339 research outputs found

    Semiclassical Tunneling of Wavepackets with Real Trajectories

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    Semiclassical approximations for tunneling processes usually involve complex trajectories or complex times. In this paper we use a previously derived approximation involving only real trajectories propagating in real time to describe the scattering of a Gaussian wavepacket by a finite square potential barrier. We show that the approximation describes both tunneling and interferences very accurately in the limit of small Plank's constant. We use these results to estimate the tunneling time of the wavepacket and find that, for high energies, the barrier slows down the wavepacket but that it speeds it up at energies comparable to the barrier height.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures Revised text and figure

    Can organic agriculture contribute to sustainable development in the tropics?

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    Agricultural intensification over last decades has resulted in a great increase of crop yields, but it also had a detrimental impact on biodiversity. The dramatic decline of arable weed diversity is a matter of great concern because weeds have an important ecological function as a key component of the food web of agroecosystems. Weeds are suitable indicators of management effects on wildlife diversity in arable crops because they have high sensitivity to cultivation measures and have a strong relation to other organism groups. Nevertheless, the effect of farming management on weed abundance and diversity will be more reliable on weed seed bank rather than on aboveground weed community because it is the result of processes that have occurred in the past and consequently, it could better reflect the effect of the agricultural practices over the years

    Morally distressing experiences, moral injury, and burnout in florida healthcare providers during the covid-19 pandemic

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    Because healthcare providers may be experiencing moral injury (MI), we inquired about their healthcare morally distressing experiences (HMDEs), MI perpetrated by self (Self MI) or others (Others MI), and burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants were 265 healthcare providers in North Central Florida (81.9% female, Mage = 37.62) recruited via flyers and emailed brochures that completed online surveys monthly for four months. Logistic regression analyses investigated whether MI was associated with specific HMDEs, risk factors (demographic characteristics, prior mental/medical health adversity, COVID-19 protection concern, health worry, and work impact), protective factors (personal resilience and leadership support), and psychiatric symptomatology (depression, anxiety, and PTSD). Linear regression analyses explored how Self/Others MI, psychiatric symptomatology, and the risk/protective factors related to burnout. We found consistently high rates of MI and burnout, and that both Self and Others MI were associated with specific HMDEs, COVID-19 work impact, COVID-19 protection concern, and leadership support. Others MI was also related to prior adversity, nurse role, COVID-19 health worry, and COVID-19 diagnosis. Predictors of burnout included Self MI, depression symptoms, COVID-19 work impact, and leadership support. Hospital administrators/supervisors should recognize the importance of supporting the HCPs they supervise, particularly those at greatest risk of MI and burnout

    The Cyprinodon variegatus genome reveals gene expression changes underlying differences in skull morphology among closely related species

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    Genes in durophage intersection set at 15 dpf. This is a comma separated table of the genes in the 15 dpf durophage intersection set. Given are edgeR results for each pairwise comparison. Columns indicating whether a gene is included in the intersection set at a threshold of 1.5 or 2 fold are provided. (CSV 13 kb

    Development and Functional Analysis of Novel Genetic Promoters Using DNA Shuffling, Hybridization and a Combination Thereof

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    BACKGROUND: Development of novel synthetic promoters with enhanced regulatory activity is of great value for a diverse range of plant biotechnology applications. METHODOLOGY: Using the Figwort mosaic virus full-length transcript promoter (F) and the sub-genomic transcript promoter (FS) sequences, we generated two single shuffled promoter libraries (LssF and LssFS), two multiple shuffled promoter libraries (LmsFS-F and LmsF-FS), two hybrid promoters (FuasFScp and FSuasFcp) and two hybrid-shuffled promoter libraries (LhsFuasFScp and LhsFSuasFcp). Transient expression activities of approximately 50 shuffled promoter clones from each of these libraries were assayed in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi) protoplasts. It was observed that most of the shuffled promoters showed reduced activity compared to the two parent promoters (F and FS) and the CaMV35S promoter. In silico studies (computer simulated analyses) revealed that the reduced promoter activities of the shuffled promoters could be due to their higher helical stability. On the contrary, the hybrid promoters FuasFScp and FSuasFcp showed enhanced activities compared to F, FS and CaMV 35S in both transient and transgenic Nicotiana tabacum and Arabidopsis plants. Northern-blot and qRT-PCR data revealed a positive correlation between transcription and enzymatic activity in transgenic tobacco plants expressing hybrid promoters. Histochemical/X-gluc staining of whole transgenic seedlings/tissue-sections and fluorescence images of ImaGene Green™ treated roots and stems expressing the GUS reporter gene under the control of the FuasFScp and FSuasFcp promoters also support the above findings. Furthermore, protein extracts made from protoplasts expressing the human defensin (HNP-1) gene driven by hybrid promoters showed enhanced antibacterial activity compared to the CaMV35S promoter. SIGNIFICANCE/CONCLUSION: Both shuffled and hybrid promoters developed in the present study can be used as molecular tools to study the regulation of ectopic gene expression in plants

