388 research outputs found

    Influence of family therapy for promoting adolescent disengagement process: An adolescent with Asperger syndrome case-study

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    En este artículo se examinan algunos de los beneficios de la psicoterapia familiar desde una perspectiva sistémica para favorecer el proceso de desvinculación adolescente a través de un estudio de caso, según la tipología establecida por Montero y León (2007). Concretamente, se analiza el caso clínico de un adolescente varón de 16 años a quien se diagnostica síndrome de Asperger y el papel estructural de dicha patología en el mantenimiento de la estructura familiar que dificulta la desvinculación de la familia de origen. Todos los miembros de la familia nuclear participan en el Programa de Terapia Familiar de la Unidad de Salud Mental Infanto-Juvenil del Hospital Macarena durante 10 sesiones de intervención desde un modelo estratégico y estructural. Se detallan las claves principales de intervención llevadas a cabo y se discuten los resultados obtenidos tras el proceso en relación a la desvinculación adolescente de la familia de origen.This article examines several benefits of family therapy for promoting adolescent disengagement process from a systemic perspective throughout a case-study analysis (Montero y León, 2007). Specifically, a male 16-year-old case study with Asperger syndrome is analysed, examining the structural role of this psychopathology for undermining the adolescent disengagement process. Every nuclear family members receive 10-sessions intervention from the Family Therapy Program of the Macarena Hospital in Seville (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), from a strategic and structural perspective. Main intervention strategies are detailed and most relevant results for the adolescent disengagement process are discussed

    Respuesta al tratamiento con plasma rico en plaquetas, versus plasma rico en plaquetas más regeneradores celulares, en pacientes con úlceras crónicas por Insuficiencia Venosa, del Centro Nacional de Dermatología Dr. Francisco José Gómez Urcuyo, en el período comprendido entre Abril 2014 y Abril 2015

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    La úlcera venosa de los miembros inferiores es una patología frecuente. Genera altos costos en cuanto a calidad de vida, incapacidad laboral y recursos médicos. El Plasma Rico en Plaquetas (PRP) es la fracción del plasma de la sangre autóloga, que después de ser procesada, presenta una concentración de plaquetas mayor a la basal. Ha sido utilizado en el tratamiento de úlceras crónicas de miembros inferiores, con resultados esperanzadores en úlceras neuropáticas; sin embargo su uso en úlceras venosas ha sido menos estudiado. Se reportan grandes beneficios con el uso de PRP, por su bajo costo, falta de efectos adversos y excelentes resultados. Con esta investigación se determinó la efectividad del PRP versus PRP más regeneradores celulares, en úlceras por insuficiencia venosa crónica, en pacientes del Centro Nacional de Dermatología, en el período que va de abril 2014 – abril 2015. Se trata de un ensayo clínico controlado, con una muestra de 21 pacientes del sexo femenino, con úlceras crónicas por insuficiencia venosa, de medidas y tiempo de evolución variable. Se crearon dos grupos, uno al que se le aplicó PRP como única terapia y el otro en el que se combinó PRP más regeneradores celulares. Se practicó mesoterapia con un concentrado de PRP, de forma mensual en cada úlcera, llevando un registro fotográfico y escrito de la evolución del tratamiento, que evaluaba disminución de tamaño o cicatrización de las úlceras y mejoría de los síntomas. Se comparó la respuesta al tratamiento en cada grupo, aplicando pruebas estadísticas de análisis de varianza. Se obtuvo la cicatrización total en la mitad de pacientes y un grupo presentó cicatrización parcial. No se comprobaron diferencias entre ambos tratamientos por el número reducido de muestra y el corto tiempo del estudio; sin embargo se confirmó que el PRP es igual de efectivo solo, o en combinación con regeneradores celulares

    Liderazgo del director y desempeño docente en la institución educativa Mercedes Indacochea del distrito de Barranco, 2012

