1,119 research outputs found

    Under construction : An inquiry on the social housing policies of Stavanger, Norway

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    Master in Community Development and Social Innovation, VID Specialized University, Stavanger, May 2022Norway has some disadvantaged populations in the housing market. Many people live without a secure safety net of owning homes. In the Nordic welfare state context, housing policies are drawn as strategies to guarantee access to affordable and decent housing for every citizen. This study aims to evaluate such strategies aligning public policies and community development, taking as a study case the city of Stavanger. This study relies on a literature review of research publications and public documents about housing. Querying keywords were “boligsosialt, social housing, public housing, social housing in Norway and Scandinavian context, low income housing.” The guidelines recorded in public documents will be compared with their evaluation by the own literature. Data from national and local contexts and public policies will be analyzed by a SWOT analysis, whose validity and reliability rely on the public character of the implemented housing strategies. From the discussion and the SWOT analysis, I conclude that Stavanger has a demonstrated history of coping with general and local challenges. Local policies are aligned with national guidelines. The analyzed policies, documents, and literature demonstrate that the municipality has well-functioning structures and assets to direct the region’s community development. Moreover, the integration of long-term and immediate policies guarantees the continuity of the housing policies and the obligations of the next political actors to solve the eventual problems. The SWOT analysis indicates some challenges. However, Stavanger had demonstrated competence in dealing with demographic and economic shifts. This study was conducted from the point of view of public policies. Consequently, leading actors, especially government and banking, were privileged voices. Therefore, further research should be done on disadvantaged groups from the community’s perspective. Different results may show gaps, but policy analysis is a first step to addressing the needs of the disadvantaged population.published version updated front pag

    Sexual risk behaviors associated with HIV / AIDS in youths 15 to 24-Year-old: contributions to the nursing practice

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    HIV infection continues to be a priority area within the scope of Public Health. Aim: To systematize the risk behaviors related with HIV infection among young people aged 15-24, to identify preventive measures in order to decrease virus transmission, contributing for a more sustained and effective nursing practice. Method: A literature review was done by researching on EBSCO (CINAHL and MEDLINE) from March to May 2018, using PICO methodology. 10 articles were analyzed. Results: Risky behaviors and factors were documented such as: early age at sexual debut, peer pressure, fear of abuse, multiple partners and the characteristics of sexual contacts, intercourse without condom, intravenous drug use and to be carrier of other Sexually Transmitted Infections. Conclusions: In order to reduce HIV infection, interventions and programs which modify the risky sexual behavior should be applied. Implications for professional practice: the knowledge of sexual risk behaviors, as well as preventive programs, is essential on several nursing practice scenarios, specifically among young people, boosting the adherence to health promoting behaviors

    Vagueness expressions in Italian, Spanish and English task-oriented dialogues

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    In this article, we present a corpus-based analysis on the use of Vagueness Expressions (VEs) in Italian, Spanish and English in Task-oriented Dialogues. Following the distinction among informational, relational and discourse vagueness (Voghera 2012), we compare the width of the functional space of the most frequent VEs. In particular we investigate whether and to what extent the VEs cover all the types of vagueness in the three languages. Quantitative and qualitative analysis brings evidence about a high convergence in the vagueness functions expressed by the VEs of the three languages

    Interaction of human foraging behaviour and prey life-history traits

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    Mestrado em Ecologia, Biodiversidade e Gestão de EcossistemasO presente trabalho propõe-se divulgar a pesquisa passada e recente no âmbito das consequências da exploração de recursos costeiros pelo homem na biologia das espécies alvo e na comunidade onde estas estão inseridas. A ênfase das pesquisas aqui apresentadas recai principalmente sobre moluscos bentónicos e lapas em particular, dada a ocorrência de protandria (mudança de sexo de macho para fêmea ao longo do ciclo de vida) em algumas das espécies usadas como recurso alimentar. Questões relacionadas modos de reprodução, hermafroditismo e mudança de sexo no mundo animal são igualmente focadas como introdução aos últimos capítulos da dissertação onde se aborda essas questões mais profundamente. No capítulo final são apresentados trabalhos científicos que retratam a importância das áreas marinhas protegidas na conservação de espécies costeiras. ABSTRACT: The present work aims to bring to public, past and present research in the costal resources exploitation by Man and its consequences upon target species and the surrounding community. Particular attention is given to benthic molluscs and limpets in particular due to the occurrence of protandry (sex change from male to female during the life cycle) in some of the harvested species. The issues related to reproduction mode, hermaphroditism and sex change in animals are presented first as to introduce later chapters where these subjects are deepened. The final chapter presents relevant research of the use marine protected areas to the conservation of coastal species

