111 research outputs found

    Study on behavioral impedance for route planning techniques from the pedestrian s perspective: Part II - Mathematical approach

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    The theoretical foundations of the behavioral impedance domain are based on (1) a meta-model composed of analytical and mathematical approaches and (2) a taxonomy on the constraints involved in the decision-making process of a pedestrian during the route selection. The goal of this technical report is to present the mathematical model of the behavioral impedance domain. The partial least squares approach has been used to validate the meta-model analytical approach and develop the proposed mathematical model. This study contributes a mathematical model towards the implementation of behavioral impedance domain in geographic information systems for transportation through a constraint management module.Postprint (published version

    Caracterización de la profilaxis del síndrome de abstinencia en la hepatitis aguda alcohólica

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    Introducción: Uno de los objetivos del tratamiento de la hepatitis aguda alcohólica (HAA) es evitar el desarrollo del síndrome de abstinencia que se puede manifestar con síntomas graves y alta mortalidad, sin que exista en las guías clínicas actuales recomendaciones específicas. El objetivo principal de este estudio es describir el uso de profilaxis en la HAA en nuestro medio y estudiar si supone un beneficio en el desarrollo del síndrome de abstinencia, la aparición de complicaciones y mortalidad. Métodos: Estudio observacional donde se incluyeron a mayores de 18 años con ingreso por HAA entre enero 2015 y diciembre 2020. Se recogieron variables demográficas, clínicas y de laboratorio. Resultados: Se registraron un total de 307 pacientes para finalmente incluir 144 pacientes. 78 (54,2%) pacientes recibieron profilaxis para el desarrollo del síndrome de abstinencia (74,4% fue su primer episodio y 37,2% con MELD >20). 20,5% desarrollaron síndrome de abstinencia pese a la profilaxis. En cuanto a la mortalidad, presentaron una mortalidad del 11,5% a los 28 días y del 16,7% a los 90 y 180 días. Comparando estos datos con la literatura existente, la profilaxis puede estar relacionada con una disminución del desarrollo del mismo, sus complicaciones y mortalidad. Conclusiones: Sólo la mitad de los ingresados con HAA recibieron profilaxis del síndrome de abstinencia. Dado la probable relación con la disminución de la aparición del mismo, complicaciones y mortalidad, estos datos suponen una oportunidad de estudio del impacto de la instauración de la profilaxis del síndrome de abstinencia en la HAA.Introduction: Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a serious medical condition that often complicates hospitalized patients admitted with alcoholic hepatitis (AH) and there are no specific recommendations in current clinical guidelines about its prophylactic therapy. This study aims to evaluate the use of prophylaxis therapy in our health area, incidence and outcomes including mortality. Methods: Patients over 18 years admitted for AH between January 2015 and December 2020 were analyzed. Demographic, clinical and laboratory variables were collected. Results: A total of 307 patients were registered to finally include 144 patients. 78 (54.2%) patients received prophylaxis for the development of ALCOHOL withdrawal syndrome (74.4% was the first episode and 37.2% of patients had a MELD score >20). 20.5% developed withdrawal syndrome despite prophylaxis. Mortality was 11.5% at 28 days and 16.7% at 90 and 180 days. Comparing these data with previous studies, the prophylaxis may be associated with lower risk of developing the withdrawal syndrome, complications and mortality. Conclusions: Only half of patients admitted with AH received prophylactic therapy for alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Prophylaxis is more likely associated with lower prevalence, complications and mortality. These data represent an opportunity for future prospective randomized studies to assess the use of prophylactic therapy for alcohol withdrawal syndrome in AH

    Monitoring Arthropods in maize and pasture fields in São Miguel and São Jorge Islands: IPM-Popillia Project