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general, determinar la relación que existe entre el liderazgo del director y el desempeño docente en la institución educativa Mercedes Indacochea del distrito de Barranco, 2012. La población está conformada por 84 docentes. El muestreo es no probabilístico, considerándose el total de la población, en los cuales se han empleado las variables: liderazgo del director y desempeño docente. El método empleado en la investigación fue el hipotético-deductivo. Esta investigación utilizó para su propósito el diseño no experimental de nivel correlacional de corte transversal pues recogió la información en un período específico, que se desarrolló al aplicar los instrumentos. El cuestionario liderazgo del director estuvo constituido por 27 preguntas en la escala de Likert (Nunca, Casi Nunca, A Veces, Casi Siempre, Siempre) y el cuestionario de desempeño docente estuvo compuesto por 28 preguntas en la escala de Likert (Nunca, Casi Nunca, A Veces, Casi Siempre, Siempre); los cuales brindaron información acerca del liderazgo del director y el desempeño docente, a través de la evaluación de sus distintas dimensiones, cuyos resultados se presentan gráfica y textualmente. La investigación concluye en que existe evidencia para afirmar que el liderazgo del director se relaciona significativamente con el desempeño docente según los docentes de la institución educativa Mercedes Indacochea del distrito de Barranco, 2012; siendo el coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman de 0.740, lo cual representó una alta correlación entre la variables

    Bovine Intelectin 2 Expression as a Biomarker of Paratuberculosis Disease Progression

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    [EN]Paratuberculosis (PTB), a chronic granulomatous enteritis caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), is responsible for important economic losses in the dairy indus-try. Our previous RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq) analysis showed that bovine intelectin 2 (ITLN2) precursor gene was overexpressed in ileocecal valve (ICV) samples of animals with focal (log2 fold-change = 10.6) and diffuse (log2 fold-change = 6.8) PTB-associated lesions compared to animals without lesions. This study analyzes the potential use of ITLN2, a protein that has been described as fundamental in the innate immune response to infections, as a biomarker of MAP infection. The presence of ITLN2 was investigated by quantitative immunohistochemical analysis of ICV samples of 20 Holstein Friesian cows showing focal (n = 5), multifocal (n = 5), diffuse (n = 5) and no histological lesions (n = 5). Significant differences were observed in the mean number of ITLN2 immunostained goblet and Paneth cells between the three histopathological types and the control. The number of immunolabelled cells was higher in the focal histopathological type (116.9 ± 113.9) followed by the multifocal (108.7 ± 140.5), diffuse (76.5 ± 97.8) and control types (41.0 ± 81.3). These results validate ITLN2 as a post-mortem biomarker of disease progression.SIThis work has been funded by the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA RTA- 2014-00009-C02), the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCIU) and the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) reference project RTI2018-094192-R-C22 (FEDER co-funded). Cristina Blanco Vázquez and Maria Canive were supported by a grant from Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA, Spain)

    miR-127 protects proximal tubule cells against ischemia/reperfusion : identification of Kinesin family member 3B as miR-127 target

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    Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) is at the basis of renal transplantation and acute kidney injury. Molecular mechanisms underlying proximal tubule response to I/R will allow the identification of new therapeutic targets for both clinical settings. microRNAs have emerged as crucial and tight regulators of the cellular response to insults including hypoxia. Here, we have identified several miRNAs involved in the response of the proximal tubule cell to I/R. Microarrays and RT-PCR analysis of proximal tubule cells submitted to I/R mimicking conditions in vitro demonstrated that miR-127 is induced during ischemia and also during reperfusion. miR-127 is also modulated in a rat model of renal I/R. Interference approaches demonstrated that ischemic induction of miR-127 is mediated by Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1alpha (HIF-1α) stabilization. Moreover, miR-127 is involved in cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion maintenance, since overexpression of miR-127 maintains focal adhesion complex assembly and the integrity of tight junctions. miR-127 also regulates intracellular trafficking since miR-127 interference promotes dextran-FITC uptake. In fact, we have identified the Kinesin Family Member 3B (KIF3B), involved in cell trafficking, as a target of miR-127 in rat proximal tubule cells. In summary, we have described a novel role of miR-127 in cell adhesion and its regulation by HIF-1α. We also identified for the first time KIF3B as a miR-127 target. Both, miR-127 and KIF3B appear as key mediators of proximal epithelial tubule cell response to I/R with potential al application in renal ischemic damage management

