32 research outputs found

    Oral cavity manifestations of malignant tumors in children

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Patologia tumorală în special tumorile maligne la copii sunt în creștere. Tot mai mulți copii sunt supuși tratamentului chimioterapeutic. Efectele adverse ale tratamentului chimioterapeutic sunt diverse. Cele manifestate în cavitatea bucală sunt cele mai frecvente și prezintă o problemă dificilă a copiilor atât în perioada de tratament, cât și după tratamentul chimioterapeutic. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea manifestărilor orale la copii provocate de tumori si efectele secundare ale chimioterapiei. Materiale și metode. Au fost examinați clinic 30 de copii cu tumori maligne care se aflau internați în secția de oncologie pediatrică Institutul Oncologic. Toți copii primeau tratament chimioterapeutic. Vârstele au fost cuprinse între 1și 18 ani. Rezultate. În total au fost examinați 30 copii(11 fete și 19 băieți). 14 pacienți cu leucemie si 16 cu alte tumori. La toți copiii s-a examinat statutul dentar cât și mucoasa cavității bucale. Indicele de frecvență (IF) a cariei în acest grup de pacienți a constituit un nivel mediu, IF = 70. Pentru leucozele acute s-a constatat leziuni ulcero-necrotice pe mucoasa gingivală, palatină, linguală și jugală. Mai frecvent au fost depistate gingivitele hipertrofice. Concluzii. Severitatea acestor simptome variază in funcție de durata terapiei, dozajele prescrise si istoricul medical personal. Efectele secundare sunt temporare. Pacienții supuși chimioterapiei pentru tratarea leucemiei sunt cel mai expuși infecțiilor grave.Introduction. Tumor pathology, especially malignant tumors in children, is increasing. More and more children are undergoing chemotherapy treatment. The adverse effects of chemotherapy treatment are diverse. Those manifested in the oral cavity are the most frequent and present a difficult problem for children both during the treatment period and after the chemotherapeutic treatment. Objective of the study. Estimation of the side effects in the oral cavity in children with malignant tumor undergoing chemotherapeutic treatment. Materials and methods. 30 children with malignant tumors who were hospitalized in the pediatric oncology department of the Oncological Institute were clinically examined. All children were receiving chemotherapy treatment. The ages were between 1 and 18 years. Results. A total of 30 children (11 girls and 19 boys) were examined. 14 patients with leukemia and 16 with other tumors. In all children, the dental status and the mucosa of the oral cavity were examined. The frequency index (FI) of cavities in this group of patients was an average level, FI = 70. For acute leukemia, ulcero-necrotic lesions were found on the gingival, palatal, lingual and jugal mucosa. Hypertrophic gingivitis was detected more frequently. Conclusions. The severity of these symptoms varies depending on the duration of the therapy, the prescribed dosages and the personal medical history. Side effects are temporary. Patients undergoing chemotherapy to treat leukemia are most at risk of serious infections

    Predicting treatment need of malocclusions in children with unilateral cleft lip and palate

