1,021 research outputs found

    Structure of the near-surface layers of the Sun: asphericity and time variation

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    We present results on the structure of the near-surface layers of the Sun obtained by inverting frequencies of high-degree solar modes from "ring diagrams". We have results for eight epochs between June 1996 and October 2003. The frequencies for each epoch were obtained from ring diagrams constructed from MDI Dopplergrams spanning complete Carrington rotations. We find that there is a substantial latitudinal variation of both sound speed and the adiabatic index Gamma_1 in the outer 2% of the Sun. We find that both the sound-speed and Gamma_1 profiles change with changes in the level of solar activity. In addition, we also study differences between the northern and southern hemispheres of the Sun and find a small asymmetry that appears to reflect the difference in magnetic activity between the two hemispheres.Comment: To appear in ApJ (January 2007

    Degenerations of ideal hyperbolic triangulations

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    Let M be a cusped 3-manifold, and let T be an ideal triangulation of M. The deformation variety D(T), a subset of which parameterises (incomplete) hyperbolic structures obtained on M using T, is defined and compactified by adding certain projective classes of transversely measured singular codimension-one foliations of M. This leads to a combinatorial and geometric variant of well-known constructions by Culler, Morgan and Shalen concerning the character variety of a 3-manifold.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures; minor changes; to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrif

    Loss of Prestin Does Not Alter the Development of Auditory Cortical Dendritic Spines

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    Disturbance of sensory input during development can have disastrous effects on the development of sensory cortical areas. To examine how moderate perturbations of hearing can impact the development of primary auditory cortex, we examined markers of excitatory synapses in mice who lacked prestin, a protein responsible for somatic electromotility of cochlear outer hair cells. While auditory brain stem responses of these mice show an approximately 40 dB increase in threshold, we found that loss of prestin produced no changes in spine density or morphological characteristics on apical dendrites of cortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons. PSD-95 immunostaining also showed no changes in overall excitatory synapse density. Surprisingly, behavioral assessments of auditory function using the acoustic startle response showed only modest changes in prestin KO animals. These results suggest that moderate developmental hearing deficits produce minor changes in the excitatory connectivity of layer 5 neurons of primary auditory cortex and surprisingly mild auditory behavioral deficits in the startle response

    Few smooth d-polytopes with n lattice points

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    We prove that, for fixed n there exist only finitely many embeddings of Q-factorial toric varieties X into P^n that are induced by a complete linear system. The proof is based on a combinatorial result that for fixed nonnegative integers d and n, there are only finitely many smooth d-polytopes with n lattice points. We also enumerate all smooth 3-polytopes with at most 12 lattice points. In fact, it is sufficient to bound the singularities and the number of lattice points on edges to prove finiteness.Comment: 20+2 pages; major revision: new author, new structure, new result

    Someone is pulling the strings: hypersensitive agency detection and belief in conspiracy theories

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    We hypothesized that belief in conspiracy theories would be predicted by the general tendency to attribute agency and intentionality where it is unlikely to exist. We further hypothesized that this tendency would explain the relationship between education level and belief in conspiracy theories, where lower levels of education have been found to be associated with higher conspiracy belief. In Study 1 (N=202) participants were more likely to agree with a range of conspiracy theories if they also tended to attribute intentionality and agency to inanimate objects. As predicted, this relationship accounted for the link between education level and belief in conspiracy theories. We replicated this finding in Study 2 (N=330), whilst taking into account beliefs in paranormal phenomena. These results suggest that education may undermine the reasoning processes and assumptions that are reflected in conspiracy belief

    Fermi LAT observations of cosmic-ray electrons from 7 GeV to 1 TeV

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    We present the results of our analysis of cosmic-ray electrons using about 8 million electron candidates detected in the first 12 months on-orbit by the Fermi Large Area Telescope. This work extends our previously-published cosmic-ray electron spectrum down to 7 GeV, giving a spectral range of approximately 2.5 decades up to 1 TeV. We describe in detail the analysis and its validation using beam-test and on-orbit data. In addition, we describe the spectrum measured via a subset of events selected for the best energy resolution as a cross-check on the measurement using the full event sample. Our electron spectrum can be described with a power law ∝E−3.08±0.05\propto {\rm E}^{-3.08 \pm 0.05} with no prominent spectral features within systematic uncertainties. Within the limits of our uncertainties, we can accommodate a slight spectral hardening at around 100 GeV and a slight softening above 500 GeV.Comment: 20 pages, 23 figures, 2 tables, published in Physical Review D 82, 092004 (2010) - contact authors: C. Sgro', A. Moisee

    Structure and Rotation of the Solar Interior: Initial Results from the MDI Medium-L Program