    NF-ÎşB inhibition prevents acute shear stress-induced inflammation in the saphenous vein graft endothelium

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    The long saphenous vein (LSV) is commonly used as a conduit in coronary artery bypass grafting. However, long term patency remains limited by the development of vascular inflammation, intimal hyperplasia and accelerated atherosclerosis. The impact of acute exposure of venous endothelial cells (ECs) to acute arterial wall shear stress (WSS) in the arterial circulation, and the subsequent activation of inflammatory pathways, remain poorly defined. Here, we tested the hypothesis that acute exposure of venous ECs to high shear stress is associated with inflammatory responses that are regulated by NF-ÎşB both in-vitro and ex-vivo. Analysis of the LSV endothelium revealed that activation of NF-ÎşB occurred within 30 min after exposure to arterial rates of shear stress. Activation of NF-ÎşB was associated with increased levels of CCL2 production and enhanced binding of monocytes in LSVECs exposed to 6 h acute arterial WSS. Consistent with this, ex vivo exposure of LSVs to acute arterial WSS promoted monocyte interactions with the vessel lumen. Inhibition of the NF-ÎşB pathway prevented acute arterial WSS-induced CCL2 production and reduced monocyte adhesion, both in vitro and in human LSV ex vivo, demonstrating that this pathway is necessary for the induction of the acute arterial WSS-induced pro-inflammatory response. We have identified NF-ÎşB as a critical regulator of acute endothelial inflammation in saphenous vein in response to acute arterial WSS. Localised endothelial-specific inhibition of the NF-ÎşB pathway may be beneficial to prevent vein graft inflammation and consequent failure

    Geographical gradient of the <em>eIF4E</em> alleles conferring resistance to potyviruses in pea (<em>Pisum</em>) germplasm

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E was shown to be involved in resistance against several potyviruses in plants, including pea. We combined our knowledge of pea germplasm diversity with that of the <i>eIF4E</i> gene to identify novel genetic diversity.</p><p>Methodology/Principal findings</p><p>Germplasm of 2803 pea accessions was screened for <i>eIF4E</i> intron 3 length polymorphism, resulting in the detection of four <i>eIF4E<sup>A-B-C-S</sup></i> variants, whose distribution was geographically structured. The <i>eIF4E<sup>A</sup></i> variant conferring resistance to the P1 PSbMV pathotype was found in 53 accessions (1.9%), of which 15 were landraces from India, Afghanistan, Nepal, and 7 were from Ethiopia. A newly discovered variant, <i>eIF4E<sup>B</sup></i>, was present in 328 accessions (11.7%) from Ethiopia (29%), Afghanistan (23%), India (20%), Israel (25%) and China (39%). The <i>eIF4E<sup>C</sup></i> variant was detected in 91 accessions (3.2% of total) from India (20%), Afghanistan (33%), the Iberian Peninsula (22%) and the Balkans (9.3%). The <i>eIF4E<sup>S</sup></i> variant for susceptibility predominated as the wild type. Sequencing of 73 samples, identified 34 alleles at the whole gene, 26 at cDNA and 19 protein variants, respectively. Fifteen alleles were virologically tested and 9 alleles (<i>eIF4E<sup>A-1-2-3-4-5-6-7</sup></i>, <i>eIF4E<sup>B-1</sup></i>, <i>eIF4E<sup>C-2</sup></i>) conferred resistance to the P1 PSbMV pathotype.</p><p>Conclusions/Significance</p><p>This work identified novel <i>eIF4E</i> alleles within geographically structured pea germplasm and indicated their independent evolution from the susceptible <i>eIF4E<sup>S1</sup></i> allele. Despite high variation present in wild <i>Pisum</i> accessions, none of them possessed resistance alleles, supporting a hypothesis of distinct mode of evolution of resistance in wild as opposed to crop species. The Highlands of Central Asia, the northern regions of the Indian subcontinent, Eastern Africa and China were identified as important centers of pea diversity that correspond with the diversity of the pathogen. The series of alleles identified in this study provides the basis to study the co-evolution of potyviruses and the pea host.</p></div

