1,737 research outputs found

    Consanguinity in Two Spanish Regions: La Cabrera and Fuentes Carrionas. Dispensations and Isonymy

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    In this work the level and structure of consanguinity is analysed in two Spanish rural regions of similar geographic and orographic characteristics for the period between 1880 and 1979, employing two different methodologies. The estimates according dispensations shows that the total levels (a4=0.00552 in La Cabrera and 0.00405 in Fuentes Carrionas) and the structures of consanguinity (C22/C33=0.43 and 0.34) are similar in both regions, but have evolved differently. Whereas in La Cabrera both parameters have remained stable, in Fuentes Carrionas they fluctuated through the period analysed. On studying the structure of consanguinity more closely using the isonymic method, it can be seen that in La Cabrera total consanguinity (Ft=0.0206) should be attributed mainly to environmental factors (Fr=0.0193) and to a lesser extent to socio-cultural factors (Fn=0.0013), whereas in Fuentes Carrionas it derives, almost exclusively, from the former (Ft=0.01270; Fr=0.01589; Fn=-0.00325)

    Integrated Activities in Primary Care – Minor Surgery in Family Medicine

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    Minor surgery is defined as the overall surgical procedures of short duration that are generally applied on surface structures. They usually require the application of local anaesthesia and involve performing low and minimal complication risk

    Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Review[Abstract] Control of excessive mitochondrial oxidative stress could provide new targets for both preventive and therapeutic interventions in the treatment of chronic inflammation or any pathology that develops under an inflammatory scenario, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Increasing evidence has demonstrated the role of mitochondrial alterations in autoimmune diseases mainly due to the interplay between metabolism and innate immunity, but also in the modulation of inflammatory response of resident cells, such as synoviocytes. Thus, mitochondrial dysfunction derived from several danger signals could activate tricarboxylic acid (TCA) disruption, thereby favoring a vicious cycle of oxidative/mitochondrial stress. Mitochondrial dysfunction can act through modulating innate immunity via redox-sensitive inflammatory pathways or direct activation of the inflammasome. Besides, mitochondria also have a central role in regulating cell death, which is deeply altered in RA. Additionally, multiple evidence suggests that pathological processes in RA can be shaped by epigenetic mechanisms and that in turn, mitochondria are involved in epigenetic regulation. Finally, we will discuss about the involvement of some dietary components in the onset and progression of RA.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI17/00404Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI18/01803Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI19/01206Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI20/00793Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI21/01969Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RICORS RD21/0002/0009Xunta de Galicia; IN607A2017/11Xunta de Galicia; IN607D2020/1

    Evaluación de los procesos de pasteurización de huevo líquido para la reducción de Salmonella enteritidis

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    La pasteurización es un proceso empleado ampliamente en la industria de alimentos, con el fin de eliminar microorganismos causantes de Enfermedades Transmitidas por Alimentos (ETA) y garantizar la inocuidad y buena calidad de los productos. El huevo líquido es uno de los productos a los cuales se aplica este proceso, pues su inocuidad de se ve comprometida por la presencia de Salmonella spp., representando un riesgo para la salud de los consumidores. En este proyecto se evaluaron las condiciones de pasteurización de huevo líquido empleadas actualmente por la industria (Temperaturas entre 55 y 60ºC, y tiempo de 5 minutos). Se llevaron a cabo ensayos de pasteurización a las diferentes temperaturas y posterior choque térmico empleado huevo líquido, previamente inoculado con Salmonella Enteritidis (108 UFC/mL); el muestreo se realizó cada 30 segundos hasta completar los 5 minutos. Luego se cuantificó la población microbiana mediante recuento para cada tiempo y se determinó, en unidades logarítmicas, la reducción obtenida. Una vez se determinó la temperatura y el tiempo óptimos para la reducción de 5 unidades logarítmicas en el proceso de pasteurización se evaluaron diferentes concentraciones del microorganismo (108 , 105 y 103 ) y se cuantificó la población y la reducción de esta. Se observó que la temperatura y el tiempo óptimo para la reducción de 5 unidades logarítmicas de S. Enteritidis fue 60ºC por 150 segundos. En ensayos de revivificación se logró aislar Salmonella después del proceso de pasteurización indicando la presencia de mecanismos de termoresistencia que le permiten sobrevivir y desarrollarse.Pasteurization is a process widely employed in food industry, it’s aim is to eliminate microorganisms that cause foodborne illness and guarantee it’s safety and good quality of the products. The liquid egg is one of the products that need the application of this process because it’s safety has been compromised by the presence of Salmonella spp., representing a risk for consumers health. In this project different pasteurization conditions of liquid egg used by the industry (Temperatures between 55-60°C for 5 minutes) were evaluated . Then the pasteurization process and later thermal shock with inoculated (Salmonella Enteritidis 108 UFC/mL) egg was done, sampling every 30 seconds until completing 5 minutes. Microbial population were counted on plate and the combination time temperature for the reduction of 5 logarithmic units was determined and later different concentrations of S. Enteritidis (108 , 105 and 103 UFC/mL) were evaluated for the quantification of Pasteurization is a process widely employed in food industry, it’s aim is to eliminate microorganisms that cause foodborne illness and guarantee it’s safety and good quality of the products. The liquid egg is one of the products that need the application of this process because it’s safety has been compromised by the presence of Salmonella spp., representing a risk for consumers health. In this project different pasteurization conditions of liquid egg used by the industry (Temperatures between 55-60°C for 5 minutes) were evaluated . Then the pasteurization process and later thermal shock with inoculated (Salmonella Enteritidis 108 UFC/mL) egg was done, sampling every 30 seconds until completing 5 minutes. Microbial population were counted on plate and the combination timetemperature for the reduction of 5 logarithmic units was determined and later different concentrations of S. Enteritidis (108, 105 and 103 UFC/mL) were evaluated for the quantification of reduction. It was determined that the pasteurization process must be carried out at 60°C for 150 seconds in order to achieve the reduction of 5 logarithmic units of S. Enteritidis. In other assays the presence of thermoresistal mechanisms that conferred to Salmonella surviving and growth were proved.Microbiólogo (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Monitoring the phenolic ripening of red grapes using a multisensor system based on metal-oxide nanoparticles

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    Producción CientíficaThe maturity of grapes is usually monitored by means of the sugar concentration. However, the assessment of other parameters such as the phenolic content is also important because the phenolic maturity has an important impact on the organoleptic characteristics of wines. In this work, voltammetric sensors able to detect phenols in red grapes have been developed. They are based on metal oxide nanoparticles (CeO2, NiO, and TiO2,) whose excellent electrocatalytic properties toward phenols allows obtaining sensors with detection limits in the range of 10−8 M and coefficients of variation lower than 7%. An electronic tongue constructed using a combination of the nanoparticle-based sensors is capable to monitor the phenolic maturity of red grapes from véraison to maturity. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) can be successfully used to discriminate samples according to the ripeness. Regression models performed using Partial Least Squares (PLS-1) have established good correlations between voltammetric data obtained with the electrochemical sensors and the Total Polyphenolic Index, the Brix degree and the Total Acidity, with correlation coefficients close to 1 and low number of latent variables. An advantage of this system is that the electronic tongue can be used for the simultaneous assessment of these three parameters which are the main factors used to monitor the maturity of grapes. Thus the electronic tongue based on metal oxide nanoparticles can be a valuable tool to monitor ripeness. These results demonstrate the exciting possible applications of metal oxide nanoparticles in the field of electronic tongues.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project AGL2015-67482- R)Junta de Castilla y Leon - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project VA011U16)Junta de Castilla y León (grant BOCYL-D-24112015-9

    Fouling control of submerged and side-stream membrane bioreactors based on the statistical analysis of mid-term assays

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    The response surface methodology has been applied to study reversible and irreversible fouling rates caused by anaerobic sludge in membrane bioreactors, with the aim of controlling membrane fouling by adjusting filtration conditions. The challenge of obtaining statistically significant results of long-term fouling by means of mid-term assays has been addressed. The individual and combined effects of the filtration flux, backwashing intensity, gas sparging and crossflow velocity on membrane fouling, were analyzed in two types of membranes: an external tubular membrane and a submerged hollow fiber membrane. In the external membrane, the reversible fouling rate was as low as 0.27 ± 0.10 mbar/min, depending mainly on the filtration flux and gas sparging. However, the principal control parameter of the irreversible fouling rate was the crossflow velocity, reaching 2.12 ± 1.75 1012 m−2 in terms of increase of resistance per cubic meter filtered by square meter of membrane. In the submerged membrane, the irreversible fouling rate was quite lower, 0.78 ± 0.40 mbar/d, despite the reversible fouling rate was higher, 1.26 ± 0.42 mbar/min. In this case, the irreversible fouling depended mainly on the backwashing frequency despite the reversible fouling was more affected by the filtration flux and gas sparging. Hence, the approach used to control the reversible fouling rate does not involve mitigating irreversible fouling on both submerged and external membranes. This study provides a methodological basis for the selection of site-specific operating conditions, under which sustainable operation of membrane bioreactors could be achieved.TCUE 2018–2020 cofounded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Junta de Castilla y León (Spain) and the inestimable collaboration of Campofrío Frescos and Grupo Ecoalia

    Monitorización y diagnóstico de centrales térmicas: desarrollo de un detector visual de estados estacionarios

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    The design and features of a Matlab® application, focused to providing support for data mining by serial time computing is presented. The input data come from both historical records from industrial (thermo-energetic) processes but also it can be generated by direct simulation through the Simulink application. The aim of this study is the monitorization of the different quasi-stationary states (QSS) in a power plant, in order to identify and perform the diagnosis of possible malfunctions. Up to 8 signals, linearly normalized and distributed can be visualized and the user, by means of two cursors, can select short windows of recorded signals. In this version, statistical data are computed, facilitating the static modeling which can be exported to an Excel file. It is an open software application allowing the implementation of new features. A particular command makes easier the dynamic modeling and its applicability is exemplified by analysis of times series from a particular 250 MWe thermal power plant.Se presenta el diseño y las prestaciones de una aplicación desarrollada en Matlab®, orientada a dar soporte de cálculo para el tratamiento de los valores medios aproximados de intervalos de tiempo que resultan de la selección visual de series temporales que es el formato con el que se consideran a los registros industriales. Los datos de entrada pueden provenir de registros históricos de procesos industriales (termo-energéticos) ó de aquellos generados mediante simulación directa a través de la aplicación Simulink. El objetivo de este estudio es la monitorización de los diferentes estados cuasi-estacionarios (QSS) en una central térmica, a fin de poder identificar y realizar la diagnosis de posibles fallos. Pueden ser visualizadas hasta 8 señales linealmente normalizadas y distribuidas y el usuario, mediante dos cursores, puede seleccionar ventanas cortas de señales almacenadas. En esta versión, se computan datos estadísticos que facilitan el modelado estático, los cuales podrán ser exportados a un fichero Excel. Es una aplicación abierta, por lo que permite la inclusión de nuevas prestaciones. Un comando específico facilita el modelado dinámico y su aplicabilidad se demuestra con un ejemplo de análisis de series temporales provenientes de una central térmica de 250 MWe

    Grupos de ayuda mutua en personas con problemas severos de salud mental en el modelo de la recuperación. La inclusión del cuerpo.

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    El modelo de la recuperación se basa en la incorporación de las propias personas con trastornos mentales de naturaleza psicótica a su proceso de mejoría. Trabajando en este paradigma surge una experiencia denominada plataforma terapéutica que se desarrolla en un dispositivo de salud mental comunitaria pública y que incluye intervenciones múltiples, multidisciplinares e integradas con la intención de fomentar el uso de los recursos sanos de todas las dimensiones identificadas. Los factores referidos cristalizan en una propuesta desde los propios integrantes para iniciar una actividad grupal de baile liderada por uno de ellos en un contexto extra-sanitario con la intención de fomentar los aspectos sanos sociales y normalizar las actividades al margen de la vivencia de la experiencia psicótica. Se señalan las dificultades desde la institución y la propia clínica psicótica para llevar a cabo actividades en el paradigma de la recuperación en encuadres comunitarios y desde la sanidad pública.Recovery model is based on the implication of the people who suffer psychosis in their own improvement process. We propose a therapeutical experience in a Community Mental Health. Team in the Andalusian Health Service. It includes integrated interventions from different professional roles (Social worker, nursery and psychiatrist) to increase healthy areas. This article exposes a 3-year evolution including a self-promoted movement from the users. It includes bodily aspects and mutual self-help. This experience is set in a non-medical environment to promote healthy social aspects and increase experience out from the psychosis. We also remark institutional and clinical difficulties to develop recovery activities in comunnity environment from public health settings

    Producción de una fitasa recombinante en Pichia pastoris

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    En el presente trabajo se construyeron cepas recombinantes de Pichia pastoris capaces de producir y secretar una fitasa de origen bacteriano, factible de ser empleada como aditivo en alimentos para animales. Las células recombinantes construidas produjeron en 72 h de cultivo hasta 0.75 U/mL de la fitasa C de Bacillus subtilis, superando los valores reportados para las producción de la fitasa C nativa. Pichia pastoris ofrece una alternativa competitiva para la producción de esta fitasa bacteriana

    The Gulf Stream position influences the functional composition of phytoplankton in El Gergal reservoir (Spain)

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    The latitudinal position of the north-wall of the Gulf Stream influences the climatic conditions in the Atlantic North and Western Europe. Southerly movements of the Gulf Stream (low Gulf Stream Index values, GSI) typically induce unstable meteorological conditions in this region, while north displacements of the oceanic current (high GSI values) are associated with stable weather. In the present article we explore a seven years data set including annual GSI, meteorological records and phytoplankton community composition and abundance to demonstrate that the year-to-year changes in the position of the Gulf Stream and its influence on the prevailing weather conditions have an effect on the long-term variability of phytoplankton community in El Gergal reservoir, an ecosystem located in the Atlantic coast of Andalusia (SW Spain). Furthermore, we describe the response of each considered phytoplankton functional groups to changes in the Gulf Stream position. Thus, northerly displacements of the north-wall increased the abundance of H+S1 cyanobacteria through a non-linear function with two marked GSI thresholds. GSI and Lm dinoflagellates abundance depicted a significant positive linear correlation, while groups B + P diatoms abundance was negatively linear correlated with GSI. Groups Y cryptophytes and X1 + J chlorophytes abundance remained nearly constant for most of the studied years but developed an exponential increase at high GSI years. Implications for water quality management are pointed out.Las condiciones climáticas en la fachada Atlántica europea están influidas por las variaciones temporales en la posición latitudinal de la Corriente del Golfo en el océano Atlántico. Así, el desplazamiento hacia el Sur de la Corriente del Golfo (valores bajos del Índice de la Corriente del Golfo, GSI) induce condiciones de inestabilidad meteorológica en la Europa occidental, mientras que los desplazamientos septentrionales de la corriente oceánica (elevados valores del GSI) están asociados con mayor estabilidad meteorológica en esta región. Este artículo estudia la influencia de los cambios interanuales en la posición de la Corriente del Golfo sobre la comunidad fitoplanctónica del embalse de El Gergal, un ecosistema localizado en la costa atlántica andaluza (SW España). Para ello, a lo largo de siete años se han registrado valores anuales de GSI, información meteorológica y datos sobre la composición y biovolumen del fitoplancton. El análisis de esta información permite describir cómo las variaciones anuales en la posición de la Corriente del Golfo afectan a las condiciones meteorológicas en el área de estudio, influyendo de esta manera sobre el biovolumen de cada uno de los grupos funcionales de fitoplancton considerados. Los desplazamientos hacia el Norte de la Corriente del Golfo favorecieron el incremento del biovolumen de cianobacterias de los grupos H + S1 a través de una función no lineal con dos valores críticos de GSI bien definidos. Por su parte, se encontró una relación lineal positiva entre el GSI y el biovolumen de dinoflagelados del grupo Lm, mientras que las diatomeas de los grupos B + P se relacionaron de forma inversa con el GSI. Aunque el biovolumen de clorofitas de los grupos X1 + J y de criptofitas del grupo Y permaneció estable durante la mayor parte de los años estudiados, se registró un notable incremento del mismo en aquellos años en los que el GSI mostró sus valores más elevados. Finalmente se apuntan algunas consideraciones sobre posibles implicaciones en la gestión de la calidad del agua embalsada