319 research outputs found

    Le SIG, un outil de gestion de l'eau dans un périmÚtre irrigué: cas du secteur S7 au Gharb, Maroc

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    International audienceDepuis un siÚcle, la création de réseaux collectifs d'irrigation a été un moyen au service de la puissance publique pour atteindre ses objectifs de politique agricole et d'aménagement du territoire. En 1961, l'office national des irrigations s'est fixé une doctrine de l'intervention en matiÚre de développement hydro agricole : priorité à la grande hydraulique, création de grands périmÚtres irrigués, mise au point d'un modÚle d'aménagement, introduction des cultures sucriÚres et du contrat de cultures entre l'Etat et les agriculteurs, création de structures locales d'intervention plus proches des agriculteurs (les centres de mise en valeur). Ce modÚle technique de l'aménagement hydro-agricole, notamment dans le périmÚtre irrigué du Gharb, résolvait, avec élégance, le problÚme majeur de l'articulation et de la gestion de nombreuses données dans un aménagement intégré : satisfaction des besoins en eau, disposition des cultures et des propriétés de façon à permettre le respect de l'assolement préconisé et la distribution des doses d'eau appropriées aux besoins des cultures. Le début des années1990 a été marqué par le désengagement de l'Etat du suivi de la gestion des périmÚtres irrigués et la libéralisation des assolements. Ainsi, libres dans leurs choix de production, les agriculteurs ont transformé leur systÚme de production pour faire face à la nouvelle conjoncture économique (signature des accords de libre échange avec l'Europe et les USA, etc.). Dans ce nouveau contexte, le rÎle des offices régionaux de mise en valeur agricole (Ormva) s'est limité à la prestation du service de vente de l'eau d'irrigation, de la gestion du réseau d'irrigation et de l'encadrement des agriculteurs. Les Ormva, se sont trouvés incapables de suivre la quasi-totalité des agriculteurs faisant partie de leur zone d'action. Cela est dû d'une part, à l'immensité des périmÚtres irrigués et, d'autre part, au manque de moyens humains et logistiques mis à la disposition des Ormva. La représentation cartographique reste le meilleur outil de la présentation de l'espace, mais pour la rendre dynamique, et en faire un outil de la création de dialogue entre les acteurs il faut lui donner un caractÚre dynamique. Une premiÚre analyse du systÚme d'information de l'Ormva du Gharb a montré l'existence de nombreuses informations sur les cultures pratiquées, les consommations en eau qui peuvent générer de la connaissance sur ce qui se passe réellement sur le périmÚtre, mais ces informations sont dispersées dans les différents services, entre lesquels la circulation de ces données est presque inexistante. Ces données ne sont pas exploitées, ni vérifiées à cause de la difficulté de l'outil de gestion des données mis en place par l'Ormva et de l'immensité de l'effectif des détenteurs de codes (agriculteurs). Pour faire face à cette situation, la mise en place d'un dispositif d'observation territorial demeure une démarche indispensable pour la gestion des périmÚtres irrigués. Pour surmonter le problÚme d'accÚs à l'information, il est préconisé de mettre en place une cellule d'observation, qui sera formée des agents de plusieurs départements de l'Ormva, ce qui facilitera la disponibilité, la fluidité, le traitement des données et la circulation de l'information

    Abundances in Przybylski's star

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/74704/1/j.1365-8711.2000.03578.x.pd

    JCV GCN in a Natalizumab-Treated MS Patient is Associated With Mutations of the VP1 Capsid Gene