    Inclusive Play Spaces

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    Sheridan’s Material ConneXion Library Interior Decorating intern, Carla Munemori da Rosa Borges, researched materials suitable for a barrier-free design for children’s play areas. The role of sustainable materials in children’s play and recreation areas and the role of texture are explored. Materials from the Material ConneXion Library have been chosen and their use in inclusive play areas are analyzed for design consideration and use characteristics

    Limed in sandy soils for soybean cultivation: A mini-review

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    Liming is the method in which limestone is applied to regulate the pH of the soil reducing its acidity and making the minerals labile. This study aimed to evaluate the management of liming using dolomitic limestone in sandy textured soils, on the development of soybean cultivation through a bibliographical survey. Sandy soil also, known as “light soil” is largely composed of sand and a smaller proportion of clay around 70% and 15% respectively, its grain size is higher, and the presence of nutrients is very scarce. Correcting soil acidity through liming is the first step towards obtaining a considerably productive crop, especially in recently cleared areas. Since in acidic soils, the limitation to plant development arises mainly from the indirect effects of pH. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the soil continuously as well as the weather conditions in order to obtain the desired result. Several results have been observed in which the use of liming in acidic soils, mainly in the Brazilian Cerrado, reduces the toxic action of aluminum on the plant and promotes greater absorption of nutrients and micronutrients for the plants, in addition to maintaining the soil microbiota

    AVC, úlceras e terapia compressiva

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    O AVC é um quadro clínico de instalação brusca ou relativamente rápida, dependendo das alterações vasculares do Sistema Nervoso Central (Martins, 2002). O mesmo não se pode dizer em relação ao tratamento das sequelas. É inegável que a ocorrência de AVCs anda associada à perda de mobilidade, nalguns casos parcial, noutros de uma forma total. A imobilidade, tal como a obesidade e traumatismos estão associados ao histórico de úlceras venosas. Objectivo: Avaliar a eficácia da terapia compressiva no tratamento das úlceras venosas. Metodologia: Estudo Experimental; instrumento de colheita de dados: formulário e observação directa; Tratamento estatístico: manual; População: 17doentes portadores de úlcera de perna em tratamento no Centro de Saúde de Bragança em Fevereiro de 2008. Conclusoes: A terapia compressiva é o tratamento de eleição na úlcera de perna de etiologia venosa. O seu início, depende de uma avaliação inicial de IPTB (Índice pressão tornozelo/braço) que permite excluir comprometimento arterial. Os dados obtidos permitiram concluir que a maior incidência é etiologia venosa. Em 7 casos verificou-se que a cicatrização ocorreu às 12 semanas e em 4 casos ocorreu num período superior às 12 semana

    The contribution of digital financial services to financial inclusion in Mozambique: an ARDL model approach

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    This paper analyses the contribution of digital financial services to financial inclusion in Mozambique, based on the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, for the period from January 2011 to September 2019. We study two models to analyse the contribution of digital financial services to financial inclusion (measured by the number of bank accounts) in Mozambique. The first model uses traditional digital means of payments as independent variables, such as the volume of financial transactions through automated teller machines (ATMs), point-ofsales (POSs), electronic transfers of inter and intrabank funds, direct debit, and domestic and crossborder remittances. The second model considers innovative digital means of payments, such as internet banking, mobile banking and electronic money. We conclude that, excluding domestic remittances and direct debit, which present low levels of penetration in the country, and internet banking transactions, the remaining variables contribute to financial inclusion. Our results confirm the crucial role that digital financial services play in financial inclusion, particularly in improving access to and the use of services by the under-served population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os direitos da personalidade e o nome social: uma análise civil/ constitucional em face da transgeneridade

