10,497 research outputs found

    Observing the sky at extremely high energies with the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Status of the GCT project

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array is the main global project of ground-based gamma-ray astronomy for the coming decades. Performance will be significantly improved relative to present instruments, allowing a new insight into the high-energy Universe [1]. The nominal CTA southern array will include a sub-array of seventy 4 m telescopes spread over a few square kilometers to study the sky at extremely high energies, with the opening of a new window in the multi-TeV energy range. The Gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope (GCT) is one of the proposed telescope designs for that sub-array. The GCT prototype recorded its first Cherenkov light on sky in 2015. After an assessment phase in 2016, new observations have been performed successfully in 2017. The GCT collaboration plans to install its first telescopes and cameras on the CTA site in Chile in 2018-2019 and to contribute a number of telescopes to the subsequent CTA production phase.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, ICRC201

    Nonclassical rotational inertia for a supersolid under rotation

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    As proposed by Leggett [4], the supersolidity of a crystal is characterized by the Non Classical Rotational Inertia (NCRI) property. Using a model of quantum crystal introduced by Josserand, Pomeau and Rica [5], we prove that NCRI occurs. This is done by analyzing the ground state of the aforementioned model, which is related to a sphere packing problem, and then deriving a theoretical formula for the inertia momentum. We infer a lower estimate for the NCRI fraction, which is a landmark of supersolidity


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    Kolmogorov-Smirnov method for the determination of signal time-shifts

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    A new method for the determination of electric signal time-shifts is introduced. As the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, it is based on the comparison of the cumulative distribution functions of the reference signal with the test signal. This method is very fast and thus well suited for on-line applications. It is robust to noise and its performances in terms of precision are excellent for time-shifts ranging from a fraction to several sample durations. PACS. 29.40.Gx (Tracking and position-sensitive detectors), 29.30.Kv (X- and -ray spectroscopy), 07.50.Qx (Signal processing electronics)Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Creep motion of a model frictional system

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    We report on the dynamics of a model frictional system submitted to minute external perturbations. The system consists of a chain of sliders connected through elastic springs that rest on an incline. By introducing cyclic expansions and contractions of the springs we observe a reptation of the chain. We account for the average reptation velocity theoretically. The velocity of small systems exhibits a series of plateaus as a function of the incline angle. Due to elastic e ects, there exists a critical amplitude below which the reptation is expected to cease. However, rather than a full stop of the creep, we observe in numerical simulations a transition between a continuous-creep and an irregular-creep regime when the critical amplitude is approached. The latter transition is reminiscent of the transition between the continuous and the irregular compaction of granular matter submitted to periodic temperature changes

    Fast analytical methods for the correction of signal random time-shifts and application to segmented HPGe detectors

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    Detection systems rely more and more on on-line or off-line comparison of detected signals with basis signals in order to determine the characteristics of the impinging particles. Unfortunately, these comparisons are very sensitive to the random time shifts that may alter the signal delivered by the detectors. We present two fast algebraic methods to determine the value of the time shift and to enhance the reliability of the comparison to the basis signals.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Bas-fonds et riziculture

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    Truncated derived functors and spectral sequences

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    The E2E_2 term of the Adams spectral sequence may be identified with certain derived functors, and this also holds for a number of other spectral sequences. Our goal is to show how the higher terms of such spectral sequences are determined by truncations of relative derived functors, defined in terms of certain simplicial functors called mapping algebra

    Towards Low Cost Coupling Structures for Short-Distance Optical Interconnections

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    The performance of short distance optical interconnections in general relies very strongly on coupling structures, since they will determine the overall efficiency of the system to a large extent. Different configurations can be considered and a variety of manufacturing technologies can be used. We present two different discrete and two different integrated coupling components which can be used to deflect the light beam over 90 degrees and can play a crucial role when integrating optical interconnections in printed circuit boards. The fabrication process of the different coupling structures is discussed and experimental results are shown. The main characteristics of the coupling structures are given. The main advantages and disadvantages of the different components are discussed
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