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    Objective: To describe the clinical, neuroimaging, immunologic, and virologic characteristics of JC virus-associated granule cell neuronopathy (JCV GCN) in a natalizumab-treated patient with multiple sclerosis (MS) who developed immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) after natalizumab withdrawal. Methods: We obtained longitudinal clinical data as well as MRI and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy from this patient with MS. We measured JCV-specific cellular immune response in his peripheral blood by intracellular cytokine staining and sequenced a fragment of JCV VP1 capsid gene detected in his CSF. We contrast our findings with the first recently reported case. Results: This patient presented with worsening cerebellar symptoms and progressive cerebellar atrophy without new MS lesions on MRI after 63 months of natalizumab monotherapy. JCV DNA was detected in his CSF by PCR and harbored novel GCN-type mutations in the VP1 gene. He developed IRIS upon discontinuation of natalizumab and plasma exchange, which manifested itself by a worsening of clinical symptoms and contrast enhancement in the cerebellum on MRI. Treatment with corticosteroids resulted in resolution of IRIS, as demonstrated by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The patient had a strong JCV-specific T-cell response in his peripheral blood and remains alive after 15 months from onset of symptoms, although with significant disability. He did not have MS relapse on glatiramer acetate. Conclusions: JCV GCN should be considered in patients on natalizumab presenting with progressive cerebellar symptoms and cerebellar atrophy, and is associated with mutations in the JCV VP1 gene. Natalizumab withdrawal may be complicated by JCV GCN IRIS, and require treatment with corticosteroids

    An Atlas of K-line Spectra for Cool Magnetic CP Stars: The Wing-Nib Anomaly (WNA)

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    We present a short atlas illustrating the unusual Ca {\sc ii} K-line profiles in upper main sequence stars with anomalous abundances. Slopes of the profiles for 10 cool, magnetic chemically peculiar (CP) stars change abruptly at the very core, forming a deep "nib." The nibs show the same or nearly the same radial velocity as the other atomic lines. The near wings are generally more shallow than in normal stars. In three magnetic CP stars, the K-lines are too weak to show this shape, though the nibs themselves are arguably present. The Ca {\sc ii} H-lines also show deep nibs, but the profiles are complicated by the nearby, strong HÏ”\epsilon absorption. The K-line structure is nearly unchanged with phase in ÎČ\beta CrB and α\alpha Cir. Calculations, including NLTE, show that other possibilities in addition to chemical stratification may yield nib-like cores.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, and 8 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ

    Plugging a hole and lightening the burden: A process evaluation of a practice education team

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    Aim: To investigate the perceptions of clinical and senior managers about the role of Practice Educators employed in one acute hospital in the UK. Background: Producing nurses who are fit for practice, purpose and academic award is a key issue for nurse education partnership providers in the UK. Various new models for practice learning support structures and new roles within health care institutions have been established. To sustain funding and policy support for these models, there is a need for evaluation research. Design: A process evaluation methodology was employed to determine the current value of a practice education team and to provide information to guide future direction. Methods: Data were collected through semi-structured telephone interviews using a previously designed schedule. All senior nurse managers (N=5) and a purposive sample of clinical managers (n=13) who had personal experience of and perceptions about the role of practice educators provided the data. Interview notes were transcribed, coded and a thematic framework devised to present the results. Results: A number of key themes emerged including: qualities needed for being a successful practice educator; visibility and presence of practice educators; providing a link with the university; ‘plugging a hole’ in supporting learning needs; providing relief to practitioners in dealing with ‘the burden of students’; alleviating the ‘plight of students’; and effects on student attrition. Conclusions: Findings provided evidence for the continued funding of the practice educator role with improvements to be made in dealing with stakeholder expectations and outcomes. Relevance to clinical practice: In the UK, there still remain concerns about the fitness for practice of newly registered nurses, prompting a recent national consultation by the professional regulating body. Despite fiscal pressures, recommendations for further strengthening of all systems that will support the quality of practice learning may continue to sustain practice learning support roles

