317 research outputs found

    Microsatellite analysis of the population structure in Phytophthora nicotianae

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    Nine validated SSRs were designed and used to characterize 268 isolates from a broad range of hosts and geographic localities. A total of 129 multilocus genotypes (MLG) were identified with markers showing polymorphisms ranging from 4 (locus P2039) to 24 alleles (locus 1509). Analyses revealed a preferential clonal reproduction in field orchards while sexual reproduction seemed to be more diffused in nurseries. A strong association between genetic groups and host of recovery was revealed for most isolates although this association was less evident for isolates from nurseries. In contrast, a significant geographical structuring was recovered only for isolates from tobacco (sourced in Australia and United States) and from Citrus maxima (sourced in Vietnam), while a typical panmictic distribution characterized the majority of isolates including those from other Citrus species. These difference were ascribed to the different propagation and cultivation systems. Isolates obtained from potted ornamental and citrus (excepted pommelo) were likely to be diffused worldwide with infected plant material (mainly potted plants). Conversely, tobacco is propagated by seeds which do not contribute to the spread of the pathogen and plantlets are very rarely transplanted in areas different from those in which have been produced. As regards to C. maxima, this species is a native plant of Vietnam and plant material was not introduced from other countries suggesting a specific co-evolution of P. nicotianae and C. maxima

    Agronomic performance of blackberry cultivars in environmental protection area

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    The demand for blackberry has been increasing due to the results of studies on its nutraceutical properties. Moreover, the rusticity of its plants allows its cultivation with reduced use of pesticides, becoming feasible to grow it in areas of environmental protection (APA). As a non-traditional crop in the country and its requirement in specific climatic conditions, there is a lack of studies about management techniques and the adaptability of cultivars in different regions. Thus, it is necessary to study phenological behavior and fruit quality in potential regions. Therefore, this work aimed to verify the adaptability of blackberry cultivars in environmental protection area in Pinhais – PR (Brazil), with no use of pesticides, as well as to evaluate the quality of the fruits produced under this condition, focusing on the recommendation of the cultivars more adapted and the best destination of fruits produced. For this, the phenological and productive performance of seven blackberry cultivars: Tupy, Guarani, Cherokee, Xavante, Brazos, Choctaw, and Arapaho were observed during the cycles of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019. Brazos cultivar had the earliest harvest period, Guarani and Xavante cultivars were intermediate and Tupy and Cherokee cultivars were later in the region. The highest yields were obtained with the cultivars Tupy, Guarani, Xavante, Cherokee, and Brazos. The harvest period extended from November to January. Tupy cultivar produces larger fruits and is the most recommended for marketing as fresh fruit. Other cultivars are recommended for industrialization.The demand for blackberry has been increasing due to the results of studies on its nutraceutical properties. Moreover, the rusticity of its plants allows its cultivation with reduced use of pesticides, becoming feasible to grow it in areas of environmental protection (APA). As a non-traditional crop in the country and its requirement in specific climatic conditions, there is a lack of studies about management techniques and the adaptability of cultivars in different regions. Thus, it is necessary to study phenological behavior and fruit quality in potential regions. Therefore, this work aimed to verify the adaptability of blackberry cultivars in environmental protection area in Pinhais – PR (Brazil), with no use of pesticides, as well as to evaluate the quality of the fruits produced under this condition, focusing on the recommendation of the cultivars more adapted and the best destination of fruits produced. For this, the phenological and productive performance of seven blackberry cultivars: Tupy, Guarani, Cherokee, Xavante, Brazos, Choctaw, and Arapaho were observed during the cycles of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019. Brazos cultivar had the earliest harvest period, Guarani and Xavante cultivars were intermediate and Tupy and Cherokee cultivars were later in the region. The highest yields were obtained with the cultivars Tupy, Guarani, Xavante, Cherokee, and Brazos. The harvest period extended from November to January. Tupy cultivar produces larger fruits and is the most recommended for marketing as fresh fruit. Other cultivars are recommended for industrialization

    Dynamic of blueberry buds dormancy in a region of low chill occurrence

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    Several cultivars of blueberry were introduced in the colder regions in Brazil, but presented varied vegetative and reproductive growth, due to the heterogeneity of adaptation to the regional climate. The objective of this research was to determine the dormancy dynamics of blueberry buds grown in a region of low chill occurrence. Four methods of bud dormancy evaluation were used: biological test of single node cuttings, dormancy index, tetrazolium test and Tabuenca test. The dormancy of floral and vegetative buds of the cultivars Bluebelle, Climax, Delite and Powderblue of the Rabbiteye group was studied in collections every two weeks from April 26 to July 21. In the evaluated period there were only 76 h of temperatures below 7.2° C. The biological test and the dormancy index were viable methods for the dynamic evaluation of buds dormancy. The tetrazolium test was efficient to predict the exit of the endodormancy of floral and vegetative buds, but the Tabuenca test was efficient to predict the exit of floral buds dormancy only for the cultivars of less intense dormancy. The cultivars Bluebelle and Powderblue presented better adaptation to the conditions of low cold occurrence, with well defined installation and overcoming of the dormancy. The cv. Delite is more susceptible to budding heterogeneity and the cv. Climax is the least indicated to the region

    Multiplicação rápida de videiras

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    Protocolo de micropropagación de mora-verde (Rubus erythroclados) nativa del Brasil

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 405-415).This study presents the first micropropagation protocol for greenberry (Rubus erythroclados), a wild Brazilian species with edible green fruits. In the in vitro multiplication stage, three concentrations of benzyladenine (BA) were tested (0, 5 and 10 μM), combined with three concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) (0, 3 and 6 μM) in two subsequent subcultures. In the rooting stage, in and ex vitro rooting were compared after pulse treatment of the microcutting for 10 seconds in IBA (0, 2.46, 4.92 and 7.38 mM). For the in vitro trial, the microcuttings were maintained in glass bottles with an MS medium under controlled conditions inside a growth room. For the ex vitro trial, the microcuttings were planted in styrofoam containers with vermiculite and maintained inside a greenhouse with an intermittent mist system. R. erythroclados multiplication was obtained with the addition of BA to the culture medium, while IBA reduced the shoot proliferation and increased mortality. The ex vitro rooting showed the best results, reaching 95.8% for rooted and acclimatizated plants without IBA. An efficient and simple protocol can be used for R. erythroclados micropropagation with 5 μM BA for in vitro shoot proliferation and ex vitro rooting of microcuttings with intermittent misting.El presente trabajo presenta el primer protocolo de micropropagación de morera verde (Rubus erythroclados), una especie fructífera nativa de Brasil. En la fase de multiplicación in vitro, se probaron tres concentraciones de benziladenina (BA) (0, 5 y 10 μM) combinadas con tres concentraciones de ácido indolbutírico (IBA) (0, 3 y 6 μM) en dos cultivos subsiguientes. En la etapa de enraizamiento, el enraizamiento in y ex vitro fue comparado después del tratamiento de inmersión rápida de las microestacas durante 10 segundos en solución de IBA (0; 2,46; 4,92 y 7,38 mM). Para el experimento in vitro, las microestacas se mantuvieron en recipientes de vidrio con medio de cultivo MS en una sala de crecimiento con condiciones de temperaturas controladas. Para el experimento ex vitro, las microestacas fueron plantadas en bandejas de poliestireno expandido con vermiculita, y se mantuvieron en una casa de vegetación con sistema de nebulización intermitente. La multiplicación de R. erythroclados fue obtenida con la adición de BA en el medio de cultivo, mientras que IBA redujo la emisión de brotes y aumentó la mortalidad de explantes. El enraizamiento ex vitro mostró los mejores resultados, llegando al 95,8% de microestacas enraizadas y aclimatadas sin tratamiento con IBA. Un protocolo simple y eficiente puede ser utilizado para la micropropagación de R. erythroclados con 5 μM de BA para multiplicación in vitro y enraizamiento de microestacas ex vitro en sistema de nebulización intermitente.Bibliografía: páginas 414-41

    A Large Number of T Lymphocytes Recognize Moloney-Murine Leukemia Virus-Induced Antigens, but a Few Mediate Long-Lasting Tumor Immunosurveillance

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    Abstract The CD8+ T cell response to Moloney-murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV)-induced Ags is almost entirely dominated by the exclusive expansion of lymphocytes that use preferential TCRVβ chain rearrangements. In mice lacking T cells expressing these TCRVβ, we demonstrate that alternative TCRVβ can substitute for the lack of the dominant TCRVβ in the H-2-restricted M-MuLV Ag recognition. We show that, at least for the H-2b-restricted response, the shift of TCR usage is not related to a variation of the immunodominant M-MuLV epitope recognition. After virus immunization, all the potentially M-MuLV-reactive lymphocytes are primed, but only the deletion of dominant Vβ rescues the alternative Vβ response. The mechanism of clonal T cell "immunodomination" that guides the preferential Vβ expansion is likely the result of a proliferative advantage of T cells expressing dominant Vβ, due to differences in TCR affinity and/or cosignal requirements. In this regard, a CD8 involvement is strictly required for the virus-specific cytotoxic activity of CTL expressing alternative, but not dominant, Vβ gene rearrangements. The ability of T cells expressing alternative TCRVβ rearrangements to mediate tumor protection was evaluated by a challenge with M-MuLV tumor cells. Although T cells expressing alternative Vβ chains were activated and expanded, they were not able to control tumor growth in a long-lasting manner due to their incapacity of conversion and accumulation in the T central memory pool


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    The colour conservation of the peel green of the lime Tahiti is very important for its commercial value and its possible by application of products that avoid the chlorophyll degradation. ). With the aim to study the effect these products in fruit rippening, to increased the fruit conservation, this work was carried out with fruit collected in a orchard located in Marília, SP and installed at 07/11/1998 in Curitiba, PR. The treatments were the following: 1) control; 2) GA3 (100 mg.L-1); 3) GA3 (200 mg.L-1); 4) GA3 (400 mg.L-1); 5) GA3 (100 mg.L-1)+ wax; 6) GA3 (200 mg.L-1) + wax; 7) GA3 (400 mg.L-1) + wax. The experimental desing was completely randomized with three replicates and 16 fruits per plot. The GA3 was applicated by immersion for two minutes in the solutions and the wax was applicated six hours after. The fruits were stored in polyethylene bags with 16 perforations at 7ºC. The evaluations were maded each 15 days. The GA3 and wax application had no effect in the juice biochemistry characteristics (pH, soluble solids and acidity). There was an acidity decrease and a pH increase during the storage period in all treatments. The GA3 application was efficient to delay the degreening. All the concentrations of GA3 were higher than control and didnt differ among theyself in relation the total chlorophyll. The degradation of chlorophyll showed the same tendency in all treatments with quadratic comportment. The degradation was 50% in the first 15 days. The fruits treated with GA3 showed about 33% of chlorophyll degradation at 30 days, while the control lost 57%. The relation of chlorophyll a/b increased until 30 days and decreased after. The conclusion is that GA3 at 100 until 400 mg.L-1 is efficient to avoid the degreening of lime Tahiti independent of wax application.A manutenção da coloração verde da casca da lima ácida Tahiti é importante para garantir o valor comercial dos frutos, sendo possível prolongar sua vida por meio de produtos que reduzem a degradação da clorofila, como a cera e o ácido giberélico (GA3). O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito destes produtos sobre a maturação dos frutos, visando o aumento do período de conservação pós-colheita. Este experimento foi realizado com frutos coletados de um pomar comercial em Marília, SP e instalado no dia 07/11/1998 em Curitiba, PR. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: 1) Testemunha; 2) GA3 (100 mg.L-1); 3) GA3 (200 mg.L-1); 4) GA3 (400 mg.L-1); 5) GA3 (100 mg.L-1) + cera; 6) GA3 (200 mg.L-1) + cera; 7) GA3 (400 mg.L-1) + cera. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com três repetições e 16 frutos por parcela. A aplicação do GA3 foi realizada pela imersão dos frutos nas soluções por dois minutos e a cera foi aplicada após seis horas. Os frutos de cada parcela foram acondicionados em sacos de polietileno com 16 furos e mantidos a 7°C. As avaliações foram realizadas em intervalos de 15 dias. A aplicação de GA3 e cera não influenciaram as características químicas do suco (pH, teor de sólidos solúveis e acidez). Houve redução da acidez e aumento no pH do suco durante o armazenamento, em todos os tratamentos. A aplicação de GA3 foi eficiente na manutenção da coloração verde da casca dos frutos. Todas as concentrações testadas foram superiores à testemunha e não diferiram entre si, nas avaliações realizadas aos 30 e 60 dias, quanto ao teor de clorofila total. A tendência de degradação da clorofila foi semelhante, em todos os tratamentos que apresentaram regressões quadráticas significativas. Nos primeiros 15 dias de armazenamento a degradação atingiu cerca de 50%. Aos 30 dias a degradação foi cerca de 33% menos acentuada para os tratamentos com GA3, enquanto na testemunha a perda foi de 57%. Quanto a relação entre clorofila a/b, houve tendência de aumento na relação aos 30 dias com posterior redução. Conclui-se que o GA3, em concentrações de 100 a 400 mg.L-1, é eficiente na manutenção da coloração verde da casca da lima ácida Tahiti, independente da aplicação de cera


