144 research outputs found

    Das euebm-Projekt an der Universitätsklinik Frankfurt am Main

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    Hintergrund: Die Notwendigkeit der Etablierung der Anwendung von Evidenzbasierter Medizin (EbM) in den klinischen Alltag sowie die Sicherung der europaweiten Qualifikation in EbM ist seit geraumer Zeit vielfältig diskutiert worden. Gefördert durch das "Leonardo da Vinci"- Berufsbildungsprogramm der Europäischen Union hat das euebm-Projekt zum Ziel, durch ein europaweit einheitliches integriertes Basiscurriculum für evidenzbasierte Medizin eine bessere Verzahnung zwischen dem Erlernen der EbM-Techniken und der eigenen Patientenversorgung zu erreichen. An der Universitätsklinik Frankfurt am Main wird ab dem 01.01.2009 das euebm-Projekt in den klinischen Alltag integriert werden. Die Zielgruppe dieses Projektes bilden alle Assistenzärzte jeglicher Fachrichtungen im 1. Weiterbildungsjahr. Durch einen online-basierten Kurs wird den Interessenten die Möglichkeit geboten, an den einzelnen Lehrmodulen teilzunehmen. Methoden: Es werden alle Assistenzärzte im 1. Weiterbildungsjahr in einem individualisierten Schreiben zur Teilnahme an dem Projekt aufgefordert. Nach der elektronischen Anmeldung werden die Teilnehmer prätest-Evaluationsbogen mit inhaltlichen EbM-Fragen beantworten. Danach durchlaufen die Teilnehmer ein EbM-Lernprogramm, bestehend aus 5 Modulen. Jedes Modul wird durch eine Lernerfolgskontrolle abgeschlossen. Abschließend wird eine Gesamtlernkontrolle von jedem Teilnehmer abverlangt. Am Ende des online-Kurses werden die Teilnehmer ebenfalls einen mehrteiligen subjektiven Evaluationsbogen beantworten. Um einen längerfristigen Lerneffekt messen zu können, werden 6 Monate bzw. 1 Jahr nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss die Teilnehmer erneut einen objektiven inhaltlichen Evaluationsbogen bearbeiten. Ergebnisse: Im Rahmen der 10. Jahrestagung des DNEbM im März 2009 können voraussichtlich Zwischenergebnisse der objektiven (präinterventionell vs. postinterventionell) und subjektiven Evaluationen veröffentlicht werden. Zudem wird derzeit die Erstellung einer statistischen Auswertung der Zugriffszahlen auf die verschiedenen medizinischen Online-Datenbanken und Suchmaschinen (prä- und postinterventionell) aufgebaut. Schlussfolgerung/Implikation: Mit Hilfe der curricular vermittelten Lehrinhalte und Techniken sollen Ärzte in die Lage versetzt werden, EbM praxisnah für und mit ihren Patienten umzusetzen. In der konkreten Anwendung von EbM an ihren individuellen Patienten können Ärzte möglicherweise erfahren, dass die Integration von EbM in den klinischen Alltag ihr Spektrum an Beratungs- und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten erweitert

    Embedding patient and public involvement: managing tacit and explicit expectations

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    Background: Evidencing well-planned and implemented patient and public involvement (PPI) in a research project is increasingly required in funding bids and dissemination activities. There is a tacit expectation that involving people with experience of the condition under study will improve the integrity and quality of the research. This expectation remains largely unproblematised and unchallenged. Objective: To critically evaluate the implementation of PPI activity, including co-research in a programme of research exploring ways to enhance the independence of people with dementia. Design: Using critical cases we make visible and explicate theoretical and moral challenges of PPI. Results: Case 1 explores the challenges of undertaking multiple PPI roles in the same study making explicit different responsibilities of being a co-applicant, PPI advisory member and a co-researcher. Case 2 explores tensions which arose when working with carer co-researchers during data collection; here the co-researcher’s wish to offer support and advice to research participants, a moral imperative, was in conflict with assumptions about the role of the objective interviewer. Case 3 defines and examines co-research data coding and interpretation activities undertaken with people with dementia; reporting the theoretical outputs of the activity and questioning whether this was co-researcher analysis or PPI validation. Conclusion: PPI activity can empower individual PPI volunteers and improve relevance and quality of research but it is a complex activity which is socially constructed in flexible ways with variable outcomes. It cannot be assumed to be simple or universal panacea for increasing the relevance and accessibility of research to the public

