149 research outputs found

    Contribuciones a la implementación de sistemas Wave Field Synthesis

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    De entre los sistemas de reproducción de sonido 3D, Wavefield Synthesis (WFS) presenta una serie de ventajas sobre el resto, principalmente en lo que respecta al gran realismo y sensación de inmersión acústica que proporciona. Otra gran ventaja adicional, es que la zona útil de escucha es muy amplia, superando al resto de sistemas disponibles en la actualidad. La teoría de WFS fue propuesta a finales de los 80 y principios de los 90, no siendo hasta el siglo XXI cuando se han puesto en marcha los primeros prototipos de estos sistemas, aunque muchos aspectos no contemplados en la teoría inicial siguen siendo en la actualidad retos importantes. La presente tesis aborda el estudio de la implementación de los sistemas de WFS aportando soluciones prácticas a las limitaciones tecnológicas que presentan estos sistemas, así como otra serie de problemas de implementación y funcionamiento en tiempo real que, aunque en una primera instancia no se describen como limitaciones físicas, suponen un problema a superar cuando se busca un sistema que funcione eficientemente. El objetivo final de esta tesis es aportar soluciones que contribuyan al desarrollo de un sistema de WFS totalmente funcional, por lo que durante su desarrollo ha sido necesario encontrar soluciones particulares y originales a multitud de problemas de diferente índole. Esta serie de problemas proviene por un lado de las limitaciones físicas de WFS y por otro de la implementación práctica del sistema. Por otro lado también se ha trabajo en los aspectos computacionales relacionados con la implementación en tiempo real de sistemas de WFS, los cuales necesitan una gran potencia de cálculo para dicho funcionamiento en tiempo real sin cortes ni grandes latencias. Este último se ha tratado de forma rigurosa dedicando un capítulo completo para su análisis y propuesta de soluciones eficientes y efectivas en coste.Bleda Pérez, S. (2009). Contribuciones a la implementación de sistemas Wave Field Synthesis [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/6685Palanci

    Utilización de YouTube como elemento motivador en las clases de teoría de la asignatura de Electrónica Analógica

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    El desarrollo de ciertos contenidos durante las clases de teoría puede resultar algo arduo para los alumnos, dependiendo del tema en concreto que se esté tratando. Esto puede provocar que durante el desarrollo de la clase, ciertos alumnos vayan perdiendo la motivación y se desconecten de la misma. Sin embargo, estos contenidos teóricos son totalmente necesarios para el posterior desarrollo de las clases de problemas y clases prácticas, por lo que no pueden evitarse. Sin embargo, lo que sí que se puede intentar es que dichas clases sean lo más amenas posible y sobre todo, que sean capaces de despertar el interés por la materia. En este sentido, la inserción de vídeos de YouTube en la propia clase puede ayudar a mantener la atención de los alumnos y a motivarles mediante la exposición visual de experiencias que demuestren la importancia de lo que se está explicando. Por todo ello, en una primera parte del trabajo, se ha buscado una selección de vídeos que puedan ser de utilidad para la asignatura bajo estudio, la cual se trata de la asignatura de Electrónica Analógica, que se imparte en segundo curso del Grado en Ingeniería en Sonido e Imagen en Telecomunicación

    Split-field finite-difference time-domain method for second-harmonic generation in two-dimensionally periodic structures

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    The split-field finite-difference time-domain method is extended to second-harmonic generation in two-dimensionally periodic structures. Making use of the full coefficient-tensor formalism, a coupled nonlinear system of equations, which must be solved at each update of the electromagnetic field, is developed. The accuracy of the method is verified by comparing the results to well-known one-dimensional problems. The results for L-shaped arrays are compared with results obtained with the Fourier modal method.This work is partially supported by the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” of Spain under project FIS2011-29803-C02-01; by the “Generalitat Valenciana” of Spain under projects PROMETEO/2011/021, ISIC/2012/013, and GV/2014/076; and by the “Universidad de Alicante” of Spain under project GRE12-14

    Nonlinear oscillator with power-form elastic-term: Fourier series expansion of the exact solution

