179 research outputs found

    Minimum income and labour market integration processes : individual and institutional determinants

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    This article discusses whether activation policies have had a positive effect on beneficiaries of minimum income protection in Catalonia (Spain). The article first confirms that social assistance benefi ciaries with higher employability levels have greater chances of finding a job. Second, the article identifies different profiles of beneficiaries and examines the characteristics of those who did not find jobs in a favourable economic context. The results suggest that it is personal problems that act as barriers. Third, the article also examines to what extent public management is responsible for the results. For this purpose, it compares the performance of administrative units, controlling for the characteristics of their clients. Finally, the article discusses whether making social assistance dependent on activation is a good strategy for the majority of benefi ciaries with particularly difficult profiles, and what administrations can do.En este artículo se discute si las políticas de activación tienen un efecto positivo en los beneficiarios del programa de renta mínima de inserción en Cataluña. En primer lugar, se confirma que los beneficiarios de la asistencia social con un elevado grado de empleabilidad tienen mayores posibilidades de encontrar trabajo. En segundo lugar, el artículo identifica distintos perfiles de beneficiarios y examina las características de los que no encuentran trabajo en un contexto económico favorable. Los resultados sugieren que los problemas personales actúan como barreras al empleo. En tercer lugar, el artículo también examina hasta qué punto los resultados obtenidos son atribuibles a la gestión pública del programa. A tal fin, se comparan los resultados de las unidades de gestión, controlando por las características de sus clientes. Finalmente, el artículo discute si la vinculación de la asistencia social con las políticas de activación es una buena estrategia para la mayoría de los beneficiarios con perfiles especialmente difíciles y qué es lo que las administraciones pueden hacer al respecto

    Estudio de la variación de la masa de las semillas de plantas silvestres mediterráneas en función de la precipitación.

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    La bibliografía refleja que la masa de las semillas varía en función de diferentes factores tanto internos como externos a la planta. En este trabajo he estudiado cómo varía la masa de las semillas de 3078 poblaciones de plantas vasculares mediterráneas en función de la precipitación a lo largo de un gradiente de precipitación al este de la Península Ibérica. Para ello, se han agrupado en especies, géneros, familias, biotipos y grupos de masa. La masa de la semilla no se correlaciona de forma significativa con la precipitación cuando se estudia la base de datos en su conjunto y al estudiar los diferentes grupos los resultados varían. Solo en algunas especies, géneros, familias, biotipos y grupos de masa encontramos correlación significativa con la precipitación. Además, entre estos grupos, hay algunos grupos donde la masa de la semilla aumenta con la aridez y otros en los que disminuye con la aridez. Por lo tanto, concluimos que, para nuestra muestra de especies mediterráneas, no hay un patrón general en la masa de la semilla en relación con la precipitación, sino que cada grupo se comporta de manera independiente.<br /

    Growth-promoting effects of sustained swimming in fingerlings of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.)

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    Fish growth is strongly influenced by environmental and nutritional factors and changing culture conditions can help optimize it. The importance of early-life experience on the muscle phenotype later in life is well known. Here, we study the effects of 5 weeks of moderate and sustained swimming activity (5 BL s) in gilthead sea bream during early development. We analysed growth and body indexes, plasma IGF-I and GH levels, feed conversion, composition [proximate and isotopic (N/C)] and metabolic key enzymes (COX, CS, LDH, HOAD, HK, ALAT, ASAT) of white muscle. Moderate and continuous exercise in fingerlings of gilthead sea bream increased plasma IGF-I, whereas it reduced plasma GH. Under these conditions, growth rate improved without any modification to feed intake through an increase in muscle mass and a reduction in mesenteric fat deposits. There were no changes in the content and turnover of muscle proteins and lipid reserves. Glycogen stores were maintained, but glycogen turnover was higher in white muscle of exercised fish. A lower LDH/CS ratio demonstrated an improvement in the aerobic capacity of white muscle, while a reduction in the COX/CS ratio possibly indicated a functional adaptation of mitochondria to adjust to the tissue-specific energy demand and metabolic fuel availability in exercised fish. We discuss the synergistic effects of dietary nutrients and sustained exercise on the different mitochondrial responses.A.M.C and E.J.V. are supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación” (MICINN) and A.M.P. by a fellowship from the University of Barcelona (APIF-2012). This study was supported by the projects from the MICINN AGL2012-39768, and the “Xarxa de Refèrencia d’R+D+I en Aqüicultura” and the SGR2009-00402 from the “Generalitat de Catalunya”.Peer Reviewe

