379 research outputs found

    Developing a model of limited-access nicotine consumption in C57Bl/6J mice

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    Although United States smoking rates have been on the decline over the past few decades, cigarette smoking still poses a critical health and economic threat. Very few treatment options for smoking exist, and many of them do not lead to long-term abstinence. Preclinical models are necessary for understanding the effects of nicotine and developing treatments. Current self-administration models of nicotine intake may require surgical procedures and often result in low levels of intake. Further, they do not lend themselves to investigating treatments. The current study sought to develop a limited-access model of nicotine intake using the Drinking-in-the-Dark paradigm, which results in high levels of binge-like ethanol consumption that can be pharmacologically manipulated. The present study found that mice will consume nicotine under a range of parameters. Intakes under the preferred condition of 0.14 mg/ml nicotine in 0.2% saccharin reached over 6 mg/kg in two hours and were reduced by an injection of R(+)-baclofen. Mecamylamine did not significantly affect nicotine consumption. As nicotine and ethanol are often co-abused, nicotine intake was also tested in the presence of ethanol. When presented in the same bottle, mice altered nicotine intake under various concentrations to maintain consistent levels of ethanol intake. When nicotine and ethanol were presented in separate bottles, mice greatly reduced their nicotine intake while maintaining ethanol intake. In conclusion, these studies characterize a novel model of limited-access nicotine intake that can be pharmacologically manipulated

    D-Brane Chemistry

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    We study several different kinds of bound states built from D-branes and orientifolds. These states are to atoms what branonium - the bound state of a brane and its anti-brane - is to positronium, inasmuch as they typically involve a light brane bound to a much heavier object with conserved charges which forbid the system's decay. We find the fully relativistic motion of a probe Dp'-brane in the presence of source Dp-branes is integrable by quadratures. Keplerian conic sections are obtained for special choices for p and p' and the systems are shown to be equivalent to nonrelativistic systems. Their quantum behaviour is also equivalent to the corresponding non-relativistic limit. In particular the p=6, p'=0 case is equivalent to a non-relativistic dyon in a magnetic monopole background, with the trajectories in the surface of a cone. We also show that the motion of the probe branes about D6-branes in IIA theory is equivalent to the motion of the corresponding probes in the uplift to M-theory in 11 dimensions, for which there are no D6-branes but their fields are replaced by a particular Taub-NUT geometry. We further discuss the interactions of D-branes and orientifold planes having the same dimension. this system behaves at large distances as a brane-brane system but at shorter distances it does not have the tachyon instability.Comment: ref. added and typos correcte

    Extrinsic CPT Violation in Neutrino Oscillations in Matter

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    We investigate matter-induced (or extrinsic) CPT violation effects in neutrino oscillations in matter. Especially, we present approximate analytical formulas for the CPT-violating probability differences for three flavor neutrino oscillations in matter with an arbitrary matter density profile. Note that we assume that the CPT invariance theorem holds, which means that the CPT violation effects arise entirely because of the presence of matter. As special cases of matter density profiles, we consider constant and step-function matter density profiles, which are relevant for neutrino oscillation physics in accelerator and reactor long baseline experiments as well as neutrino factories. Finally, the implications of extrinsic CPT violation on neutrino oscillations in matter for several past, present, and future long baseline experiments are estimated.Comment: 47 pages, 7 figures, RevTeX4. Final version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Annihilation vs. Decay: Constraining dark matter properties from a gamma-ray detection

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    Most proposed dark matter candidates are stable and are produced thermally in the early Universe. However, there is also the possibility of unstable (but long-lived) dark matter, produced thermally or otherwise. We propose a strategy to distinguish between dark matter annihilation and/or decay in the case that a clear signal is detected in gamma-ray observations of Milky Way dwarf spheroidal galaxies with gamma-ray experiments. The sole measurement of the energy spectrum of an indirect signal would render the discrimination between these cases impossible. We show that by examining the dependence of the intensity and energy spectrum on the angular distribution of the emission, the origin could be identified as decay, annihilation, or both. In addition, once the type of signal is established, we show how these measurements could help to extract information about the dark matter properties, including mass, annihilation cross section, lifetime, dominant annihilation and decay channels, and the presence of substructure. Although an application of the approach presented here would likely be feasible with current experiments only for very optimistic dark matter scenarios, the improved sensitivity of upcoming experiments could enable this technique to be used to study a wider range of dark matter models.Comment: 29 pp, 8 figs; replaced to match published version (minor changes and some new references