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    ABSTRACT: The dataset presented here is an achievement of the H2020 European project "Integrated Pest Management of the Invasive Japanese Beetle, Popillia japonica (IPM-Popillia)". This project addresses the challenge of a new risk to plant health in Europe, the invasion of the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica (Newman, 1838) (Coleoptera, Rutelidae) and provides an environmentally friendly IPM Toolbox to control the expanding pest populations across Europe. This study aims to present the records of terrestrial arthropod diversity with a special focus on four groups belonging to Carabids and Staphylinid beetles (Coleoptera), Opiliones and Anisolabididae (Dermaptera), collected with the potential to be used as biocontrol agents against P. japonica in future Integrated Pest Management programmes. A thorough sampling programme was conducted in maize and pasture fields in two Islands of the Azores (São Miguel and São Jorge) in the summer of 2022.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tynacantha marginata (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), depredador de la chinche verde hedionda ( Nezara viridula L.) en Venezuela

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    S\ue1nchez M, Borges B, Grazia J. 2001. Tynacantha marginata Dallas (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), predator of green stink bug ( Nezara viridula L.) in Venezuela. Entomotropica 16(3):213-214. In experimental soybean ( Glycine max (L.) Merrill) plots Tynacantha marginatawas observed as a predator of green stink bug.S\ue1nchez M, Borges B, Grazia J. 2001. Tynacantha marginata Dallas (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), depredador de la chinche verde hedionda ( Nezara viridula >L.) en Venezuela. Entomotropica 16(3):213-214. En siembras experimentales de soya ( Glycine max (L.) Merrill) se observ\uf3 a Tynacantha marginata depredando a la chinche verde hedionda

    Identification of a Novel Variant in EARS2 Associated with a Severe Clinical Phenotype Expands the Clinical Spectrum of LTBL

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    The EARS2 nuclear gene encodes mitochondrial glutamyl-tRNA synthetase, a member of the class I family of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) that plays a crucial role in mitochondrial protein biosynthesis by catalyzing the charging of glutamate to mitochondrial tRNA(Glu). Pathogenic EARS2 variants have been associated with a rare mitochondrial disorder known as leukoencephalopathy with thalamus and brainstem involvement and high lactate (LTBL). The targeted sequencing of 150 nuclear genes encoding respiratory chain complex subunits and proteins implicated in the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) function was performed. The oxygen consumption rate (OCR), and the extracellular acidification rate (ECAR), were measured. The enzymatic activities of Complexes I-V were analyzed spectrophotometrically. We describe a patient carrying two heterozygous EARS2 variants, c.376C>T (p.Gln126*) and c.670G>A (p.Gly224Ser), with infantile-onset disease and a severe clinical presentation. We demonstrate a clear defect in mitochondrial function in the patient's fibroblasts, suggesting the molecular mechanism underlying the pathogenicity of these EARS2 variants. Experimental validation using patient-derived fibroblasts allowed an accurate characterization of the disease-causing variants, and by comparing our patient's clinical presentation with that of previously reported cases, new clinical and radiological features of LTBL were identified, expanding the clinical spectrum of this disease

    The Differential Organization of F-Actin Alters the Distribution of Organelles in Cultured When Compared to Native Chromaffin Cells

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    Cultured bovine chromaffin cells have been used extensively as a neuroendocrine model to study regulated secretion. In order to extend such experimental findings to the physiological situation, it is necessary to study mayor cellular structures affecting secretion in cultured cells with their counterparts present in the adrenomedullary tissue. F-actin concentrates in a peripheral ring in cultured cells, as witnessed by phalloidin?rodhamine labeling, while extends throughout the cytoplasm in native cells. This result is also confirmed when studying the localization of ?-fodrin, a F-actin-associated protein. Furthermore, as a consequence of this redistribution of F-actin, we observed that chromaffin granules and mitochondria located into two different cortical and internal populations in cultured cells, whereas they are homogeneously distributed throughout the cytoplasm in the adrenomedullary tissue. Nevertheless, secretion from isolated cells and adrenal gland pieces is remarkably similar when measured by amperometry. Finally, we generate mathematical models to consider how the distribution of organelles affects the secretory kinetics of intact and cultured cells. Our results imply that we have to consider F-actin structural changes to interpret functional data obtained in cultured neuroendocrine cells.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BFU2011-25095 and BFU2015- 63684-P, MINECO, FEDER, UE) to LMG