    From Motion to Emotion : Accelerometer Data Predict Subjective Experience of Music

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    Music is often discussed to be emotional because it reflects expressive movements in audible form. Thus, a valid approach to measure musical emotion could be to assess movement stimulated by music. In two experiments we evaluated the discriminative power of mobile-device generated acceleration data produced by free movement during music listening for the prediction of ratings on the Geneva Emotion Music Scales (GEMS-9). The quality of prediction for different dimensions of GEMS varied between experiments for tenderness (R12(first experiment) = 0.50, R22(second experiment) = 0.39), nostalgia (R12 = 0.42, R22 = 0.30), wonder (R12 = 0.25, R22 = 0.34), sadness (R12 = 0.24, R22 = 0.35), peacefulness (R12 = 0.20, R22 = 0.35) and joy (R12 = 0.19, R22 = 0.33) and transcendence (R12 = 0.14, R22 = 0.00). For others like power (R12 = 0.42, R22 = 0.49) and tension (R12 = 0.28, R22 = 0.27) results could be almost reproduced. Furthermore, we extracted two principle components from GEMS ratings, one representing arousal and the other one valence of the experienced feeling. Both qualities, arousal and valence, could be predicted by acceleration data, indicating, that they provide information on the quantity and quality of experience. On the one hand, these findings show how music-evoked movement patterns relate to music-evoked feelings. On the other hand, they contribute to integrate findings from the field of embodied music cognition into music recommender systems

    Integrating isotopes and documentary evidence : dietary patterns in a late medieval and early modern mining community, Sweden

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    We would like to thank the Archaeological Research Laboratory, Stockholm University, Sweden and the Tandem Laboratory (Ångström Laboratory), Uppsala University, Sweden, for undertaking the analyses of stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes in both human and animal collagen samples. Also, thanks to Elin Ahlin Sundman for providing the δ13C and δ15N values for animal references from Västerås. This research (Bäckström’s PhD employment at Lund University, Sweden) was supported by the Berit Wallenberg Foundation (BWS 2010.0176) and Jakob and Johan Söderberg’s foundation. The ‘Sala project’ (excavations and analyses) has been funded by Riksens Clenodium, Jernkontoret, Birgit and Gad Rausing’s Foundation, SAU’s Research Foundation, the Royal Physiographic Society of Lund, Berit Wallenbergs Foundation, Åke Wibergs Foundation, Lars Hiertas Memory, Helge Ax:son Johnson’s Foundation and The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Geographical origin authentication of southern Brazilian red wines by means of EEM-pH four-way data modelling coupled with one class classification approach.

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    EEM data recorded at different pH values was exploited by MCR-ALS in order to determine qualitative information about Brazilian red wines. In addition, the geographical traceability of wines produced in the Serra Gaúcha (Rio Grande do Sul) was carried out by DD-SIMCA considering 53 samples from the target class and 20 from other producing regions. The fluorescence signal corresponds to 9 EEMs recorded at different pH (3?11), generating four-way data. By MCR-ALS decomposition, eight factors were retrieved and related to typical chemical compounds found in red wine. In addition, the EEM pH data was used to build a one-class classification model, considering that MCR scores and all samples of the target class were properly recognised as belonging to the target class, with maximal sensitivity equal to 1. Samples of the non-target class were also adequately rejected by the model, and the specificity was found to be 0.97

    Less-invasive subdural electrocorticography for investigation of spreading depolarizations in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage

