1,383 research outputs found

    Enrique Dupuy de Lôme: His ‘Estudios sobre el Japón’ (1895) and the 19th-century European imperialism

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    Este estudio analiza la obra Estudios sobre el Japón, escrita por el diplomático español Enrique Dupuy de Lôme en 1895. Estos tres elementos (obra, autor y fecha) permiten apreciar interconexiones entre Estados Unidos, Japón y España a finales del siglo xix. Una época en la que el imperialismo y los estados-nación formaban parte de la dinámica internacional. Como se demuestra aquí, estos elementos eran un problema para España que amenazaba su legitimidad en las lejanas colonias del Atlántico y del Pacífico, como Dupuy sostiene, un peligro. Aunque, la prioridad es analizar Estudios sobre el Japón, estableciendo la cronología de confección de las diferentes partes de la obra, en última instancia, todo ello se vincula con el imperialismo japonés y estadounidense y la creación del estado nación japonésThis study analyzes the work ‘Estudios sobre el Japón’ (Studies about Japan), written by the Spanish diplomat Enrique Dupuy de Lôme in 1895. These three elements (work, author and date) show us interconnections between the United States, Japan and Spain by the end of the 19th century. During this time, imperialism and nation states were taking part in the international context. From the Spanish point of view, these elements constituted a threat to the legitimacy of Spain in the Atlantic and Pacific´s colonies, or as Dupuy argues, a danger. Although our priority is to analyze Estudios sobre el Japón providing a chronology of the development of the different parts of the book, at the end, it is possible to appreciate a link between the results and the Japanese and United States imperialism, and the rise of Japan as a nation stateEl artículo forma parte del proyecto “Construcciones del yo: narraciones y representaciones del sujeto moderno entre lo personal y lo colectivo, siglos XVII-XIX” (MINECO-HAR2014-53802-P

    Una de las encrucijadas de la estética de Adorno: el arte y la industria de la cultura

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    El trabajo consiste en la exposición de una de las intersecciones que vertebra la Teoría estética de Adorno, consistente en la distinción entre el arte y la industria de la cultura, para lo cual diferencio la heteronomía del arte, remitente a la desartización del arte, de la autonomía del arte. El artículo se compone de las características del arte contemporáneo, de la relación entre el arte y la sociedad, y de la participación del arte de la racionalidad, así como de la naturaleza. The work consists on a exposition of one of the intersections that provides the backbone of Aesthetic Theorie of Adorno, consistent on the distinction between art and culture industry, forwhat I differentiate heteronomy of art, that points out the Entkunstung of art, and the autonomy of art. The paper is composed by the characteristics of contemporary art, the relation between art and society, and the participation of art from rationality and nature

    Objectivity and Form. Mies and the Concrete Office Building

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    [EN] The Office Building, designed by Mies van der Rohe in 1923, appears to be a simple prism built with just two materials: concrete and glass. In this project, and for the first time, Mies conceived a structural system to which he assigned aesthetic qualities, without sacrificing clarity and objectivity, by spiritualizing tectonic processes; in this way, he designed a building that is characterized by the lightness and subtle dynamism of its composition. A series of concrete platforms appear to float freely, one above the other, thanks to a carefully designed structure using transparent glass. The aim of this article is, therefore, to contribute to the knowledge of one of the five projects that make up Mies van der Rohe's manifestos for a new architecture. The evaluation of the structure as an architectural form, the relationship between the design of the building section and the transparency of the glass, as well as the problem of access to the building and its representation, are addressed in the text. To contribute to a better understanding of this project, original documents are analyzed, and a new graphic reconstruction of the building's floor plan is provided.[ES] El Edificio de Oficinas, proyectado por Mies van der Rohe en 1923, se muestra como un prisma elemental construido con solo dos materiales: hormigón y vidrio. En este proyecto Mies concibe por primera vez un sistema estructural al que asigna cualidades estéticas sin renunciar a su claridad y objetividad, a través de la espiritualización de los procesos tectónicos; de este modo, proyecta un edificio que se caracteriza por la ligereza y el sutil dinamismo de su composición. Una serie de plataformas de hormigón parecen flotar libremente, unas sobre otras, gracias a una estructura minuciosamente diseñada, mostrada a través de un vidrio transparente. Así pues, este artículo tiene como objetivo contribuir al conocimiento de uno de los cinco proyectos que componen los manifiestos de Mies van der Rohe para una nueva arquitectura. La valoración de la estructura como forma arquitectónica, la relación entre el diseño de la sección del edificio y la transparencia del vidrio, así como el problema de acceso al edificio y su representación, se desarrollan a lo largo del texto. Para contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de este proyecto, se analizan los documentos originales y se elabora una nueva reconstrucción gráfica de la planta del edificio.Blat Tatay, A. (2022). Objetividad y forma. Mies y el Edificio de Oficinas de Hormigón. EN BLANCO. Revista de Arquitectura. 14(33):123-134. https://doi.org/10.4995/eb.2022.17925123134143