    Time and spatial filtering for echo reduction in antenna measurements

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    During the last years, new algorithms, based on time filtering, spatial or modal filtering, have been designed for echo reduction techniques applied to antenna measurements. These algorithms have been used for different applications where the effect of the echoes is important, as far field system, VHF or UHF applications, automotive systems, small antennas, etc. The authors, in previous papers, have analysed the effect of different algorithms: time filtering (fft, non uniform dft or matrix pencial), modal filtering based on Spherical modes (MV-Echo) and spatial filtering based on Integral Equations (Insight) and holographic techniques (fft and dft) to cancel the effect of the reflections. This comparison has been applied to the measurements of a dipole antenna (SD1900) using a StarLab system. It is observed that each of the algorithms is better for different situations, depending on the source of the echo. For instance, time filtering techniques are good for reflections coming from different distances with respect the direct ray, but not so good for close reflections. In addition hey need a large frequency band to work properly. Spatial algorithms can correct the effect of positioners or other structures close to the antenna under test, but they are better for planar near field acquisitions and worse for classical single probe spherical near field where the antenna is rotated and probe is fixed (e.g. roll-over-azimuths systems). Moreover, they require extra information of the AUT geometry. This paper presents first a comparison of each algorithm and then, a combination of time and spatial techniques based on uniform or non-uniform DFT to take advantage of the benefits of each algorithm for different origins of the reflections

    Dominance of phage particles carrying antibiotic resistance genes in the viromes of retail food sources

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    The growth of antibiotic resistance has stimulated interest in understanding the mechanisms by which antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) are mobilized. Among them, studies analyzing the presence of ARGs in the viral fraction of environmental, food and human samples, and reporting bacteriophages as vehicles of ARG transmission, have been the focus of increasing research. However, it has been argued that in these studies the abundance of phages carrying ARGs has been overestimated due to experimental contamination with non-packaged bacterial DNA or other elements such as outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). This study aims to shed light on the extent to which phages, OMVs or contaminating non-packaged DNA contribute as carriers of ARGs in the viromes. The viral fractions of three types of food (chicken, fish, and mussels) were selected as sources of ARG-carrying phage particles, whose ability to infect and propagate in an Escherichia coli host was confirmed after isolation. The ARG-containing fraction was further purified by CsCl density gradient centrifugation and, after removal of DNA outside the capsids, ARGs inside the particles were confirmed. The purified fraction was stained with SYBR Gold, which allowed the visualization of phage capsids attached to and infecting E. coli cells. Phages with Myoviridae and Siphoviridae morphology were observed by electron microscopy. The proteins in the purified fraction belonged predominantly to phages (71.8% in fish, 52.9% in mussels, 78.7% in chicken sample 1, and 64.1% in chicken sample 2), mainly corresponding to tail, capsid, and other structural proteins, whereas membrane proteins, expected to be abundant if OMVs were present, accounted for only 3.8–21.4% of the protein content. The predominance of phage particles in the viromes supports the reliability of the protocols used in this study and in recent findings on the abundance of ARG-carrying phage particles.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2020-113355GB-I00), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the European regional fund (ERF). The study was partially supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017SGR170). PB-P has a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (BES-2017-081296), SM-C has a grant from Colciencias (Republic of Colombia) and LR-R is lecturer of the Serra-Hunter program, Generalitat de Catalunya. MDR-B has a Margarita Salas fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades

    La competitividad en la industria de la construcción en México

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    14 páginasEl sector de la construcción de México, depende de la eficiencia para satisfacer las necesidades actuales que reclama la sociedad para sustentar el crecimiento y el progreso que necesita. La construcción de la infraestructura del país ha sido casi detenida en las últimas tres décadas, habiendo rezago en el desarrollo social y económico, como consecuencia de la deficiente administración del país. En este sentdo, los factores para analizar son: Las necesidades y proyectos de infraestructura (carreteras, puertos y aeropuertos, agua, energía proyectos de apoyo); las firmas de ingeniería; las empresas constructoras; el financiamiento y las decisione

    Combination of time and spatial filtering to improve echo reduction in antenna measurements

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    Different research groups have been working during the last years in different echo reduction techniques applied to antenna measurements, based on spatial, modal or time filtering. Some applications where these methods are usually employed are: outdoor systems, for HF or VHF frequency systems or for small measurement systems where the anechoic material is only placed in front of the AUT. This paper analyzes the measurements of a dipole antenna (SD1900) using a StarLab system and the application of the different algorithms. It is observed that each of the algorithms is better for different situations, depending for instance on the angular value of the pattern. Finally, a combination of different methods in a smart way improve the results of the post processing with respect each independent method

    Detection of latent forms of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection using host biomarker-based ELISAs greatly improves paratuberculosis diagnostic sensitivity

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    [EN] Bovine paratuberculosis (PTB) is a chronic granulomatous enteritis, caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), responsible for important economic losses in the dairy industry. Current diagnostic methods have low sensitivities for detection of latent forms of MAP infection, defined by focal granulomatous lesions and scarce humoral response or MAP presence. In contrast, patent infections correspond to multifocal and diffuse types of enteritis where there is increased antibody production, and substantial mycobacterial load. Our previous RNA-Seq analysis allowed the selection of five candidate biomarkers overexpressed in peripheral blood of MAP infected Holstein cows with focal (ABCA13 and MMP8) and diffuse (FAM84A, SPARC and DES) lesions vs. control animals with no detectable PTB-associated lesions in intestine and regional lymph nodes. The aim of the current study was to assess the PTB diagnostic potential of commercial ELISAs designed for the specific detection of these biomarkers. The ability of these ELISAs to identify animals with latent and/or patent forms of MAP infection was investigated using serum from naturally infected cattle (n = 88) and non-infected control animals (n = 67). ROC analysis revealed that the ABCA13-based ELISA showed the highest diagnostic accuracy for the detection of infected animals with focal lesions (AUC 0.837, sensitivity 79.25% and specificity 88.06%) and with any type of histological lesion (AUC 0.793, sensitivity 69.41% and specificity 86.57%) improving on the diagnostic performance of the popular IDEXX ELISA and other conventional diagnostic methods. SPARC and MMP8 showed the highest diagnostic accuracy for the detection of animals with multifocal (AUC 0.852) and diffuse lesions (AUC 0.831), respectively. In conclusion, our results suggest that quantification of ABCA13, SPARC and MMP8 by ELISA has the potential for implementation as a diagnostic tool to reliably identify MAP infection, greatly improving early detection of MAP latent infections when antibody responses and fecal shedding are undetectable using conventional diagnostic methodsSIThis study was funded by 1) The National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA, www.inia. es/inia/), project code: RTA-2014-00009-C02-02, R.C received this award, 2) The Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICINN, https://sede.micinn.gob.es/), project code: RTI2018-094192-R-C22, R.C received this award, both projects were co-funded by The European Regional Development Funds (FEDER) and 3) Plan of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Principality of Asturias, Regional funds PCTI 2018– 2020 (www.ficyt.es/pcti/), project code: IDI2018- 000237), R.C. and F.V. received this award. We acknowledge INIA for the scholarship of Cristina Blanco Va´zquez and Maria Canive. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip