79 research outputs found

    Methodological strategies in resilient health care studies: An integrative review

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    Resilient healthcare research focuses on everyday clinical work and a system’s abilities to adopt or absorb disturbing conditions as opposed to risk management approaches, which are based on retrospective analyses of errors. After more than a decade of theoretical development and a large quantity of empirical work, the field of resilience is beginning to recognize the methodological challenges related to operationalizing and designing studies of complexity. This paper reviews a sample of empirical articles on studies of resilient healthcare to describe and synthesize their methodological strategies. The review found that data collection by resilient healthcare studies has predominantly been conducted at the micro level (e.g. frontline clinical staff). Data sources at the meso level (i.e. hospital/institution) have been limited, and no studies were found that collected macro-level data. We argue that the methodological focus in the field should increase its embrace of complexity and the adaptive capacities of the system as a whole by integrating data sources at the micro, meso, and macro levels. To improve the methodological designs, we argue that the resilience construct, in which the complexity of multiple levels is integrated, must be developed. Improving the transparency and quality of future resilient healthcare research might be accomplished by reporting thorough descriptions of analytical strategies, in-depth descriptions of research design and sampling strategies, and discussing internal and external validity and reflexivity.publishedVersio

    Shared understanding of resilient practices in the context of inpatient suicide prevention: a narrative synthesis

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    Abstract Background The prevailing patient safety strategies in suicide prevention are suicide risk assessments and retrospective reviews, with emphasis on minimising risk and preventing adverse events. Resilient healthcare focuses on how everyday clinical practice succeeds and emphasises learning from practice, not from adverse events. Yet, little is known about resilient practices for suicidal inpatients. The aim of the study is to draw upon the perspectives of patients and healthcare professionals to inform the conceptual development of resilient practices in inpatient suicide prevention. Methods A narrative synthesis was conducted of findings across patients and healthcare professionals derived from a qualitative case study based on interviews with patients and healthcare professionals in addition to a systematic literature review. Results Three sub-themes categorise resilient practices for healthcare professionals and for patients hospitalised with suicidal behaviour: 1) interactions capturing non-verbal cues; 2) protection through dignity and watchfulness; and 3) personalised approaches to alleviate emotional pressure. The main theme, the establishment of relationships of trust in resilient practices for patients in suicidal crisis, is the foundation of their communication and caring. Conclusion Clinical practice for patients hospitalised with suicidal behaviour has characteristics of complex adaptive systems in terms of dynamic interactions, decision-making under uncertainty, tensions between goals solved through trade-offs, and adaptations to patient variability and interpersonal needs. To improve the safety of patients hospitalised with suicidal behaviour, variability in clinical practice should be embraced.publishedVersio

    Safe clinical practice for patients hospitalised in a suicidal crisis: a study protocol for a qualitative case study

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    Introduction: Suicide prevention in psychiatric care is arguably complex and incompletely understood as a patient safety issue. A resilient healthcare approach provides perspectives through which to understand this complexity by understanding everyday clinical practice. By including suicidal patients and healthcare professionals as sources of knowledge, a deeper understanding of what constitutes safe clinical practice can be achieved. Methods: This planned study aims to adopt the perspective of resilient healthcare to provide a deeper understanding of safe clinical practice for suicidal patients in psychiatric inpatient care. It will describe the experienced components and conditions of safe clinical practice and the experienced practice of patient safety. The study will apply a descriptive case study approach consisting of qualitative semistructured interviews and focus groups. The data sources are hospitalised patients in a suicidal crisis and healthcare professionals in clinical practice. Ethics and dissemination: This study was approved by the Regional Ethics Committee (2016/34). The results will be disseminated through scientific articles, a PhD dissertation, and national and international conferences. These findings can generate knowledge to be integrated into the practice of safety for suicidal inpatients in Norway and to improve the feasibility of patient safety measures. Theoretical generalisations can be drawn regarding safe clinical practice by taking into account the experiences of patients and healthcare professionals. Thus, this study can inform the conceptual development of safe clinical practice for suicidal patients.publishedVersio

    Eventos adversos relacionados con el nervio dentario inferior en implantología oral