    Evolución de los patrones de actividad física en estudiantes universitarios

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    En este trabajo se analiza la relación existente entre la práctica de actividad física durante el primer curso de carrera y la práctica de actividad física durante el BUP y el COU. Asimismo, se estudian las posibles diferencias entre sexos en el número de horas dedicadas a la actividad física y en los motivos para llevarla a cabo. Los resultados indican que, en general, se dedican más horas a la actividad física en períodos vacacionales que en períodos académicos y que, en promedio, se dedican más horas a la actividad física durante el BUP y el COU que durante el curso universitario. Además, los chicos dedican más horas a la actividad física que las chicas, y éstas alegan motivos diferentes a los de los chicos para practicar actividades de ejercicio. Por último, se observa también que los sujetos actualmente sedentarios realizaban en BUP y COU menor número de horas de actividad física que los que actualmente tienen un estilo activoThe aim of this work is to analyze the relationship between physical activity patterns of university students and the patterns they exhibited during Baccalaureate. On the other hand, differences between boys and girls in their reasons to perform physical activity, as well as their levels of physical activity, are also analyzed. Results show that students spend more time in physical activities during holidays than during the academic season, ant that the amount of hours devoted to exercise was greater at Baccalaureate. On the other hand, boys spent more hours than girls to physical activities, and girls differ from boys in their motives to perform physical activities. Finally, students that show a sedentary style at university, spent less hours to exercise activities during Baccalaureate than did active university student

    Growth-promoting effects of sustained swimming in fingerlings of glithead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.)

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    Fish growth is strongly influenced by environmental and nutritional factors and changing culture conditions can help optimize it. The importance of early-life experience on the muscle phenotype later in life is well known. Here, we study the effects of 5 weeks of moderate and sustained swimming activity (5 BL s−1) in gilthead sea bream during early development. We analysed growth and body indexes, plasma IGF-I and GH levels, feed conversion, composition [proximate and isotopic (15N/13C)] and metabolic key enzymes (COX, CS, LDH, HOAD, HK, ALAT, ASAT) of white muscle. Moderate and continuous exercise in fingerlings of gilthead sea bream increased plasma IGF-I, whereas it reduced plasma GH. Under these conditions, growth rate improved without any modification to feed intake through an increase in muscle mass and a reduction in mesenteric fat deposits. There were no changes in the content and turnover of muscle proteins and lipid reserves. Glycogen stores were maintained, but glycogen turnover was higher in white muscle of exercised fish. A lower LDH/CS ratio demonstrated an improvement in the aerobic capacity of white muscle, while a reduction in the COX/CS ratio possibly indicated a functional adaptation of mitochondria to adjust to the tissue-specific energy demand and metabolic fuel availability in exercised fish. We discuss the synergistic effects of dietary nutrients and sustained exercise on the different mitochondrial responses

    Back to the future: challenges of European tourism of tomorrow

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    Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe the most recent (or emerging) trendslikely to have a major impact in shaping the future of tourism in Europe. Design/methodology/approach–The methodology of this paper involved in-depth literature review ofEuropean Union policies, initiatives and programs. Also, semi-structured interviews were conducted withkey individuals/organisations, mainly at a European level, but also including pertinent global and nationaltourism organisations. Moreover, an online survey was also conducted and circulated to a wide range oforganisations from all 28 EU Member States. Nvivo was used to analyse the documents as well as toconduct a content and thematic analysis of the interviews. Findings–This paper identifies five trends associated with the future of tourism in Europe. Those maintrends are: evolving visitor demand; marketing; stakeholders and tourism governance; new technologies;and sustainable and responsible tourism. Originality/value–This trends paper provides five useful recommendations for the future of tourism inEurope, including: sustainable tourism development, investment in technology, effective tourismgovernance, enhance Europe’s overall destination brand and marketing strategy, and the need for newskills and training

    Double-cell superstructure and vacancy ordering in tensile-strained metallic thin films of P r0.50 C a0.50Co O3 on LaAl O3

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    The Pr-based cobaltate Pr0.5Ca0.5CoO3 (PCCO) presents in bulk form a singular simultaneous valence and spin-state transition that turns the metallic state into insulator, and displays a large and ultrafast photoresponse in the insulating phase. Epitaxial thin films of PCCO have been grown by deposition on LaAlO3(001) (LAO) substrate, chosen to minimize the mismatch with the film. The films grow epitaxially with two times the substrate periodicity (2a0×2a0×2a0) and the long perovskite axis perpendicular to the surface. We report a reduction of the structural symmetry from Pnma (bulk) to P212121 (film). The P212121 symmetry revealed by synchrotron x ray remains at low temperatures. These PCCO films are metallic, and ferromagnetic below TC=170K, confirming the stabilization of excited Co3+ spin states and the suppression of the concurrent Co spin-state, valence, and metal-insulator transitions. Z-contrast imaging and electron-energy-loss spectroscopy elemental maps reveal long-range ordered oxygen vacancy planes unexpectedly stacking parallel to the interface, in spite of the tensile character of the PCCO/LAO heterostructure. In contrast to the general tendency reported for strained La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-d (LSCO) films, we show that a nominal tensile strain can be also compatible with the presence of alternating O vacancy planes parallel to the interface, instead of perpendicular to it. That occurs thanks to the double cell of the film and the formation of the (1/2, 1/2, 1/2) superstructure studied in this work. These results expand the possibilities of controlling interfacial physical properties via engineering of ordered oxygen-defect structures in strongly correlated oxides

    Selenocystine modified screen-printed electrode as an alternative sensor for the voltammetric determination of metal ions

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    A novel selenium based screen-printed electrode was developed based on the immobilization of selenocystine on aryl diazonium salt monolayers anchored to a carbon-nanofiber screen-printed electrode support (SeCyst- SPCNFE). SeCyst-SPCNFE was analytically compared to a screen-printed carbon nanofiber electrode modified with L-Cystine (Cyst-SPCNFE) for the determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) by stripping voltammetric techniques. Their analytical performance suggests that SeCyst-SPCNFE could be a much better alternative for metal ion determination at trace levels than Cyst-SPCNFE. The proposed electrode was successfully applied for the simultaneous voltammetric determination of trace Pb(II) and Cd(II) in a wastewater reference material with a very high reproducibility (3.2%) and good trueness (2.6%)

    A new multivariate standard addition strategy for stripping voltammetric electronic tongues: application to the determination of Tl(I) and In(III) in samples with complex matrices

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    A new multivariate standard addition strategy applicable to stripping methods was proposed as an extention of the classical univariate standard addition method for the resolution of complex samples involving overlapped peaks and complex matrices. The proposed strategy consists in alternate additions of the considered analytes and the further extrapolation to a simulated blank solution measured by skipping the preconcentration step (deposition time = 0). This calibration approach was successfully tested in tonic water samples spiked with Tl(I) and In(III) using a sensor array based on a SeCyst-SPCNFE and an ex-situBiSPCE, providing good concordance between replicates and much better accuracy than the usual multivariate external calibration method

    Diet and exercise modulate gh-igfs axis, proteolytic markers and myogenic regulatory factors in juveniles of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)

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    © 2021 by the authors.The physiological and endocrine benefits of sustained exercise in fish were largely demonstrated, and this work examines how the swimming activity can modify the effects of two diets (high-protein, HP: 54% proteins, 15% lipids; high-energy, HE: 50% proteins, 20% lipids) on different growth performance markers in gilthead sea bream juveniles. After 6 weeks of experimentation, fish under voluntary swimming and fed with HP showed significantly higher circulating growth hormone (GH) levels and plasma GH/insulin-like growth-1 (IGF-1) ratio than fish fed with HE, but under exercise, differences disappeared. The transcriptional profile of the GH-IGFs axis molecules and myogenic regulatory factors in liver and muscle was barely affected by diet and swimming conditions. Under voluntary swimming, fish fed with HE showed significantly increased mRNA levels of capn1, capn2, capn3, capns1a, n3, and ub, decreased gene and protein expression of Ctsl and Mafbx and lower muscle texture than fish fed with HP. When fish were exposed to sustained exercise, diet-induced differences in proteases’ expression and muscle texture almost disappeared. Overall, these results suggest that exercise might be a useful tool to minimize nutrient imbalances and that proteolytic genes could be good markers of the culture conditions and dietary treatments in fish.This study was supported by the projects from the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” (MINECO) AGL2015-70679-R and RTI2018-100757-B-I00 to J.G. and J.B., and the “Xarxa de Refèrencia d’R+D+I en Aqüicultura” and the 2017SGR1574 from the “Generalitat de Catalunya”. M.P.- A., I.G.-P. and E.J.V. were supported by predoctoral fellowships from the MINECO, BES-2016-078697, PRE2019-089578 and BES-2013-062949, respectively