217 research outputs found

    Effects of Secondary Electron Emission on Charge Pulses from a Z-Stack Microchnnel Plate Photon Counting Detector with a Crossed Delay Line Anode Readout

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    A study of the effects of secondary electron emission on charge pulses from a microchannel plate (MCPs) photon counting detector with crossed delay line (CDL) anode readout is presented. The detector is a two-dimensional photon counting detector with fast count rate and good spatial resolution being developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The CDL anode is constructed of two orthogonal planar pairs of helically wound wires on inner and outer ceramic sides attached to a copper ground plane. The electron cloud event from the MCPs interacts with the wires generating a signal pulse. The electrons that strike the wire with sufficient energy generate secondary electrons. A model is presented for the charge pulses from the CDL anode incorporating the effects of secondary electron emission. An empirical test of the model is conducted with two different wire materials using a demountable MCP/CDL detector. Charge pulses are measured and the results are compared to the model. The results show that the charge pulses from the CDL anode are material dependent and exhibit the general behavior predicted by the model. Secondary electron emission is an integral part of the CDL anode charge pulses and must be considered in further developments of the CDL anode readout

    CELiS (Compact Eyesafe Lidar System): A Portable 1.5 μm Elastic Lidar System for Rapid Aerosol Concentration Measurement

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    CELiS (Compact Eyesafe Lidar System) is a tactical elastic lidar system commissioned by the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) for the purpose of air quality environmental compliance issues surrounding the offroad use of wheeled and tracked vehicles. A complete CELiS instrument weighs less than 300 lbs., is less than 2 cubic meters in volume and uses 700 W of 120V AC power. CELiS has a working range of better than 2km and a range resolution of 5m

    Common and contrasting themes in host cell-targeted effectors from bacterial, fungal, oomycete and nematode plant symbionts described using the Gene Ontology

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    A wide diversity of plant-associated symbionts, including microbes, produce proteins that can enter host cells, or are injected into host cells in order to modify the physiology of the host to promote colonization. These molecules, termed effectors, commonly target the host defense signaling pathways in order to suppress the defense response. Others target the gene expression machinery or trigger specific modifications to host morphology or physiology that promote the nutrition and proliferation of the symbiont. When recognized by the host's surveillance machinery, which includes cognate resistance (R) gene products, defense responses are engaged to restrict pathogen proliferation. Effectors from diverse symbionts may be delivered into plant cells via varied mechanisms, including whole organism cellular entry (viruses, some bacteria and fungi), type III and IV secretion (in bacteria), physical injection (nematodes and insects) and protein translocation signal sequences (oomycetes and fungi). This mini-review will summarize both similarities and differences in effectors and effector delivery systems found in diverse plant-associated symbionts as well as how these are described with Plant-Associated Microbe Gene Ontology (PAMGO) terms

    Functional characteristics of patients with retinal dystrophy that manifest abnormal parafoveal annuli of high density fundus autofluorescence; a review and update

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    Purpose To examine the presence and functional significance of annular fundus autofluorescence abnormalities in patients with different retinal dystrophies. Methods Eighty one patients were ascertained who had a parafoveal ring of high density on fundus autofluorescence imaging. Sixty two had had a clinical diagnosis of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) or Usher syndrome with normal visual acuity. Others included a case of Leber congenital amaurosis and genetically confirmed cases of cone or cone-rod dystrophy (GUCA1A, RPGR, RIMS1), “cone dystrophy with supernormal rod ERG” (KCNV2) and X-linked retinoschisis (RS1). International-standard full-field and pattern electroretinography (ERG; PERG) were performed. Some patients with rod-cone or cone-rod dystrophy underwent multifocal ERG (mfERG) testing and photopic and scotopic fine matrix mapping (FMM). Results In patients with RP, the radius of the parafoveal ring of high density correlated with PERG P50 (R = 0.83, P < 0.0005, N = 62) and encircled areas of preserved photopic function. In the other patients, AF rings either resembled those seen in RP or encircled an area of central atrophy. Ring radius was inversely related to the PERG P50 component in 4 of 18 cases with a detectable response. FMM showed that arcs of high density were associated with a gradient of sensitivity change. Conclusions Parafoveal rings of high density autofluorescence are a non-specific manifestation of retinal dysfunction that can occur in different retinal dystrophies. Electrophysiology remains essential for accurate diagnosis. The high correlation of autofluorescence with PERG, mfERG and FMM demonstrates that AF abnormalities have functional significance and may help identify suitable patients and retinal areas amenable to future therapeutic intervention

    Close genetic linkage between X linked retinitis pigmentosa and a restriction fragment length polymorphism identified by recombinant DNA probe L1.28

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    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of retinal degeneration characterized by progressive visual field loss, night blindness and pigmentary retinopathy. Its prevalence is in the region of 1-2 in 5,000 of the general population, making it one of the commoner causes of blindness in early and middle life. Although 36-48% of RP patients are isolated cases, the remainder show autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive or X-linked modes of inheritance. The X-linked variety ( XLRP ) is found in 14-22% of RP families in the UK. In the present study, X chromosome-specific recombinant DNA probes which can detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms have been used to localize the XLRP gene(s) to a subregion of the X chromosome using linkage analysis. One of the probes, L1.28, has been shown to be closely linked to XLRP in five kindreds, with 95% confidence limits of 0-15 centimorgans (maximum LOD score of 7.89 at a distance of 3 centimorgans). This suggests that the XLRP locus lies on the proximal part of the short arm of the X chromosome. This probe is potentially useful for carrier detection and early diagnosis in about 40% of cases, provided that genetic heterogeneity can be excluded by analysis of further families

