71 research outputs found

    La Academia de Atenas como foco de formación humanística para paganos y cristianos. Los casos de Juliano, Basilio y Gregorio Nacianceno

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    In the Academy of Athens, in the Fourth Century A.D., coincided Basilius of Cesarea and Gregory of Nazianzus, and possibly Jullian, the future emperor. Philosophy was studied and always was present the dialectic Paganism versus Christianity. The autor are also studied here the intellectual atmosphere and the relationships between professor and students

    Combination of DROOL rules and Protégé knowledge bases in the ONTO-H annotation tool

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    ONTO-H is a semi-automatic collaborative tool for the semantic annotation of documents, built as a Protégé 3.0 tab plug-in. Among its multiple functionalities aimed at easing the document annotation process, ONTO-H uses a rule-based system to create cascading annotations out from a single drag and drop operation from a part of a document into an already existing concept or instance of the domain ontology being used for annotation. It also gives support to the detection of name conflicts and instance duplications in the creation of the annotations. The rule system runs on top of the open source rule engine DROOLS and is connected to the domain ontology used for annotation by means of an ad-hoc programmed Java proxy

    Recientes aportaciones al culto de las aguas en la Hispania romana

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    En este texto me ocupo de las referencias, textuales y principalmente iconográficas, sobre el culto a las aguas en las áreas tanto colonial —fenicios, griegos y púnicos— como ibérica de época prerromana en España. En el mundo colonial el culto a las aguas puede revestir una función múltiple —oracular, curativa, sagrada—. La iconografía es el principal medio para acercarnos a la concepción del agua en el mundo ibérico. Pero es un documento ambiguo pues los símbolos revisten múltiples significaciones según el contexto.In this paper I analyse the references —especially literary sources and iconography— dealing with the water cults in Preroman Spain. The scope of the research is limited only to the colonial áreas such as Phoenicians, Greeks and Punios and, in the second part, to the Iberian one. In the colonies this cult was endowed with a multiplicity of functions such as oracular, sacred and curatives powers. Iconography is the main way we dispose as an approach to the different notions of water amongst the Iberians. But iconography is often vague and ambiguous, for symbols have a multiplicity of contextual meanings

    A comparative study of the electrochemical properties of vitamin B-6 related compounds at physiological pH

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    A comparative study of vitamin B6 group and related compounds in buffered solutions using electrochemical techniques has been performed at neutral pH. Irreversible bi- or tetra-electronic processes are observed for these substances, and the electron transfer coefficient (αn) calculated. It was concluded that either the first or second electron transfer were the rate determining step of the electrode process. The diffusion coefficient of these substances was calculated and the values given follow an inverse tendency to the molecular size. For aldehydes the values obtained were corrected of the hydration reaction. It is important to remark that catalytic waves were reported for the first time for these compounds. Using a model involving the nitrogen of the basic structure the kinetic constants were calculated for most of them

    Variability of the prevalence of depression in function of sociodemographic and environmental factors: ecological model

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    Major depression etiopathogenesis is related to a wide variety of genetics, demographic and psychosocial factors, as well as to environmental factors. The objective of this study is to analyze sociodemographic and environmental variables that are related to the prevalence of depression through correlation analysis and to develop a regression model that explains the behavior of this disease from an ecological perspective. This is an ecological, retrospective, cross-sectional study. The target population was 1,148,430 individuals over the age of 16 who were registered in Aragon (Spain) during 2010, with electronic medical records in the community’s primary health care centers. The spatial unit was the Basic Health Area (BHA). The dependent variable was the diagnosis of Depression and the ecological independent variables were: Demographic variables (gender and age), population distribution, typology of the entity, population structure by sex and age, by nationality, by education, by work, by salary, by marital status, structure of the household by number of members, and state of the buildings. The results show moderate and positive correlations with higher rates of depression in areas having a higher femininity index, higher population density, areas with a higher unemployment rate and higher average salary. The results of the linear regression show that aging +75 and rural entities act as protective factors for depression, while urban areas and deficient buildings act as risk factors. In conclusion, the ecological methodology may be a useful tool which, together with the statistical epidemiological analysis, can help in the political decision making process