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Despicăturile labio-maxilo-palatine unilaterale sunt considerate cele mai frecvente malformații congenitale. Majoritatea pacienților cu despicături labio-maxilo-palatine necesită tratament complex în perioada adolescentă. Există mai mulți indici de prezicere a necesității tratamentului în funcție de gradul de severitate a anomaliilor dento-maxilare. Indicele GOSLON Yardstick este valoros în prezicerea necesității unui tratament (tratament ortodontic sau tratament chirurgical). Scopul lucrării, de a evalua gradul de severitate al anomaliilor dento-maxilare și prognosticul tratamentului combinat la copii cu despicături labio-maxilo-palatine după indicele GOSLON Yardstick. Material și metode. În total au fost evaluate 12 modele de studiu din gips la copii cu despicături labio-maxilo-palatine unilaterale în perioada dentației mixte cu vârsta cuprinsă între 7-12 ani. La toți pacienții din studiu s-a efectuat chirurgia primară de cheiloplastie la vârsta de 3-4 luni, uranoplastie și veloplastie după protocolul clinic. Modelele de studiu au fost colectate la prima vizită de adresare a pacienților la medicul stomatolog ortodont în incinta Spitalul Clinic Republican de Copii „Em. Coțaga”. Rezultate. Modelele de diagnostic al pacienților cu despicături labio-maxilo-palatine unilaterale care au prezentat indicele Goslon 1și 2 în perioada dentației mixte, în 42% au un prognostic favorabil și nu necesită tratament chirurgical în perioada de adolescență. În 8% cazuri pot fi anticipate rezultate bune prin tratamentul ortodontic complex. Însă mai mulți pacienți cu indicele Goslon 4 și 5 cu discrepanțe maxilo-mandibulare severe în 50 % cazuri implica necesitatea tratamentului chirurgical ortognatic. Concluzii. Pentru veridicitate mai bună este nevoie de evaluat un grup mai mare de pacienți. Indicele GOSLON Yardstick poate fi utilizat pentru prezicerea și necesitatea unui tratament prin chirurgie ortognatică la o vârstă precoce în special la pacienții cu scoruri 4 și 5 (slab si foarte slab).Background. Unilateral cleft lips and palates are considered the most common congenital malformations. Most patients with cleft lips and palate require complex treatment during the adolescent. There are several indices for predicting treatment need depending on the degree of severity of malocclusions. The GOSLON Yardstick index is valuable in predicting treatment need (orthodontic treatment or surgical treatment). Objective of the study is to assess the severity of malocclusions and predicting treatment need in children with cleft lips and palate according to the GOSLON Yardstick index. Material and methods. Overall, 12 plaster study models were evaluated in children with unilateral cleft lips and palate in the period of mixed dentition aged between 7-12 years. All patients in the study underwent primary surgery at the age of 3-4 months, uranoplasty and veloplasty according to the clinical protocol. The study models were collected at the first visit of the patients to the orthodontist in the Emilian Coțaga Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital. Results. The diagnostic models of patients with unilateral cleft lips and palate who presented the Goslon index 1 and 2 during the period of mixed dentition, in 42% have a favorable prognosis, and do not require surgical treatment during adolescence. In 8% of cases good results can be anticipated through complex orthodontic treatment. However, several patients with Goslon index 4 and 5 with severe maxillo-mandibular discrepancies, in 50% of cases implied the need for orthognathic surgical treatment. Conclusion. For better probability, a larger group of patients should be evaluated. The GOSLON Yardstick index can be used to predict the need for orthognathic surgery at an early age, especially in patients with scores 4 and 5 (poor and very poor)

    Effect of continuous nutrient enrichment on microalgae colonizing hard substrates

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    In order to understand the effect of changing nutrient conditions on benthic microalgae on hard substrates, in-situ experiments with artificial substrates were conducted in Kiel Fjord, Western Baltic Sea. As an extension of previous investigations, we used artificial substrates without silicate and thus were able to supply nutrient media with different Si:N ratios to porous substrates, from where they trickled out continuously. The biofilm developing on these substrates showed a significant increase in biovolume due to N + P enrichment, while Si alone had only minor effects. The stoichiometric composition of the biomass indicated nitrogen limitation during most of the year. The C:N ratios were lowered by the N + P addition. The algae were dominated by diatoms in most cases, but rhodophytes and chlorophytes also became important. The nutrient treatment affected the taxonomic composition mostly at the species level. The significance of the results with regard to coastal eutrophication is discussed

    Harmful algal blooms and eutrophication : examining linkages from selected coastal regions of the United States

