69 research outputs found

    Development of a kinetic assay for late endosome movement

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    Automated imaging screens are performed mostly on fixed and stained samples to simplify the workflow and increase throughput. Some processes, such as the movement of cells and organelles or measuring membrane integrity and potential, can be measured only in living cells. Developing such assays to screen large compound or RNAi collections is challenging in many respects. Here, we develop a live-cell high-content assay for tracking endocytic organelles in medium throughput. We evaluate the added value of measuring kinetic parameters compared with measuring static parameters solely. We screened 2000 compounds in U-2 OS cells expressing Lamp1-GFP to label late endosomes. All hits have phenotypes in both static and kinetic parameters. However, we show that the kinetic parameters enable better discrimination of the mechanisms of action. Most of the compounds cause a decrease of motility of endosomes, but we identify several compounds that increase endosomal motility. In summary, we show that kinetic data help to better discriminate phenotypes and thereby obtain more subtle phenotypic clustering

    A Combination of screening and computational approaches for the identification of novel compounds that decrease mast cell degranulation

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    High-content screening of compound libraries poses various challenges in the early steps in drug discovery such as gaining insights into the mode of action of the selected compounds. Here, we addressed these challenges by integrating two biological screens through bioinformatics and computational analysis. We screened a small-molecule library enriched in amphiphilic compounds in a degranulation assay in rat basophilic leukemia 2H3 (RBL-2H3) cells. The same library was rescreened in a high-content image-based endocytosis assay in HeLa cells. This assay was previously applied to a genome-wide RNAi screen that produced quantitative multiparametric phenotypic profiles for genes that directly or indirectly affect endocytosis. By correlating the endocytic profiles of the compounds with the genome-wide siRNA profiles, we identified candidate pathways that may be inhibited by the compounds. Among these, we focused on the Akt pathway and validated its inhibition in HeLa and RBL-2H3 cells. We further showed that the compounds inhibited the translocation of the Akt-PH domain to the plasma membrane. The approach performed here can be used to integrate chemical and functional genomics screens for investigating the mechanism of action of compounds

    Statistical integration of multi-omics and drug screening data from cell lines

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    Data integration methods are used to obtain a unified summary of multiple datasets. For multi-modal data, we propose a computational workflow to jointly analyze datasets from cell lines. The workflow comprises a novel probabilistic data integration method, named POPLS-DA, for multi-omics data.The workflow is motivated by a study on synucleinopathies where transcriptomics, proteomics, and drug screening data are measured in affected LUHMES cell lines and controls. The aim is to highlight potentially druggable pathways and genes involved in synucleinopathies. First, POPLS-DA is used to prioritize genes and proteins that best distinguish cases and controls. For these genes, an integrated interaction network is constructed where the drug screen data is incorporated to highlight druggable genes and pathways in the network. Finally, sfunctional enrichment analyses are performed to identify clusters of synaptic and lysosome-related genes and proteins targeted by the protective drugs. POPLS-DA is compared to other single- and multi-omics approaches.We found that HSPA5, a member of the heat shock protein 70 family, was one of the most targeted genes by the validated drugs, in particular by AT1-blockers. HSPA5 and AT1-blockers have been previously linked to alpha-synuclein pathology and Parkinson's disease, showing the relevance of our findings.Our computational workflow identified new directions for therapeutic targets for synucleinopathies. POPLS-DA provided a larger interpretable gene set than other single- and multi-omic approaches. An implementation based on R and markdown is freely available online. We present a computational workflow that combines the analysis of different types of data measured in cell line studies with non-overlapping samples. We apply the workflow to measurements of gene expression, protein abundances, and a screening of a wide range of FDA-approved drugs. These different types of data are obtained from LUHMES brain cells and jointly analyzed to discover new treatment options in synucleinopathies, such as Parkinson's disease. Our workflow includes a new probabilistic method, named POPLS-DA. POPLS-DA combines the analysis of the genes and proteins to pinpoint a set of relevant genes and proteins that can distinguish affected and non-affected cells. Compared to other approaches, POPLS-DA found a larger set of genes relevant to the disease. Further, we constructed a network that connects the relevant genes and proteins that interact with each other. We incorporate the drug screening data to highlight which part of the network is relevant to the disease and druggable. Through additional analysis of the functionality, we discovered that the genes and proteins that are targeted by protective drugs share relevant properties, namely they are synaptic and lysosome-related genes. Notably, we found that specific types of drugs, namely AT1-blockers such as Telmisartan, are protective and target the network of relevant genes and proteins. These drugs are approved by the FDA and readily available to further investigate their potential in treating synucleinopathies. We further found that a gene named HSPA5, a member of the heat shock protein 70 family, is highly targeted by the protective drugs. This gene has been linked to Parkinson's disease in previous scientific literature. Our computational workflow and the implementation in R and markdown are freely available online

