826 research outputs found

    An investigation into the issues influencing the adoption of e-business within the Portuguese subsidiaries of the pharmaceutical industry

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    Electronic business (e-business) is rapidly spreading across many industry sectors. It is likely that business to business and business to consumer communication will be increasingly conducted via the Internet. However, while the potential of the Internet is recognized, the conditions for successful e-business using the Internet remain to be explored in many industry sectors and different parts of the world. Firms that adopt this innovative way of selling and delivering products and services as well as managing customer relationship must undertake technological and strategical changes. Issues such as organizational readiness, the suitability of the industry sector, the nature of the transactions in terms of security standardization, the effect of culture and the requirements for changed organizational infrastructure must be considered, addressed and locally adapted. Firms in the same industry adopt e-business at different rates. Why do some companies actively adopt e-business while others take a more cautious attitude? The pharmaceutical industry provides a rich platform for the exploitation of e-business as a means of improving the reply and reducing the costs of the business process and communication among its stakeholders. This research analysed issues that may influence and explain the varying attitudes and behaviours in the adoption of e-business within the Portuguese subsidiaries of the pharmaceutical industry. This study is set out to fill a gap in knowledge not covered by previous research in the area of e-business and the local subsidiaries of the pharmaceutical industry. The conceptual lens proposed in this research introduces the cognitive mapping and the notion of institutional theory of organizational communication (ITOC) to the ICT field in order to understand the perspectives and social relationships amongst the key actors involved in the process of e-business adoption. The adopted conceptual lens helps us to examine a longitudinal case study undertaken in four Portuguese subsidiaries of multinational pharmaceutical companies. A total of 24 interviews were conducted. The findings of this research’s analysis drawn upon the cognitive mapping were validated by comparison using existing theories and the institution theory of organizational communication (ITOC) was found to provide a coherent explanation of the results of the empirical work

    Sobre o infinito e outras coisas - estudo expográfico

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Desenho Industrial, 2015.Analisa-se neste trabalho o projeto gráfico e expográfico da mostra Sobre o Infinito e outras coisas, exposição individual do artista POMB, realizada no Sesc DF da cidade de Brasília. Para tanto, utiliza-se de estudos teóricos e métodos de exposição. Aborda-se o contexto histórico do movimento do graffiti, sua relevância e influência dentro de museus e galerias de arte, fazendo assim o paralelo entre estes dois temas analisados, expografia e graffiti. E por fim, é discutida a relevância do design gráfico ora protagonista ora coadjuvante na construção e desenvolvimento de uma exposição. _____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe following work analises the graphic project and the exhibit Sobre o Infinito e outras coisas, an individual exhibition of the artist POMB, held at Sesc DF in the city of Brasilia. For that purpose, the work disposes of theory studies and methods of exhibitions. The work approaches the historic context of the graffiti movement and its relevance and influence in museums and art galleries, therefore drawing parallels between those two analysed themes: exhibition and graffiti. Lastly, the work discusses the relevance of graphic design as either a protagonist and a secondary element in the construction and development of an exhibition

    Variáveis institucionais explicativas do desempenho de estudantes de Ciências Contábeis e Administração

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the association between institutional variables and the performance of Accounting and Administration students. The microdata of Enade 2018 were used, obtaining 152,491 valid observations. Performance was measured in three ways: final performance, performance in the general training test and performance in the specific component test. In addition, the following institutional variables were considered: academic organization, region, modality and shift.  The data were examined using zero adjusted Box Cox Cole Green (BCCG) regression models. The results indicated the institutional variables were relevant to explain the performance. Specifically, it was staked students enrolled in federal centers of technological education had superior performance than the other forms of academic organization. Another relevant point was the students in the North region performed worse than other regions in general. However, they outdid the students from Central-East region in the issues of general training. Regarding the teaching modality, it was found that students of face-to-face teaching presented higher performance than the distance learning students (DL). And the full-time students had better performances overall. As implications, it is pointed out that institutions offering Accounting and Administration courses in the Northern region may want to improve the quality of education, as well as those of the Centre-Western shall want to do so in relation to general training education. Similarly, the teaching on the DL modality can be improved and the offer of full-time courses can be thought of and potentially implemented.O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a associação entre variáveis institucionais e o desempenho de estudantes de ciências contábeis e administração. Foram utilizados os microdados do Enade 2018, obtendo-se 152.491 observações válidas. O desempenho foi mensurado de três formas: desempenho final, desempenho na prova de formação geral e desempenho na prova de componente específico. Ademais, foram consideradas as seguintes variáveis institucionais: organização acadêmica, região, modalidade e turno. Os dados foram examinados a partir de modelos de regressão Box Cox Cole Green (BCCG) com zeros ajustados. A partir dos resultados, concluiu-se que as variáveis institucionais foram relevantes para explicar o desempenho. Especificamente, destaca-se que os estudantes matriculados em centros federais de educação tecnológica tiveram desempenho superior aos das outras formas de organização acadêmica. Outro ponto é que os alunos da região Norte performaram pior do que o das outras regiões de modo geral. Todavia, superaram os alunos da região Centro-Oeste nas questões de formação geral. Quanto à modalidade de ensino, verificou-se que alunos do ensino presencial apresentaram performance superior a dos estudantes do ensino a distância (EaD). E os alunos do turno integral tiveram melhores performances de modo geral. Como implicações, aponta-se que as instituições que oferecem cursos de contabilidade e administração na região Norte podem querer aprimorar a qualidade do ensino, assim como as do Centro-Oeste podem querer fazê-lo em relação ao ensino de formação geral. Da mesma forma, o ensino da modalidade EaD pode ser aprimorado e a oferta de cursos em período integral pode ser pensada e, potencialmente, implantada