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    Diante das crescentes demandas de pessoas transgênero, o nome social conquistou destaque e relevância. O presente trabalho tem por objeto o estudo acerca do direito de se autodeterminar em relação à identidade de gênero relativamente ao seu caráter de direito fundamental. Entendemos que o nome social é (ou deveria ser) uma projeção intrínseca da identidade civil do indivíduo, como hipótese de análise da problemática acerca do tratamento jurídico dado às demandas pela utilização do nome social pela comunidade transgênero. Com o julgamento da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade n° 4275, houve uma reorientação sobre o direito ao nome social, mas não elimina as questões ainda pendentes de melhor adequação jurídica, como a equiparação do nome social ao registral, e de que forma esse direito pode ser melhor assegurado, de tal modo a favorecer, a plenitude da fruição dos direitos da personalidade pelas pessoas transgênero.http://repositorio.uniceub.br/retrieve/33192/21104787%20Carla%20Borges.pd

    COVID-19 y el aprendizaje en línea en la educación superior. Un estudio de caso de alumnos de los Institutos Politécnicos de Portalegre y Beja

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    Since the early spring of 2020, Portuguese higher education institutions, as well as other education institutions around the world, have been experiencing an unprecedented massive “migration” from traditional in‐class face‐to‐face education to online education. The massive changing models of teaching and learning brings out different perceptions from various parties. There are some advantages and disadvantages in this kind of learning model. The purpose of this study is to investigate the learners’ perception on online learning in a scenario of a COVID-19 pandemic. The subject of this research are students of two Portuguese Polytechnic Institutes (Portalegre and Beja) The instrument used is an online survey questionnaire, anonymous and voluntary, sent to undergraduate engineering students of the two institutions. This study not only report that online learning is good during COVID-19 pandemic, but also spotted the light on the availability of internet access and computers or cell phones. The main conclusions show that the impact was manly negative from the learners’ perception perspective, having mostly referred the workload and also the difficulty in clarifying doubts in time as major factors that had a very negative influence on their academic performance. Also, the social distancing from colleagues was mentioned as a negative aspect. Finally, most respondents expressed a clear preference for face-to-face education for the next academic year.Desde principios de la primavera de 2020, las instituciones de educación superior portuguesas, así como otras instituciones educativas de todo el mundo, han experimentado una “migración” masiva sin precedentes de la educación presencial tradicional a la educación en línea. El cambio masivo de modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje saca a relucir diferentes percepciones de varias partes. Hay algunas ventajas y desventajas en este tipo de modelo de aprendizaje. El propósito de este estudio es investigar la percepción de los estudiantes sobre el aprendizaje en línea en un escenario de una pandemia de COVID-19. El sujeto de esta investigación son estudiantes de dos Institutos Politécnicos Portugueses (Portalegre y Beja). El instrumento utilizado es un cuestionario de encuesta en línea, anónimo y voluntario, enviado a estudiantes de licenciatura en ingeniería de las dos instituciones. Este estudio no solo informa que el aprendizaje en línea es bueno en medio de la pandemia de COVID-19, sino que también destacó la disponibilidad de acceso a Internet y computadoras o teléfonos celulares. Las principales conclusiones muestran que el impacto fue varonilmente negativo desde la perspectiva de la percepción de los educandos, habiendo referido principalmente la carga de trabajo y también la dificultad para aclarar dudas en el tiempo como factores importantes que influyeron muy negativamente en su rendimiento académico. Asimismo, se mencionó como aspecto negativo el distanciamiento social de los compañeros. Finalmente, la gran mayoría de los encuestados expresó una clara preferencia por la educación presencial para el próximo año académico. &nbsp