have not been described yet. In this study we identified a class II cAMP phosphodiesterase named CpdA (Cg2761), homologs of which are present in many Actinobacteria. The purified enzyme has a math formula value of 2.5 ± 0.3 mM for cAMP and a math formula of 33.6 ± 4.3 µmol min−1 mg−1. A ΔcpdA mutant showed a twofold increased cAMP level on glucose and reduced growth rates on all carbon sources tested. A transcriptome comparison revealed 247 genes with a more than twofold altered mRNA level in the ΔcpdA mutant, 82 of which are known GlxR targets. Expression of cpdA was positively regulated by GlxR, thereby creating a negative feedback loop allowing to counteract high cAMP levels. The results show that CpdA plays a key role in the control of the cellular cAMP concentration and GlxR activity and is crucial for optimal metabolism and growth of C. glutamicu