1,308 research outputs found

    Analytical study of coherence in seeded modulation instability

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    We derive analytical expressions for the coherence in the onset of modulation instability, in excellent agreement with thorough numerical simulations. As usual, we start by a linear perturbation analysis, where broadband noise is added to a continuous wave (CW) pump; then, we investigate the effect of adding a deterministic seed to the CW pump, a case of singular interest as it is commonly encountered in parametric amplification schemes. Results for the dependence of coherence on parameters such as fiber type, pump power, propagated distance, seed signal-to-noise ratio are presented. Finally, we show the importance of including higher-order linear and nonlinear dispersion when dealing with generation in longer wavelength regions (mid IR). We believe these results to be of relevance when applied to the analysis of the coherence properties of supercontinua generated from CW pumps.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Universal decay law in charged-particle emission and exotic cluster radioactivity

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    A linear universal decay formula is presented starting from the microscopic mechanism of the charged-particle emission. It relates the half-lives of monopole radioactive decays with the QQ-values of the outgoing particles as well as the masses and charges of the nuclei involved in the decay. This relation is found to be a generalization of the Geiger-Nuttall law in α\alpha radioactivity and explains well all known cluster decays. Predictions on the most likely emissions of various clusters are presented.Comment: 2 figure

    Direct observation and imaging of a spin-wave soliton with p−p-like symmetry

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    The prediction and realization of magnetic excitations driven by electrical currents via the spin transfer torque effect, enables novel magnetic nano-devices where spin-waves can be used to process and store information. The functional control of such devices relies on understanding the properties of non-linear spin-wave excitations. It has been demonstrated that spin waves can show both an itinerant character, but also appear as localized solitons. So far, it was assumed that localized solitons have essentially cylindrical, s−s-like symmetry. Using a newly developed high-sensitivity time-resolved magnetic x-ray microscopy, we instead observe the emergence of a novel localized soliton excitation with a nodal line, i.e. with p−p-like symmetry. Micromagnetic simulations identify the physical mechanism that controls the transition from s−s- to p−p-like solitons. Our results suggest a potential new pathway to design artificial atoms with tunable dynamical states using nanoscale magnetic devices

    Global attractors for Cahn-Hilliard equations with non constant mobility

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    We address, in a three-dimensional spatial setting, both the viscous and the standard Cahn-Hilliard equation with a nonconstant mobility coefficient. As it was shown in J.W. Barrett and J.W. Blowey, Math. Comp., 68 (1999), 487-517, one cannot expect uniqueness of the solution to the related initial and boundary value problems. Nevertheless, referring to J. Ball's theory of generalized semiflows, we are able to prove existence of compact quasi-invariant global attractors for the associated dynamical processes settled in the natural "finite energy" space. A key point in the proof is a careful use of the energy equality, combined with the derivation of a "local compactness" estimate for systems with supercritical nonlinearities, which may have an independent interest. Under growth restrictions on the configuration potential, we also show existence of a compact global attractor for the semiflow generated by the (weaker) solutions to the nonviscous equation characterized by a "finite entropy" condition

    Anomaly Cancelation in Field Theory and F-theory on a Circle

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    We study the manifestation of local gauge anomalies of four- and six-dimensional field theories in the lower-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory obtained after circle compactification. We identify a convenient set of transformations acting on the whole tower of massless and massive states and investigate their action on the low-energy effective theories in the Coulomb branch. The maps employ higher-dimensional large gauge transformations and precisely yield the anomaly cancelation conditions when acting on the one-loop induced Chern-Simons terms in the three- and five-dimensional effective theory. The arising symmetries are argued to play a key role in the study of the M-theory to F-theory limit on Calabi-Yau manifolds. For example, using the fact that all fully resolved F-theory geometries inducing multiple Abelian gauge groups or non-Abelian groups admit a certain set of symmetries, we are able to generally show the cancelation of pure Abelian or pure non-Abelian anomalies in these models.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figures; v2: typos corrected, comments on circle fluxes adde

    Screening enhancement factors for laboratory CNO and rp astrophysical reactions

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    Cross sections of laboratory CNO and rp astrophysical reactions are enhanced due to the presence of the multi-electron cloud that surrounds the target nuclei. As a result the relevant astrophysical factors are overestimated unless corrected appropriately. This study gives both an estimate of the error committed if screening effects are not taken into account and a rough profile of the laboratory energy thresholds at which the screening effect appears. The results indicate that, for most practical purposes, screening corrections to past relevant experiments can be disregarded. Regarding future experiments, however, screening corrections to the CNO reactions will certainly be of importance as they are closely related to the solar neutrino fluxes and the rp process. Moreover, according to the present results, screening effects will have to be taken into account particularly by the current and future LUNA experiments, where screened astrophysical factors will be enhanced to a significant degree.Comment: 6 RevTex pages + 2 ps figures. (Revised version). Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    Nodular skin lesions: correlation of reflectance confocal microscopy and optical coherence tomography features

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    Background: Nodular lesions have common clinical appearance but different prognoses. Differential diagnosis between melanoma (MM), basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and dermal naevus (DN) poses a challenge in clinical practice. Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) are promising non-invasive imaging techniques, potentially able to decrease redundant biopsies. RCM allows in vivo visualization of skin down to the papillary dermis at almost histological resolution, while OCT, particularly dynamic OCT (D-OCT), provides images deeper within the dermis and reveals the vascular pattern. Objectives: To identify correlating features observed with RCM and OCT associated with the different nodular lesion diagnoses. Methods: We retrospectively assessed 68 nodular lesions (30 MM, 20 BCC and 18 DN) with RCM and subsequently OCT. At the end of the study, evaluations were matched with histopathological diagnosis and statistical analysis was performed. Results: In MM, 57% (17/30) evidenced both cerebriform nests at RCM and icicle-shaped structures at OCT, with higher average Breslow index. In 80% of BCCs with basaloid islands at RCM, OCT showed ovoid structures. More than half of DN (56%) showed hyporeflective nests at OCT and either dense nests or dense and sparse nests at RCM. Conclusions: The combined use of RCM and OCT offers a better understanding of the morphological architecture of nodular lesions, correlating RCM parameters with OCT and vice versa, assisting in turn with early differential diagnosis of malignant and benign nodular lesions. The correlation between icicle-shaped structures and cerebriform nests in MM and their association with Breslow index requires future research

    First measurement of the 14N(p,gamma)15O cross section down to 70 keV

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    In stars with temperatures above 20*10^6 K, hydrogen burning is dominated by the CNO cycle. Its rate is determined by the slowest process, the 14N(p,gamma)15O reaction. Deep underground in Italy's Gran Sasso laboratory, at the LUNA 400 kV accelerator, the cross section of this reaction has been measured at energies much lower than ever achieved before. Using a windowless gas target and a 4pi BGO summing detector, direct cross section data has been obtained down to 70 keV, reaching a value of 0.24 picobarn. The Gamow peak has been covered by experimental data for several scenarios of stable and explosive hydrogen burning. In addition, the strength of the 259 keV resonance has been remeasured. The thermonuclear reaction rate has been calculated for temperatures 90 - 300 *10^6 K, for the first time with negligible impact from extrapolations