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    The efforts to increase patient safety have become one of the main focus of attention in all health care professions, even though in dental field, initiatives have been belated and less ambitious. Patient safety has as main objective the avoidance, as far as possible, of avoidable adverse events, and to tie down the negative consequences of the unavoidable ones. Therefore it is essential to know the adverse events that happen in each care activity so as to deeply study them and propose appropriate preventive measures. In dental practice in general and specifically in dental implantology concerns about patient safety have been inherent to its implementation and development, but the lack of specific organized programs to study and promote patient safety is striking. Neither structured nor well-studied data about adverse events in implantology are available, existing publications describe isolated clinical cases or short case series in which clinical recommendations are described, classified and made. There are multiple reasons why we consider that dentistry, and specifically dental implantology, must focus on and work more deeply into active methodologies in all aspects related to patient safety. Among them, there are also surgical techniques in implantology, each time more innovative and aggressive. These techniques involve complex anatomic areas such as maxillary sinus lift, zygomatic implants, inferior alveolar nerve repositioning (transposition and lateralization), the use of bone grafts (both intraoral and extraoral), and the use of biomaterials or tissue transplants, etc. ; the handling of drugs potentially dangerous by themselves or as a result of their interactions. Also the use of technical instruments such as lasers, surgical saws (oscillated or reciprocated), ultrasonic surgery as well as proposals of dental implant companies with new designs, new surface types and the use of new materials not always well studied may be harmful and might cause problems. The contact with instruments with blood or other corporal fluids may constitute potential vector transmission of several diseases. The increase in life expectancy results in medical consultations of older patients, which leads in many occasions to different medical pathologies that increase the complexity of our treatments or even their danger if they are not considered properly..

    User involvement in adolescents’ mental healthcare: a systematic review

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    More than one out of ten adolescents suffer from mental illness at any given time. Still, there is limited knowledge about their involvement in mental healthcare. Adolescents have the right to be involved in decisions affecting their healthcare, but limited research focuses on their engagement and decision-making. Therefore, this systematic review aims to explore the existing experiences with, the effectiveness of, and safety issues associated with user involvement for adolescents’ mental healthcare at the individual and organizational level. A systematic literature review on user involvement in adolescents’ mental healthcare was carried out. A protocol pre-determined the eligibility criteria and search strategies, and established guidelines were used for data extraction, critical appraisal, and reporting of results. Quantitative studies were analysed individually due to heterogeneity of the studies, while qualitative studies were analysed using thematic synthesis. A total of 31 studies were included in the review. The experiences with user involvement were reported in 24 studies with three themes at the individual level: unilateral clinician control versus collaborative relationship, capacity and support for active involvement, the right to be involved; and two themes at the organizational level: involvement outcomes relevant to adolescents’ needs, conditions for optimal involvement. The effectiveness of user involvement was reported in seven studies documenting fragmented evidence related to different support structures to facilitate adolescents’ involvement. The safety associated with user involvement was not reported in any studies, yet a few examples related to potential risks associated with involvement of adolescents in decision-making and as consultants were mentioned.publishedVersio

    BLTR1 and CD36 Expressing Microvesicles in Atherosclerotic Patients and Healthy Individuals

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    Aims: Monocytes/macrophages play a crucial role in the development, progression, and complication of atherosclerosis. In particular, foam cell formation driven by CD36 mediated internalization of oxLDL leads to activation of monocytes and subsequent release of microvesicles (MVs) derived from monocytes (MMVs). Further, pro-inflammatory leukotriene B4 (LTB4) derived from arachidonic acid promotes atherosclerosis through the high-affinity receptor BLTR1. Thus, we aimed to investigate the correlation between different MMV phenotypes (CD14+ MVs) on the one hand, and arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid contents in different compartments including atherosclerotic plaques, plasma, and granulocytes on the other.Methods and Results: Samples from patients with femoral atherosclerosis and healthy controls were analyzed on an Apogee A60 Micro-PLUS flow cytometer. Platelet-poor plasma was labeled with lactadherin-FITC, anti-CD14-APC, anti-CD36-PE, and anti-BLTR1-AF700. Eicosapentaenoic acid and arachidonic acid content in different compartments in patients were analyzed using gas chromatography. Compared to controls, patients had lower levels of BLTR1+ MVs (p = 0.007), CD14+BLTR1+ MVs (p = 0.007), and CD14+BLTR1+CD36+ MVs (p = 0.001). Further, in patients CD14+ MVs and CD14+CD36+ MVs correlated inversely with arachidonic acid in granulocytes (r = −0.302, p = 0.039 and r = −0.322, p = 0.028, respectively). Moreover, CD14+CD36+ MVs correlated inversely with arachidonic acid in plasma phospholipids in patients (r = −0.315, p = 0.029), and positively with triglyceride in both patients (r = 0.33, p = 0.019) and controls (r = 0.46, p = 0.022).Conclusion: This is the first study of its kind and thus the results are explorative and only indicative. BLTR1+ MVs and CD14+CD36+ MVs has potential as markers of atherosclerosis pathophysiology, but this needs further investigation

    Выявление и идентификация карантинных объектов на хризантеме в Республике Карелия

