26 research outputs found

    On helicity and spin on the light cone

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    Starting from a one-body front-form equation with Lepage-Brodsky spinors we show, with a fair amount of new technology, how an integral equation in standard momentum space with Bjorken-Drell spinors can be obtained. The integral equation decouples for singlets and triplets.Comment: LaTeX2e, 5 pages, 11 references. to be published in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) Talk presented at the Workshop "Light-cone Physics: Particles and Strings" at ECT* in Trento, Sep 3-11, 200

    Masses of the physical mesons from an effective QCD--Hamiltonian

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    The front form Hamiltonian for quantum chromodynamics, reduced to an effective Hamiltonian acting only in the qqˉq\bar q space, is solved approximately. After coordinate transformation to usual momentum space and Fourier transformation to configuration space a second order differential equation is derived. This retarded Schr\"odinger equation is solved by variational methods and semi-analytical expressions for the masses of all 30 pseudoscalar and vector mesons are derived. In view of the direct relation to quantum chromdynamics without free parameter, the agreement with experiment is remarkable, but the approximation scheme is not adequate for the mesons with one up or down quark. The crucial point is the use of a running coupling constant αs(Q2)\alpha_s(Q^2), in a manner similar but not equal to the one of Richardson in the equal usual-time quantization. Its value is fixed at the Z mass and the 5 flavor quark masses are determined by a fit to the vector meson quarkonia.Comment: 18 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    A Poincare-Covariant Parton Cascade Model for Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Reactions

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    We present a new cascade-type microscopic simulation of nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC energies. The basic elements are partons (quarks and gluons) moving in 8N-dimensional phase space according to Poincare-covariant dynamics. The parton-parton scattering cross sections used in the model are computed within perturbative QCD in the tree-level approximation. The Q^2 dependence of the structure functions is included by an implementation of the DGLAP mechanism suitable for a cascade, so that the number of partons is not static, but varies in space and time as the collision of two nuclei evolves. The resulting parton distributions are presented, and meaningful comparisons with experimental data are discussed.Comment: 30 pages. 11 figures. Submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Photon Emission from a Parton Gas at Chemical Non-Equilibrium

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    We compute the hard photon production rate of a chemically non-equilibrated quark-gluon plasma. We assume that the plasma is already thermally equilibrated, i.~e. describable by a temperature, but with a phase-space distribution that deviates from the Fermi/Bose distribution by a time dependent factor (fugacity). The photon spectrum is obtained by integrating the photon rate over the space-time evolution of the quark-gluon plasma. Some consequences for ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, uuencoded Postscript file, figures include

    Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to inclusive-hadron photoproduction in polarized lepton-proton collisions

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    We calculate the next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the `direct' part of the spin-dependent cross section for single-inclusive charged-hadron photoproduction. This process could be studied experimentally in future polarized fixed-target lepton-nucleon experiments, but also at the HERA ep collider after an upgrade to both beams being polarized. We present a brief numerical evaluation of our results by studying the K-factors and the scale dependence of the NLO cross section.Comment: 25 Pages, LaTeX, 4 figures as eps file

    QCD forces and heavy quark bound states

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    The present knowledge of QCD confining forces between static test charges is summarised, with an emphasis on lattice results. Recent developments in relating QCD potentials to quarkonium properties by use of effective field theory methods are presented. The validity of non-relativistic QCD and the adiabatic approximation with respect to heavy quark bound states is explored. Besides the static potential and relativistic correction terms, the spectra of glueballs and gluinoballs, hybrid excitations of the QCD flux tube between fundamental colour sources, potentials between charges in various representations of the SU(3) gauge group, and multi-particle interactions are discussed. Some implications for quarkonia systems and quark-gluon hybrid mesons are drawn.Comment: massive review article (145 pages), v2: typos corrected, minor errors removed, potentially misleading statements reformulated, references update

    Toward the New Grid Code: Implications of the Fault Ride-Through

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    Norge har en lang historie innen vannkraft og den går helt tilbake til 1800-tallet, og har vært den primære kilden for produksjon av elektrisk energi siden. I de siste årene har det vært en økt utnyttelse av fornybar energi. Fault ride-through-kravet ble først krevd til vindkraftgeneratorer, og ble senere krevd for synkrone generatorer. Utnyttelsen av vindkraft har økt de siste årene i Norge, men vannkraft er fortsatt den største kilden til elektrisk energi. Fault ride-through-kravet har blitt implementert i mange synkrone generatorer over verden. Kravet blir beksrevet av en spenningsprofil som generatoren må holde seg innnenfor uten å miste synkronisme. I Norge ble kravet først beskrevet i FIKS 2012, og senere i 2019 ble det publisert et høringsutkast av Statnett med en forbedret spenningsprofil, og lettere feilklareringstid. Både FIKS 2012 og høringsutkastet NVF 2020 vil bli presentert i avhandlingen. NVF 2020 vil bli benyttet i simuleringene. Det er vanlig å leie inn en konsulent som tester generatorens fault ride-through-egenskap ved å sette på en spenningsprofil på generatoren. Denne avhandlingen vill vise den faktiske spenningsprofilen under en tre-fase feil ved å endre dens avnstand til høyspent siden av transformatoren. Avhandligen er tenkt som et detaljert underliggende dokument for å analysere fault ride-through egenskapene. Modellen av systemet med den synkrone generatoren er gjort i MATLAB Simulink. En symmetrisk tre-fasefeil er satt på en linje hvor feilens avstand er dynamisk endret. Den kritiske feilklareringstiden og spenningsprofilen er presentert og beskrevet. Det er utført totalt seks scenarioer. Det er brukt en kortslutningsytelse på 20 [p.u], 10 [p.u] og 6,67 [p.u], hvor hver av de er simulert med en reaktiv effekt på null og maks. Den reaktive effekten er målt på høyspenningssiden av transformatoren som er tilkoblet generatoren. Det som ble observert i resultatene er at driftsforholdet til generatoren før feilen har stor innvirkning på fault ride-through-egenskapene. En endring i reaktiv effekt fra null til maks bedret den kritiske feilklareringstiden til generatorene, og det kritiske feilavstanden er nærmere terminalene

    Folks rettigheter til naturressurser og statslederes krenkelser

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    Doktrinen om permanent suverenitet over naturressurser som folkerettslig og menneskerettslig prinsipp, og rettighetene og forpliktelsene etter denne. Kan befolkningen i et land holde staten ansvarlig for ikke å la fordelene fra naturressursutvinning komme folket til gode? Håndhevelsesmuligheter etter folkeretten og folks kollektive rettigheter