    Quasi-energy-independent solar neutrino transitions

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    Current solar, atmospheric, and reactor neutrino data still allow oscillation scenarios where the squared mass differences are all close to 10^-3 eV^2, rather than being hierarchically separated. For solar neutrinos, this situation (realized in the upper part of the so-called large-mixing angle solution) implies adiabatic transitions which depend weakly on the neutrino energy and on the matter density, as well as on the ``atmospheric'' squared mass difference. In such a regime of ``quasi-energy-independent'' (QEI) transitions, intermediate between the more familiar ``Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein'' (MSW) and energy-independent (EI) regimes, we first perform analytical calculations of the solar nu_e survival probability at first order in the matter density, beyond the usual hierarchical approximations. We then provide accurate, generalized expressions for the solar neutrino mixing angles in matter, which reduce to those valid in the MSW, QEI and EI regimes in appropriate limits. Finally, a representative QEI scenario is discussed in some detail.Comment: Title changed; text and acronyms revised; results unchanged. To appear in PR

    Neutrino hierarchy from CP-blind observables with high density magnetized detectors

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    High density magnetized detectors are well suited to exploit the outstanding purity and intensities of novel neutrino sources like Neutrino Factories and Beta Beams. They can also provide independent measurements of leptonic mixing parameters through the observation of atmospheric muon-neutrinos. In this paper, we discuss the combination of these observables from a multi-kton iron detector and a high energy Beta Beam; in particular, we demonstrate that even with moderate detector granularities the neutrino mass hierarchy can be determined for θ13\theta_{13} values greater than 4^\circ.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures. Added a new section discussing systematic errors (sec 5.2); sec.5.1 and 4 have been extended. Version to appear in EPJ

    Small Scale Structure Formation in Chameleon Cosmology

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    Chameleon fields are scalar fields whose mass depends on the ambient matter density. We investigate the effects of these fields on the growth of density perturbations on sub-galactic scales and the formation of the first dark matter halos. Density perturbations on comoving scales R<1pcR < 1 {\rm pc} go non--linear and collapse to form structure much earlier than in standard Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology. The resulting mini-halos are hence more dense and resilient to disruption. We therefore expect (provided that the density perturbations on these scales have not been erased by damping processes) that the dark matter distribution on small scales would be more clumpy in chameleon cosmology than in the Λ\LambdaCDM model.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Status of a Supersymmetric Flavour Violating Solution to the Solar Neutrino Puzzle with Three Generations

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    We present a general study of a three neutrino flavour transition model based on the supersymmetric interactions which violate R-parity. These interactions induce flavour violating scattering reactions between solar matter and neutrinos. The model does not contain any vacuum mass or mixing angle for the first generation neutrino. Instead, the effective mixing in the first generation is induced via the new interactions. The model provides a natural interpretation of the atmospheric neutrino anomaly, and is consistent with reactor experiments. We determine all R-parity violating couplings which can contribute to the effective neutrino oscillations, and summarize the present laboratory bounds. Independent of the specific nature of the (supersymmetric) flavour violating model, the experimental data on the solar neutrino rates and the recoil electron energy spectrum are inconsistent with the theoretical predictions. The confidence level of the χ2\chi^2-analysis ranges between 104\sim 10^{-4} and 103\sim 10^{-3}. The incompatibility, is due to the new SNO results, and excludes the present model. We conclude that a non-vanishing vacuum mixing angle for the first generation neutrino is necessary in our model. We expect this also to apply to the solutions based on other flavour violating interactions having constraints of the same order of magnitude.Comment: 17 pages, Latex fil

    Constraining neutrino oscillation parameters with current solar and atmospheric data

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    We analyze the impact of recent solar, atmospheric and reactor data in the determination of the neutrino oscillation parameters, taking into account that both the solar nu_e and the atmospheric nu_mu may convert to a mixture of active and sterile neutrinos. We use the most recent global solar neutrino data, including the 1496-day Super-K neutrino data sample, and we investigate in detail the impact of the SNO neutral current, spectral and day/night data by performing also an analysis using only the charged current rate from SNO. The implications of the first 145.1 days of KamLAND data on the determination of the solar neutrino parameters are also discussed in detail. We confirm the clear preference of solar+reactor data for the pure active LMA-MSW solution of the solar neutrino problem, and obtain that the LOW, VAC, SMA and Just-So^2 solutions are disfavored with a Delta_chi^2 = 22, 22, 36, 44, respectively. Furthermore, we find that the global solar data constrains the admixture of a sterile neutrino to be less than 43% at 99% CL. By performing an improved fit of the atmospheric data, we also update the corresponding regions of oscillation parameters. We find that the recent atmospheric Super-K (1489-day) and MACRO data have a strong impact on constraining a sterile component in atmospheric oscillations: if the nu_mu is restricted to the atmospheric mass states only a sterile admixture of 16% is allowed at 99% CL, while a bound of 35% is obtained in the unconstrained case. Pure sterile oscillations are disfavored with a Delta_chi^2 = 34.6 compared to the pure active case.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX file using RevTEX4, 12 figures and 3 tables included. Improved version including the new KamLAND dat