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    A family of conservative, truly nonlinear, oscillators with integer or non-integer order nonlinearity is considered. These oscillators have only one odd power-form elastic-term and exact expressions for their period and solution were found in terms of Gamma functions and a cosine-Ateb function, respectively. Only for a few values of the order of nonlinearity, is it possible to obtain the periodic solution in terms of more common functions. However, for this family of conservative truly nonlinear oscillators we show in this paper that it is possible to obtain the Fourier series expansion of the exact solution, even though this exact solution is unknown. The coefficients of the Fourier series expansion of the exact solution are obtained as an integral expression in which a regularized incomplete Beta function appears. These coefficients are a function of the order of nonlinearity only and are computed numerically. One application of this technique is to compare the amplitudes for the different harmonics of the solution obtained using approximate methods with the exact ones computed numerically as shown in this paper. As an example, the approximate amplitudes obtained via a modified Ritz method are compared with the exact ones computed numerically.This work was supported by the “Generalitat Valenciana” of Spain, under projects PROMETEO/2011/021 and ISIC/2012/013, and by the “Vicerrectorado de Tecnologías de la Información” of the University of Alicante, Spain, under project GITE-09006-UA

    Comparison of simplified theories in the analysis of the diffraction efficiency in surface-relief gratings

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    In this work a set of simplified theories for predicting diffraction efficiencies of diffraction phase and triangular gratings are considered. The simplified theories applied are the scalar diffraction and the effective medium theories. These theories are used in a wide range of the value Λ/λ and for different angles of incidence. However, when 1 ≤ Λ/λ ≤ 10, the behaviour of the diffraction light is difficult to understand intuitively and the simplified theories are not accurate. The accuracy of these formalisms is compared with both rigorous coupled wave theory and the finite-difference time domain method. Regarding the RCWT, the influence of the number of harmonics considered in the Fourier basis in the accuracy of the model is analyzed for different surface-relief gratings. In all cases the FDTD method is used for validating the results of the rest of theories. The FDTD method permits to visualize the interaction between the electromagnetic fields within the whole structure providing reliable information in real time. The drawbacks related with the spatial and time resolution of the finite-difference methods has been avoided by means of massive parallel implementation based on graphics processing units. Furthermore, analysis of the performance of the parallel method is shown obtaining a severe improvement respect to the classical version of the FDTD method.This work was supported by the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” of Spain under projects FIS2011-29803-C02-01 and FIS2011-29803-C02-02 and by the “Generalitat Valenciana” of Spain under project PROMETEO/2011/021

    A template-based recognition system for on-line handwritten characters

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    New developments on our real-time recognition engine for isolated handwritten characters are presented. This engine is based on approximate Dynamic Time Warping comparisons with prototypes selected by fast, less accurate classification procedures. The error rate it currently obtains on the standard Pendigits task, 0.60%, is significantly lower than both the error rate of other recently published techniques and the one we obtain from the recognition engine included in the Microsoft Vista operating syste

    Accurate, Efficient and Rigorous Numerical Analysis of 3D H-PDLC Gratings

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    This work presents recent results derived from the rigorous modelling of holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystal (H-PDLC) gratings. More precisely, the diffractive properties of transmission gratings are the focus of this research. This work extends previous analysis performed by the authors but includes new features and approaches. More precisely, full 3D numerical modelling was carried out in all analyses. Each H-PDLC sample was generated randomly by a set of ellipsoid geometry-based LC droplets. The liquid crystal (LC) director inside each droplet was computed by the minimisation of the Frank elastic free energy as a function of the applied electric field. The analysis carried out considered the effects of Frank elastic constants K11, K22 and K33; the anchoring strength W0; and even the saddle-splay constant K24. The external electric field induced an orientation of the LC director, modifying the optical anisotropy of the optical media. This effect was analysed using the 3D split-field finite-difference time-domain (SF-FDTD) method. In order to reduce the computational costs due to a full 3D tensorial analysis, a highly optimised method for high-performance computing solutions (HPC) was developed. The influences of the anchoring and voltage on the diffraction efficiencies were investigated, showing the potential of this approach.The work was supported by the "Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación" of Spain under projects FIS2017-82919-R and PID2019-106601RB-I00, by the "Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital" of the Generatitat Valenciana under project GV/2019/021 and by the "Universidad de Alicante" under project UATALENTO18-10

