148 research outputs found

    Adolescent Gambling: An Update on Research Since 2010

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    Sexuality and your child (2002)

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    "Information from Human Environmental Sciences Extension."For children ages 3 to 7Reprinted 2/02/2M

    Talking with children about HIV/AIDS (1995)

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    "Information from Human Environmental Sciences Extension.""Child development."New 8/95/5M

    Early adolescence (2002)

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    "Information from Human Environmental Sciences Extension.""Human relations."New 6/02/5M

    Child abuse and neglect (2000)

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    National statistics on the amount of child abuse and neglect are difficult to obtain because states use different definitions. Some states report only substantiated cases that have been verified according to state law. Other states report and combine both the number of substantiated and indicated cases. In indicated cases of abuse there is reason to suspect abuse or neglect, but less evidence to prove it.Reviewed March 2000--MU Extension website (viewed June 2019)New 9/97/5M--Page 4

    Journaling with teens (2001)

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    "Information from Human Environmental Sciences Extension.""Human relations."New 11/01/5M

    Missouri volunteer resource mothers (1999)

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    "Information from Human Environmental Sciences Extension.""Human relations."Revised 1/99/5M

    Women With Breast Cancer: Photo-elicitation Interviews Using Photographs of Women with the Same Disease

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    AbstractSince the 1970s there has been an increase in the number of fine art photographs of women with breast cancer. The objectives of this study were to examine: a) how women who have experienced breast cancer reacted and related to a book of nude photographs of other women with breast cancer, and b) their recommendations concerning the presentation of such photos to other women with breast cancer. This photo-elicitation study involved interviews with 15 women who had experienced breast cancer and the findings revealed that the majority of the women felt that the book of nude photographs gave them a sense of hope for the future. In addition, the findings showed some diversity of opinion about when, how and where to use the book of photos. They disagreed if it should be viewed as soon as women are diagnosed with breast cancer or later in their treatment. Finally, the recommendations included having the photos: a) presented to patients by physicians, b) available in physicians’ waiting rooms and chemotherapy rooms, c) available for women’s partners/husbands, and d) included as part of therapy. The results suggest that some women who have had breast cancer, perhaps with more of a postmodern versus modern orientation, benefit from viewing fine art photographs of other women with the same disease.  Viewing such photographs assists them in identifying with other women with breast cancer who appear elegant, beautiful, in satisfying relationships and accepting for their physical conditions. 论文摘要 乳腺癌患者:利用同病女性的图片进行的照片引谈调查 自20世纪70年代以来,以罹患乳腺癌女性为拍摄对象的艺术摄影数量不断增加。这篇论文旨在对两方面进行调查研究:一、乳腺癌患者面对一本其他女性患者裸体人像图册的反应与共鸣;二、她们对此类照片的展示方式有何建议。这项照片引谈研究访问了15名乳腺癌患者。绝大部分受访者认为这本图册让她们感觉对未来充满希望。另外,研究还显示受访者对于何时何地以何种方式展示这本图册持有不同见解。有些人认为患者一旦被确诊就应该接触这类图片,另外一些人则认为应该在随后的治疗中使用。受访者对图册使用的建议包括:一、由医生向患者展示;二、放置于候诊区和化疗室;三、向患者的配偶或伴侣展示;四、把图册展示作为治疗的一部分。研究结果表明,那些具有后现代主义而非现代主义倾向的患者更能从这些艺术摄影中汲取正面能量。气质优雅、形象美丽,对两性关系满意并接纳自身生理状况,图片主人公所传达的这些积极信息能帮助此类受访者找到身份认同。 关键词:乳腺癌,摄影,照片引谈Frauen mit Brustkrebs: Photo Elicitation-Interviews unter Verwendung von Fotografien von Frauen mit derselben Krankheit Seit den 1970er Jahren gibt es eine vermehrte Anzahl an Kunstfotografien zu Frauen mit Brustkrebs. Ziel dieser Studie war es zu untersuchen wie a) Frauen, die an Brustkrebs litten, auf ein Buch mit Nacktbildern von andern Frauen mit Brustkrebs reagierten und b) ihre Empfehlungen für eine Präsentation dieser Fotografien für andere Frauen mit Brustkrebs ausfielen. Diese Photo Elicitation-Untersuchung  beinhaltete Interviews mit 15 Frauen, die an Brustkrebs litten und die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass das Betrachten des Bandes einer Mehrheit der Frauen ein Gefühl von Hoffnung verlieh. Weiter zeigten die Ergebnisse eine Diversität von Meinungen darüber, wann, wie und wo der Fotografieband zu verwenden sei. Schliesslich könnten die Fotografien gemäss ihren Meinungen a) vom behandelnden Arzt/der behandelnden Ärztin  den Patientinnen gezeigt werden oder b) in Warteräumen und Chemotherapieräumen aufgelegt werden oder c) den Ehemännern/Partnern der Frauen zur Verfügung gestellt werden oder d) in die Therapie integriert werden. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass einige der Frauen, die Brustkrebs hatten und wahrscheinlich eher über eine postmoderne, denn moderne Gesinnung verfügen, von der Ansicht von Kunstfotografien von Frauen mit derselben Krankheit profitieren. Das Betrachten solcher Fotografien hilft ihnen, sich mit andern Frauen mit Brustkrebs, die elegant, schön, in befriedigenden Beziehungen lebend und ihre körperliche Verfassung akzeptierend erscheinen, zu identifizieren Schlüsselwörter: Brustkrebs, Fotografie, Photo Elicitation 