    Incidencia de la enfermedad hepática grasa no alcohólica

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    Evaluación hidráulica del sistema de bombeo de agua de mar hacia el banco de progenitores de camarón blanco Litopenaeus vannamei en la UEB Yaguacam

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    El estudio sobre “Evaluación hidráulica del sistema de bombeo de agua de mar hacia el banco de progenitores de camarón blanco Litopenaeus Vannamei en la UEB Yaguacam”, proviene de considerar que los equipos de bombeo representan el 35 % del consumo total de energía, y que en este caso se manipula una bomba de 53 kW de potencia que se utiliza 11 horas diarias. Para ello se investigaron características técnicas de la bomba y del sistema de tuberías, y se definió el punto de operación a 340 m3/h para una carga de 22,97 m, un rendimiento del 65,9 % y una potencia útil de 21,26 kW. Se determinó, con la utilización del flujómetro ultrasónico PCE-TDS 100, la magnitud de los salideros no deseados, los cuales generan una pérdida promedio de 9,9 % del agua bombeada; que representan un impacto energético de 21 133,5 kWh/año.Campus Lima Su

    Orientações sobre o comportamento sexual e reprodutivo: princípios e práticas dos sacerdotes católicos

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    Considering and respecting religious beliefs and values is vital for delivering integral health care. This study describes the religious principles and guidance provided by Catholic priests on sexuality and reproduction. The oral history method was used. Interviews were carried out between August 2007 and May 2008 and were analyzed in an inductive and interpretive manner to acquire a deep focus on the theme. Thirteen Catholic priests from the city of São Paulo, SP, Brazil were interviewed. Counseling provided by the priests has a traditional and conservative character and is based on principles of Catholic doctrine. Health education and promotion activities involving aspects related to sexuality and reproduction should be relevant and permeated with ethical considerations from the perspective of health care services users, including religious perspectives.La consideración y el respeto por las creencias y valores religiosos son vitales para la integralidad de la asistencia a la salud. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los principios religiosos y las orientaciones en el ámbito de la sexualidad y reproducción ofrecidas por los sacerdotes católicos. El método de la historia oral fue desarrollado, las entrevistas ocurrieron entre agosto de 2007 y mayo de 2008, fueron analizadas de forma inductiva e interpretativa con un enfoque profundo en el tema. Los entrevistados fueron 13 sacerdotes de la Iglesia Católica de la Ciudad de Sao Paulo. Las orientaciones ofrecidas por los sacerdotes presentan carácter tradicional y conservador y son basadas en principios de la doctrina Católica. Las actividades de educación y promoción de la salud envolviendo aspectos relacionados a la sexualidad y reproducción deben estar impregnadas por la ética, siendo significativas, según la perspectiva de los usuarios de los servicios de salud.A consideração e o respeito às crenças e valores religiosos são vitais para a integralidade da assistência à saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os princípios religiosos e as orientações no âmbito da sexualidade e reprodução, fornecidos pelos sacerdotes católicos. O método da história oral foi desenvolvido, e as entrevistas ocorreram entre agosto de 2007 e maio de 2008, analisadas de forma indutiva e interpretativa para o enfoque profundo no tema. Os entrevistados foram 13 sacerdotes da Igreja Católica da cidade de São Paulo. As orientações fornecidas pelos sacerdotes apresentaram caráter tradicional e conservador, pautadas em princípios da Doutrina Católica. As atividades de educação e promoção da saúde, envolvendo aspectos relacionados à sexualidade e reprodução, devem estar permeadas pela ética, sendo significativas, segundo a perspectiva dos usuários dos serviços de saúde

    Ciclos de retroalimentación en la evaluación de los Proyectos de Introducción a la Investigación Didáctica (PIID)