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    BACKGROUND: Co-infection with malaria and HIV increases the severity and mortality of both diseases, but the cytokine responses related to this co-infection are only partially characterised. The aim of this study was to explore cytokine responses in relation to severity and mortality in malaria patients with and without HIV co-infection. METHODS: This was a prospective cross-sectional study. Clinical data and blood samples were collected from adults in Mozambique. Plasma was analysed for 21 classical pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, including interleukins, interferons, and chemokines. RESULTS: We included 212 in-patients with fever and/or suspected malaria and 56 healthy controls. Falciparum malaria was diagnosed in 131 patients, of whom 70 were co-infected with HIV-1. The malaria patients had marked increases in their cytokine responses compared with the healthy controls. Some of these changes, particularly interleukin 8 (IL-8) and interferon-γ-inducing protein 10 (IP-10) were strongly associated with falciparum malaria and disease severity. Both these chemokines were markedly increased in patients with falciparum malaria as compared with healthy controls, and raised levels of IL-8 and IP-10 were associated with increased disease severity, even after adjusting for relevant confounders. For IL-8, particularly high levels were found in malaria patients that were co-infected with HIV and in those who died during hospitalization. INTERPRETATIONS: Our findings underscore the complex role of inflammation during infection with P. falciparum, and suggest a potential pathogenic role for IL-8 and IP-10. However, the correlations do not necessarily mean any causal relationship, and further both clinical and mechanistic research is necessary to elucidate the role of cytokines in pathogenesis and protection during falciparum malaria

    Derecho de Sucesiones

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    La muerte de una persona es uno de los hechos jurídicos que mayor trascendencia acarre dentro del ordenamiento jurídico, no solo por implica el fin de la existencia de la persona, sino por todas aquellas consecuencia de índole patrimonial que ocasiona; por esta razón, su inclusión se convierte en un imperativo categórico para la buena formación del estudiantado. La prolongación de la personalidad jurídica del difunto en sus herederos es una de la ficciones legales de mayor importancia, de forma que constituye el mecanismo por medio del cual la ciencia jurídica ha configurado la transmisión de tanto de los derechos como de las obligaciones del de cuius, así se proporciona una efectiva seguridad jurídica concretada en el hecho de que, salvo en el caso de los derechos y obligaciones personalísimos, todas, las relaciones patrimoniales de la persona no extinguen por el hecho de su fallecimiento. Para comprender la trascendencia y significancia del Derecho sucesorio y de sus instituciones es insoslayable estudiar sus orígenes en Derecho romano, así como su evolución histórica; de esta manera, el estudiantado tendrá una visión integral de la materia objeto de nuestro estudio

    Falciparum malaria and HIV-1 in hospitalized adults in Maputo, Mozambique: does HIV-infection obscure the malaria diagnosis?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The potential impact of HIV-1 on falciparum malaria has been difficult to determine because of diagnostic problems and insufficient epidemiological data.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a prospective, cross-sectional study, clinical and laboratory data was registered consecutively for all adults admitted to a medical ward in the Central Hospital of Maputo, Mozambique, during two months from 28<sup>th </sup>October 2006. Risk factors for fatal outcome were analysed. The impact of HIV on the accuracy of malaria diagnosis was assessed, comparing "Presumptive malaria", a diagnosis assigned by the ward clinicians based on fever and symptoms suggestive of malaria in the absence of signs of other infections, and "Verified malaria", a malaria diagnosis that was not rejected during retrospective review of all available data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among 333 included patients, fifteen percent (51/333) had "presumptive malaria", ten percent (28 of 285 tested persons) had positive malaria blood slides, while 69.1% (188/272) were HIV positive. Seven percent (n = 23) had "verified malaria", after the diagnosis was rejected in patients with neck stiffness or symptom duration longer than 2 weeks (n = 5) and persons with negative (n = 19) or unknown malaria blood slide (n = 4). Clinical stage of HIV infection (CDC), hypotension and hypoglycaemia was associated with fatal outcome. The "presumptive malaria" diagnosis was rejected more frequently in HIV positive (20/31) than in HIV negative patients (2/10, p = 0.023).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The study suggests that the fraction of febrile illness attributable to malaria is lower in HIV positive adults. HIV testing should be considered early in evaluation of patients with suspected malaria.</p

    Resilient Characteristics as Described in Empirical Studies on Health Care

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    The concept of resilience needs greater empirical clarity. The literature on resilience in health care, published between 2006 and 2016, was reviewed with the aim of describing resilient characteristics in empirical studies. The chapter documents resilient characteristics at the individual, team, management, and organizational level. The characteristics were related to four overall conceptual categories: anticipation, sensemaking, trade-offs and adaptation. Based on empirical accounts resilience is described as a set of cognitive and behavioral strategies of individuals who enact resilience within an organizational context. The characteristics represented should be seen as examples of how resilience is described in the applied health care research, thus informing possible operationalization of resilience.publishedVersio