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2008. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Harmful Algae 8 (2008): 39-53, doi:10.1016/j.hal.2008.08.017.Coastal waters of the United States (U.S.) are subject to many of the major harmful algal bloom (HAB) poisoning syndromes and impacts. These include paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP), amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) and various other HAB phenomena such as fish kills, loss of submerged vegetation, shellfish mortalities, and widespread marine mammal mortalities. Here, the occurrences of selected HABs in a selected set of regions are described in terms of their relationship to eutrophication, illustrating a range of responses. Evidence suggestive of changes in the frequency, extent or magnitude of HABs in these areas is explored in the context of the nutrient sources underlying those blooms, both natural and anthropogenic. In some regions of the U.S., the linkages between HABs and eutrophication are clear and well documented, whereas in others, information is limited, thereby highlighting important areas for further research.Support was provided through the Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health (to DMA), National Science Foundation (NSF) grants OCE-9808173 and OCE-0430724 (to DMA), OCE-0234587 (to WPC), OCE04-32479 (to MLP), OCE-0138544 (to RMK), OCE-9981617 (to PMG); National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) grants P50ES012742-01 (to DMA) and P50ES012740 (to MLP); NOAA Grants NA96OP0099 (to DMA), NA16OP1450 (to VLT), NA96P00084 (to GAV and CAH), NA160C2936 and NA108H-C (to RMK), NA860P0493 and NA04NOS4780241 (to PMG), NA04NOS4780239-02 (to RMK), NA06NOS4780245 (to DWT). Support was also provided from the West Coast Center for Oceans and Human Health (to VLT and WPC), USEPA Grant CR826792-01-0 (to GAV and CAH), and the State of Florida Grant S7701617826 (to GAV and CAH)

    The role of interactions between Prorocentrum minimum and Heterosigma akashiwo in bloom formation

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    We examined the growth and interactions between the bloom-forming flagellates Prorocentrum minimum and Heterosigma akashiwo using bi-algal culture experiments. When both species were inoculated at high cell densities, growth of H. akashiwo was inhibited by P. minimum. In other combinations of inoculation densities, the species first reaching the stationary phase substantially suppressed maximum cell densities of the other species, but the growth inhibition effect of P. minimum was stronger than that of H. akashiwo. We used a mathematical model to simulate growth and interactions of P. minimum and H. akashiwo in bi-algal cultures. The model indicated that P. minimum always out-competed H. akashiwo over time. Additional experiments showed that crude extracts from P. minimum and H. akashiwo cultures did not affect the growth of either species, but both strongly inhibited the growth of the bloom-forming diatom Skeletonema costatum. Further experiments showed that it was unlikely that reactive oxygen species produced by H. akashiwo were responsible for the inhibition of P. minimum growth

    Vertical distribution of summer phytoplankton in the western Black Sea during 1991-1995 with respect to some environmental factors

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    The present paper deals with the vertical distribution of summer phytoplankton in different layers (SHL, TCL and Ca) at selected subregions of the western Black Sea. A comparison between the north-western, western and southern Black Sea is also presented. A special statistical software package was used to display the core species along the vertical axis and to select environmental variables explaining the community distribution. Despite the subregional differences the results reveal that about 50% of the total biomass was maintained in the SHL, about 40% in the TCL and from 10% to 20% in the CIL depending on the position and depth of each layer. The environmental factors, especially nutrients have more important implications for algal species composition and abundance in the SHL, while for the deep flora the formation of CIL waters and the mechanisms of biological control may be the more significant processes

    Progress in Understanding Harmful Algal Blooms: Paradigm Shifts and New Technologies for Research,Monitoring, and Management

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    The public health, tourism, fisheries, and ecosystem impacts from harmful algal blooms (HABs) have all increased over the past few decades. This has led to heightened scientific and regulatory attention, and the development of many new technologies and approaches for research and management. This, in turn, is leading to significant paradigm shifts with regard to, e.g.,our interpretation of the phytoplankton species concept (strain variation), the dogma of their apparent cosmopolitanism, the role of bacteria and zooplankton grazing in HABs, and our approaches to investigating the ecological and genetic basis for the production of toxins and allelochemicals. Increasingly,eutrophication and climate change are viewed andmanaged as multifactorial environmental stressors that will further challenge managers of coastal resources and those responsible for protecting human health. Here we review HABscience with an eye toward new concepts and approaches,emphasizing, where possible, the unexpected yet promising new directions that research has taken in this diverse field