    Electrochemical behaviour of gamma hydroxybutyric acid at a platinum electrode in acidic medium

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    The electrooxidation of Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB) on a polycrystalline platinum electrode is studied by cyclic voltammetry in acidic medium. Two oxidation peaks, A and B, are obtained in the positive scan within the potential range of the double layer region and of the platinum oxide region, respectively. In the negative going potential sweep an inverted oxidation peak with an onset partially overlapping with the tail of the cathodic peak for the reduction of the platinum oxide formed during the anodic scan is obtained (peak C). This inverted peak can be observed at a potential close to +0.2 V (vs Ag/AgCl at pH 2) and separated 0.4 and 0.8 V from the two other oxidation peaks obtained during the anodic scan and in such conditions that the surface is particularly activated to favour this electrochemical process. The response obtained in the electronic current for the different peaks when GHB concentration and scan rate were changed to allows inferring that these are the result of a potential dependent mechanism. The behaviour observed is according with the oxidation of the alcohol group to the corresponding aldehyde and carboxylic acid (succinic acid) as main products

    UV-C irradiation is able to inactivate pathogens found in commercially collected porcine plasma as demonstrated by swine bioassay

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    Liquid porcine plasma is an animal origin raw material for the manufacturing process of spray-dried porcine plasma that is used in pig nutrition worldwide. In previous studies we found that the application of ultraviolet light C (UV-C) in liquid plasma that was inoculated with a variety of bacteria or viruses of importance in the swine industry can be considered as redundant safety steps because in general achieve around 4 logs reduction for most of these pathogens. However, the final validation of the UV-C light as safety feature should be conducted with commercial liquid plasma and using the pig bioassay model. As a first objective, the potential infectivity of a raw liquid plasma product collected from an abattoir was tested by means of a swine bioassay. We used Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2), a ubiquitous virus that has been systematically detected by PCR in porcine plasma at abattoirs as selection criteria for commercial liquid plasma lot. As a second aim of the study, the effects of different doses of UV-C irradiation on the selected raw liquid plasma were assayed in the animal bioassay. Moreover, other swine infecting agents, including Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), were also determined in the original plasma and monitored in the inoculated animals. Pigs negative for PCV-2 and PRRSV genome and antibodies were allotted to one of five groups (6 to 8 pigs/ group) and injected intra-peritoneally with 10 mL of their assigned inoculum at 50 d of age. Negative control pigs (group 1) were injected with PBS. Positive control pigs (group 5) were injected with a PCV-2 inoculum. Groups 2, 3 and 4 were injected with liquid porcine plasma that had been subjected to 0 (raw plasma), 3000 or 9000 J/L UV-C irradiation, respectively. Group 2 pigs (0 J/L UV-C) got infection by PRRSV but no PCV-2 infection or seroconversion. However, one pig from group 2 seroconverted to Rotavirus A (RVA) and Hepatitis E virus (HEV) and three group 2 pigs seroconverted to Porcine parvovirus (PPV). Groups 1, 3 and 4 pigs showed no evidence of infection or seroconversion associated with the tested viruses or any other pathogens found in the liquid plasma before UV-C irradiation. Group 5 pigs developed PCV-2 infectivity as expected. UV-C irradiation of liquid plasma at 3000 and 9000 J/L was effective in preventing PRRSV and other pathogens transmission. Moreover, raw liquid plasma was non-infectious for PCV-2 in naïve pigs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Description of the wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) reproductive cycle in captivity

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    Within the DIVERSIFY project for the diversification of species in European aquaculture, wreckfish is a special case because of its late sexual maturation, which does not occur until 7-8 years of age (Peleteiro and Brunzón, 2014), besides existing very few data on its reproductive biology because it is a demersal species whose adult specimens tend to live at the range of 100-1000 meters of deep. This work sets out the progress made in the study of the reproductive cycle of this species in stocks established in Galicia (Spain).European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration (KBBE-2013-07 single stage, GA 603121, DIVERSIFY)