    Climate anxiety, wellbeing and pro-environmental action: correlates of negative emotional responses to climate change in 32 countries

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    This study explored the correlates of climate anxiety in a diverse range of national contexts. We analysed cross-sectional data gathered in 32 countries (N = 12,246). Our results show that climate anxiety is positively related to rate of exposure to information about climate change impacts, the amount of attention people pay to climate change information, and perceived descriptive norms about emotional responding to climate change. Climate anxiety was also positively linked to pro-environmental behaviours and negatively linked to mental wellbeing. Notably, climate anxiety had a significant inverse association with mental wellbeing in 31 out of 32 countries. In contrast, it had a significant association with pro-environmental behaviour in 24 countries, and with environmental activism in 12 countries. Our findings highlight contextual boundaries to engagement in environmental action as an antidote to climate anxiety, and the broad international significance of considering negative climate-related emotions as a plausible threat to wellbeing

    Polymorphic residues in rice NLRs expand binding and response to effectors of the blast pathogen

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    Accelerated adaptive evolution is a hallmark of plant-pathogen interactions. Plant intracellular immune receptors (NLRs) often occur as allelic series with differential pathogen specificities. The determinants of this specificity remain largely unknown. Here, we unravelled the biophysical and structural basis of expanded specificity in the allelic rice NLR Pik, which responds to the effector AVR-Pik from the rice blast pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae. Rice plants expressing the Pikm allele resist infection by blast strains expressing any of three AVR-Pik effector variants, whereas those expressing Pikp only respond to one. Unlike Pikp, the integrated heavy metal-associated (HMA) domain of Pikm binds with high affinity to each of the three recognized effector variants, and variation at binding interfaces between effectors and Pikp-HMA or Pikm-HMA domains encodes specificity. By understanding how co-evolution has shaped the response profile of an allelic NLR, we highlight how natural selection drove the emergence of new receptor specificities. This work has implications for the engineering of NLRs with improved utility in agriculture

    Complete Ichthyornis skull illuminates mosaic assembly of the avian head

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    The skull of living birds is greatly modified from the condition found in their dinosaurian antecedents. Bird skulls have an enlarged, toothless premaxillary beak and an intricate kinetic system that includes a mobile palate and jaw suspensorium. The expanded avian neurocranium protects an enlarged brain and is flanked by reduced jaw adductor muscles. However, the order of appearance of these features and the nature of their earliest manifestations remain unknown. The Late Cretaceous toothed bird Ichthyornis dispar sits in a pivotal phylogenetic position outside living groups: it is close to the extant avian radiation but retains numerous ancestral characters 1-3. Although its evolutionary importance continues to be affirmed 3-8, no substantial new cranial material of I. dispar has been described beyond incomplete remains recovered in the 1870s. Jurassic and Cretaceous Lagerstatten have yielded important avialan fossils, but their skulls are typically crushed and distorted 9. Here we report four three-dimensionally preserved specimens of I. dispar- including an unusually complete skull-as well as two previously overlooked elements from the Yale Peabody Museum holotype, YPM 1450. We used these specimens to generate a nearly complete three-dimensional reconstruction of the I. dispar skull using highresolution computed tomography. Our study reveals that I. dispar had a transitional beak-small, lacking a palatal shelf and restricted to the tips of the jaws-coupled with a kinetic system similar to that of living birds. The feeding apparatus of extant birds therefore evolved earlier than previously thought and its components were functionally and developmentally coordinated. The brain was relatively modern, but the temporal region was unexpectedly dinosaurian: it retained a large adductor chamber bounded dorsally by substantial bony remnants of the ancestral reptilian upper temporal fenestra. This combination of features documents that important attributes of the avian brain and palate evolved before the reduction of jaw musculature and the full transformation of the beak. </p
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