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    The medium-l program of the Michelson Doppler Imager instrument on board SOHO provides continuous observations of oscillation modes of angular degree, l, from 0 to approximately 300. The data for the program are partly processed on board because only about 3% of MDI observations can be transmitted continuously to the ground. The on-board data processing, the main component of which is Gaussian-weighted binning, has been optimized to reduce the negative influence of spatial aliasing of the high-degree oscillation modes. The data processing is completed in a data analysis pipeline at the SOI Stanford Support Center to determine the mean multiplet frequencies and splitting coefficients. The initial results show that the noise in the medium-l oscillation power spectrum is substantially lower than in ground-based measurements. This enables us to detect lower amplitude modes and, thus, to extend the range of measured mode frequencies. This is important for inferring the Sun's internal structure and rotation. The MDI observations also reveal the asymmetry of oscillation spectral lines. The line asymmetries agree with the theory of mode excitation by acoustic sources localized in the upper convective boundary layer. The sound-speed profile inferred from the mean frequencies gives evidence for a sharp variation at the edge of the energy-generating core. The results also confirm the previous finding by the GONG (Gough et al., 1996) that, in a thin layer just beneath the convection zone, helium appears to be less abundant than predicted by theory. Inverting the multiplet frequency splittings from MDI, we detect significant rotational shear in this thin layer. This layer is likely to be the place where the solar dynamo operates. In order to understand how the Sun works, it is extremely important to observe the evolution of this transition layer throughout the 11-year activity cycle

    Helioseismic studies of differential rotation in the solar envelope by the solar oscillations investigation using the michelson doppler imager

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    The splitting of the frequencies of the global resonant acoustic modes of the Sun by large-scale flows and rotation permits study of the variation of angular velocity Ω with both radius and latitude within the turbulent convection zone and the deeper radiative interior. The nearly uninterrupted Doppler imaging observations, provided by the Solar Oscillations Investigation (SOI) using the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft positioned at the L1 Lagrangian point in continuous sunlight, yield oscillation power spectra with very high signal-to-noise ratios that allow frequency splittings to be determined with exceptional accuracy. This paper reports on joint helioseismic analyses of solar rotation in the convection zone and in the outer part of the radiative core. Inversions have been obtained for a medium-l mode set (involving modes of angular degree l extending to about 250) obtained from the first 144 day interval of SOI-MDI observations in 1996. Drawing inferences about the solar internal rotation from the splitting data is a subtle process. By applying more than one inversion technique to the data, we get some indication of what are the more robust and less robust features of our inversion solutions. Here we have used seven different inversion methods. To test the reliability and sensitivity of these methods, we have performed a set of controlled experiments utilizing artificial data. This gives us some confidence in the inferences we can draw from the real solar data. The inversions of SOI-MDI data have confirmed that the decrease of Ω with latitude seen at the surface extends with little radial variation through much of the convection zone, at the base of which is an adjustment layer, called the tachocline, leading to nearly uniform rotation deeper in the radiative interior. A prominent rotational shearing layer in which Ω increases just below the surface is discernible at low to mid latitudes. Using the new data, we have also been able to study the solar rotation closer to the poles than has been achieved in previous investigations. The data have revealed that the angular velocity is distinctly lower at high latitudes than the values previously extrapolated from measurements at lower latitudes based on surface Doppler observations and helioseismology. Furthermore, we have found some evidence near latitudes of 75° of a submerged polar jet which is rotating more rapidly than its immediate surroundings. Superposed on the relatively smooth latitudinal variation in Ω are alternating zonal bands of slightly faster and slower rotation, each extending some 10° to 15° in latitude. These relatively weak banded flows have been followed by inversion to a depth of about 5% of the solar radius and appear to coincide with the evolving pattern of "torsional oscillations" reported from earlier surface Doppler studies

    Measurement of the branching ratios of the Z0 into heavy quarks

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    We measure the hadronic branching ratios of the Z0 boson into heavy quarks: Rb=Gamma(Z0->bb)/Gamma(Z0->hadrons) and Rc=Gamma(Z0->cc/Gamma(Z0->hadrons) using a multi-tag technique. The measurement was performed using about 400,000 hadronic Z0 events recorded in the SLD experiment at SLAC between 1996 and 1998. The small and stable SLC beam spot and the CCD-based vertex detector were used to reconstruct bottom and charm hadron decay vertices with high efficiency and purity, which enables us to measure most efficiencies from data. We obtain, Rb=0.21604 +- 0.00098(stat.) +- 0.00073(syst.) -+ 0.00012(Rc) and, Rc= 0.1744 +- 0.0031(stat.) +- 0.0020(syst.) -+ 0.0006(Rb)Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. D version 2: changed title to ratios, used common D production fractions for Rb and Rc and corrected Zgamma interference. Identical to PRD submissio