    How is gambling related to perceived parenting style and/or family environment for college students?

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    Background and aims: The relationship between college student gambling, parenting styles, and family environments is a neglected area of gambling research. Do parenting styles indirectly influence problem gambling behaviors via family environments? Do poor family environments, characterized by high levels of conflict and low levels of cohesion, increase the likelihood of problem gambling among youth? This study explored the interrelationships among college students' current gambling behaviors and a) having an emotionally close and supportive family environment, b) having nagging and critical parents, c) having an authoritative mother, and d) frequency of alcohol consumption. Methods and results: Survey data were collected from 450 undergraduate students enrolled in introductory psychology classes at two state universities in a southern state. Feeling that one has nagging and critical parents was associated with gambling in more venues, while the opposite was true for having emotionally close and supportive families. However, perceptions of having authoritative mothers were not related to gambling. The results also showed that more frequent alcohol consumption was associated with higher odds of gambling in casinos, playing cards for money, betting on sports, gambling on the Internet, higher gambling losses, and a larger number of gambling venues. Conclusions: As with any exploratory research, there are several unique lines of inquiry that can, and should, follow from these findings, including more research on how college students' attitudes toward gambling activities may have begun prior to college and been influenced by their feelings about their homes and parents

    The efficacy of a web-based gambling intervention program for high school students: A preliminary randomized study

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    Early onset in adolescent gambling involvement can be a precipitator of later gambling problems. The aim of the present study was to test the preliminary efficacy of a web-based gambling intervention program for students within a high school-based setting. Students attending a high school in Italy (N=168) participated in the present study (58% male–age, M=15.01; SD=0.60). Twelve classes were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: intervention ( N=6; 95 students) and control group (N=6; 73 students). Both groups received personalized feedback and then the intervention group received online training (interactive activities) for three weeks. At a two-month follow-up, students in the intervention group reported a reduction in gambling problems relative to those in the control group. However, there were no differences in gambling frequency, gambling expenditure, and attitudes toward the profitability of gambling between the two groups. In addition, frequent gamblers (i.e., those that gambled at least once a week at baseline) showed reductions in gambling problems and gambling frequency post- intervention. Frequent gamblers that only received personalized feedback showed significantly less realistic attitudes toward the profitability of gambling post-intervention. The present study is the first controlled study to test the preliminary efficacy of a web-based gambling intervention program for students within a high school-based setting. The results indicate that a brief web-based intervention delivered in the school setting may be a potentially promising strategy for a low-threshold, low-cost, preventive tool for at-risk gambling high school students