    Statistical integration of multi-omics and drug screening data from cell lines

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    Data integration methods are used to obtain a unified summary of multiple datasets. For multi-modal data, we propose a computational workflow to jointly analyze datasets from cell lines. The workflow comprises a novel probabilistic data integration method, named POPLS-DA, for multi-omics data. The workflow is motivated by a study on synucleinopathies where transcriptomics, proteomics, and drug screening data are measured in affected LUHMES cell lines and controls. The aim is to highlight potentially druggable pathways and genes involved in synucleinopathies. First, POPLS-DA is used to prioritize genes and proteins that best distinguish cases and controls. For these genes, an integrated interaction network is constructed where the drug screen data is incorporated to highlight druggable genes and pathways in the network. Finally, sfunctional enrichment analyses are performed to identify clusters of synaptic and lysosome-related genes and proteins targeted by the protective drugs. POPLS-DA is compared to other single- and multi-omics approaches. We found that HSPA5, a member of the heat shock protein 70 family, was one of the most targeted genes by the validated drugs, in particular by AT1-blockers. HSPA5 and AT1-blockers have been previously linked to α-synuclein pathology and Parkinson's disease, showing the relevance of our findings. Our computational workflow identified new directions for therapeutic targets for synucleinopathies. POPLS-DA provided a larger interpretable gene set than other single- and multi-omic approaches. An implementation based on R and markdown is freely available online

    RNA buffers the phase separation behavior of prion-like RNA binding proteins

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    Prion-like RNA binding proteins (RBPs) such as TDP43 and FUS are largely soluble in the nucleus but form solid pathological aggregates when mislocalized to the cytoplasm. What keeps these proteins soluble in the nucleus and promotes aggregation in the cytoplasm is still unknown. We report here that RNAcritically regulates the phase behavior of prion-like RBPs. Low RNA/protein ratios promote phase separation into liquid droplets, whereas high ratios prevent droplet formation in vitro. Reduction of nuclear RNA levels or genetic ablation of RNA binding causes excessive phase separation and the formation of cytotoxic solid-like assemblies in cells. We propose that the nucleus is a buffered system in which high RNA concentrations keep RBPs soluble. Changes in RNA levels or RNA binding abilities of RBPs cause aberrant phase transitions.1125sciescopu

    Knocking out C9ORF72 Exacerbates Axonal Trafficking Defects Associated with Hexanucleotide Repeat Expansion and Reduces Levels of Heat Shock Proteins

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    In amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) motor neurons (MNs) undergo dying-back, where the distal axon degenerates before the soma. The hexanudeotide repeat expansion (HRE) in C9ORF72 is the most common genetic cause of ALS, but the mechanism of pathogenesis is largely unknown with both gain- and loss-of-function mechanisms being proposed. To better understand C9ORF72-ALS pathogenesis, we generated isogenic induced pluripotent stem cells. MNs with HRE in C9ORF72 showed decreased axonal trafficking compared with gene corrected MNs. However, knocking out C9ORF72 did not recapitulate these changes in MNs from healthy controls, suggesting a gain-of-function mechanism. In contrast, knocking out C9ORF72 in MNs with HRE exacerbated axonal trafficking defects and increased apoptosis as well as decreased levels of HSP70 and HSP40, and inhibition of HSPs exacerbated ALS phenotypes in MNs with HRE. Therefore, we propose that the HRE in C9ORF72 induces ALS pathogenesis via a combination of gain- and loss-of-function mechanisms

    A RasGAP SH3 Peptide Aptamer Inhibits RasGAP-Aurora Interaction and Induces Caspase-Independent Tumor Cell Death

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    The Ras GTPase-activating protein RasGAP catalyzes the conversion of active GTP-bound Ras into inactive GDP-bound Ras. However, RasGAP also acts as a positive effector of Ras and exerts an anti-apoptotic activity that is independent of its GAP function and that involves its SH3 (Src homology) domain. We used a combinatorial peptide aptamer approach to select a collection of RasGAP SH3 specific ligands. We mapped the peptide aptamer binding sites by performing yeast two-hybrid mating assays against a panel of RasGAP SH3 mutants. We examined the biological activity of a peptide aptamer targeting a pocket delineated by residues D295/7, L313 and W317. This aptamer shows a caspase-independent cytotoxic activity on tumor cell lines. It disrupts the interaction between RasGAP and Aurora B kinase. This work identifies the above-mentioned pocket as an interesting therapeutic target to pursue and points its cognate peptide aptamer as a promising guide to discover RasGAP small-molecule drug candidates

    Integrated dataset of screening hits against multiple neglected disease pathogens.

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    New chemical entities are desperately needed that overcome the limitations of existing drugs for neglected diseases. Screening a diverse library of 10,000 drug-like compounds against 7 neglected disease pathogens resulted in an integrated dataset of 744 hits. We discuss the prioritization of these hits for each pathogen and the strong correlation observed between compounds active against more than two pathogens and mammalian cell toxicity. Our work suggests that the efficiency of early drug discovery for neglected diseases can be enhanced through a collaborative, multi-pathogen approach

    Screening out irrelevant cell-based models of disease

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    The common and persistent failures to translate promising preclinical drug candidates into clinical success highlight the limited effectiveness of disease models currently used in drug discovery. An apparent reluctance to explore and adopt alternative cell-and tissue-based model systems, coupled with a detachment from clinical practice during assay validation, contributes to ineffective translational research. To help address these issues and stimulate debate, here we propose a set of principles to facilitate the definition and development of disease-relevant assays, and we discuss new opportunities for exploiting the latest advances in cell-based assay technologies in drug discovery, including induced pluripotent stem cells, three-dimensional (3D) co-culture and organ-on-a-chip systems, complemented by advances in single-cell imaging and gene editing technologies. Funding to support precompetitive, multidisciplinary collaborations to develop novel preclinical models and cell-based screening technologies could have a key role in improving their clinical relevance, and ultimately increase clinical success rates