    Propuesta y desarrollo de metodologías para la motivación y participación activa en la asignatura de Electrónica Analógica

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    En el desarrollo de muchas asignaturas nos encontramos siempre con una parte teórica y otra más aplicada en base a problemas y prácticas de laboratorio. La parte correspondiente a la teoría es crucial para comprender el funcionamiento de los contenidos experimentales y no quedarse simplemente en meros operadores. Sin embargo, también suele ser la más ardua. En ese sentido, resulta importante que dichas clases de teoría sean lo más amenas posible y sobre todo, que sean capaces de despertar el interés por la materia mostrando su estrecha vinculación con la práctica. En el presente trabajo se ha recurrido a los medios audiovisuales, y en concreto a vídeos de YouTube, como herramientas de apoyo en las clases de teoría, de modo que puedan ayudar a mantener la atención de los alumnos y a motivarles mediante la exposición visual de experiencias que demuestren la importancia de lo que se está explicando. En esta primera fase del trabajo, se ha buscado una selección de vídeos que puedan ser de utilidad para la asignatura bajo estudio, la cual se trata de la asignatura de Electrónica Analógica, que se imparte en segundo curso del Grado en Ingeniería en Sonido e Imagen en Telecomunicación

    Anomaly Detection from Low-dimensional Latent Manifolds with Home Environmental Sensors

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    Human Activity Recognition poses a significant challenge within Active and Assisted Living (AAL) systems, relying extensively on ubiquitous environmental sensor-based acquisition devices to detect user situations in their daily living. Environmental measurement systems deployed indoors yield multiparametric data in heterogeneous formats, which presents a challenge for developing Machine Learning-based AAL models. We hypothesized that anomaly detection algorithms could be effectively employed to create data-driven models for monitoring home environments and that the complex multiparametric indoor measurements can often be represented by a relatively small number of latent variables generated through Manifold Learning (MnL) techniques. We examined both linear (Principal Component Analysis) and non-linear (AutoEncoders) techniques for generating these latent spaces and the utility of core domain detection techniques for identifying anomalies within the resulting low-dimensional manifolds. We benchmarked this approach using three publicly available datasets (hh105, Aruba, and Tulum) and one proprietary dataset (Elioth) for home environmental monitoring. Our results demonstrated the following key findings: (a) Nonlinear manifold estimation techniques offer significant advantages in retrieving latent variables when compared to linear techniques; (b) The quality of the reconstruction of the original multidimensional recordings serves as an acceptable indicator of the quality of the generated latent spaces; (c) Domain detection identifies regions of normality consistent with typical individual activities in these spaces; And (d) the system effectively detects deviations from typical activity patterns and labels anomalies. This study lays the groundwork for further exploration of enhanced methods for extracting information from MnL data models and their application within the AAL and possibly other sectors

    Analytical approximate solutions for the cubic-quintic Duffing oscillator in terms of elementary functions

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    Accurate approximate closed-form solutions for the cubic-quintic Duffing oscillator are obtained in terms of elementary functions. To do this, we use the previous results obtained using a cubication method in which the restoring force is expanded in Chebyshev polynomials and the original nonlinear differential equation is approximated by a cubic Duffing equation. Explicit approximate solutions are then expressed as a function of the complete elliptic integral of the first kind and the Jacobi elliptic function cn. Then we obtain other approximate expressions for these solutions, which are expressed in terms of elementary functions. To do this, the relationship between the complete elliptic integral of the first kind and the arithmetic-geometric mean is used and the rational harmonic balance method is applied to obtain the periodic solution of the original nonlinear oscillator.This work was supported by the “Generalitat Valenciana” of Spain, under Project PROMETEO/2011/021, and by the “Vicerrectorado de Tecnología e Innovación Educativa” of the University of Alicante, Spain, under Project GITE-09006-UA