    The magnetic Bp star 36 Lyncis, I. Magnetic and photospheric properties

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    This paper reports the photospheric, magnetic and circumstellar gas characteristics of the magnetic B8p star 36 Lyncis (HD 79158). Using archival data and new polarised and unpolarised high-resolution spectra, we redetermine the basic physical properties, the rotational period and the geometry of the magnetic field, and the photospheric abundances of various elements.}{Based on magnetic and spectroscopic measurements, we infer an improved rotational period of 3.83475±0.000023.83475\pm 0.00002 d. We determine a current epoch of the longitudinal magnetic field positive extremum (HJD 2452246.033), and provide constraints on the geometry of the dipole magnetic field (i\geq 56\degr, 3210G≀Bd≀39303210 {\rm G}\leq B_{\rm d}\leq 3930 G, ÎČ\beta unconstrained). We redetermine the effective temperature and surface gravity using the optical and UV energy distributions, optical photometry and Balmer line profiles (Teff=13300±300T_{\rm eff}=13300\pm 300 K, log⁥g=3.7−4.2\log g=3.7-4.2), and based on the Hipparcos parallax we redetermine the luminosity, mass, radius and true rotational speed (L=2.54±0.16L⊙,M=4.0±0.2M⊙,R=3.4±0.7R⊙,veq=45−61.5L=2.54\pm 0.16 L_\odot, M=4.0\pm 0.2 M_\odot, R=3.4\pm 0.7 R_\odot, v_{\rm eq}=45-61.5 \kms). We measure photospheric abundances for 21 elements using optical and UV spectra, and constrain the presence of vertical stratification of these elements. We perform preliminary Doppler Imaging of the surface distribution of Fe, finding that Fe is distributed in a patchy belt near the rotational equator. Most remarkably, we confirm strong variations of the Hα\alpha line core which we interpret as due to occultations of the star by magnetically-confined circumstellar gas.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission: XXIX. The hot Jupiters CoRoT-30 b and CoRoT-31 b

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    We report the discovery as well as the orbital and physical characterizations of two new transiting giant exoplanets, CoRoT-30 b and CoRoT-31 b, with the CoRoT space telescope. Methods. We analyzed two complementary data sets: photometric transit light curves measured by CoRoT, and radial velocity curves measured by the HARPS spectrometer. To derive the absolute masses and radii of the planets, we modeled the stars from available magnitudes and spectra. Results. We find that CoRoT-30 b is a warm Jupiter on a close-to-circular 9.06-day orbit around a G3V star with a semi-major axis of about 0.08 AU. It has a radius of 1.01 \ub1 0.08 RJ, a mass of 2.90 \ub1 0.22 MJ, and therefore a mean density of 3.45 \ub1 0.65 g cm-3. The hot Jupiter CoRoT-31 b is on a close-to-circular 4.63-day orbit around a G2 IV star with a semi-major axis of about 0.05 AU. It has a radius of 1.46 \ub1 0.30 RJ, a mass of 0.84 \ub1 0.34 MJ, and therefore a mean density of 0.33 \ub1 0.18 g cm-3. Conclusions. Neither system seems to support the claim that stars hosting planets are more depleted in lithium. The radii of both planets are close to that of Jupiter, but they differ in mass; CoRoT-30 b is ten times denser than CoRoT-31 b. The core of CoRoT-30 b would weigh between 15 and 75 Earth masses, whereas relatively weak constraints favor no core for CoRoT-31 b. In terms of evolution, the characteristics of CoRoT-31 b appear to be compatible with the high-eccentricity migration scenario, which is not the case for CoRoT-30 b. The angular momentum of CoRoT-31 b is currently too low for the planet to evolve toward synchronization of its orbital revolution with stellar rotation, and the planet will slowly spiral-in while its host star becomes a red giant. CoRoT-30 b is not synchronized either: it looses angular momentum owing to stellar winds and is expected reach steady state in about 2 Gyr. CoRoT-30 and 31, as a pair, are a truly remarkable example of diversity in systems with hot Jupiters

    Small Change: Economics and the British coin-tree

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    This is the accepted manuscript for the following article: Ceri Houlbrook, “Small Change: Economics and the British coin-tree”, Post Medieval Archaeology, Vol. 49(1), June 2015. The final published version can be found at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1179/0079423615Z.00000000074 © Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology 2015Throughout the c.2000 year period coins have been circulated in Britain, they have also been ritually employed, most notably as votive deposits. Focusing specifically on the understudied custom of the British coin-tree, whereby coins are ritually embedded into the barks of trees, this paper considers the coin’s role and applicability as a deposit. It aims to demonstrate that our understanding of the coin’s past, present, and future ritual employment is not only aided by a consideration of economics and the coin’s secular function; it would be utterly incomplete without it.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio