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    IntroductionWyler-strip electrodes for subdural electrocorticography (ECoG) are the gold standard for continuous bed-side monitoring of pathological cortical network events, such as spreading depolarizations (SD) and electrographic seizures. Recently, SD associated parameters were shown to be (1) a marker of early brain damage after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH), (2) the strongest real-time predictor of delayed cerebral ischemia currently known, and (3) the second strongest predictor of patient outcome at 7 months. The strongest predictor of patient outcome at 7 months was focal brain damage segmented on neuroimaging 2 weeks after the initial hemorrhage, whereas the initial focal brain damage was inferior to the SD variables as a predictor for patient outcome. However, the implantation of Wyler-strip electrodes typically requires either a craniotomy or an enlarged burr hole. Neuromonitoring via an enlarged burr hole has been performed in only about 10% of the total patients monitored.MethodsIn the present pilot study, we investigated the feasibility of ECoG monitoring via a less invasive burrhole approach using a Spencer-type electrode array, which was implanted subdurally rather than in the depth of the parenchyma. Seven aSAH patients requiring extraventricular drainage (EVD) were included. For electrode placement, the burr hole over which the EVD was simultaneously placed, was used in all cases. After electrode implantation, continuous, direct current (DC)/alternating current (AC)-ECoG monitoring was performed at bedside in our Neurointensive Care unit. ECoGs were analyzed following the recommendations of the Co-Operative Studies on Brain Injury Depolarizations (COSBID).ResultsSubdural Spencer-type electrode arrays permitted high-quality ECoG recording. During a cumulative monitoring period of 1,194.5 hours and a median monitoring period of 201.3 (interquartile range: 126.1–209.4) hours per patient, 84 SDs were identified. Numbers of SDs, isoelectric SDs and clustered SDs per recording day, and peak total SD-induced depression duration of a recording day were not significantly different from the previously reported results of the prospective, observational, multicenter, cohort, diagnostic phase III trial, DISCHARGE-1. No adverse events related to electrode implantation were noted.DiscussionIn conclusion, our findings support the safety and feasibility of less-invasive subdural electrode implantation for reliable SD-monitoring

    Minocycline Synergizes with N-Acetylcysteine and Improves Cognition and Memory Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats

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    Background: There are no drugs presently available to treat traumatic brain injury (TBI). A variety of single drugs have failed clinical trials suggesting a role for drug combinations. Drug combinations acting synergistically often provide the greatest combination of potency and safety. The drugs examined (minocycline (MINO), N-acetylcysteine (NAC), simvastatin, cyclosporine A, and progesterone) had FDA-approval for uses other than TBI and limited brain injury in experimental TBI models. Methodology/Principal Findings: Drugs were dosed one hour after injury using the controlled cortical impact (CCI) TBI model in adult rats. One week later, drugs were tested for efficacy and drug combinations tested for synergy on a hierarchy of behavioral tests that included active place avoidance testing. As monotherapy, only MINO improved acquisition of the massed version of active place avoidance that required memory lasting less than two hours. MINO-treated animals, however, were impaired during the spaced version of the same avoidance task that required 24-hour memory retention. Coadministration of NAC with MINO synergistically improved spaced learning. Examination of brain histology 2 weeks after injury suggested that MINO plus NAC preserved white, but not grey matter, since lesion volume was unaffected, yet myelin loss was attenuated. When dosed 3 hours before injury, MINO plus NAC as single drugs had no effect on interleukin-1 formation; together they synergistically lowered interleukin-1 levels. This effect on interleukin-1 was not observed when th

    Sub region-specific modulation of synchronous neuronal burst firing after a kainic acid insult in organotypic hippocampal cultures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Excitotoxicity occurs in a number of pathogenic states including stroke and epilepsy. The adaptations of neuronal circuits in response to such insults may be expected to play an underlying role in pathogenesis. Synchronous neuronal firing can be induced in isolated hippocampal slices and involves all regions of this structure, thereby providing a measure of circuit activity. The effect of an excitotoxic insult (kainic acid, KA) on Mg<sup>2+</sup>-free-induced synchronized neuronal firing was tested in organotypic hippocampal culture by measuring extracellular field activity in CA1 and CA3.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Within 24 hrs of the insult regional specific changes in neuronal firing patterns were evident as: (i) a dramatic <it>reduction </it>in the ability of CA3 to generate firing; and (ii) a contrasting <it>increase </it>in the frequency and duration of synchronized neuronal firing events in CA1. Two distinct processes underlie the increased propensity of CA1 to generate synchronized burst firing; a lack of ability of the CA3 region to 'pace' CA1 resulting in an increased frequency of synchronized events; and a change in the 'intrinsic' properties limited to the CA1 region, which is responsible for increased event duration. Neuronal quantification using NeuN immunoflurescent staining and stereological confocal microscopy revealed no significant cell loss in hippocampal sub regions, suggesting that changes in the properties of neurons within this region were responsible for the KA-mediated excitability changes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results provide novel insight into adaptation of hippocampal circuits following excitotoxic injury. KA-mediated disruption of the interplay between CA3 and CA1 clearly increases the propensity to synchronized firing in CA1.</p