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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo buscar e estudar referenciais teóricos e estudos de caso acerca de edificações com a finalidade de uso como centro de eventos para posterior aplicação do conhecimento obtido no desenvolvimento de um anteprojeto que visa a revitalização do Centro de Eventos Vitória (CEVI) no município de Videira (SC). Um centro de eventos é o local especializado para a realização das mais diversas atividades culturais e artísticas. O conhecimento necessário a respeito a este tipo de edificação foi obtido por meio de referencial teórico, assim como de estudo aprofundado a respeito de espaços que promovam atividades culturais. Também foi realizada uma pesquisa de modo a resgatar a história da promoção das manifestações artísticas para entender os anseios da população. O Centro de Eventos Vitória é o principal local para o incentivo à cultura na cidade de Videira. É realizado neste espaço apresentações e exposições artísticas, além de proporcionar à população videirense cursos de instrumentos musicais e de desenho. O espaço não recebeu a atenção adequada nos últimos anos, sua estrutura apresenta patologias e não oferece o conforto térmico e acústico adequado aos alunos e funcionários. Em um segundo momento houve a pesquisa em campo com a visitação e levantamento de potencialidades e deficiências da construção que atualmente abriga o CEVI. Uma revitalização do espaço é fundamental, para tornar o local mais atraente de modo a se trazer mais usuários a seu interior, além de proporcioná-los conforto e acessibilidade, perpetuando a cultura do município

    Acclimatization of 'VR043-43' (Vitis vinifera x Vitis rotundifolia) grapevine rootstock

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    The pre-acclimatization stage can be used to improve micropropagation protocols and increase the yield of produced plants. The influence of sucrose and photon flux density (PFD) levels on the acclimatization of in vitro-grown 'VR043-43' (Vitis vinifera x Vitis rotundifolia) grapevine rootstocks was evaluated. Rooted shoots were obtained from 4-week-old in vitro shoots cultivated in QL (Quoirin and Lepoivre, 1977) culture medium supplemented with 15, 30 and 45 g L-1 of sucrose. The experiment was kept in a 25 ± 2ºC growth room, under 16-h photoperiod and PFD of 18 µmol m-2 s-1 or 43 µmol m-2 s-1. Plants were transferred to an intermittent misting system greenhouse for 10 d followed by 20 d of once-a-day watering routine using a handheld hose. Plant height was influenced by sucrose concentration, and shoots produced on media supplemented with 30 g L-1 sucrose were the tallest (5.0 cm). The largest leaf area was obtained with 31.3 g L-1 of sucrose, under the PFD of 43 µmol m-2 s-1 (13.3 cm²). Absence of sucrose in the culture medium led to a significant reduction in leaf area at both PFDs. Shoot (aerial part) dry matter was largest when 30 or 45 g L-1 of sucrose (17.5 and 16.7 mg per plant, respectively) were used. Microcuttings rooted in all sucrose concentrations tested. The highest survival percentage (100%) during ex vitro acclimatization was obtained for shoots cultured in media supplemented with 45 g L-1 of sucrose under both PFDs tested.A fase de pré-aclimatização pode ser utilizada para aperfeiçoar os protocolos de micropropagação e aumentar o rendimento na produção de mudas. Avaliou-se a influência da sacarose e níveis de densidade de fluxo de fóton (DFF) in vitro, na sobrevivência das mudas do porta-enxerto de videira 'VR043-43'(Vitis vinifera x Vitis rotundifolia), na fase de aclimatização. Microestacas obtidas de brotações in vitro foram cultivadas em meio de cultura QL suplementado 15, 30 e 45 g L-1 de sacarose. O experimento foi mantido em sala climatizada com temperatura de 25 ± 2ºC, fotoperíodo de 16 horas e DFF de 18 µmol m-2 s-1 ou 43 µmol m-2 s-1. As plantas foram transferidas para uma câmara de nebulização intermitente por 10 d e mantidas durante 20 d em casa de vegetação com irrigação manual. A altura das plantas foi influenciada pelas concentrações de sacarose, sendo a maior altura (5,0 cm) obtida com a concentração de 30 g L-1 de sacarose. A maior área foliar foi obtida com 31,3 g L-1 de sacarose na DFF de µmol m-2 s-1 (13,3 cm²). A ausência de sacarose no meio de cultura promoveu redução significativa na área foliar nas duas DFFs testadas. A matéria seca da parte aérea foi maior quando o meio de cultura foi suplementado com 30 ou 45 g L-1 de sacarose (17,5 e 16,7 mg por planta, respectivamente). Houve enraizamento das microestacas em todas as concentrações de sacarose testadas. Alta porcentagem de sobrevivência (100%) durante a aclimatização ex vitro foi obtida quando as brotações foram cultivadas no meio de cultura suplementado com 45 g L-1 de sacarose em ambas DFFs testadas