37 research outputs found

    Hybrid Playground: Integración de herramientas y estrategias de los videojuegos en los parques infantiles

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    Basándonos en el concepto de ciudad híbrida (entendida como el resultado de la transformación de los actuales modelos de percepción y vivencia de la ciudad a partir del efecto de la integración de sistemas tecnológicos en el espacio público), proponemos la transformación de los parques infantiles urbanos en escenarios para el juego audiovisual interactivo, que propicien el desarrollo de experiencias de juego físico-digitales y dinamicen las relaciones de colaboración entre los usuarios. Los dispositivos de juego urbanos se convierten de esta manera en interfaces audiovisuales tangibles que permiten desarrollar estrategias lúdicas similares a los videojuegos.Based on the idea of hybrid cities (understood as the result of the transformations of the actual models of perception and experience of the city through the effects of the integration of technological systems in the public space), we propose to transform public adventure playgrounds into interactive audiovisual gaming spaces, provoking physical-digital game experiences and facilitating collaborative relations between users. Urban playground devices thus become tangible interfaces that allow for computer game-like experiences

    Data Mnemosyne

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    The work Data Mnemosyne emerges from the semiotic analysis of our family album using artificial intelligence techniques for image analysis based on pre-trained machine learning models. This analysis has led to the reorganization of our archive based on key concepts and the emergence of unexpected groupings based on the interpretation of formal, thematic, and contextual elements provided by AI, shaping an atlas of our memory based on data and probabilitiesLa obra Data Mnemosyne surge del análisis semiótico de nuestro album familiar utilizando técnicas de inteligencia artificial para el análisis de imágenes basadas en modelos de aprendizaje automático pre-entrenados. Este análisis ha dado lugar a la reorganización de nuestro archivo en base a conceptos clave y a al surgimiento de agrupaciones inesperadas basadas en la interpretación de los elementos formales, temáticos y contextuales que nos ofrece la IA, configurando un atlas de nuestra memoria basado en datos y probabilidades

    Video Games and Outdoor Physical Activity for the Elderly: Applications of the HybridPLAY Technology

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    The incorporation of the elderly into digital leisure has been especially driven by the development of games and applications that link the experience of play with beneficial effects for the user. Some of these benefits arise at a cognitive level, fostering intellectual activity of adults through playful experiences that combine audio-visual entertainment with brain training. Seniors are also engaged by active video games that use control interfaces to perform physical actions or activities, encouraging motor play. In this paper, we present the application of HybridPLAY for the elderly, a self-developed technology initially thought to transform playgrounds into scenarios for a set of interactive digital games. In this paper, we show that, although HybridPLAY was initially developed for children and teenagers, the versatile features of this technology make it appropriate also for the elderly. After having tested HybridPLAY with a small group of seniors who completed a usability test and a satisfaction questionnaire, we show that it is possible to combine playful entertainment with physical and mental activities in outdoor environments for the elderly


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    Experiencia interdisciplinar de desarrollo de videojuegos con alumnos de Bellas Artes e Informática

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    [ES] Se han establecido grupos de trabajo multidisciplina-res para desarrollar videojuegos que han implicado a dos asignaturas de la Facultad de BB.AA. y a otras dos de la Escuela de Ingeniería Informática. Los equipos han seguido la misma metodología que se sigue en las empresas de desarrollo de videojuegos. Han utilizado aplicaciones en línea para editar los documentos de diseño de forma colaborativa, compartido código y otros documentos mediante GitHub, se han coordinado empleando redes sociales, han empleado herramientas de autor y de programación de última generación, junto con entornos profesionales de desarrollo de videojuegos. Se han empleado metodologías ágiles para el desarrollo de videojuegos y se han mantenido reuniones de control del progreso a lo largo de todo el cuatrimestre. A pesar de que muchos alumnos no habían recibido docencia previa en videojuegos ni en la herramienta empleada en la asignatura, los resultados han sido muy satisfactorios. La nota media de cada especialidad ha estado cercana a los 8 puntos. Los alumnos han valorado positivamente el ritmo seguido y las sesiones de seguimiento, la metodología empleada, la libertad de elección de temas, el poder trabajar con alumnos de otras disciplinas y la calidad de los resultados.[EN] Multidisciplinary work groups have been established to develop video games involving two courses in the Faculty of Fine Arts and two courses in the Computer Science School. The teams have followed the same methodology used in the video game development industry. They have used online applications to edit design documents collaboratively. They have shared code and other documents using GitHub. They have been collaborating using social networks. They have used the latest authoring and programming tools together with professional video game development environments. Agile methodologies have been used for the development of the projects. Progress monitoring meetings have been held throughout the four-month period. Although many students had no previous experience developing video games nor using the engine studied in the course, the results have been very satisfactory. The average mark in each group has been close to 8 points. Students have positively assessed the pace followed and the follow-up sessions, the methodology used, the freedom to choose topics, working with students from other disciplines and the quality of the results.Mollá Vayá, R.; Abad Cerdá, FJ.; Boj Tovar, C. (2021). Experiencia interdisciplinar de desarrollo de videojuegos con alumnos de Bellas Artes e Informática. En IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 318-332. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2020.2020.11962OCS31833