    Indización automática de vídeo

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    After an initial discussion of the problems presented by image and video indexing as compared to text indexing, the authors describe some of the basic techniques for automatic video indexing. The content-based retrieval paradigm and some automatic methods for segmentation and key-frame identification are further described. Certain low-level parameters for identifying an image are also introduced. The authors discuss the drawbacks of such automatic methods based solely on the image and give examples from projects using accompanying nformation as well, such as audio and captions. The article concludes by pointing out that the use of standards, like Mpeg-7, can promote the development of new and richer applications based on video

    Vocabulari d'estils literaris personals. Anàlisi, avaluació i propostes d'expansió

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    Aquest treball presenta un conjunt de termes d'ús comú dins els textos de crítica literària. Resolen una de les necessitats dels crítics, la denominació dels trets que defineixen les obres de la literatura catalana, i, alhora, fan una aportació definitiva a la terminologia universal en l'àmbit en què els Països Catalans han destacat de sempre, d'ara i de demà: la literatura.This paper presents a set of terms commonly used in the texts of literary criticism. They provide a solution to critics’ needs and the names of the features that define the works of Catalan literature and, at the same time, they also make a definitive contribution to the universal terminology in a field in which the Catalanspeaking area has always stood out: literature

    Mossèn Jaume Ferrer de Blanes. Un testament hològraf del segle XVI

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    L'any 1526, després d'una vida plena de peripècies viatjant de llevant a ponent de la Mediterrània, de Jerusalem a Barcelona, mossès Ferrer, mercader, lapidari, cosmògraf, procurador reial i nobiliari, clavari del vescomtat de Cabrera i de Bas, escriptor dantista i espòs fidel, nascut a Vidreres cap al 1445, va escriure el seu testament. Llegiu-ne ara la transcripció definitiv

    A practical tool to measure digital competences: Teamschamp

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    [EN] Digital competence is currently a widely-used term that refers to skills, abilities and capabilities that 21st century workers should demonstrate in order to overcome current challenges. Although it has been a researched concept in numerous studies, the literature and industry lack from practical studies and applications. The measurement of digital competences is a key dare that organisations must address with the aim of evaluating the digital behaviour and skills of their workforce. With this information, they will be able to design training programs for the employees to generate personal and professional development on them. Therefore, this study encompasses a theoretical review of several definitions and studies and presents a practical and real tool to evaluate digital competences.Canina, L.; Orero-Blat, M. (2021). A practical tool to measure digital competences: Teamschamp. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics (Online). 11(1):1-12. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSOI.2021.11410711211

    Supporting Usability and Reusability Based on eLearning Standards

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    The IMS-QTI, and other related specifications have been developed to support the creation of reusable and pedagogically neutral assessment scenarios and content, as stated by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. In this paper we discuss how current specifications both constrain the design of assessment scenarios, and limit content reusability. We also suggest some solutions to overcome these limitations. The paper is based on our experience developing and testing an IMS QTI Lite compliant assessment authoring tool, QAed. It supports teacher centering, which is quite neglected when designing such tools. In the paper we also discuss how to make compatible standards support and user centering in eLearning applications and provide some recommendations for the design of the user interfaces

    Writing Consistent Stories based on Structured Multi-Authored Narrative Spaces

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