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    En este trabajo se pretende presentar una propuesta didáctica que conjuga a los procesos investigativos como opción didáctica a través de la concreción de Proyectos de Introducción a la Investigación Didáctica (PIID), focalizándose en el proceso de evaluación formativa y formadora como transversal a ellos, en el marco de la formación inicial del profesorado. El enfoque en el trabajo en PIID se viene implementando desde el año 2011 en la formación del Profesorado de Biología del Centro Regional de Profesores del Centro y desde el año 2013 se ha extendido al profesorado de Química, entre otros. Se hace énfasis en el papel de la evaluación, su carácter formativo y formador, en el contexto del desarrollo del trabajo espiralizado en ciclos indagativos llevado a cabo por estudiantes de los cursos de Didáctica; se describen las prácticas evaluativas en las distintas etapas del proceso y se destaca el papel de los PIID como potenciadores de la actitud investigativa de los futuros profesores, la cual a su vez habilita a la reflexión sobre su práctica docente. En relación a los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de estos años, los estudiantes de formación docente, los profesores adscriptores y los profesores de Didáctica que han participado, manifiestan una percepción positiva con respecto al impacto de la propuesta, no solo en el aprendizaje de los futuros docentes, sino también en las reflexiones que éstos hacen sobre su accionar en el aula

    Pore-scale imaging of hydrogen displacement and trapping in porous media

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    Hydrogen can act as an energy store to balance supply and demand in the renewable energy sector. Hydrogen storage in subsurface porous media could deliver high storage capacities but the volume of recoverable hydrogen is unknown. We imaged the displacement and capillary trapping of hydrogen by brine in a Clashach sandstone core at 2–7 MPa pore fluid pressure using X-ray computed microtomography. Hydrogen saturation obtained during drainage at capillary numbers of &lt;10 −7 was ∼50% of the pore volume and independent of the pore fluid pressure. Hydrogen recovery during secondary imbibition at a capillary number of 2.4 × 10 −6 systematically decreased with pressure, with 80%, 78% and 57% of the initial hydrogen recovered at 2, 5 and 7 MPa, respectively. Injection of brine at increasing capillary numbers up to 9.4 × 10 −6 increased hydrogen recovery. Based on these results, we recommend more shallow, lower pressure sites for future hydrogen storage operations in porous media. </p

    Systematic approach to cyber resilience operationalization in SMEs

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    The constantly evolving cyber threat landscape is a latent problem for today’s companies. This is especially true for the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) because they have limited resources to face the threats but, as a group, represent an extensive payload for cybercriminals to exploit. Moreover, the traditional cybersecurity approach of protecting against known threats cannot withstand the rapidly evolving technologies and threats used by cybercriminals. This study claims that cyber resilience, a more holistic approach to cybersecurity, could help SMEs anticipate, detect, withstand, recover from and evolve after cyber incidents. However, to operationalize cyber resilience is not an easy task, and thus, the study presents a framework with a corresponding implementation order for SMEs that could help them implement cyber resilience practices. The framework is the result of using a variation of Design Science Research in which Grounded Theory was used to induce the most important actions required to implement cyber resilience and an iterative evaluation from experts to validate the actions and put them in a logical order. Therefore, this study proposes that the framework could benefit SME managers to understand cyber resilience, as well as help them start implementing it with concrete actions and an order dictated by the experience of experts. This could potentially ease cyber resilience implementation for SMEs by making them aware of what cyber resilience implies, which dimensions it includes and what actions can be implemented to increase their cyber resilience

    Pottery technology among hunter-gatherers in the interhills area: the case study of Hangar Site (General Lamadrid county, province of Buenos Aires)

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    En las últimas décadas se desarrollaron estudios arqueológicos sistemáticos en la cuenca del arroyo Salado (partido de Lamadrid, área Interserrana, provincia de Buenos Aires). No obstante, los restos de alfarería son uno de los ítems materiales que aún no había sido estudiado en detalle debido a su escasez y alta fragmentación a nivel local. En este trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados del análisis macro y microscópico realizado al conjunto cerámico procedente del sitio Hangar, para el cual se cuenta con dos fechados que lo sitúan cronológicamente en el Holoceno tardío final. Mediante la evaluación de las elecciones técnicas se identificaron vasijas de morfologías simples y superficies alisadas. Composicionalmente se distinguen dos tipos de pastas que dan cuenta de la preparación y uso de diferentes materias primas para la producción de las piezas. Finalmente, se discute si esta tecnología fue manufacturada localmente o fue obtenida por interacciones con grupos vecinos.During recent decades systematic archaeological studies have been carried out in the Salado creek basin (Lamadrid county, Interhills area, Buenos Aires province). However, potsherds are one of the material items that have not yet been studied in detail due to their scarcity and high fragmentation at the local level. This work presents the first results of the macroscopic and microscopic analysis of the ceramic assemblage from the Hangar site, dated to the final Late Holocene. By evaluating the technical choices, vessels with simple morphologies and smooth surfaces were identified. Compositionally, two types of pastes were distinguished that account for the preparation and use of different raw materials for the production of the vessels. Finally, it is discussed whether this technology was produced locally or was obtained through interactions with neighboring groups.Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí