1,061 research outputs found


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    This paper advances a critical discussion about the connection between the approach of the question of the meaning of being in general and its development through ontological analytics including an entity (Dasein), highlighting in advance why this is one of the major domestic problems of the treaty Being and Time. Argue that the choice of Dasein is not arbitrary and that in any case the treaty is the simple characterization of an entity in its being, but the full development of the ontological problem. For this, the special board decline of the concept of phenomenology by Heidegger, which allows us to understand in what sense the possibility of any metaphysical ontology resides in recognizing onto-phenomenological dynamic structural demonstration game-concealment of being in the entity. Hence, it is through Dasein, as thrown from the possibility of showing doubly articulated from itself to itself or remain hidden for himself, that such dynamics can be deployed exemplary.El artículo adelanta una discusión crítica alrededor de la conexión entre el planteamiento de la pregunta por el sentido de ser en general y su desarrollo a través de la analítica ontológica de un ente en particular (del Dasein), resaltando con antelación por qué se trata de uno de los principales problemas internos del tratado Ser y tiempo. Sostengo que la elección del Dasein no es arbitraria y que en ningún caso el tratado es la simple caracterización de un ente en su ser, sino el desarrollo cabal de la problemática ontológica. Para esto, abordo la particular declinación del concepto de fenomenología realizada por Heidegger, la cual permite comprender en qué sentido la posibilidad de toda ontología no metafísica reside en el reconocimiento de una dinámica ontofenomenológica estructural; el juego mostración- ocultamiento del ser en el ente. De ahí que sea a través del Dasein, en cuanto entre arrojado a la posibilidad doblemente articulada de mostrarse desde sí mismo a sí mismo, o de mantenerse oculto para sí mismo, que tal dinámica se puede desplegar ejemplarment

    Estructuras narrativas no-lineales en pro de un objeto-libro menos lineal

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    Comunicador (a) SocialPregrad


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    El artículo adelanta una discusión crítica alrededor de la conexión entre el planteamiento de la pregunta por el sentido de ser en general y su desarrollo a través de la analítica ontológica de un ente en particular (del Dasein), resaltando con antelación por qué se trata de uno de los principales problemas internos del tratado Ser y tiempo. Sostengo que la elección del Dasein no es arbitraria y que en ningún caso el tratado es la simple caracterización de un ente en su ser, sino el desarrollo cabal de la problemática ontológica. Para esto, abordo la particular declinación del concepto de fenomenología realizada por Heidegger, la cual permite comprender en qué sentido la posibilidad de toda ontología no metafísica reside en el reconocimiento de una dinámica ontofenomenológica estructural; el juego mostración-ocultamiento del ser en el ente. De ahí que sea a través del Dasein, en cuanto entre arrojado a la posibilidad doblemente articulada de mostrarse desde sí mismo a sí mismo, o de mantenerse oculto para sí mismo, que tal dinámica se puede desplegar ejemplarmente. Abstract This paper advances a critical discussion about the connection between the approach of the question of the meaning of being in general and its development through ontological analytics including an entity (Dasein), highlighting in advance why this is one of the major domestic problems of the treaty Being and Time. Argue that the choice of Dasein is not arbitrary and that in any case the treaty is the simple characterization of an entity in its being, but the full development of the ontological problem. For this, the special board decline of the concept of phenomenology by Heidegger, which allows us to understand in what sense the possibility of any metaphysical ontology resides in recognizing onto-phenomenological dynamic structural demonstration game-concealment of being in the entity. Hence, it is through Dasein, as thrown from the possibility of showing doubly articulated from itself to itself or remain hidden for himself, that such dynamics can be deployed exemplary

    La Inclusión escolar y el retorno a lo concreto como praxis pedagógica. Entrevista con Luis Miguel Bermúdez

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    The text exposes the need for all epistemological production in education to be linked to pedagogical practice, placing in a central place the production of knowledge originated in the educational reality of those who exercise it. There are several projects that are committed to uniting epistemological reflection and pedagogical practice, but one of the outstanding teachers in this type of initiative is Luis Miguel Bermúdez; his research transcends the boundaries of the immediate to denature the categories of gender, sexuality and desire. This is followed by a dialogue with Luis Miguel and with the researcher Juan Thompson, which includes topics such as education for peace, contextualized pedagogical research and the need to attack exclusion.El texto expone la necesidad de que toda producción epistemológica en educación se vincule a la práctica pedagógica, posicionando en un lugar central la producción de conocimiento originada en la realidad educativa de quienes la ejercen. Son varios los proyectos que apuestan por unir reflexión epistemológica y práctica pedagógica, pero uno de los docentes destacados en este tipo de iniciativas es Luis Miguel Bermúdez; su investigación trasciende los linderos de lo inmediato para desnaturalizar las categorías de género, sexualidad y deseo. A continuación, se presenta un diálogo con Luis Miguel y con el investigador Juan Thompson, que incluye temas como la educación para la paz, la investigación pedagógica contextualizada y la necesidad de atacar la exclusión

    Diseño de pruebas para la evaluación de competencias transversales

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    En 2005, un grupo de profesores de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) constituyó el Grupo de Innovación Educativa DMAE-DIA que fue reconocido como tal por la UPM en 2006 y en 2009. A posteriori, se han incorporado al grupo profesores de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Las líneas de actuación prioritarias del grupo son la evaluación de competencias genéricas y las metodologías de aprendizaje activo. Desde entonces estamos realizando evaluaciones sobre la adquisición por parte de estudiantes de ingeniería de algunas competencias genéricas. En este trabajo mostraremos las dos estrategias que estamos utilizando para evaluar la adquisición de competencias transversales: test psicométricos y pruebas (genéricas y específicas) con contenidos

    Characterization of fimbriae extracts from porcine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains carrying F6 (987P) antigen

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    Fimbrial extracts from porcine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains carrying F6 (987P) intestinal colonization factor antigen were obtained using the thermal shock method. The extracts were analyzed by SDSPAGE and immunoblotting using different fimbriae-specific antisera. Two major protein bands with molecular masses of 17.5 and 21.9 kDa were detected. The 21.9-kDa band was identified as the major subunit of F6 fimbrial antigen in strains of serogroups O9 and O141. The 17.5-kDa band was associated with porcine strains of serogroups O9 and O20. [Int Microbiol 2006; 9(4):241-246

    Serotypes, virulence genes, and PFGE patterns of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from Cuban pigs with diarrhea

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    Thirty-six enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from Cuban pigs with diarrhea were serotyped and screened by PCR for the presence of virulence genes. The 36 isolates belonged to 11 O serogroups and 14 O:H serotypes, with 53% of the isolates belonging to only two serotypes: O141:H– (13 isolates) and O157:H19 (6 isolates). Genes coding for STb, STa, VT2e, and LT toxins were identified in 69, 61, 53, and 6% of the isolates, respectively. The most prevalent fimbrial adhesin was F18, detected in 22 (61%) isolates. The gene encoding F6 (P987) colonization factor was identified in three (8%) isolates. None of the 36 isolates assayed contained genes encoding F4 (K88), F5 (K99), or F41. The seropathotype O141:H–:STa/STb/VT2e/F18 (13 isolates) was the most frequently detected, followed by O157:H19:VT2e/F18 (5 isolates). A genetic diversity study, carried out by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of 24 representative isolates, revealed 21 distinct restriction patterns clustered in 18 groups (I–XVIII). Isolates of the same serotype were placed together in a dendrogram, but isolates of serotype O157:H19 showed a high degree of polymorphism. The results of this study demonstrate the presence in Cuba of different clusters among one of the most prevalent serotypes isolated from pigs with diarrhea. Further experiments are needed to determine whether some of these clusters have appeared recently; if so, their evolution, as well as their possible association with pathogenicity in farms should be studied. [Int Microbiol 2006; 9(1):53-60

    Serotypes, virulence genes, and PFGE profiles of Escherichia coli isolated from pigs with postweaning diarrhoea in Slovakia

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    BACKGROUND: Postweaning diarrhoea (PWD) in pigs is usually the main infectious problem of large-scale farms and is responsible for significant losses worldwide. The disease is caused mainly by enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) and Shiga-toxin producing E. coli (STEC). In this study a total of 101 E. coli isolated from pigs with PWD in Slovakia were characterized using phenotypic and genotypic methods. RESULTS: These 101 isolates belonged to 40 O:H serotypes. However, 57% of the isolates belonged to only six serotypes (O9:H51, O147:H-, O149:H10, O163:H-, ONT:H-, and ONT:H4), including two new serotypes (O163:H- and ONT:H4) not previously found among porcine ETEC and STEC isolated in other countries. Genes for EAST1, STb, STa, LT and Stx2e toxins were identified in 64%, 46%, 26%, 20%, and 5% of isolates, respectively. PCR showed that 35% of isolates carried genes for F18 colonization factor, and further analyzed by restriction endonuclease revealed that all of them were F18ac. Genes for F4 (K88), F6 (P987), F17, F5 (K99), F41, and intimin (eae gene) adhesins were detected in 19 %, 5%, 3%, 0.9%, 0.9%, and 0.9% of the isolates, respectively. The study of genetic diversity, carried out by PFGE of 46 representative ETEC and STEC isolates, revealed 36 distinct restriction profiles clustered in eight groups. Isolates of the same serotype were placed together in the dendrogram, but high degree of polymorphism among certain serotypes was detected. CONCLUSION: Seropathotype O149:H10 LT/STb/EAST1/F4 (14 isolates) was the most commonly detected followed by O163:H- EAST1/F18 (six isolates), and ONT:H4 STa/STb/Stx2e/F18 (five isolates). Interestingly, this study shows that two new serotypes (O163:H- and ONT:H4) have emerged as pig pathogens in Slovakia. Furthermore, our results show that there is a high genetic variation mainly among ETEC of O149:H10 serotype

    Identification of two new intimin types in atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli

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    Stool specimens of patients with diarrhea or other gastrointestinal alterations who were admitted to Xeral-Calde Hospital (Lugo, Spain) were analyzed for the prevalence of typical and atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). Atypical EPEC strains (eae+ bfp–) were detected in 105 (5.2%) of 2015 patients, whereas typical EPEC strains (eae+ bfp+) were identified in only five (0.2%) patients. Atypical EPEC strains were (after Salmonella) the second most frequently recovered enteropathogenic bacteria. In this study, 110 EPEC strains were characterized. The strains belonged to 43 O serogroups and 69 O:H serotypes, including 44 new serotypes not previously reported among human EPEC. However, 29% were of one of three serogroups (O26, O51, and O145) and 33% belonged to eight serotypes (O10:H–, O26:H11, O26:H–, O51:H49, O123:H19, O128:H2, O145:H28, and O145:H–). Only 14 (13%) could be assigned to classical EPEC serotypes. Fifteen intimin types, namely, α1 (6 strains), α2 (4 strains), β1 (34 strains), ξR/β2 (6 strains), γ1 (13 strains), γ2/θ (16 strains), δ/k (5 strains), ε1 (9 strains), νR/ε2 (5 strains), ζ (6 strains), ι1 (1 strain), μR/ι2 (1 strain), νB (1 strain), ξB (1 strain), and ο (2 strains), were detected among the 110 EPEC strains, but none of the strains was positive for intimin types μ1, μ2, λ, or μB. In addition, in atypical EPEC strains of serotypes O10:H–, O84:H–, and O129:H–, two new intimin genes (eae-νB and eae-ο) were identified. These genes showed less than 95% nucleotide sequence identity with existing intimin types. Phylogenetic analysis revealed six groups of closely related intimin genes: (i) α1, α2, ζ, νB, and ο; (ii) ι1 and μR/ι2; (iii) β1, ξR/β2B, δ/β2O, and κ; (iv) ε1, ξB, η1,η2, and νR/ε2; (v) γ1, μB, γ2, and θ; and (vi) λ. These results indicate that atypical EPEC strains belonging to large number of serotypes and with different intimin types might be frequently isolated from human clinical stool samples in Spain. [Int Microbiol 2006; 9(2):103-110

    Can a voice assistant help bystanders save lives? A feasibility pilot study chatbot in beta version to assist OHCA bystanders

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    Objective: Evaluating the usefulness of a chat bot as an assistant during CPR care by laypersons. Methods: Twenty-one university graduates and university students naive in basic life support participated in this quasi-experimental simulation pilot trial. A version beta chatbot was designed to guide potential bystanders who need help in caring for cardiac arrest victims. Through a Question-Answering (Q&A) flowchart, the chatbot uses Voice Recognition Techniques to transform the user's audio into text. After the transformation, it generates the answer to provide the necessary help through machine and deep learning algorithms. A simulation test with a Laerdal Little Anne manikin was performed. Participants initiated the chatbot, which guided them through the recognition of a cardiac arrest event. After recognizing the cardiac arrest, the chatbot indicated the start of chest compressions for 2 min. Evaluation of the cardiac arrest recognition sequence was done via a checklist and the quality of CPR was collected with the Laerdal Instructor App. Results: 91% of participants were able to perform the entire sequence correctly. All participants checked the safety of the scene and made sure to call 112. 62% place their hands on the correct compression point. A media time of 158 s (IQR: 146–189) was needed for the whole process. 33% of participants achieved high-quality CPR with a median of 60% in QCPR (IQR: 9–86). Compression depth had a median of 42 mm (IQR: 33–53) and compression rate had a median of 100 compressions/min (IQR: 97–100). Conclusion: The use of a voice assistant could be useful for people with no previous training to perform de out-of-hospital cardiac arrest recognition sequence. Chatbot was able to guide all participants to call 112 and to perform continuous chest compressions. The first version of the chatbot for potential bystanders naive in basic life support needs to be further developed to reduce response times and be more effective in giving feedback on chest compressionsS