    Una experiencia multidisciplinar de desarrollo de videojuegos con alumnos de Informática y Bellas Artes

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    Se han establecido grupos de trabajo multidisciplinares para desarrollar videojuegos que han implicado a dos asignaturas de la Facultad de BB.AA. y a otras dos de la Escuela de Ingeniería Informática. Los equipos han seguido la misma metodología que se sigue en las empresas de desarrollo de videojuegos. Han utilizado aplicaciones en línea para editar los documentos de diseño de forma colaborativa, compartido código y otros documentos mediante GitHub, se han coordinado empleando redes sociales, han empleado herramientas de autor y de programación de última generación, junto con entornos profesionales de desarrollo de videojuegos. Se han empleado metodologías ágiles para el desarrollo de videojuegos y se han mantenido reuniones de control del progreso a lo largo de todo el cuatrimestre. A pesar de que muchos alumnos no habían recibido docencia previa en videojuegos ni en la herramienta empleada en la asignatura, los resultados han sido muy satisfactorios. La nota media de cada especialidad ha estado cercana a los 8 puntos. Los alumnos han valorado positivamente el ritmo seguido y las sesiones de seguimiento, la metodología empleada, la libertad de elección de temas, el poder trabajar con alumnos de otras disciplinas y la calidad de los resultados.Multidisciplinary work groups have been established to develop video games involving two courses in the Faculty of Fine Arts and two courses in the Computer Science School. The teams followed the same methodology used in the video game development industry. They used online applications to edit design documents collaboratively. They shared code and other documents using GitHub. They have been collaborating using social networks. They used the latest authoring and programming tools besides professional video game development environments. Agile methodologies have been used for the development of the projects. Progress monitoring meetings were held throughout the four-month period. Although many students had no previous experience developing video games nor using the engine studied in the course, the results have been very satisfactory. The average mark in each group has been close to 8 points. Students have positively assessed the pace followed and the follow-up sessions, the methodology used, the freedom to choose topics, working with students from other disciplines and the quality of the results.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación de la Universitat Politècnica de València, a través de la Convocatoria A+D. Proyectos de Innovación y Mejora Educativa (PIME 19-20/167)

    Age determination procedures for benthic fish in Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO)

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    This handbook presents a summary of the age estimation procedures used in the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) for some of the main commercial benthic species of fish for the Spanish fleet: megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis), four spot megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii), white anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius), black anglerfish (Lophius budegassa). It provides information about the sampling program, the morphology of hard parts (otoliths and illicia), their extraction, preparation, and the age estimation criteria. A summary of information related to the accuracy, validation and corroboration of age of each species is also presented, as well as that related to the precision, quality control and verification of age

    Age determination procedures for pelagic and benthic species from ICES area in Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO)

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    This handbook presents a summary of the age estimation procedures used in Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) for some of the main commercial small and medium pelagic species and benthic species of the Spanish fleet. It provides information about the sampling program, otolith extraction and preparation, and the age estimation criteria. A summary of the information related to the age accuracy, validation and corroboration of each species is also presented, as well as that related to the age precision, quality control and verification

    Age determination procedures on small and medium pelagic species in Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO)

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    This handbook presents a summary of the age estimation procedures used in Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) for some of the main commercial small and medium pelagic species of the Spanish fleet: anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), sardine (Sardina pichardus), mackerel (Scomber scombrus), chuck mackerel (Scomber colias), horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), Mediterranean horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus) and blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou). It provides information about the sampling program, otolith extraction and preparation, and the age estimation criteria. A summary of the information related to the age accuracy, validation and corroboration of each species is also presented, as well as that related to the age precision, quality control and verification