    Peripheral Retinal Imaging Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease: A Pilot Study

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    Purpose: To examine whether ultra-widefield (UWF) retinal imaging can identify biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and its progression. Methods: Images were taken using a UWF scanning laser ophthalmoscope (Optos P200C AF) to determine phenotypic variations in 59 patients with AD and 48 healthy controls at baseline (BL). All living participants were invited for a follow-up (FU) after 2 years and imaged again (if still able to participate). All participants had blood taken for genotyping at BL. Images were graded for the prevalence of age-related macular degeneration-like pathologies and retinal vascular parameters. Comparison between AD patients and controls was made using the Student t test and the χ2 test. Results: Analysis at BL revealed a significantly higher prevalence of a hard drusen phenotype in the periphery of AD patients (14/55; 25.4%) compared to controls (2/48; 4.2%) [χ2 = 9.9, df = 4, p = 0.04]. A markedly increased drusen number was observed at the 2-year FU in patients with AD compared to controls. There was a significant increase in venular width gradient at BL (zone C: 8.425 × 10-3 ± 2.865 × 10-3 vs. 6.375 × 10-3 ± 1.532 × 10-3, p = 0.008; entire image: 8.235 × 10-3 ± 2.839 × 10-3 vs. 6.050 × 10-3 ± 1.414 × 10-3, p = 0.004) and a significant decrease in arterial fractal dimension in AD at BL (entire image: 1.250 ± 0.086 vs. 1.304 ± 0.089, p = 0.049) with a trend for both at FU. Conclusions: UWF retinal imaging revealed a significant association between AD and peripheral hard drusen formation and changes to the vasculature beyond the posterior pole, at BL and after clinical progression over 2 years, suggesting that monitoring pathological changes in the peripheral retina might become a valuable tool in AD monitoring

    A comprehensive database of quality-rated fossil ages for Sahul\u27s Quaternary vertebrates

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    The study of palaeo-chronologies using fossil data provides evidence for past ecological and evolutionary processes, and is therefore useful for predicting patterns and impacts of future environmental change. However, the robustness of inferences made from fossil ages relies heavily on both the quantity and quality of available data. We compiled Quaternary non-human vertebrate fossil ages from Sahul published up to 2013. This, the FosSahul database, includes 9,302 fossil records from 363 deposits, for a total of 478 species within 215 genera, of which 27 are from extinct and extant megafaunal species (2,559 records). We also provide a rating of reliability of individual absolute age based on the dating protocols and association between the dated materials and the fossil remains. Our proposed rating system identified 2,422 records with high-quality ages (i.e., a reduction of 74%). There are many applications of the database, including disentangling the confounding influences of hypothetical extinction drivers, better spatial distribution estimates of species relative to palaeo-climates, and potentially identifying new areas for fossil discovery

    The Star Formation History and Dust Content in the Far Outer Disc of M31

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    We present a detailed analysis of two fields located 26 kpc (~5 scalelengths) from the centre of M31. One field samples the major axis populations--the Outer Disc field--while the other is offset by ~18' and samples the Warp in the stellar disc. The CMDs based on HST/ACS imaging reach old main-sequence turn-offs (~12.5 Gyr). We apply the CMD-fitting technique to the Warp field to reconstruct the star formation history (SFH). We find that after undergoing roughly constant SF until about 4.5 Gyr ago, there was a rapid decline in activity and then a ~1.5 Gyr lull, followed by a strong burst lasting 1.5 Gyr and responsible for 25% of the total stellar mass in this field. This burst appears to be accompanied by a decline in metallicity which could be a signature of the inflow of metal-poor gas. The onset of the burst (~3 Gyr ago) corresponds to the last close passage of M31 and M33 as predicted by detailed N-body modelling, and may have been triggered by this event. We reprocess the deep M33 outer disc field data of Barker et al. (2011) in order to compare consistently-derived SFHs. This reveals a similar duration burst that is exactly coeval with that seen in the M31 Warp field, lending further support to the interaction hypothesis. The complex SFHs and the smoothly-varying age-metallicity relations suggest that the stellar populations observed in the far outer discs of both galaxies have largely formed in situ rather than migrated from smaller galactocentric radii. The strong differential reddening affecting the CMD of the Outer Disc field prevents derivation of the SFH. Instead, we quantify this reddening and find that the fine-scale distribution of dust precisely follows that of the HI gas. This indicates that the outer HI disc of M31 contains a substantial amount of dust and therefore suggests significant metal enrichment in these parts, consistent with inferences from our CMD analysis.Comment: Abstract shortened. 17 pages, 12 figures (+ 6 pages & 5 figures in Appendix). MNRAS, in pres

    Human Fire Legacies on Ecological Landscapes

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    The primacy of past human activity in triggering change in earth’s ecosystems remains a contested idea. Treating human-environmental dynamics as a dichotomous phenomenon – turning “on” or “off” at some tipping point in the past – misses the broader, longer-term, and varied role humans play in creating lasting ecological legacies. To investigate these more subtle human-environmental dynamics, we propose an interdisciplinary framework, for evaluating past and predicting future landscape change focused on human-fire legacies. Linking theory and methods from behavioral and landscape ecology, we present a coupled framework capable of explaining how and why humans make subsistence decisions and interact with environmental variation through time. We review evidence using this framework that demonstrates how human behavior can influence vegetation cover and continuity, change local disturbance regimes, and create socio-ecological systems that can dampen or even override, the environmental effects of local and regional climate. Our examples emphasize how a long-term interdisciplinary perspective provides new insights for assessing the role of humans in generating persistent landscape legacies that go unrecognized using a simple natural-versus-human driver model of environmental change